In addition, we compiled a list of potential PoS — broadly construed — and sent them a call for participation. Further persons were added that satisfied one of two criteria: For a , all home pages of philosophy departments T were searched as summarized by the Department of Philosophy at Bielefeld University The questionnaire and all other material were in German. An English translation was used at a later stage for PoS who did not speak German.
The questionnaire asked participants for: Points 2 — 5 explicitly referred to the years to No content-based exclusion criteria for philosophy of science were used. As a consequence, this overview understands philosophy of science in a broad sense. Furthermore, participants were effectively required to have philosophy of science as only one of their research foci rather than their main research focus. Initially, two formal exclusion criteria were applied.
The first criterion re- quired that each participant had indicated at least one publication. We dropped this criterion later, as only one person would thus have been excluded. The sec- ond criterion pertained to qualifying as a PoS in Germany. To be included in the data analysis all persons had to be associated with a German institution e. Due to this, one person was excluded, resulting in persons. See Table 1 for a detailed overview. In addition, we address the representativeness of the sample of participants and its completeness.
T Firstly, let us focus on the distributions of positions. To this end, we distin- guish between: For that reason we did not count visiting and interim professorships, which are temporary in nature. AF non-professors, we always chose the position with the highest academic degree including habilitation.
In all cases, the current position as of the year Fig. Most frequent were professors, followed by postdocs and emeriti. However, we were not able to confirm this impression based on the list of potential PoS described in Sect. Concerning predocs, postdocs, and PDs there was much less information available on the home pages of philosophy departments compared to, for example, professors.
DR In contrast, professors and emeriti did not seem to be underrepresented. Compared to the estimate of twenty-eight to thirty-five philosophy of science professorships for the years to by Lyre a, p. This conclusion is supported by the fact that of the list of potential PoS only ten professors and emeriti did not respond to our inquiries. All others either participated or told us that they did not consider themselves PoS. In sum, these results suggest that the survey data allows for reliable infer- ences about the philosophy of science community in Germany. However, at the same time more weight to publications, foci of research, etc.
Of the professors in the narrow sense Furthermore, none of the apl. These results indicate that women are underrepresented in the German phi- losophy of science community. Moreover, one might be inclined to regard the high percentage of female junior professors as progress in terms of gender ra- tio balance.
However, the large percentage of female junior professors was not backed up by a sufficiently high percentage of female predocs, postdocs, and PDs. To this end, we distinguished between research areas e. We also summarize the most frequent official foci of research among professors in a broad sense professors of sorts 4 — 7 , as determined by the name of the professorship.
In all cases, multiple categories were allowed. In terms of research areas, philosophy of the natural sciences was way more popular than philosophy of the humanities and the social sciences. In fact, philosophy of physics alone scored more than twice as many votes as the whole area of philosophy of the humanities and social sciences combined. The exceptionally high number of votes for general philosophy of science is DR partly due to the fact that often specific research topics, such as causality were given, without a qualification by research area.
We shall now address the areas of specialization among professors in the broad sense, that is of sorts 4 — 6. To this end, we classified professorships according to the name of the professorship. Such an approach is viable, since in Germany professorial titles encode the area of specialization of the professor. One of the present authors rated the professorships accordingly and the categorizations were double-checked by a second author.
No disagreement was found. Overall categorizations of professorships resulted, for which multiple categories were allowed. In fifteen cases two categories applied, and one profes- sorship qualified for three categories. The publications were required to be 1 authored or edited, 2 submitted or published between and , and 3 published in some form. For 3 , the manuscript had to be i published by a publishing house or journal, ii DR in press, iii available online, or, in the case of theses, iv associated with an institution.
By 1 and 3 one translation and three manuscripts were excluded, respec- tively. Moreover, although the survey asked explicitly for publications between and , twenty-two publications were prior to To avoid excluding too many publications from the data analysis, we decided to exclude only the oldest publication, which was from the 60s. The remaining publications before were all from or later. The same edition and journal paper was referred to twice in four and two cases, respectively. We included all duplicates in the data analysis, since we were interested where philosophers publish their most important work.
To this end, duplicates matter as well, since both of these authors or editors chose that journal or publisher over others. Table 2 describes the types of publications used for the data analysis. Note that proceeding contributions were subsumed under book contributions. For the categorization as German and non-German-based see text. In addition, three unpublished habilitation theses, one unpublished PhD thesis, and one university-based website were listed, all of which were categorized as monographs.
Table 2 summarizes the average number of publication types e. PoS had indicated different journals and different publishers, not including archive publications and publications on departmental homepages or such. T The results indicate that PoS in Germany published their most important research primarily in journals, followed by book contributions and monographs. The percentage of journal-based publications seems high, since in philoso- phy book-based publications, especially monographs, are traditionally preferred.
The average number of publications per publication type and their stan- dard deviation suggests that participants used a blend of different publication formats, by including journal papers, book contributions, and monographs. On the other hand, for these publication types the standard deviation was high. This indicates that this pattern varied strongly. Let us now determine which journals and publishers were most frequently chosen.
