Tout en restant une reuue u. Le uocabulaire de J. Cr,erron ; aur Etats-Unis H. Le N" 16 fr. Bstienne, quelque chose de hardi et de vif. Jusserand, Les sports et ieun d arercice ilans l,ancienne France, 1 Vuillier, Plqisirs et juw depwis les origines, 1g XIII articls de A. Lefranc ; et ci. Haag, La France protestante au ch.

Reu- d,u xvr" s , E. Besch, Les adaptations etn prose des chansons de geste au xv" et du xvru s. Tilley, Les romans d,e cheualerie enprose in: Lefranc, Mareue,rite ile Nauarre et Ie platonisme de la Renaisr, sance in: Paris, Le Conte et la Noauelle au xYru s. Journal des uonts, mai-juin Jahth, in Franlreich in: Lenient, La Satire en France au xvr" s. Ferdinand Brunot, au t. Vaganay, Deas rnille mots peu connas in: Comme travaux d ensemble: Stange, Beitriige zar Kenntniss der franz.

Huguet; son Dictionnaire du xvr" s. D autre part, les mots, depuis le xvru s. Nous reconnais sons avec Bdm. J en dem, d accord. Note I au lieu de. Huguet, un dictionnaire du xvr s. En ce qui concerne Guill. Par exemple, il semble croire que les ph. Obert,, s 6o c, p. Lerch Historische franzfsische Syntar t Bantl pp sqg. Pellissier, Etudes de litt. I artiste ne retrouverait pas facilement. Je meure si je. Si ce crime autrement ne sauroill se remettre, Cassez le miroir I P. Corneille, La Place Royale, lI, 2. Corneille, Irnitation, l, I, 2L.

Reuue Bleue, II, 22I b. Il faut que la robe soi[ en velours. Gautier, MIle de Maupin. De Goncourl, Manette Salomon. Comme si tu n aurois pas mieux fait de mettre quin louis dans une comm. C est bien le diable si au qu un qui claque. Contme s i,l n,aurait pas pu. Vous me croiriez capable de cela!

S il en est ainsi, les explications que nous nons plus bas 11 s appliqueraient facilement ici Mais me le montren! La forme de ces phrases pouna sembler insolite. Ainsi, en partant de: Je sortirais si uous Ie permettiez, ort pourra arrriver ir: Ne aous irnaginez pas que , si je sortirais aaec aotre permission, ie croirais aaoir besoin d,e Ia sienne I3. Une forme Je ne saurais, en effe! Dans ce cas, cet exomple rentrerait dans le groupe A.

Les deux autres groupes rA et, B arr contraire nous offrent des eremples de cei em. Pour la bibliographie, nous n indiquerons que l indispensable. Il fallait laisser venir ces tem ,,"rr. Mais les tentatives sont rares Avec les hom cle la Renaissance, les efforts se multiplient: Ainsi I i et I u nasals sont clevenus e, respect. Aux alentours de 1b00,. Quant au premier, il est encore vivant c Chute d e e muet. Meurtrier est encore idissyllabe lchez Ronsard, mais compte pour trois syllabes chez Corneille. D une part, ce sont de simples enrayements: On oonsultera aussi F Brunot Hist l fr I 1"" partie, p.

J; ";; ";"" -;;;";i": Les unes ne font. I t raison orthog r. Il faut pourtant noter que ce phenr ne se produit pas dans la conjugaison: Earope, jeunesse, pleurons, plearant, etc. Cela, bien entendu, dans le langage de la conversafion. L origine des liaisons est connue. I horreur de I hiatus. A que le ton s abaisse et devient familier, on lie de moins moins.

Nous disons couramment entre nous: Le peuple dit presque toujours: No,us n insisterons pas davanlage. Cet accent a une double nature: Deux choses peuvent encore renforcer cette imp,ression. Il n en existe pas moins. A mo ins qu un enrayement. Thomas, dans ses Essafs de philologie , p. L une et I autre peuvent se placer aux deux poinls de vue diachronique et synchronique: On y trouve un livre des Etres et un livre des Fdits.

ZZO, on lit le titre de paragraphe. Auoir un phonographe dans le aentre signifie Parler inlassablement, non pas Enregistrer les sons. Tel n est point le fait: La Cheinaye des Bois disait: Puisqu il s ag! Le bellaud nomrne la Sernaine monneya. C es,t le cas de leindre et de dissr: Verge, Bague d or ; jonc: Or ; jet de jonc: Canne de jonc ; jet: Ce second exemple est pris dans ce eu on appelle l argot 1 mais tout le vocabulaire est susceptible de ces ricochets intuitifs demi-verbaux.

Tuouts, Nouueaan essais, p. La sagesse conseille-t-elle, parce qu on n: On peut esfimer qu il n y a pas de lois en que, s il s agit de rapports universels e! Le devoir est de nier Ie hasard. Elle est une intuition en ligne droite et non angulaire. Le moral peut exprimer le physique: Br-ocn I exemple de souple: Celte est de M. Bn latin, les bes en -sco perdent leur sens inchoatif. On dit le canon d une seringue, et un Canon d artillerie est une seringue.

