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The Wainscott Weasel by Tor Seidler. Brian's Winter by Gary Paulsen.

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The Odyssey of an Otter '. A young otter who is separated from his family and captured by a trapper, before escaping and embarking on a series of adventures in his attempt to get home. Inkheart trilogy by Cornelia Funke. Marten companion to Dustfinger, a traveling fire-dancer. Generally known to jump through flaming hoops for money, and general mischief.

In the later books is joined by Jink, another pine marten loyal to Dustfinger. Both are noted as having prominent little horns behind their ears, and squabbling for the master's attention.

Sally Skunk Episode 1 - Foobson

In the film adaptation, Gwin was changed to a ferret. A proud, aggressive young weasel. Known as an impetuous braggart, he has few friends until fiery Kia wins his love. A "feisty" character who is also good at cricket and insists on proper etiquette. She wears a pearl necklace and can play the mouth organ, but is a little snide and snobby in her remarks. She makes her home in a wooden trunk filled with water that she calls Fortitude Hall.

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Shaman by Sandra Miesel. A talking otter character. The otter people are in a side universe the protagonist visits, but it becomes one of the best she can access. The otters and company are core to this story. An anthropomorphic otter with a thick Cockney accent, a womanizer, a thief and a gambler who is the best friend and traveling companion of Jonathan Thomas Meriweather. A dark brown northern river otter who was once Franklin's best friend. She moves away in a story shown early in the program's first season. Otter comes for a visit in the second season, but the reunion is bittersweet, with the village not remaining the same as Otter remembered it.

Otter was voiced by Sophie Lang in the first season of the show.

Her return visit was voiced by Marieve Herington. The Demon Breed by James H. Welkin Weasels by Garry Kilworth. Vison the mink, the bully of his litter, strikes out on his own after the sudden death of his mother. Franta is a creature resembling a skunk, but made entirely of brain tissue; he is the author of the science-fiction Homeric Greek epic poem about space travel of captain Udeis. Jak's best friend, who got accidentally transformed into a half otter, half weasel creature called an Ottsel.

Chained to a rabbit named Redmond.

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They must work together to escape from a product testing machinery corporation. A skunk that is a master of a martial art known as "Kung Fume".

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His catchphrase is "Clear the air! He is of the Life element, and has the Sneak skill. JumpStart Advanced 1st Grade. Microsoft Windows Apple Macintosh. A weasel who runs a chicken-hunting school. He has to rescue the students after a field trip goes bad.

Sally Skunk

Conker's Bad Fur Day. Don Weaso leads the Weasel Mafia, a mafia -like crime syndicate of weasels parodying The Untouchables that enlists Conker the Squirrel to exterminate a population of cavemen and rob the central bank. Click here to review our site terms of use. If you believe this comment is offensive or violates the CNET's Site Terms of Use , you can report it below this will not automatically remove the comment.

Once reported, our staff will be notified and the comment will be reviewed. From Appswiz We I: You are logged in as. Please submit your review for Sally Skunk. Thank You for Submitting Your Review,!

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