When the publication was a thesis or a department-based website, the corresponding university was taken as the publisher. With respect to book-based publications the following complication arose. DR Some publishers own other publishers: When a publisher owned an- other publisher, the publications of the owned publisher were counted as pub- lications of the owning publisher. The only exception were cases, in which the owned publisher was among the most frequently chosen ones, as described in Fig.
However, the only such case was Ontos. Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics was the only journal among the most frequently chosen ones, that focuses on special philosophy of science i. Among book-based publications, De Gruyter came out as most popular pub- lisher with In addition, of all book-based publications, Springer, Mentis, Ontos, and De Gruyter made up roughly Of the authored publications, These results indicate that PoS in Germany prefer to publish most of their most im- portant results individually, in contrast to other disciplines.
We also addressed the publication language of the authored publications. To this end, we distinguished between i German, ii English, and iii other. In case a publication was available in more than one language, the English version was chosen. A German version was used when a German but no English version existed. T Of the authored publications Note that also for German language publications English language abstracts are often available, since this is often required by journals and pub- lishers.
Note that many German-based journals and publishers are clearly international. On the other hand, there exist also journals and publishers that are non-German-based but national with respect to other nations. A publisher was categorized as German-based if its operative center was in Germany. A journal counted as German-based if its chief editor was located in Germany. In case the journal did not have a chief editor, the majority of members of the editorial board were required to be German-based.
The information for the categorization was obtained by web-based research. Table 2 describes the frequency distribution for German-based and non- German-based publication types. Table 2 also specifies for each publication type the percentages of German-based and non-German-based publications.
For journal pub- lications non-German-based journals were preferred, whereas for monographs PoS chose German-based publishers rather than non-German-based publishers. Let us now summarize the results for journal-based and book-based publi- cations separately for German-based and non-German-based publications. Of the non-German-based journals, Synthese, Philosophy of Science, and the British Journal for the Philosophy of Science accounted for 5 The percentage of encyclopedia editions was negligible and, thus, encyclopedia editions are not discussed here.
Furthermore, of the different journals chosen by PoS, 35 were German-based whereas 66 were non-German-based.
For book- based publications, the results closely resemble the pattern for the overall sample of book-based publications. This is to be expected, since in the overall sample the six most popular publishers were German-based. Moreover, in total 80 German- based publishers had been indicated by PoS in contrast to 44 non-German-based publishers. Concerning non-German-based publications in a book format note the fol- T lowing.
To this end, the following types of externally funded research projects were distinguished: The quantitative analysis in this section is based on the number of individual projects rather than their financial volume. Henceforth, we refer to this type of projects simply as projects. In case a sub-project was reported to be a part of a larger unit and the sub-project was comparable to an individual project, the sub-project was included. If no such sub-project was listed for a larger unit, the larger unit was admitted and received a vote equal to a single sub-project.
In addition a number of larger units was reported, such as research units and collaborate research cen- ters, for which typically three or less sub-projects were indicated. This supports our hypothesis that non-professorial philosophers were underrepresented, since often researchers apply for externally funded projects in order to secure funding for positions of non-professorial collaborators. We also determined to which degree individual PoS were involved in exter- nally funded projects.
Models Of Gravity: Past Events
Of the participants reported an involvement in externally funded projects with a focus on philosophy of science. Let us now focus on the length of the individual projects. The average length of the research projects was 3. These projects were mainly research training groups, encyclopedia projects, and edi- tions of the collected work of individual philosophers and scientists. It amounted to forty-six years. We also inquired whether the number of projects increased in recent years. To this end, the average year was calculated as well as the standard deviation, based on the beginning and end of the project.
AF The average year of all projects was and the standard deviation was 5. This result suggests that the majority of projects in philosophy of science took place after the year Although participants might have tended to report more recent projects, the finding is too strong to be fully accounted for by this preference.
Rather, this phenomenon seems to be largely due to overall increase of short-term and project-based positions in the humanities and the sciences in Germany in recent years. Let us now explore the research areas in which the projects fell as well as the funding organizations of the projects. For this purpose, we took as basis the total number of non-duplicate research projects. To this end, we also included DR financed research semesters, funded conferences, and workshops, resulting in projects. To determine the most frequent areas of research of the projects, two of the present authors rated the projects independently and both authors discussed and resolved their disagreement.
In all cases multiple categories were allowed. This might be due to the following facts. Firstly, research in some areas e. Secondly, philosophy of science seems to profit from projects with different but related foci, such as formal projects, insofar as philosophers associated with 6 We give here only a rough estimate of the length of the research projects, since the beginning and the end of the projects was elicited only in terms of years.
In case no end date was given — since it was still on-going as of the year — we used the year as the default value. Let us now focus on the funding institutions of the externally funded research projects. For several of the projects more than one funding source was named, resulting in a total of references to funding organizations. In twenty- one cases a project had two funding organization and in four cases there were more than two.