Un Bateau est un sabot et des Souliers d,es bateau,s. Il n y a pas au lexique d. Si, comme nous le pensons le travail de M. La mot kozi se piononce avec d long, ce qui marque bien Ia pru. Le mot est prob4l blement originaire de milieux socialistes: Il mo semblo que nadzi est en recul devant la prononciation qui paralt plus autochtone: Dans mon rr Petit courrier r de mars-avril , je, constatais, avec M. Ia Belgique germanophone est d.

Toutes ces communes font partie du canton administratif de Y: O3l le parlant exclusivement. Allemand, bbg, dont lb2 exclusivoment. Actuellement, recensement de Ig20, les chiffres sont: Nous avons connu personnerement une domestique originaire d,autelbas, T8,. M,ais leur influence est faible. Il n en es,t pas de. Coquebert de Montbret en Bertrang sur l allemand en Bell: WO, Glogan, 1 atlas in Plano. P,rrnssox, Nouuel Atlas clossirlue, Bruxelles, Ptul-, Grundriss iler Germanischen philologie article de Behaghel chichte der deutschen Sprache , Scheler , Bruxelles, Droz, I, 8", p.

Cet anglicisme lexical, taxique, etc. Acheter ou retenir des billets. Le mond,e meurt camme des mouches: Ici religion et langue ont combattu d. La constitution de ? Drrcnv, Les Acad,iens louisianais et laur parler, paris, E.

The Suicide of Europe

Droz, lgT2, go, p. C est aussi un glo. Raoul de Calrsnar, Roussenrr Soc. Duhamel, Discours aur nuages 4. Eggenschwiler, Die Namen der Fled. Le leriqae rle l ;l,. Le N t6 fr. Les anciens adjectifs invariahles en genre, tels que grand, aert, lort, etc. Ta dis que Darmestefer et M. Kaspers, Etyrnologische Untersu ii chungen. Halle, 3 , eb onomastiques E.

Plafiner Personal und Gentilderiaate im neu t ranziisischen, Zei Jiir franz. Sprache und, Literatur, XI, Skok Die mit d,en SuJfinen. Meinicke Das prtilio re- itn Franzosischen, Diss. Parmi ceux qui I admettent, NI.

  • Publications HAL de la collection UPEC-UPEM.
  • Convergences macrocosmiques: Cycle : Les chroniques du chaos  (MON PETIT EDITE) (French Edition).
  • The Wrong Bottom Line.
  • You Are What You Retweet: 140 Social Media Rules to Eat By?
  • A Woman of Uncertain Character: The Amorous and Radical Adventures of My Mother Jennie (Who Always Wanted to Be a Respectable Jewish Mom) by Her Bastard Son?

Feller Nofes de philologie uallonne,. Comme l a bien vu J. Origines de la Renaissance. JnaN Mor-rrtnr B. Roenn tp Cor-r-nnya , auteur d amusants dialogues rlramatiques 5. Chroniques Collection Buchon, 5 vol. Sonnefs, od,es et rnignardises 9. Grauning, Syntaktische Sfurl,ien zu Marot, Guy, Jean Marot in.

Stecher, Louvain, 4 vol. Speak" J, Lemaite; sa uie et son Euot e, in: Lommatzsch; Jean Lemaire de Belges. Besch, Un moraliste sabirique et nationaliste flu xvro s. Guiffray et Yves Plessis,3 vol. Yves Plattard Compte-rendu in: Marot et le psautier huguenot, Villey" Marot et Rabelais Compte-rendu in. Villoy" Tableau des pubticationi de Marot, in: Monographie par Molinier, La parlaicte amie, Lyon, Riibner, S yntakfische Studien za Bon.

Nonr- nu FAIL Vie de Bayard Quant au ttavail de Grosse in: XLI , il ne traite que de la Syntaxe. Baliaerneries et Contes nouveaut Vaganay Soc des Texies franc. Baret, De I Amadis de Gaule et de son influence. Reynier, Le roman sentimental, 19 OEuvres: Baum, Cunitz et Reuss, Pfeffer, Beitriige zum Wortschatz des d,ritten Bu ches, Commentaire de Penreau, in: Sur le vocabulaire, consulter encore la Reu. Vaganay, Ce,nt uocables rabelaisiens auant Rabelois, in: Plattard, Notes poar le commentaire d,e Rabelais, in.

L histoire naturelle dans Rabelai;, Reu. LeVocabulaire de Rabelais Reu. Fleury, Rabelais et ses cnuures,2 vol. Thuasne, Etude sur Ra. Plattard, L ce,uure de Rabelais V.

Rep des Et r ab VItr S. Le Vocabalaire de Ia fauconnerie dans Rabelais in: L Ecole de Lyon: Sturel, Jacques Amyot trailucteur, Villey, Les sources d id. Palissy d,er Naturforscher unil, Schriltsteller, Leipzig, I 26 OEuvres p. Parturier, , avec l indication des sources.

