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From 19th September to 28th January , Paris was under siege by Prussian forces surrounding the city. Conditions in Paris deteriorated and there was soon a severe shortage of food. Parisians were forced to eat whatever animals were at hand. A Christmas menu on the 99th day of the siege. Besieged French troops attempted several breakouts to take the fight to the Prussians.

Les Quatre Temps

Led by General Louis Jules Trochu, military governor of Paris and president of the Provisional Government, their efforts were insufficiently prepared and incompetently led and so consequently failed. Ours gave way first, then, steadying themselves, checked the onward movement of the enemy. Out of artillery pieces, thirty only had been employed.

But the generals, who during the whole day had hardly deigned to communicate with the National Guard, declared they could not hold out a second night!

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Battalions returned weeping with rage. All understood that the whole affair was a cruel mockery. History of the Paris Commune The siege of Paris ended on the 28 th January when the French Government, safely housed in Versailles, surrendered, although the City of Paris notably did not formally surrender.

It was this division between the leaders and the led that helped created the Paris Commune in So here are the sounds I discovered after I ascended an escalator out of the station and emerged onto the surface:. Erik Reitzel continued his work until the monument was completed. As you can hear in my sound piece, when I came out from the escalator and made my way to foot of the Grande Arche I found a huddle of people getting very excited about an autonomous electric bus that carries people like me who these days often find it a stretch to walk too far. The , m2 shopping center was completely renovated between and The renovation took place in several phases and involved the interior spaces, the exterior facades and the shops.

The renovation to the east, included a Castorama store replacing the original UGC cinema.

Shows hPa at certain contour intervals from all ensemble members. The more the lines look like a mess of spaghetti, the more unpredictable the forecast. The tracks of low pressure centres with colours representing MSLP depth from each ensemble member.

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The tracks of low pressure centres with colours representing maximum storm mean 10m winds from each ensemble member. The closer the lines for a given storm, the more predictable the path. The amount of rain or water equivalent of melted snow accumulated from the beginning of the forecast.

The amount of rain or water equivalent of melted snow accumulated in a 24 hour period leading to the hour selected. A virtual Infra Red IR satellite image using the model infrared radiation emitted by the cloud tops, land or ocean surfaces. Designed to mimic real-time radar images. The winds in the Stratosphere around 30km above the earths surface. The westerly component at 60N is highlighted - a negative value during winter is a sign of a major stratoshperic warming when combined with a poleward increase of temperature north of 60N. Compares the predicted temperature at approximately 30 km above sea level to what we consider normal a 30 year average from CFSR climatology.

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Useful for highlighting areas of stratospheric warming. Compares the predicted geopontential height at hPa to what we consider normal a 30 year average from CFSR climatology.

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Shows hPa geopotential height at certain contour intervals from all ensemble members. The background shading is the mean of all ensemble members. Compares the predicted mean seal level pressure to what we consider normal a 30 year average from CFSR climatology. Shows MSLP at certain contour intervals from all ensemble members.

The probability of winds exceeding 34 kt from all ensemble members. The percentage probability at any point of hPa Temperatures greater than 20C based on all ensemble members. The percentage probability at any point of hPa Temperatures less than minus 5C based on all ensemble members.

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  • Practical Information.
  • The percentage probability at any point of hPa Temperatures less than minus 10C based on all ensemble members. A panel comparing the forecast temperature at approximately 1. A panel comparing the forecast hPa geopotential height from each of the 20 ensemble members, the control, their mean, and the deterministic GFS. A panel comparing the accumulated precipitation forecast from each of the 20 ensemble members, the control, their mean, and the deterministic GFS.

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    • A panel comparing the mean wind forecast from each of the 20 ensemble members, control, their mean, and the deterministic. A panel comparing the snow depth forecast from each of the 20 ensemble members, the control, their mean, and the deterministic GFS. A panel comparing the mean seal level pressure forecast from each of the 20 ensemble members, the control, their mean, and the deterministic GFS.

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