Finally, we investigated to which degree the funding of projects was based on institutions outside of Germany. One of the present authors categorized all funding institutions according to the the following categories: Edelstein Foundation , 3 binational funding institution e. Of the funding organizations We also calculated the total number of projects that involved funding organization outside Germany. The academic positions are listed alphabetically according to i city, ii name of the institution, and iii department or faculty if applicable.
In addition, we differentiate between 12 Akademischer Rat and 13 Akade- mischer Oberrat, where 13 is the senior version of In contrast to 1 — 11 , 12 and 13 describe civil servant positions. Note that the categories 1 academic associate, 2 research associate, 3 academic assistant, and 7 lecturer are heterogeneous.
For these positions, we added information based on research on the web. Moreover, these positions may differ from positions with the same label outside Germany e. T For professorships there exist two classifications: The old classification of professorial positions discriminates between C3 and C4 professorships, where C4 professorships are equipped with a higher salary. The categories C1 and C2 refer to non-professorial or non-regular professorial posts. The new classification of professorial positions differentiates between three types of professorships. W2 and W3 positions describe traditional professorships, AF where W3 professorships are furnished with a higher salary.
In contrast, W1 positions are junior professorships. Junior professorships have been installed in Germany several years ago as an alternative to the traditional habilitation process. However, at present there are only a few junior professorships available in philosophy. In addition, there are non-regular professorships apl. Professor of Philosophy since For research foci see Department of Philosophy, University of Bonn.
Professor and Akademischer Oberrat auf Zeit since The Philosophy of Science of N. For research foci see Department of Philosophy, University of Rostock. Past 1 Gregor Betz, Postdoc — Fischer, Lecturer since Metaphysics of the Sciences, esp. Dispositions and Laws of Nature. Past 1 Elena Ficara, Lecturer Postdoc, — Philosophy and History of the Life Sciences. Carsten Seck, Predoc and Post- doc — DR i Philosophy of Science, esp. Kant and the Vienna Circle. Past 1 Holger Andreas, Assistant Postdoc, Past 1 Ulrich Frey, Predoc — Economics Financial Markets and Statistical Physics.
Kaiser, Research Associate Predoc and Postdoc, since Past 1 Anna Leuschner, Predoc — Past 1 Reiner , Research Associate — Past 1 Eckhart Arnold, Predoc — Past 1 Gerhard Schurz, C3 Professor — Philosophical Naturalism as Fundamental Metaphysics for Scientists. Reydon, Research Associate Post- doc, — Reydon, Junior Professor of Philosophy of Biology since Past 1 Herbert Breger, Apl.
Past 1 Oliver R. Scholz, Reseach Associate with habilitation, — Past 1 Elke Brendel, C3 Professor — Scholz, C1 Research Assistant Postdoc, — History and Philosophy of Modern Physics. Theory Formation in Business Ethics and Economics. Past 1 Marie I. Kaiser, Research Associate Predoc, — Measures of Probabilistic Coherence and Confirmation.
Probabilistic Approaches Formal Epistemology. Professor, and Interim Profes- sor —, Retired since Past Uwe Meixner, Academic Associate with habilitation, — Past 1 Eckhart Arnold, Postdoc — Logical Empiricism , and iii Models and Causality. In fact, all survey participants were required to select and rank their most important publications in philosophy of science according to their importance. In addition, lower numbers indi- cate higher importance.
We also marked those publications that were indicated by two PoS with an asterisk. Firstly, the survey only asked for publications in philosophy of sci- ence. In addition, we did not require survey participants to have philosophy of science as their main research focus, but only as one of their research foci.
As a consequence, the list below does not cover excellent publications in other areas than philosophy of science. Secondly, each philosopher of science was allowed to indicate maximally five publications. Moreover, some PoS in Germany did not participate in the sur- vey. For these reasons, the list below also leaves out first-class publications in philosophy of science. T However, given the large number of participants see Sect. Gegen eine kulturalistisch AF reformierte Epistemologie.
Nationalkultur im sozialwissenschaftlichen Kontext Teil II. Studia Culturologica Series, 26, 89— Die kulturwissenschaftliche Erkenntnisauffassung als Regress zum primitiven Denken. Religion as a Cognitive System. Patterns of Expla- nation and Causality. Unterbestimmtheit und pragmatische Aprioris. Vom Tribunal der Erfahrung zum wissenschaftlichen Prozess. William James in the New Millennium pp. In Lebenswelt und Wissenschaft. Das Erkenntnisproblem und der Wissensbegriff in der philosophischen Tradition.
Eine kritische Unter- suchung im Ausgang von Quine und Davidson. Deductive Reasoning in the Structuralist Approach. Studia Logica, 5 , — A Structuralist Theory of Belief Revision. Journal of Logic, Language, and Information, 20 2 , — Semantic Challenges to Scientific Realism. Journal for Gen- eral Philosophy of Science, 42 1 , 17— Synthese, 3 , — New Account of Empirical Claims in Structuralism.