Ajoutons-y une notice de G. L Bcole de Ronsard. Archia de Henig, LXI Pas de lexique The Renaissance, studies in ari ancl poetry, IgTg. Vaganay, Du nouueau sur Ronsard eI uatl Un: Style excellent; la meilleure prose comique, naturelle et savoureuse. Lennrvnv voir plus has. Garnier, ; Prokop, Syntaktische Studien zu Rob. Archia de Hercig, t. Plattard, pour le commcntaire d. Reaume, de Caussade et Legouez, 6 vol. Morillot, Dirrourc sur Ia uie et les cnutres -il Agr. Garnier, Le tette des-Tragiques in: Paul Bonnefon, ; le Journal histo 46 OEuvres: Labitle, ; - Tricotel, ; J.

Franck,, texto critiqu,e avec introduction, notes et explications Oftp"lr, Godet, Viret, Ii - J. Un cailet de Gascogne 19t9 Cf. Causeries du Landv, L, XI. Wende,ll , La langue de Montaigne, Couture, Sur Montaigne et Ie patais de la Hoatan in: Annales du Midi, ; F. Annales du Mid,i, Yaganay, Un millier de uocobles, in: Griin, Vie publique de Mqntaigne, Le Journal de Voyage en Itq. Roy,Les sources de C.

Baum, Cunilz et Reuss, 3 vol. Ou Vair, cf. Ennemi de Nlalherbe, il est pourtant bien son contemporain. Lanson, tsertaut et I Espagne, in: Vie des grands capitaines et des dames galantes. Lettres rnissiaes de HsNnr IV Wrengel, Aestheti,sche und, sprachliche Stadien ueber Ait.

Bulletin codicologique - Persée

Hauser, Les sources de l histoire de France ou xvte s. Berger de Xivrey, , 7 vol. Marburg, S vol , Aux pastorales dramatiques se rattachent: On peut signaler, dans le genre dc! D autre part pourtant, l auteur, par gorlt de la diver. Les monologues d,ramatiqies, in: Leverdih, studien zur Geschiihte der Farce und Farceurs in Frankreich seit d. Les Auentures d,e Floriile, roman en 5 parties. Gunnr,rN os Gurn 74 OEuvres: La nature n est ni belle ni laide, ni bonne ni mauvaise.

Conception bioloqique de la Nature, dans le Mer, cttre de France du lb juin , p. Le ciel est chaud, le vent est mou; Quel silence dans Agrigente! Un temple roux sur le so! Ces emplois sont au nombre de deux: I Etre est I auxiliaire du Passif: Dans I ernploi non auxiliaire u La porte est bleue r,, la phrase sign! Ce domaine d emploi se su bdivise en deux provinces grammaticales: J ai entendu, j y suis cottrue.

Mlle GA, domestique; le 13 avril Il s agit d un billet de banque, qu! Mme SM, dame de la bonne bourgeoisie tourangelle; le 30 octobre Complainte du Juif Errant. Mon ami Teitdy, I, g. Les faun-monnayears, I, II, p. Lucien, Y, 2, p. L Inde anti,qus et la cit: Le Matin, 4 aotr. Il avait seize ou dix-sept ans. Mme I, le 13 juillet Mme EJ, le 12 iuillet Mme SP, lo 24 janvier L exemple de M. EK est nettement terminative. Il n est pas essentiel au suie! Il s agissait d arriver au qua!. Mais si le sens n est plus te.

Mme SC, le 31 janvier Damourette et moi croyons qu il faut la concevoir. Les bo1-ards faisaient tous les sacri. L occttpation tttrque et les pt erniers princes indi.

Bulletin codicologique

Ia Prusse, la France ei l Angleterre. Il s offrit donq aux Rouniains une nouvelle occasion d apprendre cette langue. Voici encore d,autres exernples: Ce danger est d autant plus grand, qr. Eliacle, c est qne "es p. Il y a d aborrl Ia Comoitia 1. En roici la li,. IIs iont t1e minune. Et alors nous I enuerrons dedans Je ne rroutlrais c1u i perr. Aussi ie uous prie. Je sutls heureu ce par de ssus la mesure. Histoire cre l,ecprtt public enRoumanie. En voici quelques-uns A Iassi: Lincourt 4 1cq31 , un. A Bucaresi il -. Parmi eux il y a aussi des professeurs: Beaucoup plus nombreux sont ce.

Ux tlui 1- voltrgent pour quelques semaines ou mois pendant les va. C est l effet de la crise actuelle qui se ressent d ailleurs partout. On tirait de I une et ensuite on allait constater sur I autre I effet du tir. Revenons au tir de but en blanc. Des auteurs anciens inclicllent pourtant la distanoe normale de tir de certaines armes.

Cela n a aucun sen!. Itr lieu de tir de but en blanc on a dit quelquefois tir cle Frtinte ert blctnc. Elles ont toutes cleux rtteint le but. I-e mot buf n a vraiment pas de chance. C est sortir de la butte pour aller autre part, c est un change. Page , on lit: Avec in pour ut? Nous lisons encore i mery , medeme Pour me n ainfain, voir plus loin. La forme tonique du pronom: Signalons aussi tout de suite que: Or, on a bien me n ainfain 1 , mais: Nous nous occupons ici du picard, et non du flamand.

