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Here are some examples: These are some few examples, where I have used among other and among others randomly.

  1. The usage of "among others"? - English Language Learners Stack Exchange.
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A related question is if we do actually need to separate it by commas? Thanks for any help, inomics. We supply a list of EFL job vacancies.

Hello Inomics "Among other" is correct where "other" is an adjective and qualifies a noun, e. Among other things , we have to consider the possibility that Alexander's idea of kingship was entirely derived from Aristotle's teaching. This view, among others , is held by the Scottish classicist Dr Q. If so, I'm sure someone here will check them for you. MrPedantic's examples are particularly useful and I will try to keep them in mind, when I will use the two expressions.

among other things

Just to make sure I got it right. Is the following sentence correct? Check out our list of pronunciation videos. Deviations among previous studies means that within those studies there were deviations.

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I think you're trying to contrast your calculations with those of prior studies, and so with the comparison between only those two yours and the prior ones , you should use between. So now we have Deviations between previous studies and our calculations The placement of "among others" is puzzling. Are you trying to say that there your calculations are one set of calculations and there are many other calculations? Then the our calculations, among others, might be phrasing could work.

Among Others by Jo Walton

That would say that there are previous studies that do not match up with your calculations and the calculations of others. On the other hand, the phrase "and so forth" is usually used at the end of a sentence, such as people don't favour the Government's policies on health, education, tax, and so forth.

By clicking "Post Your Answer", you acknowledge that you have read our updated terms of service , privacy policy and cookie policy , and that your continued use of the website is subject to these policies. Home Questions Tags Users Unanswered. Gary Moore 1, 9 25 Yep, thanks, I have browsed the possible answers before asking here. So are you a native speaker?

Among Others

If you have already done some research, you should add that to your question. It is very helpful when trying to come up with the best answer. Check this definition among others: I think Macmillan has defined them in a very simple and clear way, which are as follows: Sign up or log in Sign up using Google.

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