Synthese, T 3 , — Cambridge Scholars Publish- ing. On the Limits of a Promising Approach. Philosophy of Science, 77 4 , — A Simulation-Based Approach and its Limits. A New Science of Politics? Causal Explanation Beyond the Gene: Manipulation and DR Causality in Epigenetics. Eve-Marie Engels and Thomas F. The Reception of Charles Darwin in Europe. Journal for General Philosophy of Science, 42 2 , — Scientific Models in Philosophy of Science.
Past Events 2016
University of Pittsburgh Press. When Scientific Models Represent. International Studies in the Philosophy of Science, 17 1 , 59— Mechanisms Past and Present. Philosophia Naturalis, 42 1 , 1— Perspectives on Science, 10 3 , — Modelling Extended Extragalactic Radio Sources. Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics, 31 1 , 49— Die Wissenschaft und ihre Methoden. A Model for Science Kinematics. Studia Logica, 52 4 , — A Theory of Binary Crises. Ein Weg durch die analytische DR Erkenntnistheorie. A Structuralist View on General Relativity. Erkenntnis, 39 3 , — Synthese, 1 , 91— Knowledge and Represen- tation.
With a Case Study from Spatial Cognition. Cognitive Pro- cessing, 10 1 , 63— Animal Minds and The Possession of Concepts. Philosophical Psychology, 20 3 , — Why Metrical Properties are not Powers. Synthese, 12 , — Uncovering Deterministic Causal Structures: Synthese, 1 , 71— AF Erkenntnis, 78, 85— Philosoph- ical Quarterly of Israel, 36 3 , — Canadian Journal of Philosophy, 40 3 , — Synthese, 1 , 93— A Transformation of Normal Science. Computer Simulations from a Philosophical Perspective. Journal for General Philosophy of Science, 40 2 , — Probabilistic Modeling in Physics.
On the Concept of Mass in Special Relativity. Philosophia Naturalis, 41 1 , 1— Privileged, Typical, or not even that? Journal for General Philosophy of Science, 37 2 , — How Controversy Improves Our Beliefs. The Method of Possibilistic Prediction. Der Umgang mit Zukunftswissen in der Klimapolitikberatung. Eine Fallstudie zum Stern Review. Philosophia Naturalis, 45 1 , 95— Dimensionen einer sozialphilosophischen und episte- mologischen Figur.
Social Dissatisfaction and Social Change. Nietzsche und die Experimentalisierung des Lebens. Das Experiment im Spannungsfeld von Freiheit und Zwang. Probierstein und Versuchskunst bei Kant. The Growth of Mathematical Knowledge. A Restoration that Failed: Oxford Uni- versity Press. Tacit Knowledge in Mathematical Theory. Philosophical, Epis- temological, and Historical Explorations pp.
Natural Numbers and Infinite Cardinal Numbers. Paradigm Change in Mathematics. The Art of Mathematical Rationality. What Kind of Rationalist? Die Grundlagen der Naturwissenschaft. Karl Poppers Philosophie der Physik: Das Postskript zur Logik der Forschung. Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger, 58 2 , — Systematische Untersuchungen zur Erkenntnis- und Wissenschaft- stheorie.
Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger, 51 1 , 76— Philoso- AF phie, Neurowissenschaften, Ethik pp. Philosophisches Jahrbuch, 2 , — Journal for General Philosophy of Science, 38 2 , — Dialectica, 58 1 , 89— Knowledge, Contextualism, and Moorean Paradox. Contexts, Values, Disagreement pp. Mind, , — Philosophie der semantischen Paradoxien. Gottesbeweise vor dem Hintergrund der modernen Wis- senschaft. Das Nicht-Begriffliche in der Logik. Evidential Support and Instrumental Rationality. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 87 2 , — Theory Assessment and Coherence.
Busse, Ralph DR 1. Dialectica, 63 4 , — Philosophia Naturalis, 45 2 , — Grundprobleme der Eigen- schaftstheorie. Facta Philosophica, 10 , — Facta Philosophica, 9 , — Philosophie der Mathematik 3rd. Journal for General Philosophy of Science, 36 1 , 15— Le concezioni della logica di Preti. Wissenschaft ist Theorie und Kunst zugleich. Science in the Context of Applica- tion. Changing Laws and Shifting Concepts. On the Nature and Im- pact of Incommensurability. The Completeness of Scientific Theories. The Case of Physical Geometry. What is Wrong with the Miracle Argument? DR Casini, Lorenzo 1.
Many Words, One Thing? Models for Prediction, Explanation and Control: Mental Causation and Physical Causation.
