Son budget

However, VUB is now seeking ways to refine its ratio analysis and calculations, which was not a priority in the past.

Son autonomie

Therefore, seeing future obstacles and assessing various influences as soon as possible are critical when developing forecasts. The primary incentive for implementing SAS was so that risk managers could generate forecasts to optimize liquidity. For example, VUB can now predict what the structure of its assets and liabilities will look like in six months, or in two years.

A look into the future not only helps VUB make decisions about its appropriate liquidity cushion, it also allows it to forecast net interest income. Plus, there can always be some event that no one expected.

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The bigger a bank is, the more diverse its products, and thus the more difficult it is to manage risk," notes Hronec, who feels that there is a growing need for sophisticated risk management tools. For example, VUB has used future scenarios when deciding on bond purchases. Addressing risk management does not produce visible benefits to banking clients. However, managing risk allows the bank to ensure that client deposits are safe — which is particularly important for businesses since they do not have the same deposit protection as ordinary citizens.

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However, Hronec notes that after his experience using SAS, he feels that the sooner a bank deploys a sophisticated risk management solution the better, because it brings new insights that help to make better decisions. In addition, VUB managers plan to use SAS for hedge accounting accounting of derivatives under international accounting standards.

Emmanuel, étudiant à l'Ecole hôtelière de Lausanne

VUB manages risk by looking into the future. SAS Governance and Compliance Manager gives you a reliable, integrated view of all risk exposures and compliance obligations, facilitating collaboration across GRC and finance groups while automating manual processes to reduce costs.

The solution maps your risk processes, controls, incidents and policies, enabling you to proactively identify issues, mitigate risk and ensure compliance. It also facilitates collaboration among risk managers, compliance officers and auditors — which reduces the chance of duplicate processes — and automates common GRC processes for continuous monitoring of controls, KRIs and risk exposures. |

Gain a comprehensive, degree view of your potential compliance and risk exposures and obligations. With SAS Governance and Compliance Manager, you can easily view and explore connections among governance and compliance elements, integrate key performance and risk indicators, and monitor strategy execution to improve decision making. Control frameworks enable you to continually collect active feedback from risk experts, as well as business line and process managers, then use the feedback to improve your risk profile, process effectiveness and overall operational risk management.

Our GRC management software's comprehensive alert engine gives you early warning of emerging operational risks and associated issues, and provides links to potential issue sources. The solution can help you define and monitor multiple action plans to ensure follow-up and resolution, from the initial capture of incidents to ongoing monitoring and resolution.

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You can capture and continuously monitor all governance- and compliance-related incidents and associated details. And learn from past losses by linking them with failed controls, causes, assessments and KRIs. Learn how Vattenfall took a data-driven approach to balancing operational and market risks.