On a la forme picarde de: Ce 6 mai Ne pouvait-ii se contenter des ignorants! Conrart, chez qui la recherchs dans,I ajus. Chapelain, avec Boileau, avec le P. Lancelot, lequel pourrait bien faire parler de lui longtemps encore: Res judicata pro ueritate habetur. C est une tyrannie. Qu elles aient bon lait: Toutefois, il eut le tort de parquer les mots en castes. Maintenant, faisons un peu d histoire. Il semble qu il firille cornprendre: Et le Dictionnaire ajoute: Donc, rr derechef ; c est encore une fois en reprenant depuis le commencement. Les exemples me manquent dlun tel emploi de rr derechef r, ils ne sont pas introuvables.

Mais il y a mieux encore: Et le comble, le voici: Roques Romania, LIX, pp. Calle, La glossologie, Paris, Humery, Mercure de France, 15 septembre Ig27, p. Tachdid, techdid arabe fa,5df d. Tendance puisqu il y a loi, norme. L elsprit critique et la formation scientifique de M.

C est une contribution de co genre que nous d. L inversion, au contraire, est uns survivance des plus utiles, et qu,il. A travers l oeutre des Paul Fort, Francis James. Elle a subi maintes infiltrations cle pro"enances cliverses. Jud Zeitschrift fiir rom. L Introducere in, studiul limbilor romanice de I. Iordan Iassi, , dont une partie importante pp. Blancquaert , Rogues p. Roques , Montolin p. Les valeurs d emploi, archaTque, rural, technique, etc.

Droz, lg3g, 8", p. Car I auteur ne nous donne pas! Droz, lg33 ; in-go, p. La Picardie et une ptrrtie de la Normandie diser. Eggenschrviler, que le territoire de ral. Ne d,ites pas, mais dites. Snell, aujourd hui avec M. Godet, jusqu en Les guides et arbitres. Ceux-ci d ailleurs ne se laissent pas toujours convaincre. Depuis I effort des grammairiens du xvuu s. Beitrcige zur Bedeutung,slehre R. Wagner, Romanische un d baski. Riegler, Tabunamen des Ftr.

Lingua e pensie,ro E. Lyrn explique tr n,avoir pas ur. Sprrznn suppose pour cl-tanceler. Die neueren Sprachen Ntarburg, Ehvert. The taphonomic record of Upper Siwalik Pinjorstage land scapes in the Pabbi Hills, northern Pakistan, with consideration regarding the preservation of hominin remains. Sedimentary structures generated by Hippopotamus amphibius in a lake-margin wetland, Ngorongoro Crater, Tanzania. Origin of and relationships among the Dama-like cervids in Europe. Geochronological position of badlands and geomorphological patterns in the Guadix-Baza basin SE Spain.

Neogene antelopes of Mongolia and adjacent territories. The joint Soviet-Mongolian Paleontological expedition. Faunal relationships and zoogeographical affinities of mammals in north-west Africa. A new quantitative biochronological ordination for the Upper Neogene mammalian localities in Spain. Five more arguments to invalidate the passive scavenging version of the carnivore-hominid-carnivore model: Further investigations upon the age and characteristics of the Xiaolongtan Fauna, Kaiyuan Co.

Plio-Pleistocene climatic oscilations, Holartic biogeography and speciation in an avian subfamily. New data on the evolution of bovine of the tribe Bovini. Body mass estimates in extinct mammals from limb bone dimensions: Tentative typology and biostratigraphy of some middle and late Pleistocene Western european horses. Taille, typologie, biostratigraphie et taxonomie. Origins, dispersals, and migrations of Equus Mammalia, Perisodactyla. Extant and fossil Equus Mammalia, Perissodactyla skulls: The Cynotherium from corbeddu Sardinia: An Atlas of Animal Anatomy for Artists.

Geographical variation of mandible size and shape in the wild pigs Sus scrofa from Taiwan and Japan. The Mio-Pliocene European primate fossil record: Primer hallazgo del buey almizclado Ovibos moschatus, Zimmermann en el Pleistoceno peninsular. The fossil evidence for human evolution in Asia. The fossil carnivores of the Transvaal Caves: Changing patterns of carnivore modification in a landscape bone assemblage, Amboseli Park, Kenya. Falconer, H; Cautley, P. Earliest humans in Europe: Sus strozzii et Sus scrofa, deux mammiferes artiodactyles, marqueurs des paleoenvironnements.

Leopard attack on and consumption of gorillas in the Central African Republic. Niche relations among three sympatric Mediterranean carnivores. Pocket Atlas of Human Anatomy. The effects of fluctuating base level on the structure of alluvial fan and associated fan delta deposits: Stratigraphic architecture of the Neogene basins in the central sector of the Betic Cordillera Spain: Tertiary Basins of Spain: A remarkable example of taphonomic criteria used for stratigraphic correlations and palaeoenvironment interpretations.