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Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society. The Concept of Discovery Rediscovered. History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences, 30 1 , 7— Matthias Jakob Schleiden — Historical Studies in Science and Judaism, 3, — Journal for Gen- eral Philosophy of Science, 41 1 , 61— Cambridge Uni- versity Press. Christian, Alexander AF 1. Ein Beitrag zum De- markationsproblem. On Bayesian Measures of Evidential Support: Theoretical and Empirical Issues. Philosophy of Science, 74 2 , — Towards a Grammar of Bayesian Con- firmation. British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, 64 1 , — Verisimilitude and Belief Change for Conjunctive Theories.
Erkenntnis, 75 2 , — Statement and Solution of a New Paradox. Philosophy of Science, 77 1 , 1— Epistemology and the Philosophy of Science. Constructive Empiricism and the Metaphysics of Modality. British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, 58 3 , — What can Bas Believe?
Musgrave and van Fraassen on Observability. Analysis, 66 3 , — Can the Constructive Empiricist Be a Nominalist? Quasi-Truth, Commitment and Consistency. Constructive Empiricism and the Vices of Voluntarism. Inter- national Journal of Philosophical Studies, 17 2 , — Pragmatic and Diachronic Aspects of Structuralism. The Heritage of Conventionalism. A Reconstruction of Marxian Economics. On some Notions of Struc- T turalim. Axiomathes, 20 , — Engels, Eve-Marie DR 1. Charles Darwins geheimnisvolle Revolution.
Vierzehn Begegnungen mit philosophierenden Forschern pp. Xenotransplantation — Eine neue Freisetzungsproblematik. Wissenschaftstheoretische und ethische Aspekte ihrer Risikobeurteilung. Die Lebenskraft — metaphysisches Konstrukt oder methodol- ogisches Instrument?
History and Philosophical Significance pp. Konfligierende Ideale der ange- wandten mathematischen Forschung: Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte, 25 3 , — Essays in History and T Philosophy pp. Between Timelessness and Historiality: On the Dynamics of the Epistemic Objects of Mathematics.
Das bunte Geflecht der mathematischen Spiele. Mathematische Semesterberichte, 41 2 , — AF Ernst, Gerhard 1. Die Zunahme der Entropie. Time, Change and Reduction. Philo- sophical Aspects of Statistical Mechanics. Das Problem der Induktion. Ulises Moulines zum Enra- honar, 37, 77— Holism in Philosophy of Mind and Philosophy of Physics.
Naturphilosophie als Metaphysik der Natur. Quantum Entanglement and a Metaphysics of Relations. Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics, 35 4 , — European Journal for Philosophy of Science, 3 1 , 19— On Solidity and Rigidity. The World and the Worlds. Themes from Suppes pp. Fahrbach, Ludwig AF 1. Das Ende der Paradigmenwechsel. Nachdenken und Vordenken — Herausforderungen an die Philosophie pp. Theory Change and Degrees of Success. Philosophy of Sci- ence, 78 5 , — Synthese, 2 , — Pro- ceedings of 31st International Wittgenstein Symposium in Kirchberg, pp.
A Critical Account of Subatomic Re- ality. Die wissenschaftliche Revolution der Naturphilosophie im Die Form der Materie. Zur Metaphysik der Natur bei Kant und Hegel. History and Philosophy of Logic, 34 1 , 35— Heidegger e il Problema della Metafisica. T Fischer, Florian 1. On the Asymmetry of Endurantistic and Perdurantistic Coex- istence.
Philosophia Naturalis, 49 1 , 43— Das Problem der Persistenz.
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Metaphysische Notwendigkeit und ihre Grenzen. Semiotica, 68 , — Braucht die Wissenschaft eine Theorie? Journal for General Philosophy of Science, 26 2 , — Science in Context, 5 1 , 5— Wahrheit, Konsens und Macht. Austrian Journal of Historical Studies, 20 1 , — Philosophia Naturalis, 45 1 , 65— Kognitive Fehler in der Wissenschaft und ihre evolutionsbiologischen Grundlagen. Naturalized Philosophy of Science. Theorie, Praxis, Probleme pp. Friebe, Cord AF 1. Zeit — Wirklichkeit — Persistenz. Temporal Existence and Persistence in Spacetime.
Philosophia Naturalis, 49 1. Teilen, Trennen und Vereinen: Journal for General Philosophy of Science, 35 2 , — Tropenontologie, Kants Substanz-Kategorie und die Quanten- mechanik. Philosophia Naturalis, 41 1 , — Friederich, Simon DR 1. Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics, 42 3 , — Philosophia Mathematica, 19 1 , 1— European Journal for Philosophy of Science, 3 2 , — Erkenntnis, 73 1 , 67— Interpreting Heisenberg Interpreting Quantum States.
Philosophia Naturalis, 50 1 , 85— Inconsistency, Asymmetry, and Non-Locality. Causal Reasoning in Physics. British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, 60 3 , — No Place for Causes? Causal Skepticism in Physics. European Journal for Philosophy of Science, 2 3 , — Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics, 36 4 , — Zwischen Logik und Literatur. Erkenntnisformen von Dichtung, Philosophie und Wissenschaft. Logik und Rhetorik der Erkenntnis. Nach der Mitschrift von Rudolf Carnap. Holism, Underdetermination, and the Dynamics of Empirical Theories. Synthese, 1 , 69— Theorien-Netze und die logische Struktur ethischer Theorien.
