9.3 Ator / Atriz

Referensia Schmelzer, Ronald V. Brozo , Using the critical incident technique to determine reasons for success and failure of university students, Journal of College Students Personnel, 28 3: Ildefonso da Silva Artigu ida ne e nia objetivu mak atu esplika projetu peskiza ida kona-ba labarik nia halimar fatin iha Timor-Leste. Dezenvolvimentu sira ne e mak fundasaun importante bainhira labarik sai ema adultu. Labarik sempre hakarak halimar. Atividade halimar hatudu labarik sira nia abilidade atu dezenvolve no haburas rasik sira nia hanoin no isin.

Maneira halimar oi-oin ne e bele inklui halimar ativu hanesan desportu no halimar halai, halimar livre no kreativu, nomos halimar imajinasaun no teatru. Loron-loron labarik iha Timor-Leste han tempo barak halimar ho ativu no livre. Bainhira sira halimar hanesan ne e sira aprende abilidade importante barak. Fornesedor treinamentu ida-idak iha nia programa rasik. Prioridade foun mak atu estabelese: Sira fahe informasaun, rekursu no hanoin Veerman, Se ema ruma hakarak aprende klean liu kona-ba tanba saida mak halimar importante, planeamentu halimar fatin, no oinsa halo ekipamentu halimar fatin, ami rekomenda Ita-Boot haree PGI nia rekursu.

Projetu nia Prosesu Projetu ne e identifika oinsa labarik sira halimar iha Timor-Leste agora dadaun. Porezemplu, dulas roda, uza papelaun kaixa hodi halo kareta ka trek, ka uza buraisa hodi halimar. Bainhira ami dehan halimar fatin susesu, ne e La iha baliza ka lutu atu halo labarik sira seguru husi kareta, motor no animal oi-oin. La bele halimar iha liur tanba manas liu no la iha mahon.

Membru komunidade uza area halimar fatin durante oras eskola nomos depois oras eskola. Halimar fatin nia ekipamentu balun a at ka susar atu halo manutensaun. Figura 1- Husi livru Matadalan hatudu oinsa bele resolve problem dezafiu ne e liu husi kuda ai-moris. Prosesu ne e mak sai matadalan ba Projetu Halimar Fatin Lospalos. Matadalan ne e esplika katak importante halimar fatin fornese oportunidade atu labarik sira bele halimar ho maneira oi-oin. Halimar Ativu hanesan halai, haksoit, sae, halimar boi, halo namdoras no halo rolu.

Halimar oin tolu ne e mak parte importante iha labarik nia dezenvolvimentu sentimentu no dezenvolvimentu hanoin ka matenek. Fornese fatin ba tipu halimar oi-oin sira ne e mak maneira diak ida atu uza espasu iha halimar fatin. Sira nia objetivu mak atu halo ligasaun entre labarik nia halimar fatin iha liur no saida mak ita hatene kona-ba dezenvolvimentu labarik ki ik. Komprende ligasaun entre halimar fatin no ambiente iha area ne e.

Hanoin kona-ba ligasaun entre atividade oi-oin iha halimar fatin. Hanoin kona-ba tipu halimar oin hira mak labarik sira bele halimar iha halimar fatin no oinsa buat ne e sei muda tuir tempo. Refere ba oinsa labarik sira bele halo mudansa iha sira nia fatin. Tenke klaru halimar fatin nia parte oi-oin uza atu halimar saida.

Buat ne e karik bele inklui oportunidade ba labarik atu foti risku, hanesan sae aas ka haksoit tun. PGI a,b Projetu nia Rezultadu: Mestre eskola apresia tebes oportunidade atu dezenvolve labarik nia abilidade oi-oin. Primeiru ami halo diskusaun ho ema oi-oin kona-ba oinsa labarik sira gosta halimar. Depois mak ami fahe labarik nia gosta no atividade halimar seluk ba grupu tema balun. Halimar fatin ne e hasoru dezafiu tanba besik estrada boot. Etapa primeiru iha prosesu halo halimar fatin ne e mak kuda ai-moris. Bele hetan ezemplu husi analiza halimar fatin iha Figura 4 no 5.

Ezemplu ida mak bainhira ekipamentu halimar halo ho besi. Iha fatin barak mosu besi-teen no ne e perigozu ba labarik sira. Halimar fatin sira ne e halo ho kualidade diak no dala barak ema pinta besi hodi la bele mosu besi-teen. Ezemplu seluk mak bainhira ema uza material ai-tali hodi halo halimar fatin.