Structure and evolution of mammoth molar enamel. Miocene Proboscideans from Italy: African elements and paleogeographic implications. Functional morphology and ecology of Villafranchian Proboscideans from Central Italy. Ferring, R; Oms, O. Earliest human occupations at Dmanisi Georgian Caucasus dated to 1.

The Villafranchian machairodonts of Tuscany. The Villafranchian cheetahs from Tuscany and remarks on the dispersal and evolution of the genus Acinonyx. New fossil findings from the Colfiorito basin Umbria-Marchean Apennine. Remarks on the taxonomy of hyaenids.

Phyletic relationships between Lynx group issiodorensis and Lynx pardina. Biogeography and evolution of the genus Homo. Rapid ecological turnover and its impact on Neanderthal and other human populations. Evidence for large mammal and reptile butchering. Die Bison-Reste aus den Travertinen von Weimar. Molecular phylogeny of the Carnivora Mammalia: Assesing the impact of increased sampling on resolving enigmatic relationships. Phylogeny of the Carnivora Mammalia: Enrichment and stability in the Pliocene mammalian fauna of North China. A review of Equus stenonis Cocchi Perissodactyla, Equidae and related forms.

A reply to comments by M. Latest Hipparion Christol, in Europe. Middle Pleistocene replacement of stenonid horses by caballoid horses - Ecological implications. Early Equus dispersal and taxonomy: Late Miocene and Pliocene large land mammals and climatic changes in Eurasia.

Fossil mammals resolve regional patterns of Eurasian climate change over 20 million years. Functional characterization of ungulate molars using the abrasion-attrition wear gradient: Le role de l'hyene dans la formation des assemblages osseux: Les gisements a faune villfranchienne de Tunisie. Human and Nonhuman Bone Identification. Insights from stable light isotopes on enamel defects and weaning in Pliocene herbivores.

Quaternary radiation and genetic structure of the red fox Vulpes vulpes in the Mediterranean Basin, as revealed by allozymes and mitochondrial DNA. A rapid method to map the crustal and lithospheric thickness using elevation, geoid anomaly and thermal analysis. A propos du Villafranchien du Caucase. The environmental contexts of early human occupation of Georgia Transcaucasia. Current research on the hominid site of Dmanisi. Earliest Pleistocene hominid cranial remains from Dmanisi, Republic of Georgia: Evolutionary constraints on digit numbers.

Evolution of community composition in several carnivore paleoguilds from European Pleistocene: A model of lacustrine sedimentation for the Early Pleistocene deposits of Guadix-Baza basin southeast Spain. The Straits of Gibraltar: New data on the systematics of lynxes. Phylogeny and conservation of iberian lynxes. Review of the biometrical and morphological features of the skull of the Iberian lynx, Lynx pardina Temminck, The last Iberian gomphothere Mammalia, Proboscidea, Gomphotheriidae: Anancus arvernensis mencalensis nov.

Fossil Antilopini of East Africa. Bulletin of the British Museum Natural History. Pelorovis oldowayensis Reck, an extinct bovid from East Africa. The earliest goats and other antelopes from the Samos Hipparion Fauna. The subfamilies and tribes of the family Bovidae. Mitochondrial DNA evolution in the genus Equus. The large mammal fauna of the Oldowan sites of Melka Kunture. Les Ruminants du Pleistocene d'Oubeidiyeh Israel. The Pleistocene hominid site of Ternifine, Algeria: New results on the environment, age , and human industries.

Dating the Northern African cercopithecid fossil record. Comparaison avec les formes voisines. Derived features of giraffid osicones. Phylogenetic analysis of the tribe Bovini Mammalia: Evolution of Bovid diversity in the Plio-Pleistocene of Africa.

Plio-Pleistocene mammalian biostratigraphy of Atlantic Morocco. The late Pliocene locality of Ahl al Oughlam, Morocco: Plio-pleistocene Carnivora of northwestern Africa: Biogeographic relationships of Pliocene and Pleistocene North-western African mammals. La faune des gisements de Melka-Kunture Ethiopie: The Pleistocene fauna other than primates from Asbole, lower Awash Valley, Ethiopia, and its environmental and biochronological implications.

Late Miocene large mammals from Yulafl1, Thrace region, Turkey, and their biogeographic implications. Bovidae Mammalia from the Lower Pliocene of Chad. A Bramatherium skull Giraffidae, Mammalia from the late Miocene of Kavakdere Central Turkey , biogeographic and phylogenetic implications. On some spiral horned antelopes Mammalia: Bovidae from the Late Miocene of Turkey, with remarks on their distribution. Mammalian faunas from the Pliocene and Pleistocene of Casablanca Morocco. Palaeoreas lindermayeri Wagner, Mammalia, Bovidae from the upper Miocene of Bulgaria, and a revision of the species.

Palaeoenvironments of the Buia Homo site: High-resolution facies analysis and non-marine sequence stratigraphy in the Alat formation Pleistocene Dandiero Basin, Danakil depression, Eritrea. Ancient island tools suggest Homo erectus was a seafarer. Mammal diversity and environment evolution during the Plio-Pleistocene in East Africa.