On Innertheoretical Conditions for Theoretical Terms. Erken- ntnis, 32 2 , — A Case Study from Astronomy. Journal for General Philosophy of Science, 43 2 , — A formal framework for representing mechanisms? Philoso- phy of Science, 81 1 , — Causal Graphs and Biological Mechanisms.
The Case of Biology and History pp. Solving the Flagpole Problem. Journal for General Philos- ophy of Science, 44 1 , 63— For a Better Understanding of Causality. T Metascience, 21 3 , — An Answer to two Pseudo Problems? Logical Thinking in the Pyramidal Schema of Concepts.
Was ist logisch ein Begriff und wie kann er eine Geschichte haben? Climate Change and Policy. From Science to Computational Science. Zum Wandel der Wissenschaft im Zeitalter des Computers. Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics, 41 3 , — Orientierungsbedarf, Zukunftswissen und Naturalismus. Eine Theorie der Technikwissenschaften.
Coherence and Diversity in the Engineering Sciences. Die konstitutive Rolle von Technik in der Konstruktivis- tischen Wissenschaftstheorie. Gutmann, Mathias AF 1. Journal for General Philosophy of Science, 27 1 , 29— Species as Cultural Kinds. Towards a Culturalist Theory of Rational Taxonomy.
Theory in Biosciences, 3 , — Concepts of Functional, En- gineering and Constructional Morphology. Schweizerbart Science Pub- lishers. Menschenbilder und Meta- phern im Informationszeitalter. Metaphor DR or Model? Philosophy, Computing and Informa- tion Science. The Nexus and the Liminal pp. Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics, 32 2 , — The World as a Process. Simulations in the Natural and Social Sciences. Solving the Riddle of Coherence. Hedrich, Reiner AF 1. Raumzeitkonzeptionen in der Quantengravitation.
Von der Physik zur Metaphysik. Physikalische Verein- heitlichung und Stringansatz. Anforderungen an eine physikalische Fundamentaltheorie. Journal for General Philosophy of Science, 33 1 , 23— Has Spacetime Quantum Properties? Re- trieved from http: Heidelberger, Michael DR 1. From Mill via von Kries to Max Weber. Causality, Expla- nation, and Understanding. Profession an einer Hochschule Vortrag und Workshops Wo: Varenna, Comer See, Italy Deadline for application: University of Oldenburg, Room W2 When: In this talk we discuss the evolution of Wilson loops in Lifshitz-likebackgrounds which can describe anisotropic quark-gluon plasma using theholographic approach.
We evaluate the Wilson loops in both static andtime-dependent cases. The anisotropic time-dependent plasma is dual toLifshitz-Vaidya background, while we use a black brane in theLifshitz-like spacetime for a finite temperature plasma in equilibrium. To probe the system we calculate Wilson loops oriented in differentspatial directions.
We find that anisotropic effects in the Lifshitz-likebackgrounds are more visible for the Wilson loops lying in thetransversal direction unlike the Wilson loops partially oriented inthe longitudinal one. Sergei Kopeikin, University of Missouri Title: Dennis Raetzel, University Potsdam Title: As Einstein's equations tell us that all energy is a source of gravity, light must gravitate.
However, because changes of the gravitational field propagate with the speed of light, the gravitational effect of light differs significantly from that of massive objects. In particular, the gravitational force induced by a light pulse is due only to its creation and annihilation and decays with the inverse of the distance to the pulse. We can expect the gravitational field of light to be extremely weak. However, the properties of light are premisses in the foundations of modern physics: Studying the back-reaction of light on the gravitational field could give new fundamental insights to our understanding of space and time as well as classical and quantum gravity.
In this talk, a brief overview is given of the gravitational field of light pulses in the framework of general relativity. A glimpse is caught of the gravitational interaction of two single photons which turns out to depend on the degree of their polarization entanglement. The symbolic computer algebra package xAct for Mathematica is an efficient tool for abstract differential geometric calculations.
The speaker will review basic features of xAct and some of its applications in General Relativity. In the second part of the talk I will present more advances xAct tools based on spinors to elaborate the special geometry of the Kerr spacetime. Important consequences of the special geometry are symmetries and conservation laws for fields on the Kerr spacetime, including Maxwell and linearized gravity. University of Oldenburg, W2 When: They balance their energy budget by liberating potential energy through accretion of matter into super-massive black holes. Due to their high luminosity, they are ideal test bodies which can be observed almost throughout the entire Universe's history.
As ever so often in astrophysics, we are confronted with the problem of exceedingly long evolutionary timescales of individual objects which are not accessible to direct observation. In the talk, the speaker will adress several problems related to the evolution of individual objects as well as that of entire ensembles of AGN, an example being, for instance, the processes limiting the mass growth of black holes.