Ema barak uza material ai tali no ai-tali tahan iha Timor-Leste. Material ne e bele hetan iha fatin barak, la karun, bele troka, no ema barak hatene halo konstrusaun uza material ai-tali. Porezemplu ita bele uza material ai-tali hanesan eskada, atu halo uma ki ik ba labarik sira halimar iha laran, ka hodi halo lutu ki ik ba area halimar rai-henek. Bele hetan ezemplu husi analiza hamilar fatin iha Figura 4 no 5. Figura 4 no 5 - Ezemplu husi analiza halimar fatin iha Rezultadu peskiza hatudu katak atividade halimar bainhira labarik sei ki ik importante loos atu harii sosiedade forte ida.

Labarik Timor-oan matenek loos halimar livre, no halimar livre importante loos ba labarik nia prosesu dezenvolve a an. Skills For Life and Learning. An informational guide to young children s outdoor play spaces. Retrieved December from Deklarasaun ida ne e hateten katak dezenvolvimentu nu udar dalan ida hodi implementa direitu ida ne e ho paz no sustentabilidade. Maske nune e intervensaun hirak ne e seidauk atinje sira nia rezultadu.

Hau nia peskiza investiga asuntu hirak ne e iha Timor-Leste.

  • Volume I. Timor-Leste: Iha contextu lokal, rejional no global - PDF.
  • Novembers Children!
  • macboasva | LibraryThing.

Tuir La o Hamutuk Husi tinan to o iha hau halo peskiza ba hau nia PhD. Hodi hala o peskiza ida ne e hau rona istoria husi partisipante hamutuk Ema Timor ho nia identidade oin-oin. Wainhira la uza no haburas tan Situasaun ida ne e kria divizaun entre sidadaun baibain no ema elite sira.

Partisipante sira hateten katak fiar malu, sai nain no servisu hamutuk mak prinsipiu hirak ne ebe importante tebes. Partisipante Timoroan hateten katak sira iha rasik kapasidade bo ot hodi halo mudansa. Sira hamoe ita povu Timor, ita nia kultura no ita nia identidade. Partisipante balu hatudu sira nia frustrasaun tamba iha nivel sosiedade no identidade oin-oin ne ebe kompleksu no hateten katak todan ba sira hodi haree no komprende didiak kultura Timor nian.

Mai hau, relasaun entre ema mak importante liu. Sira senti relasaun ba malu hanesan relasaun kontra malu mak barak. Maske nune e peskiza ida ne e hatudu katak iha fallansu bo ot rua iha sistema dezenvolvimentu ne ebe agora dadaun implementa hela iha Timor-Leste. Tuir hau nia haree katak presiza iha mudansa fundamental ba ita nia teoria no pratika dezenvolvimentu. Hodi la o ba oin ema indijena rasik mak tenki kaer no sai nain ba prosesu dezenvolvimentu hirak ne e no tenki uza rasik sira nia prosesu harii paz Indijena nian hodi transforma konflitu.

Savaging the disciplines, Aboriginal Studies Press, Canberra. Hohe , Traditional power structures and local governance in East Timor: Geneva, Graduate Institute of Development Studies. Hare e fali politika cash transfer 1 nao- kondisional iha Timor-Leste Antisidente Peskiza Therese Nguyen Thi Phuong Tam Nudar estadu demokratiku post konflitus, Timor-Leste TL sei infrenta defikuldade oi-oin atu asiste nia sidaduan vulneraveis sira hodi responde sira nia nesesidade ho satisfeitu nudar hatur iha konstituisaun RDTL espesifikamente mensiona iha artigu o, 21 o no 56 o.

Respetivamente mensiona kona ba direitu idozu sira atu simu protesaun espesial ruma husi estadu. Estadu iha responsasbilidade atu promove no proteze ema difisientes sira. Estadu mos iha responsabilidade atu organiza sistema siguransa sosial hadi fornese ajudu posiveis ba nia sidadaun vulneraveis no marjinalizadu sira.

To o ohin loron sistema siguransa sosial evolui no habelar ona. Durante 12 anos pasadu governu implementa ona politika asistensia sosial oi-oin iha formas transferensia osan nao-kondisional no kondisional, ajudus aihan, in-kind transfer, no servisu work-for-cash 2. Esperiensia transferensia cash iha nasaun seluk uza mos ba rekover krize ekonomiku ruma, dezastre naturais sira, ka responde ba kondisaun hafoin sai husi funu nian Homes Iha Timor- Leste Cash transfer konsege redus numeru pobreza exteme nune e mos ajudu ba populasaun rendementus ki ik sira.