Significado de la fauna de Cueva Victoria. Molar tooth fragment BL Hominid status of the Orce cranial fragment reasserted. Fractal analysis of the Orce skull sutures. Implications for Plio-Pleistocene mammal biostratigraphy and the age of Orce archeological sites. Prediction of body mass in mammalian species from long bone lengths and diameters. Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology. Carnivore life history patterns: Allometric, phylogenetic, and ecological associations. Body size and species-richness in carnivores and primates.

Animal Anatomy for Artists. The Elements of Forms. Within-litter sibling aggresion in spotted hyaenas: Rethinking the evolution of extant sub-Saharan African suids Suidae, Artiodactyla. Behavioral implications of saber-toothed felid morphology. Second record of the Pleistocene saber-toothed cat, Smilodon fatalis, in Oklahoma. High hunting cost make African wild dogs vulnerable to kleptoparasitism by hyaenas.

Molecular genetics of the most endangered canid: Geologic Time Scale Why, how, and where next!. Carbon-isotope analyses of fossil plants as a chemostratigraphic and palaeoenvironmental tool. Stable-isotope studies on the collagenic and hydroxylapatite components of fossils: Collagenic and carbonate hydroxylapatite spacing in prehistoric humans: Une nouvelle interpretation des grands Bovidae Artiodactyla, Mammalia du Pliocene d'Europe occidentale classes jusqu'a present dans le genre Parabos: Parabos cordieri De Christol emend.

Parabos boodon Gervais et Alephis lyrix n. Fossile Pferde aus dem Faunenkomplex von Tiraspol. The genus Cervus in eastern Eurasia. Pigs, peccaries, and hippos: Phylogenetics of the Caprinae based on cytochrome b sequence. Review of family-group names in living bovids. Feeding ecology of the stone and pine marten revealed by element analysis of their skeletons. New paleoecological and paleoethological information on the extinct helmeted muskoxen from Alaska.

A new species of Kolpochoerus Mammalia: Suidae from the Pliocene of Central Afar, Ethiopia: Its Taxonomy and Phylogenetic Relationships. Dentition and age determination of the giraffe Giraffa camelopardalis. Fossil Giraffidae from Sahabi, Libya. Dietary adaptations of extant and Neogene African suids. A method to aid in discrimination of tracks from wolves and dogs. Taphonomic and Paleoecological Implications. The Plio-Pleistocene ancestor of wild dogs, Lycaon sekowei n. The tribal radiation of the Family Bovidae Artiodactyla and the evolution of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene.

Vertebrate Conservation and Biodiversity. Pliocene 3 Ma paleoclimate of Europe and the Mediterranean. Les populations de Croizetoceros ramosus Cervidae, Mammalia dans le temps et dans l'espace. The main features of the cervid palaeobiogeography. Descubrimiento del genero Macaca en el yacimiento de la Puebla de Valverde Teruel. Principaux gisements villafranchiens de France: Environment and behavior of 2. Die Carnivoren aus dem Travertinen von Weimar. Panthera onca gombaszoegensis Kretzoi, from the Early Middle Pleistocene Mosbach Sands Wiesbaden, Hessen, Germany - A contribution to the knowledge of the variability and history of the dispersal of the jaguar.

Kolpochoerus paiceae Mammalia, Suidae from Skurwerug, near Saldanha, South Africa, and its palaeoenvironmental implications. New fossil carnivores from the Swartkrans australopithecine site Mammalia, Carnivora. Late Tertiary Hyaenidae from Langebaanweg, South Africa, and their relevance to the phylogeny of the family. A complete estimate of the phylogenetic relationships in Ruminantia: Evidence from large mammal faunas.

Comparative morphology of the body skeleton in recent Canidae. Paleogene and Neogene Periods of the Cenozoic Era. A formal proposal and inclusive solution for the status of the Quaternary.

Le francais moderne 1934

Subcommission on Quaternary Stratigraphy. A modern hyaena den in Amboseli National Park, Kenya.. The thermoregulatory potential of Ovis horn cores. Skewed offspring sex ratios and sex composition of twin litters in Serengeti spotted hyaenas Crocuta crocuta are a consequence of siblicide. The unusual development of the sagital crest in the Brazilian tapir Tapirus terrestris. The response of spotted hyaenas to long-term changes in prey populations: Interdisciplinary Approaches to the Oldowan. Carnivora Mammalia from Lemudong'o Late Miocene: Their relationships with Miocene Ictitheres: The Evolution of Hominin Diets.

Integrating Approaches to the Study of Palaeolithic Subsistence. Mojokerto Delta, East Java: Paleoenvironment of Homo modjokertensis - First results. Theropithecus and 'Out of Africa' dispersal in the Plio-Pleistocene. Investigating early hominin dispersal patterns: Evolution of the Aeluroid Carnivora: Viverrid affinities of the Miocene carnivoran Herpestides. A new skeleton of Theropithecus brumpti Primates: Cercopithecidae from Lomekwi, West Turkana, Kenya. A note on sex ratios and sex combinations in Serengeti spotted hyaenas: The morphology of the lower fourth premolar as a taxonomic character in the Ruminantia Mammalia; Artiodactyla , and the systematic position of Triceromeryx.

The interrelationships of higher ruminant families with special emphasis on the members of the Cervoidea. The Late Pleistocene record of Homotherium Felidae: Machairodontinae in the Southwestern United States. A record of Pleistocene climate from a stalactite, Nerja Cave, southern Spain. Climate forcing and Neanderthal extinction in Southern Iberia: A new species of the genus Australopithecus Primates: Hominidae from the Pliocene of eastern Africa.

Why are group-living badgers Meles meles sexually dimorphic?. Late Early Pleistocene European large mammals and the concept of an Epivillafranchian biochron. Western Palaearctic palaeoenvironmental conditions during the Early and early Middle Pleistocene inferred from large mammal communities, and implications for hominin dispersal in Europe. Interrelationships of Late Neogene Elephantoids: A theory of human life history evolution: Statistical issues for the prediction of body mass for Pleistocene canids.

A bone assemblage from a striped hyaena Hyaena hyaena den in the Negev Desert, Israel. Scientific detectives take up the search for an infamous "lions' den," lost for one hundred years. A contribution to tropical rain forest taphonomy: A new Indratherium fossil giraffe Indratherium compressus sp.

Reduncine fossils from the Upper Siwaliks of Tatrot. The quality of the fossil record: Implications for evolutionary analyses. Comparative morphology of the mandibulodental complex in wild and domestic canids. The mammalian fauna associated with an archaic hominin skullcap and later Acheulean artifacts at Elandsfontein, Western Cape Province, South Africa. Skeletal part representation in archaeofaunas: Nutritional assessment from bone.

Magnesium ingestion and bone paleodietary reconstruction: Cautionary evidence from an animal model. The effects of weathering on the stable isotope composition of bones. Supernumerary acclusal cusps on permanent human teeth. Supernumerary teeth in a subadult rhino mandible Stephanorhinus hundsheirnensis from the middle Pleistocene of Mosbach in Wiesbaden Germany. Molecular systematics of the Hyaenidae: Relationships of a relictual lineage resolved by a molecular supermatrix.

Skeleton and habitat of recent and fossil Ruminants. Fossil muzzles and other puzzles. The origin of the dog revisited. The fossiliferous site "Apollonia-1", Mygdonia basin of Greece. In the shadow of bovids: Implications for Tragelaphini biogeography. Mammalia, Bovidae ; note on the possible presence of a Prostrepsiceros descendant in the latest Pliocene of northern Greece.

Greek bovids through time. The Plio-Pleistocene artiodactyls of Macedonia Northern Greece and their biostratigraphic significance; preliminary report. A new consideration for the division of Villafranchian. Palaeoecological remarks on the Villafranchian faunas of Macedonia, Greece. Pliocene to Pleistocene large mammal diversity and turnover in North Mediterranean region: The Greek late Neogene-Quaternary ursids in relation to palaeogeography and palaeoenvironment. Scientific Annals, School of Geology. Elementi di paleobiogeografia del mammiferi terziari dell'Italia.

The Villafranchian mammalian faunas and biochronology of Greece. Late Pliocene carnivores from western Macedonia Greece. The Neogene mammal localities of Greece: Faunas, chronology and biostratigraphy. Comparisons and relationships of the African and European Miocene carnivoran assemblages. New carnivore material from the Plio-Pleistocene of Macedonia Greece with a description of a new canid.

New data from the Villafranchian mammal locality of Gerakarou Macedonia-Greece. Equus stenonis from the middle Villafranchian locality of Volax Macedonia, Greece. The vertebrate fauna of the Upper Pliocene and Villafranchian in Poland. Bison and deer bone mineral densities: Suids, elephantoids, paleochronology, and palaeoecology of the Pliocene hominid site Galili, Somali Region, Ethiopia. Femoral morphology of some Quaternary bears. Return of a lost structure in the evolution of the felid dentition. The carnivora of the Palestine caves.

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A history of coyote-like dogs Canidae, Mammalia. Fossil Canis from the vicinity of Petralona, Greece. Fossil pardel lynx Lynx pardina spelaea Boule from a cave in southern France. The relationships of Lynx shansius Teilhard. A review of the genus Chasmaporthetes Hay, Carnivora, Hyaenidae. Variability in the behaviour of spotted hyaenas as taphonomic agents.

Copper and Barium as dietary discriminants: A comparative study of the chemical analysis of ribs and femurs in woodland populations. Inorganic analysis of excavated human bone after surface removal. New tetralophodont gomphothere material from Nebraska and its implications for the status of North American. Using experimental studies of recent faecal material to examine hyaena coprolites from the West Runton Freshwater Bed, Norfolk, U. Climate, flora and fauna changes in the Sahara over the past million years.