Kartenausgabe am Donnerstag, Status and future prospects Where: The presentations at the meeting will cover all aspects of the detection and the science associated with the gravitational wave event. The meeting is targeted towards a general physics audience. It should be particularly valuable to graduate students and non-experts who might be interested in a broad introduction to the subject. More information and registration. Causal Structure, Propagators and Quantization" Abstract: In this talk we consider general linear Electrodynamics, the theory of Electrodynamics which is defined through a liner constitutive law.
The best known application of this theory is the effective description of Electro-dynamics inside linear media including for example birefringence. We will analyze the classical theory of the electromagnetic potential A thoroughly before we use methods familiar from mathematical quantum field theory in curved spacetimes to quantize it. Our analysis of the classical theory contains the inversion of the principal symbol of the field equations, the construction of the causal structure on the basis of the constitutive law, which replaces the metric one uses in Maxwell Electrodynamics, the construction of the inverse of the field equations and the Puli-Jordan propagator and the classification of the classical symplectic phase space of the theory.
This classical analysis then sets the stage for the construction of the quantum algebra of observables and quantum states. University of Hannover, Room , Appelstr. Bad Honnef, Germany What: Since the first experimental realization of Bose-Einstein condensation in ultracold atomic gases in , there have several substantial breakthroughs. Today, systems of bosonic or fermionic quantum gases allow for a very high level of experimental control concerning all ingredients of the underlying many-body Hamiltonian.
The underlying trapping geometry can be designed to be harmonic, anharmonic or, recently, even box-like which mimics a quasi-uniform potential. Furthermore, the shape of the two-particle interaction can be modified from the short-ranged and isotropic contact interaction to the long-ranged and anisotropic dipolar interaction.
In particular the possibility to tune the strength of the contact interaction to basically any attractive or repulsive value with the aid of the Feshbach resonance allows nowadays to probe quantum fluids in regimes and under conditions hitherto unavailable. Since it has even been experimentally achieved to also tune the kinetic energy of the many-body Hamiltonian by producing synthetic spin-orbit coupling. This nourishes the prospect to generate for neutral atoms abelian gauge fields, as they appear in electromagnism for charged particles, but also non-abelian gauge fields, as they occur in the standard model of elementary particle physics.
Therefore, quantum gases are considered to be ideal quantum simulators, i. Black strings are static solutions to Einstein's vacuum field equations in spacetimes with a compactified dimension. The horizon of such an object wraps the compact dimension. I will explain in detail how we constructed black string solutions in a critical regime, in which the horizion is close to pinching off. The use of an appropiately designed pseudo-spectral scheme allowed us to obtain very accurate and unprecedented results.
In particular, we observed three clearly pronounced turning points in the curves of thermodynamic quantities, resulting in a spiral curve in the black string's phase diagram. Without exceeding the limits of the concordance cosmological model, all-scale scalar and vector perturbations of the homogeneous background are derived analytically for arbitrarily distributed inhomogeneities discrete gravitating masses as their nonrelativistic sources. Moreover, the uniform matter distribution limit as one more crucial test is easily passed as well. It is rigorously proven that gravitational attraction between inhomogeneities is governed by Yukawa law, covering the whole space and coming up to take place of Newtonian gravitation, which is restricted exclusively to sub-horizon distances.
The finite time-dependent screening length amounting to 3. The definition of Yukawa interaction range is generalized to the extended cosmological model with extra continuous perfect fluids and nonzero spatial curvature. Nanoskalige Knoten in der Magnetisierung, sogenannte Skyrmionen, sind zum Gegenstand intensiver weltweiter Forschungsanstrengungen geworden, da man mit ihnen neuartige Konzepte der hochdichten magnetischen Datenspeicherung realisieren kann.
Joris Verbiest , University of Bielefeld "Pulsar Timing Tests of Gravity" Abstract Millisecond pulsars are highly stable "Einstein" clocks that often inhabit extreme gravitational environments. In many ways, they're ideal probes of extreme gravity. Consequently, they are regularly used for tests of relativistic gravity -- and might even lead to a direct detection of nHz gravitational waves in the near future.
In this talk, I will briefly review the various types of radio pulsars that are known to exist and discuss some of the more typical and most sensitive gravity tests performed with these pulsars. Furthermore, I will review the current efforts at making a direct detection of gravitational waves through pulsar timing; and will clarify which types of sources could be observed and investigated with such a detection. Finally, I briefly present what can be looked forward to in the context of gravitational-wave science with pulsar timing in the coming decade.
The case of non minimal derivative coupling" Is there a window for alternative theories? Recently the LIGO and VIGRO collaborations reported the observation of gravitational-wave signal corresponding to the inspiral and merger of two black holes, resulting into formation of the final black hole. It was shown that the observations are consistent with the Einstein theory of gravity with high accuracy, limited mainly by the statistical error.