Hafoin konflitus internal iha , hamosu internal displaced people IDP 3. Ema nia uma barak maka hetan sunu no estragus. Responde ba situasaun ida ne e governu implementa transferensia cash no programa work-for-cash ba populasaun vulneraveis sira: Iha hamosu programa hasae transferensia osan nao-kondisional ba idozu no veteranu sira. Mosu mos kritiku no komentariu oi-oin konaba programa hirak ne e. Tan ne e estudu kona ba impatu programa tranferensia osan persija avalia hodi hetan oinsa sidadaun sira, ukun nain sira, no benefisiarius sira hanoin kona ba programa ne e.

Desde implementasaun programa transferensia osan nao condisionadu ba idozus sira, seidauk halo estudu ida atu avalia programa ne e nia impatu sira. Iha asuntus oi-oin foti husi publiku kona ba implementasaun programa ne e: Objetivu peskiza ida ne e tenta atu hetan oinsa nia sustenabilidade no prospek politika transfer osan ba ferik no katuas sira nebe halo parte iha politika sosial iha nasaun depois konflitu hanesan Timor-Leste.

Identifika mos dezafius no obstakulus mosu durante estabelesementu no implementasaun sistema ne e, atu hetan karik utilizasaun subsidiu ne e ho objetivu bele hadia prosperidade no moris diak idozus sira nian. Objectivu importante ida maka atu hetan karik utilizasaun subsidiu ne e koloka iha finalidade nebe lo os: Pezkiza ne e realizadu ho aproximasaun deskritivu no kualitiativu. Prosedur kolesaun de dadus: Bahu, Uailili, 2 Viqueque: Lihu, Talimoro, Taraso, 4 Bobonaro: Konseptualizasaun Orijin konseitu direitu ba bem-estar bele deskobre husi obra matenek nain Thomas Marshall sinteza akresenta iha direitu sidadania baziku 3: Konseitu Siguransa Sosial bazeia ba konseitu akresenta iha artigu 22 husi Deklarasaun Universal direitus Humanus nian, sidaun ida-idak iha direitu atu hetan siguransa sosial.

Social Protection Floor Fundasaun ba 1 Program fo subsidu ba benefisiarius sira lu meius fo osan direitamente. Bazeia ba komponentes tolu; primeiru, asuransia social, sengundu assitensia social, no terseiru programa ba merkadu traballo nian Camnahas Maibe direitu bem estar aplika no sistematizadu ona iha nasoens kapitalistas osidentais sira no marjinalizada iha nivel global. Liu-liu, bainhira hamosu aproximasaun post development, ema la fiar katak estadu bele responsavel ba bem estar nia ema sira.

Nune e Dean, , 6 mos konklui katak: Papel prinsipal husi estadu providensia welfare states no politika sosial iha kontextu global la konsege ona distribui rekursus ka fornese direitamente ba nesesidade nia povu nian, maibe ajuda nia sidadaun maneija nia problema rasik. Administrasaun direitu bem estar tuir lolo os, tenki fo dalan ba ajuda an rasik self-provisioning , prudensialismu, no hamosu etiku individualistiku nebe haforsa responsabilidade pesoal.

Preokupasaun ba nia sustentabilidade assitensia sosial iha Timor-Leste Desde Timor-Leste simu guvernu tranzitional husi Estadu Unidus, Ministeriu Solidariedade Sosial tipus asistensias sosial oin-oin; Programa bolsas ba inan no labarik sira, programa ajudu dezastre naturais sira, asistensia humanitaria ba IDP sira. Program ida ne e hetan kritika barak husi sosiedade sivil no mos husi Igreja 4.

Politika tranfer osan ne e kusta tebes no lai iha garantia katak nia iha posibilidade para kontinua iha futuru. Iha tabela 1 hatudu katak despeza estadu kuaze hanesan ho PIB domestika nao-petrolieru. Ida ne e signifika katak se bainhira ita la iha ona fundu petroliferu ita sei labele manten nivel protesaun sosial nebe e halao dadaun iha rai laran.

Tanba orsamentu estadu depende barak liu ba reseitas petroliferu nian nebe loron ida sei mohu. Lakuna entre politika no implementasaun Sistema Mekanismu transferensia osan ba idosos sira: Area nebe la asesua ba estradas, ferik katuas sira tenki ba simu sira nia osan iha postu sud-distritus sira. Mekanismu pagamentu liu husi bank hahu iha tinan nebe halao iha districtus hanesan: Antes de pagamentu MSS publika uluk sira nia dadus fulan ida antes dadus edital hafoin sira entrega lista hirak nee ba chefe suco, iha nivel suco, chefe suco iha responsabiliza atu verifika ka identifika familia nebe karik muda sai 4 Peskizador halo audencia direitamente ho Bispo de Dioceze Baucau Bainhira verifika tia MSS entrega fali ba banku atu transfer osan sira ba kada benefisiarius sira nia konta bankaria.

