Until this point in the second book, Harry hid the fact that he was nearly sorted into Slytherin.

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The power of choice is an ongoing theme throughout the series, though this is perhaps the most blunt expression of it. Dumbledore's words are a reminder for all of us that although there are certain aspects of life we will never be able to control, we can master our own moral compass. A Definitive Ranking of the Hogwarts Professors.

I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.

The map was created by Remus Lupin, James Potter, Sirius Black, and Peter Pettigrew under aliases, of course , to help Remus find his way undetected out of Hogwarts during his terrifying monthly transformations into a werewolf. Somewhat of a motto for mischievous troublemakers like Fred and George, the map's password hints at the unsung benefits of breaking the rules.

Hagrid delivers this understated but vital pronouncement in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire after a personal secret of his is revealed to all at Hogwarts. After unscrupulous reporter Rita Skeeter outs Hagrid as a half-giant, he doesn't present shame to Harry, Ron, and Hermione. Instead, Hagrid owns his identity, telling the friends that he has learned to love himself regardless of others' prejudices. Through this quote, Hagrid also reminds readers that self-acceptance can be radical and transformative.

Another Dumbledore nugget, this quote comes during the chapter "The Parting of the Ways," as he warns Harry not to avoid coming to terms with the tragic outcome of the Triwizard Tournament. This Hagrid quote might not seem on the surface to be full of fiery inspiration, but his are words to live by just the same. As Hagrid says of Voldemort's return, there's "No good sittin' worryin' abou' it"—He Who Must Not Be Named will strike when he strikes, and all the wizarding community can do is try and prepare in the meantime.

But catastrophizing—devoting one's whole life to dreading the worst possible outcome of a situation—will help no one. Hagrid's pragmatic words are a reminder that fearing the future only harms our present. Ginny's words are a reminder of how they influence their younger sister, and the lives of everyone else they meet. Voldemort is often a metaphor for the consequences of ignoring problems rather than confronting them. The above Dumbledore quote is a reminder that apathy in the face of evil can sometimes be the most damaging of all.

This bit of wisdom from Hermione references Percy Weasley, who stopped speaking to his family after it became public that Voldemort had returned. As a high-ranking official in the Ministry of Magic, he couldn't accept his father's warning that Percy's rapid ascent through the Ministry ranks was just so He Who Must Not Be Named could keep tabs on the Weasley family.

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The meaning of this Hermione quote is that we shouldn't allow our own pride to endanger us or the people we love. In this quick, unassuming line, Dumbledore dissects humanity's age-old fear of death. Death is a major theme in The Half-Blood Prince , as the book focuses on Voldermort's fear of mortality—and ultimately culminates with Dumbledore's own demise. As always, Dumbledore is reminding Harry and us readers! Whether or not Snape truly deserves sympathy for his long-standing, bitter crush on Lily is debatable among fans.

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In an era when things tended to be resolved before the "The End" sign appeared on the screen, " It's a Wonderful Life deserves credit for not solving every problem with the tinkling of a bell," adds Mark Spearman. Welch also notes that in the s, "the Motion Picture Production Code definitely stipulated that criminals must be punished for their crimes," and the case has been made that Mr.

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Potter might have been guilty of larceny. This Lionel Barrymore the actor who played Potter character was too crusty, too old, too happy with what he was doing to change. So we just left him as he was. It would have been easy to turn Potter into a sort of redeemed Ebenezer Scrooge who had seen the error of his ways. But in addition to avoiding a predictably sappy trope, Capra also reminded us that sometimes bad people get away with doing bad things.

Don't hire someone just because they are family This is more of a practical maxim, but with all the touch-feely lessons in the film, it's important to cull some not-so-obvious and not-so-pleasant realities as well. George could have hired a better employee or given him lesser responsibilities, somehow finding a way to show generosity in a way that didn't compromise the business.

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Appreciate how blessed you already are During his tirade, George tells Mary, "Everything's wrong! This, explains Welch, is "because the stuff that does matter — family, friends, and faith — has now risen to such pre-eminence in his life that the rest doesn't really matter.

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  4. Playing Beyond the Notes: A Pianists Guide to Musical Interpretation.
  5. Alpha to Omega - Journey to the End of Time?
  6. In His World: His #8 (A Billionaire Domination Serial).
  7. How to deliver a good toast Okay, this one isn't so deep, but it is an important skill. In one scene, George and Mary deliver this toast to a new homeowner: Salt, that life may always have flavor. And wine, that joy and prosperity may reign forever. But simpler really is better and often more eloquent. Marry the right person George's mother tells him that Mary is the "kind who will help you find your answers.

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    But once they do get married, she sticks with him through thick and thin. Romance is merely one of the themes in this film — not the dominant theme as it is in Love Actually — and yet the romance between Mary and George is deeper and more palpable. I would argue this is because real romantic love transcends the superficial "love at first sight" baloney Hollywood is selling us.

    For more on that, see my post on why rom-coms are arguably worse than porn. Judge rules man who illegally killed hundreds of deer must watch Bambi once a month in jail. Sign up for our free email newsletters. In the holiday movie department, It's a Wonderful Life still has substance and lessons to offer.

    The good news newsletter. The week's best photojournalism. Try 8 issues of The Week. More from Matt K.