Angular momentum and mass of the final black hole were determined with rather large allowance of tens of percents. Here we shall show that this indeterminacy in the range of the black-home parameters allows for some non-negligible deformations of the Kerr spacetime leading to the same frequencies of the black-hole ringing.
This means that at the current precision of the experiment there remains some possibility for alternative theories of gravity. University of Groningen, Netherlands We cordially invite you for the sixth edition of our annual Quantum Universe symposium, which will take place in the Smitsborg at the Zernike campus in Groningen on Thursday, March This symposium will highlight recent developments at the intersection of astronomy, astro- particle physics, cosmology, mathematics and subatomic physics.
In particular, the special topic of this year will be the recent developments and extensions of Einstein's theory of general relativity, which was discovered years ago. The keynote speakers of this year's edition include Heino Falcke, Subir Sarkar and Erik Verlinde, in addition to a number of national and local speakers. More information plus registration can be found on the website.
You have to register separately for these classes, and there is a limited number of places available. Please register if you are planning to come; we look forward to having you over in Groningen! Christian Knoll , University of Oldenburg Title: This talk is the defense of the Speakers' Master Thesis. The main result is the solution of the angular part of the Dirac equation in the geometry of the five dimensional Myers-Perry black hole with equal angular momenta. The Speaker will begin to introduce the formalism and fix the notation for the Dirac equation in curved spacetimes.
After that the Speaker briefly consider the Dirac equation in the geometry of the Kerr black hole. The decoupled Dirac equation of Chandrasekhar is reproduced using a method from the literature. A minimal example is constructed and some physical interpretations are discussed. One set of special solutions to the angular equations is derived.
Next is the Dirac equation in the geometry of the five dimensional Myers-Perry black hole with equal angular momenta. Again, the equations are decoupled using a method from the literature. A minimal example is constructed with which some physical interpretations are discussed. The angular equations are solved. The last part involves possible future work.
A possible condition for physical solutions to the complete equations considered before is discussed. The Dirac equation in the Myers-Perry black hole geometry with equal angular momenta in any uneven dimension is formulated. Schlaues Haus , Oldenburg Wann: Karen Schulze-Koops is giving a seminar talk on the results of her Diploma Thesis. The Thesis deals with general-relativistic ray optics in a plasma. In particular, the Sachs equations for light bundles in a plasma are derived and a brief outlook on possible applications to cosmology is given.
The talk will be in Englisch.

University of Bielefeld, Lecture Hall 10 When: A big challenge of modern astrophysics is understanding the origin of radio emission spread over the volume of some galaxy cluster. This emission is a mystery because it requires relativistic electrons moving around magnetic field lines, but both the origin of the magnetic fields and of the electrons are unknown. At the same time, the new eROSITA X-ray satellite is going to provide us with a wealth of new data on the most distant and less massive galaxy clusters and groups. In this talk, I will review our current knowledge about magnetic fields and cosmic ray particle sin galaxy clusters, and I will illustrate the potential of the new generation of radio instruments to answer the many open questions about the origin and evolution of magnetic fields an cosmic rays.
Present and future experiments aim to distinguish between a cosmological constant, a dark energy fluid, and modifications of gravity. Most modified gravity models involve at least one scalar field coupled to matter. An environmental dependance eventually leads to a screening mechanism suppressing long-range fifth force effects in galaxies, in the solar system and in laboratory experiments. Three possible screening mechanisms have been proposed: In this seminar, I will focus on chameleon and K-mouflage models.
After a description of the scalar field dynamics in different contexts, and of the linear cosmological perturbations, I will give a review of the cosmological, astrophysical, and laboratory constraints that can be set on chameleon and K-mouflage models, including constraints from Lunar Laser Ranging and from atom-interferometry experiments. Subatomare Teilchen prallen dort mit nahezu Lichtgeschwindigkeit aufeinander. Die Forscher hoffen, damit dem "Geheimnis des Urknalls" und somit der Entstehung des Universums auf die Spur zu kommen.
Jan Ingo Flege Titel: Etwa 50 Jahre nach der Aufstellung wesentlicher Grundlagen des Standardmodells zum Aufbau massiver Teilchen aus Elementarbausteinen, sogenannten Quarks, herrscht in der Teilchenphysik eine neue Aufbruchsstimmung: LHCb Collaboration , Phys. Gudrun Wolfschmidt , University of Hamburg "The Einstein-Tower in Potsdam - A monument with cultural significance as well as for the history of science" Obwohl schon in kurzer Zeit experimentelle Beobachtungen wie z.
Die Raumfahrt wandelte dieses Bild. In diesem Spannungsfeld zwischen praktischer Anwendung und Grundlagenforschung liegen die Aufgaben der Raumfahrt. University of Oldenburg Speaker: Relativity Theory is a cornerstone of physics. Since its conception over a centruy ago, it has been scrutinized experimentally with ever increasing precision, but no credible evidence for departures from its underlying symmetry. Lorentz invariance - has been found to date.