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Volume 1, Africa Author: Ruth M Stone Publisher: Garland encyclopedia of world music , v. English View all editions and formats Summary: Explores key themes in African music that have emerged in recent years - a subject usually neglected in country-by-country coverage emphasizes the contexts of musical performance - unlike studies that offer static interpretations isolated from other performing traditions presents the fresh insights and analyses of musicologists and anthropologists of diverse national origins - African, Asian, European, and American.

  1. The Concise Garland Encyclopedia of World Music : Douglas Puchowski : ;
  2. Maurine and Other Poems.
  3. The Faith of Phebe.
  4. An Introduction to Anthroposophy: Rudolf Steiners World View.

Charts the flow and influence of music. The Encyclopedia also charts the musical interchanges that followed the movement of people and ideas across the continent, including: Also includes nine maps and 96 music examples.

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Allow this favorite library to be seen by others Keep this favorite library private. Find a copy in the library Finding libraries that hold this item Ruth M Stone Find more information about: The first volume in the series offering a comprehensive view of African music as a vital part of the social and cultural life of its people.

With 34 expert contributors. Publisher Synopsis "This unique and thoroughly researched resource provides a dynamic and in depth perspective on world music User-contributed reviews Add a review and share your thoughts with other readers.

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Add a review and share your thoughts with other readers. Similar Items Related Subjects: Folk music -- Africa -- Encyclopedias. Popular music -- Africa -- Encyclopedias.

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  • H.G. Wells Die Zeitmaschine als Spiegel der Zeit (German Edition).
  • 1st Edition.
  • The Garland encyclopedia of world music. Volume 1, Africa (Book, ) [].
  • Birthday Boy.
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    Already read this title? Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience this may cause. Exclusive web offer for individuals. The Garland Encyclopedia of World Music: Africa 1st Edition Ruth M.

    Douglas Puchowski (Editor of The Concise Garland Encyclopedia of World Music Volume 1)

    Add to Wish List. Toggle navigation Additional Book Information. Summary Explores key themes in African music that have emerged in recent years-a subject usually neglected in country-by-country coverage emphasizes the contexts of musical performance-unlike studies that offer static interpretations isolated from other performing traditions presents the fresh insights and analyses of musicologists and anthropologists of diverse national origins-African, Asian, European, and American Charts the flow and influence of music.

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    Bestselling Series

    Table of contents Volume 1 1. Central and Southern Areas Brazil: Romero and Judith A. Europe The Music of Europe: The Maghrib North Africa: Overview Andalusian in Morocco: North India Film Music: Structures and Performance Practices Narrative Songs: An Overview Chinese Opera: