This usually implies rich soil or loam, suitable for growing plants. This is a very general term and can refer to our planet, a piece of land, the ground, and more. This often refers to something you can measure, but is used generically as well. Every town has its own rules and collection methods concerning this. L'unione fa la forza: Cooperativa La Quercia Inno all'acqua: The above is a simple conditional statement. So we have another hypothetical situation.
Il principe ranocchio - Part 1 of 2. If we break down a conditional statement into its two clauses, we come up with these basic elements. Here are some examples where the person is the same in both parts of the sentence. To get even more practice, keep on using the model, but change the adjectives, the subjunctive verb, and the conditional verb along with the person.
Johnny Stecchino
Otherwise, they can be included in the verb in both the conditional and the subjunctive. It can get tricky between the first and second person, which have the same endings, and between the third person and polite second person, which have the same endings see conjugation charts. Even though the grammar itself might seem daunting and complicated, before you know it, verbs in the subjunctive will become part of your everyday Italian speech. In English we use the present simple or progressive to indicate the future, or we use the auxiliary verbs "going to" or "will.
Dico, ma io vengo anche subito, vado a casa, mi cambio e torno! I say, but I'll even come right away. I'll go home, I'll change , and I'll come back! I Luoghi del Mondo - Part 14 of If you look at this song title: The accented vowel at the end gives it away.
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It's is preceded by an article, helping us to see that it's a noun. See these Yabla lessons about the future tense. When we talk casually, there are words we use to fill up silences while thinking of what we want to say next, or words that just sound good and seem to help with the flow. Using words like the ones in the list below can be quite habit forming, even if you have a limited Italian vocabulary.
Used judiciously, they can help you keep up your side of a conversation or make small talk. Vendemmia tardiva - Ep 2 - Part 6 of Devi rimanere a letto. You must stay in bed. Vendemmia tardiva - Ep 2 - Part 1 of Magari - A Magic Word. It's hard to pin down a specific meaning in English, and goes from meaning "so-so," such as in response to being asked about a film or a book to an expression of frustration or impatience used with an exclamation point , or to a filler similar to "you know" or "like.
Pick a word from the list above, and listen for it as you watch Yabla videos. Or see how many of these filler words appear in a single video. Listen carefully for the inflection, which is important. While talking to yourself, you might come up with something like the following, just to get the feeling of these filler words.
Well, kind of iffy Quindi, vedi, in pratica So, you see, basically In Italian there are different ways of saying "I love you. A mia madre invece vorrei dire To my mother, on the other hand, I'd like to say Here are some variations:.
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When falling in love, Italians have a reflexive verb all ready: Vendemmia tardiva - Ep 2 - Part 17 of The noun form stays in the masculine, although the adjective form much less common changes according to gender and number. It's practically useless to mention the infinitive because it doesn't ever get used. To get to the smallest school in Europe, you need to go up three hundred fifty steps. Caption 3, Anna e Marika: L'Epoca delle Piccole Rivoluzioni - Part 3.
Marchesi uses it in the past tense: For example, one housemate might say to the other:. Clearly, bread needs to be bought, but who's going to buy it? That detail is left to our imagination or sense of duty. The other and more complicated way is: In the above example, it's in the simple past. See how you can mix and match these ways of needing things, or needing to do things. Just keep in mind the way they work, and which is which.
Bisogna solo fare pratica! You just need to practice! At Yabla Italian, there's been plenty of talk lately about nouns. Marika has talked about nouns that remain the same in singular and plural, and nouns that have two different plurals: Il plurale - Part 2 of 2. It can be quite daunting! From that departure point, all the other notes can be recognized. Become more familiar with the different meanings of some of the above-mentioned nouns by looking them up in the dictionary of your choice, and then, learn their plurals! Daniela's recent classes on definite and indefinite articles and Marika's lessons on plurals will be of help in classifying them, as well as for finding the right indefinite article for each.
A key to learning these words might be to draw picture flashcards. There may be more than one valid answer for some of them. Usually a positive answer is expected, especially when using the conditional as in the following example. As in English, the answer may or may not answer the actual question:. Vendemmia tardiva - Ep 2 - Part 8 of When talking about finding something and losing something, trovare to find and perdere to lose are useful, too.
But perdere also has some other important common uses. Io avevo avuto un grosso imprevisto che mi fece perdere il treno per Londra. Caption 49, Anna e Marika: Il verbo avere - Part 1 of 4. Lo sapevo che non dovevo venire. Mi state facendo perdere solo tempo. Caption 40, Concorso internazionale di cortometraggio: A corto di idee - Part 2 of 2. Ma guarda che l'ho aggiustato il rubinetto, adesso perde poco! Caption 34, Un medico in famiglia - 2: Il mistero di Cetinka - Part 8 of When you let something go, you drop it, you forget about it, you let it get lost: Ti aiuto ad asciugare?
