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Religion, Race, and the American Presidency | Journal of Church and State | Oxford Academic

The role that race and religion play in American presidential elections is attracting national attention like never before. The presidential candidates reached out to an unprecedented number of racial and religious voting constituencies including African Americans, Latinos, Muslims, Mainline Protestants, Catholics, Evangelicals, Jews, women, the non-religious, and more.

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Religion, Race, and the American Presidency focuses on the roles of these racial and religious groups in presidential elections over the last forty years, and in elections since in particular. Drawing upon survey data, interviews, and case studies of recent presidents, the contributors examine the complicated relationships between American presidents and key racial and religious groups.

3 editions of this work

The paperback edition features a new capstone chapter on the elections. Olson, Corwin Smidt, Katherine E.

  1. Старый дед и внучек (перевод П.Н. Полевого) (Russian Edition).
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  6. Sombras del pasado (Bianca) (Spanish Edition).

Stenger, and Adam L. Mainline Protestants and the American Presidency. Catholics and the American Presidency.

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  • Seculars and the American Presidency. Women Religion and the American Presidency. Catholics and the American Presidency. Seculars and the American Presidency.

    Religion, Race, and the American Presidency

    Women Religion and the American Presidency. Jews and the American Presidency.

    Religion and the American Presidency - Panel III - The Modern Presidency II

    Muslims and the American Presidency. Asian Americans Religion and the American Presidency. Latinos Religion and the American Presidency. Religion Race and the Presidential Election.

    Barack Obama

    Questions for Pittsburgh Interviewees. About the Editor and Contributors. African Americans Religion and the American Presidency.