Husi Diresaun Nasional ba Seguransa sosial, Ministerio Social e Solidariedade Faltas de kontrolu no monitorizasaun iha prosesu pagamentu nian: Akontese kazu barak nebe hatudu failansu tekniku no mos falta mornitorizasaun husi autoriadade lokal no mos husi orgaun kompetente. Ofisiais husi postu Administrativu Baucau hato o nia preokupasaun hanesan tuir mai ne e: Dadus dizabilidade sira sae makaas tebes ohin loron iha Sub-Distritu Baucau hamutuk tuir dadus verifikasaun nina.

  • ¡Acabad ya con esta crisis! (Spanish Edition).
  • Volume I. Timor-Leste: Iha contextu lokal, rejional no global.
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  • Standards of Practice in Construction Specifying.
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Iha kasus hanesan sira nebe mate ona, sira mosu fali iha lista banku nian. Dadus barak konfusu no laloos, hannensan exemplu Sr. Sergio, advogadu ida, nia banin mane nunka simu nia direitu idozo nian bainhira nia sei moris too nia mate la simu buat ida. Hau deskonfia karik banku iha duplu konta bankaria maibe hau sidauk hetan evidensia loos.

Iha suco Beasu, banku la tun to o ba suco ne e, funsionariu banku nee hein deit iha postu sub-districtus selu idozos sira iha neba. Xefi Aldeia hateten katak iha idozus nain 7 seidauk simu sira nia direitu de subsidiu, iha akontesimentu ida, idozus ida aluga kareta rasik ba postu sub-distritu simu nia osan idozus nian. Sira selu tia osan aluga kareta, klaru sira hela deit osan oituan liu.

Iha mos experiensia katak, ferik ida nia desmaia no monu tanba nia forma kleur liu iha loron manas. Iha Watulari, chefe suco Matahoi haktuir katak: Failansu komunikasaun entre ministeriu financaas no autoridade lokal sira Xefi aldeia iha Maliana deskreve kata nia servisu administrativu relasiona ho karta deklarasaun nia halo: Bainhira benefisiariu ida mate, sira tenki entrega sira nia kartaun eleitoral, xefi aldeia tenki halo deklarasaun no haruka relatoriu ba MSS atu suspende tia nia pagamentu, maibe dala ruma MSS la hasai ema nebe mate ona nee nia naran husi lista refere.

Hau tenki admiti katak hau kontinua asina lista atu nunee membru familia sira bele simu osan atu hadia rate no hadia labarik sira nia moris. Em jeral, iha , sub-distritu Baucau pur exemplu, lamenta barak liu kona ba mudansa sistema pagamentu nian. Instituisaun diferente iha Baucau iha lamentasoens hanesan katak: Iha parte seluk director ba assunto Idoso e Deficiente konfia katak politika selu liu banku mak loos no bele detekta falhansu barak, nia sublinha katak: Liu husi entrevista nebe deskobri katak entre idosos 20, nain 16 iha oan nain 1 to o 3 iha servisu, 3 idosos iha oan nain 4 to o 6 hetan servisu.

Ida ne e hatudu katak mais ou menus katuas no ferik sira iha potensia finanseiru husi nia oan sira. Iha parte seluk, ho montante susidiu nebe governu fo, maioria informantes husi peskiza ida ne e lamenta katak osan nebe sira simu ne e kiik tebes compara ho folin sasan sira iha merkadu causa husi inflasaun nebe sae ass tebes. Tuir sira nia hanoin subsidiu nebe sira hetan ladun ajuda sira buat barak. Avo feto ida ho tinan 64 iha suku Taroso, posto de administrativa Railaco hatuir katak: Ami simu osan husi governu, sim, mas osan ida ne e lai iha liu valor.

Hanesan ita boot hotu hatene, folin sasan agora sae makas. Kuandu hetan moras ami la bele depende ba tratamentu gratuitu iha hospital tanba tratamentu ne e la efectivu liu. Alende ida ne e mediku sira sempre haruka ami ba sosa tan aimoruk iha Famarcia. Relasiona ho utilizasaun osan subsidiu ne ebe hetan, iha observasaun oi-oin husi autoridade lokal no mos husi informantes rasik. Hanesan xefe Suco Luka, Districtu Viqueque hateten katak, em geral, tuir tradisaun Timor nian, osan nebe Idoso sira hetan sempre gasta ba obrigasaun tradicional nian katak gasta ba lia mate no lia moris mak barak liu.

