I. Styles de l'objet, signes du lieu

On the one side were the progressive and energetic Positivists who, taking full advantage of the tools of the Industrial Revolution and a Guizot-type laissez-faire brand of governmental capitalism, were rapidly industrializing the French countryside in the name of Progress and Science.

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This age-old struggle—as exemplified in the twentieth century, for example, by C. Although dozens of French literary works and paintings from the s might be cited as examples of this prevailing public attitude, it is perhaps fitting that the French novelist and caricaturist Albert Robida be singled out. Thus, it appears to have been a convergence of many different factors which dictated that Jules Verne, despite the enormous popular success of his Voyages extraordinaires , was not recognized as an important literary figure in France during his lifetime.

Of course, no simple answers can be given to such a complex question.

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  • In the preceding pages, I have discussed several different hypotheses to account for why I believe Jules Verne did not or could not become part of the French literary canon during his lifetime. But two facts are inescapable: As Verne explained to one of his American interviewers in Hetzel fils sold his rights to the novels to the large publishing house Hachette in Sales immediately picked up, the strategy was seen as an unqualified business success, and the two series continue today.


    During the late s and early s, several new critical studies on Verne and his romans scientifiques appeared from within the very heart of the French literary community. Whereas Butor integrates Verne solidly into the French literary heritage, Carrouges links Verne to the mythological origins of all Western literatures and concludes his richly suggestive psycho-historical study of these human archetypes by concluding:.

    In the wake of this sudden influx of scholarly and semi-scholarly publications into the French belles lettres marketplace, Verne and his Voyages extraordinaires began gradually to emerge from hallowed oblivion. Let us take a closer look at the details of this Vernian renaissance in France during the s and s.

    Talk:French proverbs

    It appears to have occurred in two successive waves, peaking in the years and The first crescendo seems to have been generated by two scholars in particular: The impetus given to the study of Verne by the many events of continued through the end of the decade and into the next. For example, an early harbinger of things to come, Jules Verne and his Voyages extraordinaires were cited for the first time in and in two academic anthologies of French literary history: Prado nous rappelait la permanence.

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