A preliminary report on the geology and fauna. Diet of the striped hyaena in northern Kenya. New hominin genus from eastern Africa shows diverse middle Pliocene lineages. The hunters and the hunted revisited. Systematics and phylogeny of cattle. Revisione della fauna dei terreni fluvio-lacustri del Valdarno superiore.

Isotopic evidence for Plio-Pleistocene environmental change at Gona, Ethiopia. Carnivoran paleoguilds of Africa: The femur of extinct bunodont otters in Africa Carnivora, Mustelidae, Lutrinae. Fossil mammals and their stratigraphic age from Danangou, Yuxian Co. The biological basis for seasonal increments in dental cementum and their application to archaeological research. Correlation of selected late Cenozoic European mammal faunas with the magnetic polarity time scale. Pliocene dispersal of the horse Equus and late Cenozoic mammalian dispersal events.

Stratigraphy and dating of deposits yielding mammoth remains.. The stratigraphical significance of deer species in the Cromer Forest-bed Formation. The morphological distinction between bones and teeth of fallow deer Dama dama and red deer Cervus elaphus. The Phylogenetic position of the 'giant deer' Megaloceros giganteus.

The pattern and process of mammoth evolution in Eurasia. On the origin of the Strait of Gibraltar. The Cheetah Acinonyx jubatus dewclaw: Pleistocene Rhinocerotidae of W. Europe with reference to the recent two-horned species of Africa and S. Time asymmetry in the palaeobiogeographic history of species. Niche separation in sympatric jackals Canis mesomelas and Canis adustus. New phylogenetic perspectives among species of South-east Asian wild pig Sus sp. L'Homme de Dmanissi Homo georgicus , il y a 1 ans. Cut and tooth mark distributions on large animal bones: Upper jaw fragment of the.

Morphometric variation in the Badger Meles meles: Clinal variation in cranial size and shape across Eurasia. Morphometric and genetic variation among badger populations. Craniometric variation in the Eurasian badger, Meles meles. External brain anatomy in relation to the phylogeny of Caninae Carnivora: Gli elefanti fossili di Riano Roma. Tale of two rhinos: Cenozoic Mammalian Herbivores from the Americas: Reconstructing ancient diets and terrestrial communities.

Mammalian herbivore communities, ancient feeding ecology, and Carbon isotopes: Cenozoic terrestrial ecosystem evolution in Argentina: Evidence from Carbon isotopes of fossil mammal teeth. Ancient feeding ecology and niche differenciation of Pleistocene mammalian herbivores from Tarija, Bolivia: An early Pleistocene interglacial record from an intermontane basin of central Italy Scoppito, L'Aquila. Les restes de Blaireau en contexte archeologique: Presencia de Mammuthus sp.

Does hypostosis represent any increase in "ontogenetic stress" along the Neanderthal lineage?. Transitions in human evolution and faunal changes during the Pleistocene in Lantium Central Italy. Paleoanthropological and paleoecological implications of the taphonomy of sabertooth's den. Captive hyaena bone choice and destruction, the schlepp effect and Olduvai archaeofaunas. Fossil proboscideans Mammalia from the vicinities of Varna: The fossil proboscideans of Bulgaria and the importance of some Bulgarian finds — a brief review.

The Turolian proboscideans Mammalia of Europe: Influence of paleoclimatic changes in the middle and late Pleistocene on the composition of small mammal faunas: Late Pleistocene distribution and diversity of mammals in Nothern Eurasia. Three ways to be a saber-toothed cat. La Solana del Zamborino. The skull of Orce: The Olduvai buffalo Pelorovis and the origin of Bos. The large carnivores from 'Ubeidiya early Pleistocene, Israel: Early Pleistocene "hominid remains" from southern Spain and the taxonomic assignment of the Cueva Victoria phalanx.

Presence of the African Machairodont. Presence of the african saber-toothed felid. Reply to Gibert et al. Gradual evolution in the African hunting dog lineage Systematic implications. A new species of bull from the Early Pleistocene paleoanthropological site of Buia Eritrea: Parallelism on the dispersal of the genus Bos and the Acheulian culture. The large fossil mammals from Buia Eritrea: Systematics, biochronology and paleoenvironments. Presence of the Asian origin Bovini, Hemibos sp. Hemibos gracilis and Bison sp. Large- and small-mammal distribution patterns and chronostratigraphic boundaries from the Late Pliocene to the Middle Pleistocene of the Italian peninsula.

Large mammals dispersal events at the beginning of the late Villafranchian. Diet and co-ecology of Pleistocene short-faced bears and brown bears in Eastern Beringia. The oral anatomy of Artic ruminants: Phylogeny and speciation of felids. Molecular insights into the evolution of the Family Bovidae: Response of Italian Late Neogene and Quaternary large land mammals to climatic and vegetation change. Classification of mammals above the species level. ERS dating the villafranchian in France and elsewhere: Variability and sexual size dimorphism in carnivores: Carnivores, biases and Bergmann's rule.

Plio-Pleistocene large carnivores from the Italian peninsula: Diversity and turnover of Plio-Pleistocene large mammal fauna from the Italian Peninsula. Mendoza, M; Janis, C.