Nia hanoin la diferente ho opiniaun administrador Viqueque nian: Politika subsidiu ida ne e diak, maibe nia bele halo ema sai baruk ten, no dependente de mais ba, nia oan sira mos hein loos deit subsidiu nee. Atualmente osan targeta ba iiidosos sira maibe iha realidade sira la uza mesak. Sira tenki partilla ba sira nia oan sira no bei oan sira. Tuir respostas husi informantes sira ne ebe hatudu iha tabela 3 katak barak liu sira dehan usa osan subsidiu ba sosa aihan ho distribui fila fali ba sira nia bei oan sira.

Gastus barak monu ba konsumu baziku. Ne e signifika katak subsidiu so ajuda deit taka lakuna konsumpsaun ba neseidade baziku kauza husi inflasaun. Notas finais no Rekomendasaun Assume katak subsidiu nee funsaun temporal ba flutuasaun presu no inflasaun iha Timor- Leste. Programa asistensia sosiais balun falta avaliasaun no mekanismu monitorizasaun atu deteta mal jestaun ruma. Problema tekniku iha organiza, komunikasaun, kordenasaun bele hamosu lakon fiar ba malu no konflitus. Resitas idosos partilla mos ba membru familia sira seluk nebe moris hamutuk ho sira. Iha tendensia depedensia oan sira ba subsidius idozus hirak ne e.

Gastus ba subsidiu nee laos sempre ba finalidade diak, ema oituan liu investe sira nia osan iha insentivus produtivus ruma. Liu peskiza ida ne e peskizador tenta hato o sugestaun balun mai husi informantes sira no mos husi peskizador rasik. Ofisais observador guvernu local iha Maliana sugere katak subsidiu ba idoso sira diak liu halao pagamentu iha banku. Iha nivel sub-distritus, tenki iha nia fundus rasik atu nunee bele halo sira nia census rasik atu nunee sir abele kontrolu no monitor numerous uma kain iha aldeias iha sub-distritus.

Too oras nee, sira hein deit ba lista populasaun husi xefi sucos sira. Husi parte peskizador nia mos sujere katak sistema teknika tomak nebe liga ho prosesu avaliasaun, pagamentu, kontrolu persisa hare fila fali. Formasaun regular ba funsionario sira servisu iha sistema ida ne e precise fo atensaun didiak. Social auditing bele uza ba program ida ne e hodi identifika ero ou mal-jestaun, ou cazu korupsaun balun involvidu. Precisa mos kooperasaun metin entre institusaun sira no komunidade sira. Hadia mos koordinasaun no komunikasaun entre Ministerius Saude, Sosial no Solidariedade, no Estatal para kontrola prosesu verifikasaun documentu ba kliente sira no mos facilita prosesu pagamentu bele lao ho diak.

Precisa peskiza ou estudu komparativu iha rai seluk hodi examina oinsa sira implementa sira nia program proteksaun sosial liu liu iha area non-conditional cash-transfer nian. What is in it for health? An analysis of the Media s treatment of conditional Cash transfer in Brasil. Violensia Domestika refere ba kualker asaun, ka asaun lubuk ida, ne ebe komete ona iha situasaun familiar nian, ne ebe mak membru familia ida kontra fali kualker membru seluk husi familia ne e, ida ne ebe iha relasaun ne ebe bele influensia, hanesan fisika ka ekonomia, ne ebe resulta, ka bele rezulta, estragus ka sofrementus fiziku,seksual ka piskolojiku, violasaun ekonomiku no mos ameasa mak hanesan asaun hata uk, violensia fiziku, baku, koersaun, asediu, ka prevesaun liberdade nian RDTL Maun boot sira no inan sira baku ami.

Mane barak mak dehan sira raan nakali no lakon kontrolu ba sira-nia emosaun bainhira sira la konkorda ho buat ruma FGD5, FGD Entao feto raan sira hateten karakteristika xave ba laen diak mak nia kalma no bele kontrola sentimentu hirus. Karik nia bosok de it hodi dehan katak nia moras entaun nia presiza hanorin nia hodi baku nune e nia bele muda ninian hahalok tuir ita-nia kultura FGD9.

Sira pratika saida mak sira haree no labarik feto sira barak mak isin-rua bainhira sira sei idade ki ik. Dala-barak mak sira lakohi isin-rua tan sira sei dauk prontu atu harii umakain. Feto raan sira hateten karakteristika xave ba laen diak mak kalma no abilidade atu kontrola nia sentimentu hirus. Looking to the needs of domestic violence victims, The Asia Foundation, Dili. Bennett L and Manderson L , Introduction: Studies in Social Justice 1 1: True , Gender mainstreaming in a post-conflict state: Hyati , Bride-price and domestic violence in Timor-Leste: Politics, history and culture, Routledge, London.

