Health benefits :

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I encounter herpes virus for good four 4 years, six 6 months and twelve 12 day with my calculations, before I meet the great Dr. Herpes is a viral infection cause by the Herpes simplex virus, marked by painful, watery blister in the skin or mucous membrane or on the genitals. This was what I suffered for good four years. I give a try that now becomes a testimony in my life. He welcome me as a daughter and I explain my four years situation to him and he said is done just as I have contacted him and I believed in him.

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ODUWA sends me some herbal medication for herpes cure and he gave me instruction on what to do and I obeyed his instruction. Changes started after three days of applying the herbal medication. I do not know how to thanks Dr. ODUWA for saving my life. To God be the Glory, I am living healthy with my family today.

Bloated on a Vegan Diet? Being publicly-funded gives us a greater chance to continue providing you with high quality content. Why Coconut Oil is Good for Immunity Coconut contains two special ingredients that make it excellent for immunity. Comments Cancel reply You must be logged in to post a comment. They observed that fat breakdown occurred at such a significant level that it literally mimicked the characteristics of fasting. Fasting, in this sense, is not to be regarded as negative, but positive in that the body uses its energy reserves most effectively and speeds up the breakdown of needless fat reserves.

The Surprising Benefits and Uses of Coconut Oil

The vast majority of heavily produced supplements, however, use processed forms of MCFAs. If you have dandruff or dry hair, coconut oil has the perfect fatty acids to help improve these conditions.

Coconut Oil & Benefits

In fact, there is so much coconut oil can do for hair. You can make homemade coconut lavender shampoo to improve your hair and use straight coconut oil as an all-natural hair conditioner. To get rid of dandruff and thicken hair, massage one tablespoon of coconut oil mixed with 10 drops of rosemary essential oil into your scalp for three minutes. Then shower 30 minutes later. To effectively kill candida and treat yeast infections , remove processed sugar and refined grains from your diet and consume plenty of healthy fats.

According to research published in the medical journal Food and Function , coconut oil improves antioxidant levels and can slow aging. Coconut oil works by reducing stress on the liver and lowering oxidative stress. You can also apply it directly to skin for additional benefits and smoothing. Using coconut oil benefits your hormones as well! Studies have found that coconut oil may be an excellent fat to consume during menopause and also may have positives effects on estrogen levels.

  1. Get FREE Access!!
  2. 7 Borderline Miraculous Health Benefits of Coconut Oil.
  3. 20 Coconut Oil Benefits for Your Brain, Heart, Joints + More!?
  4. Is coconut oil healthful or unhealthful?.
  5. Coconut Oil & Benefits - tahitian secrets.
  6. Healthy Fats & Oil Topics.
  7. In order to naturally balance hormones, reduce sugar and grain consumption and load up on healthy fats from coconut, avocado, flax seeds and ghee. You can also consume other coconut forms, such as coconut butter or coconut water. There are rarely any side effects for coconut oil. Occasionally, a contact allergy may occur for certain individuals that are allergic to coconuts. Some of the cleaning products created by coconut oil have been known to cause contact allergies as well, but it is not common. I use coconut oil for all of my cooking and baking, and I often put a tablespoon of it in my morning smoothie.

    You can also apply it topically directly to your skin or as a carrier for essential oils or blends. Processing the oil changes the chemical makeup, and the fats are no longer good for you, so avoid hydrogenated oils whenever possible. Here is the brand I personally use and recommend to my patients: Refined versions, like with other foods, are not as beneficial and lose key nutrients. Coconut oil helps the body in so many ways. In the meantime, remember to use coconut oil in place of other cooking oils when you can since it has an extremely healthy fat composition, and always opt for the pure, organic version to get the best coconut oil benefits.

    Josh Axe is on a mission to provide you and your family with the highest quality nutrition tips and healthy recipes in the world These unique fats include: Caprylic acid Lauric acid Capric acid Around 62 percent of the oils in coconut are made up of these three healthy fatty acids, and 91 percent of the fat in coconut oil is healthy saturated fat. Unlike long-chain fatty acids found in plant-based oils, MCFAs are: Cancer Prevention and Treatment Coconut oil has two qualities that help it fight cancer: Improves Energy and Endurance Coconut oil is easy to digest and also produces a longer sustained energy and increases your metabolism.

    Improves Digestion and Reduces Stomach Ulcers and Ulcerative Colitis Coconut also improves digestion as it helps the body absorb fat-soluble vitamins, calcium and magnesium. Improves Skin Issues Burns, Eczema, Dandruff, Dermatitis and Psoriasis Coconut oil is wonderful as a face cleanser, moisturizer and sun screen, but also it can treat many skin disorders. Prevents Gum Disease and Tooth Decay Oil pulling with coconut oil has been used for centuries as a way to cleanse the mouth of bacteria and help heal periodontal disease.

    Prevents Osteoporosis Oxidative stress and free radicals are the two biggest culprits of osteoporosis. Coconut Oil Benefits for Hair Care If you have dandruff or dry hair, coconut oil has the perfect fatty acids to help improve these conditions.

    Small reminder on its manufacturing process :

    Coconut Oil for Anti-Aging According to research published in the medical journal Food and Function , coconut oil improves antioxidant levels and can slow aging. Coconut Oil for Hormone Balance Using coconut oil benefits your hormones as well! Next Story - Senna Tea: Healthy Natural Laxative or Gut Irritant? Axe on Facebook 22 Dr. Axe on Twitter 14 Dr.

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    7 Borderline Miraculous Health Benefits of Coconut Oil

    Lentils nutrition benefits include the ability Axe on Twitter 18 Dr. Axe on Facebook 50 Dr. Axe on Twitter 5 Dr. What are the health benefits of arugula? This vegetable is an immune-boosting The Omega-3, Protein-Packed Superfood. Axe on Facebook 2. Axe on Instagram Axe on Youtube 1.