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Caption 30, Un medico in famiglia - 2: Be on the lookout for these particular meanings of perdere. Soon enough all these meanings will become familiar to you. And when you next miss a train, or a flight, or have a leaky faucet, or get lost, or waste time, ricordatevi remember that perdere is a word da non perdere not to be missed. Italian uses the verb ricordare to express remembrance on such occasions. In Quando When , one of his most famous songs, Pino sings about, among other things, ricordi memories. Fra i ricordi e questa strana pazzia E il paradiso che forse esiste Among memories and this strange madness And a paradise that might exist Captions , Pino Daniele: Ah, un'altra cosa che volevo ricordare ai nostri amici di Yabla Captions , Anna e Marika: Un Ristorante a Trastevere.
The preposition a to —sometimes connected to an article, as above—goes between ricordare and the person getting reminded. In the above example, the direct object is cosa. But when the indirect object is a personal pronoun, the spelling shifts, as in the following example, where ti stands for a te to you. See an explanation and chart of Italian indirect object pronouns here. E tra l'altro, ti volevo ricordare che questa era una palude. Caption 15, Marika e Daniela: In the following example, the personal pronoun as indirect object is attached to the verb itself.
See more about this in previous lessons Ci gets around, part one and part two. Caption 58, Il Commissario Manara: Un delitto perfetto - Ep 1 - Part 2 of Reflections on the Reflexive. When using the past tense, as in the following example, essere to be is the auxiliary verb.
Caption 13, Anna presenta: Things get a little tricky when personal pronouns are used which is a lot of the time! Notice the object pronouns and conjugated verb. But in ricordare as reminding, there are usually at least two different people involved: Ricordare and its reflexive form ricordarsi to remember: Ricordare a to remind: Ti ricorderai di comprare il pane, o te lo devo ricordare? The particles used to make up a pronominal verb are:. Rapsodia in Blu - Ep 3 - Part Ce la faccio , ce la faccio, ce la faccio.
La magia di Tribo. Rai Fiction - L'oro di Scampia: Part 11 of Its precise meaning changes according to context. Italian inverts the indirect and direct object pronouns and connects it all together into one word: Three is often seen as a magic number, and the above expression is the way Italians express this. It can mean that if two bad things happen, one more will happen to make three, and the same can hold true for good things. In fact, on the third try, Dixi does manage to stay on his little bicycle.
It has to do with going that extra mile. It means going all the way and then some:. Abbiamo fatto trenta, facciamo trentuno. Morte di un buttero Ep 8: Part 6 of Dolci delle tradizioni di Pasqua. Susanna's example about her grandfather happened to be true, but she was using it as an example.
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Because at Easter, he had to have saffron to make the Easter bread. Just as an example In buying and selling, you might find this without the conjunction: I miei capelli erano troppo disordinati. My hair was too messy. In English we use the term "dozens and dozens" to indicate a rather large amount. Alessio talks about the weight of olives compared to the weight of the resulting oil.
Italians often use their arms and legs to give approximate measurements. A man's stride will be around a meter. We need to stretch our imaginations a bit to find a viable word-by-word translation. Focalizziamoci sulla lezione di oggi. Let's focus on today's lesson. Reazione a Catena - Ep 6 - Part 5 of Di che cosa si tratta?
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What does it concern? What does it deal with? Can you find it? But if you know what to listen for, it gets easier. Reazione a Catena - Ep 6 - Part 7 of The subject is accounted for. There's another more impersonal way to say pretty much the same thing: This turn of phrase is especially effective in the negative: Remember that double negatives are quite acceptable in Italian.
When talking about finding something and losing something, trovare to find and perdere to lose are useful, too. But perdere also has some other important common uses. Io avevo avuto un grosso imprevisto che mi fece perdere il treno per Londra. Caption 49, Anna e Marika: Il verbo avere - Part 1 of 4. Lo sapevo che non dovevo venire. Mi state facendo perdere solo tempo. Caption 40, Concorso internazionale di cortometraggio: A corto di idee - Part 2 of 2.
Ma guarda che l'ho aggiustato il rubinetto, adesso perde poco! Caption 34, Un medico in famiglia - 2: Il mistero di Cetinka - Part 8 of When you let something go, you drop it, you forget about it, you let it get lost: Ti aiuto ad asciugare? Caption 30, Un medico in famiglia - 2: Be on the lookout for these particular meanings of perdere.
Soon enough all these meanings will become familiar to you. And when you next miss a train, or a flight, or have a leaky faucet, or get lost, or waste time, ricordatevi remember that perdere is a word da non perdere not to be missed. In Italian, depending on how you say it, you might have to make a quick decision: How well do I know this person, and how formal should I be? The familiar form is scusami excuse me , or simply scusa. Perdonami , scusami tanto, ma ero sovrappensiero. Caption 17, Marika e Daniela: Il verbo chiedere - Part 1 of 2.
It can be helpful to remember that in the familiar form, the mi me gets tacked onto the end of the verb: But when using the polite form you need to put the mi first, making two words: Caption 10, Il Commissario Manara: Un delitto perfetto - Ep 1 - Part 2 of If you ask a friend to forgive you, the question is: It all has to do with inflection and context. Avviato lo strumento di traduzione, si arriva a una nuova pagina che consente di creare una traduzione.
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