A veteran of Timor-Leste's independence movement, iha S. Steps towards democracy and equality in Timor-Leste. Community leadership and gender equality: Hosi lian hirak nee, maizumenus 20 hosi familia Austronezia, no iha lian 5 mak ema baibain bolu Papua ka naun-austronezia. Iha lian ida mak la hanesan lian sira seluk, nee mak Tetun Dili ema hanaran mos Tetun Prasa. Lian nee laos suku ida nian, maibee Timor-Leste tomak nian.

Uluk, kuaze Timor oan hotu-hotu koalia sira nia lian rasik iha uma, no Tetun Dili uza deit bainhira koalia ho ema hosi suku seluk. Maibee agora ita rona ema koalia Tetun Dili iha fatin barak. Iha peskiza nee, autor sira uza dadus hosi sensus ho , ho mos informasaun hosi livru ho mapa uluk nian, atu buka-hatene, oinsa mak Tetun Dili espalha iha Timor-Leste laran. Populasaun hira mak koalia Tetun Dili iha uma? Sira nee hela iha nebee? Ami mos buka-hatene, tanba saa mak ema muda hosi sira nia lian seluk hodi koalia fali Tetun Dili iha uma.

Sensus rua nee husu pergunta kuaze hanesan kona ba lian nebee mak ema koalia iha uma laran. Iha sira husu, Lian Inan: Lian dialetu ne ebe bainbain koalia iha uma? Dadus sensus rua nee folin boot, maibee iha limitasaun oioin. Primeiru mak pergunta nebee la klaru. Ita la hatene, sira husu kona ba lian nebee mak ema koalia uluk bainhira sei kiik ka, lian nebee mak sira agora loro-loron koalia iha uma. Iha ema barak, liu-liu iha Dili, mak uluk koalia lian lokal, maibee agora koalia Tetun Dili. Problema segundu, respondente sira bele hili lian ida deit, maski ema balu baibain koalia lian rua ka liu iha uma.

Se nunee, ita la hatene, sira hili lian ida nebee mak sira koalia barak liu ka, ida nebee sira senti iha status boot liu ka, ida nebee mak hatudu sira nia huun. Iha mos diferensa balu entre sensus rua nee. Iha , so populasaun ho idade 6 ba leten mak tenki hatan pergunta kona ba lingua. Nunee, ba mos ami uza dadus ba ema tinan 6 ba leten deit. Sensus foo sai dadus too nivel suku nian, maibee lae, tanba momentu nebaa governu hamenus numeru suku iha Timor-Leste.

Tetun Dili nudar lian uma laran nian iha Tuir dadus sensus , Mapa 1 - Porsentu populasaun nebee mak dehan sira koalia Tetun Dili iha uma, tuir sensus Hosi mapa nee, ita bele haree katak, iha fatin balu porsentu Tetun Dili boot loos. Fatin hirak nee mak kapital Dili, fatin balu iha rejiaun Mambae nian, ho mos sidade Baucau ho Maliana. Iha mos fatin barak, porsentu Tetun Dili kiik-oan liu. Tetun Dili hosi uluk too Molok tempu Indonezia, dadus kona ba lingua iha Timor Leste laduun barak.

Maski nunee, ita hatene katak Tetun Dili sai lingua franka Bahasa perhubungan kleur ona. Iha , ema Portugal ida naran Gomes hakerek iha karta ida kona ba lingua iha Timor-Leste. Nia dehan iha suku hotu-hotu nia bele hetan ema ruma nebee koalia Tetun Dili, maibee atu halao servisu nudar misionariu, presiza aprende lian lokal.

Tuir Grimes , iha , ema koalia Tetun Dili nudar lian inan, kuaze hotu-hotu iha Dili. Ema nebee hatene Tetun Dili, maski la koalia iha uma, maioria hela iha parte loro-monu. Tabela tuir mai hatudu lian nebee mak ema tinan 6 ba leten koalia iha uma. Populasaun iha foti hosi National Statistics Directorate , Dadus kona ba lingua iha tuir Grimes Nee dehan katak, hosi populasaun nebee mak koalia Tetun Dili iha uma, kuaze sorin balu hela iha munisipiu selu-seluk. Bele dehan, Tetun Dili laos Dili nian ona. Munisipiu tolu nee dook liu hosi kapital Dili.

Suku sira nee, 24 iha sidade Dili. Ita bele siik katak, iha mos maioria iha suku 24 nee koalia Tetun Dili iha uma. Iha tan suku 53 nebee laos iha munisipiu Dili. Ita siik dehan iha maioria iha suku hirak nee la koalia Tetun Dili iha uma. Nee dehan katak, iha mudansa boot loos iha deit tinan 11 nia laran, hosi too Suku 53 nee, kuaze hotu-hotu monu iha kategoria rua: Fator boot liu mak Mambae. Hosi suku 53 nee, suku 40 mak maioria boot ema Mambae.

Fator segundu mak urbanizasaun. Suku 2 iha sidade Baucau, 2 iha sidade Maliana, ho 4 iha Bobonaro vila, maioria koalia Tetun Dili iha Iha deit suku 6 mak la monu iha kategoria rua nee, maibee hosi suku 6 nee, 4 iha ema Mambae barak ez. Hatolia , no 2 iha urbanizasaun uitoan. Ida mak Atauro Vila iha munisipiu Dili, ida seluk mak Venilale. Venilale laos sidade, maibee iha kolejiu balu nebee dada mestre ho estudante hosi Timor-Leste tomak, ho mos mestre balu hosi rai liur.

Tuir sensus National Statistics Directorate , 70 , kompara ho postu administrativu selu-seluk, Venilale nia porsentu populasaun nebee hatene lee ho hakerek lian Portuges aas liu, nunee mos ema nebee hatene lee ho hakerek Ingles. Nunee povu la presiza koalia lian seluk iha komunidade nia leet. Suku sira nee, kuaze hotu-hotu iha area remota, se lao tuir estrada, dook hosi Dili. Nunee asesu ba Dili susar, no impaktu Dili nian laduun boot. Idade Grafiku tuir mai hatudu porsentu populasaun Timor-Leste nebee koalia Tetun Dili iha uma, tuir idade. Tanba saa mak joven sira nee koalia Tetun Dili iha uma liu ema idade sira seluk?

Razaun ida mak urbanizasaun. Hosi populasaun Timor-Leste nian tomak, Komparasaun ho nasaun seluk Tabela tuir mai kompara Timor-Leste ho nasaun seluk nebee iha lingua lokal barak, no iha lian ida seluk fali nebee sai lingua franka bahasa perhubungan. Iha tabela nee, dadus balu tuan hosi tinan iha koluna dadus ba saa tinan , tanba ami buka dadus foun liu kona ba lingua la iha. Porsentu nebee mak hela iha kapital mos boot liu. Komparasaun ho tempu Portugal ho tempu Indonezia Se ita kompara Tetun Dili ho lingua Portuges ho lian Indonezia mos, ita haree diferensa boot loos.

Portugal ukun Timor-Leste kleur loos. Maibee iha , so ema Portugal ho sira nia oan sira deit mak koalia Portuges nudar lian inan. Too agora mos, ema nebee koalia Portuges iha uma, uitoan liu. Tuir sensus , iha ema 0. Iha numeru nee tuun uitoan too ema Indonezia ukun Timor-Leste durante tinan 24, no too ikus, ema barak hatene lian Indonezia. Maibee tuir sensus , so 0. Nee inklui ema Indonezia nebee hela iha Timor, ho sira nia oan. Porsentu nee la muda iha sensus Iha tabela nee, dadus kona ba Tetun ho Portuges foti hosi sensus Timor-Leste Dadus kona ba lian inan iha Indonezia foti hosi Wikipedia ba nasaun sira seluk foti hosi Ethnologue Dadus ba nasaun ho kapital ida-idak nia populasaun foti hosi Google ba tinan nebee hanesanporsentu nebee mak koalia lingua franka ho lian ofisial ba nasaun sira seluk foti hosi Wikipedia.

Primeiru, tanba saa mak ema Timor-Leste lalais loos adota Tetun Dili nudar lian uma nian? Se ita kompara ho lingua franka iha nasaun sira seluk, ka kompara ho ema uitoan liu mak adota Portuges ka lian Indonezia, mudansa nee lais loos. Segundu, tanba saa mak ema Mambae muda ba Tetun Dili lais liu ema hosi suku selu-seluk?

Resposta ba pergunta rua nee ita la bele hetan hosi sensus. Nunee diskusaun tuir mai bazeia ba ami nia observasaun rasik, ho mos ba intervista informal ho ema oioin. Tansaa mak Tetun Dili aumenta lalais loos? Bainhira ami husu inan-aman sira, tanba saa mak sira koalia Tetun Dili ba sira nia oan, barak dehan sira halo nunee para labarik sira tama eskola, sira hatene ona lian ofisial ida.

Balu dehan, labarik sira bele aprende lian lokal hosi avoo sira ka iha komunidade nia leet, la presiza aprende iha uma. Razaun ida seluk mak urbanizasaun. Hosi tempu Portugal too agora, porsentu populasaun nebee mak hela iha sidade aumenta makaas, no prosesu urbanizasaun nee lao makaas nafatin. Iha Dili, ho mos iha kapital munisipiu balu, ema hosi lingua oioin hasoru malu, no baibain koalia Tetun Dili ho malu. Iha mos ema barak kaben ema hosi lingua seluk, liu-liu iha sidade. Sira mos dala barak koalia Tetun Dili iha uma. Tetun Dili mos tama too iha munisipiu hotu-hotu liu hosi igreja, liu hosi eskola, ho mos liu hosi media masa liu-liu radio ho televizaun.

Ida nee la obriga ema atu koalia iha uma, maibee foo oportunidade ba ema atu aprende. Movimentu populasaun mos iha impaktu. Durante tempu Indonezia, populasaun barak tenki muda hosi sira nia knua ba iha fatin seluk. Komesa hosi tempu Portugal too agora mos, ema balu muda hosi munisipiu ida ba munisipiu seluk tanba eskola ka servisu.

Nunee ema balu aprende Tetun Dili tanba sira tenki hela besik ema hosi lingua selu-seluk. Maski movimentu nee la obriga ema atu muda lingua, maibee bele iha impaktu. Karik mos, iha sensus ema barak hatan dehan sira koalia Tetun Dili iha uma tanba senti nee hatudu sira nia identidade nasional. Iha , Leach et al.

Sira dehan, bainhira sira muda hosi munisipiu mai Dili, sira nia identidade nudar ema Timor aumenta, tanba sira ranxu ho ema hosi munisipiu selu-seluk. Dadus nee hatudu katak, ba estudante sira nee, sira nia identidade tuir lingua fraku loos, maibee identidade tuir nasaun forte. Tanba saa mak ema Mambae lais liu atu muda ba Tetun Dili? Peskiza nee hatudu katak, ema Mambae muda ba Tetun Dili lais liu ema hosi suku selu-seluk.

Atu kompriende klean liu, ami intervista ema Mambae oioin. Razaun ida mak nee: Fasil liu ba ema Mambae atu muda ba Tetun Dili duke ema hosi lingua seluk, tanba estrutura Mambae ho Tetun Dili besik liu, no ema Mambae barak hatene Tetun Dili kleur ona. Balu hela besik Dili duni. Balu aprende Tetun kleur ona tanba ema hosi sidade tama-sai hodi sosa kafe, balu tan lori produtu mai faan iha Dili Inan-aman sira barak dehan sira hakarak prepara sira nia oan sira ba eskola, nee mak sira koalia Tetun Dili ba sira iha uma.

Balu mos dehan, bainhira sira iha ema lingua seluk nia leet, ema Mambae prefere koalia Tetun Dili atu sira seluk mos bele kompriende. Atu hatene razaun seluk, presiza peskiza ida klean liu, tanba ami senti razaun hirak nee la too. Nee sei iha impaktu oinsa? Impaktu balu pozitivu, tanba labarik sira sei domina Tetun Dili molok atu tama eskola. Nunee fasilita sira nia edukasaun, no fasilita mos povu atu akompanha dezenvolvimentu politika iha nasaun laran.

Iha impaktu seluk negativu, tanba jerasaun foun nee, barak sei la domina lo-loos sira nia lian lokal. Barak rona, maibee laduun koalia, no la hatene too klean. Se karik ferik-katuas sira la domina Tetun, entaun bele difikulta komunikasaun entre ferik-katuas sira ho joven sira. Fasil mos atu povu Timor-Leste lakon konhesimentu tradisional, tanba la uza ona lian lokal.

Ezemplu, agora dadauk, ema barak hatene ai huun ho manu fuik nia naran ho sira nia lian rasik, maibee Tetun Dili seidauk iha naran ba buat sira nee. Nunee mos, kultura, istoria uluk nian, ho literatura oral bele lakon. Peskiza nebee mak sei presiza Peskiza nee hatudu katak Tetun Dili espalha lalais liu iha Timor-Leste nia laran.

Hosi sensus ita sei hatene, mudansa nee kontinua ka lae. Maibee dadus sensus nian la bele hatudu oinsa mak ema muda sira nia lian, no tanba saa. Atu kompriende buat rua nee, ita presiza peskiza iha nivel uma kain ho nivel komunidade, uza metodu sosiolinguistiku, hanesan kestionariu, intervista, ho estudu kazu. Population Distribution by Administrative Areas, Web. O problema linguistico de Timor-Leste pp. Four essays, Michel Holquist ed.

Blommaert, Jan , Policy, policing and the ecology of social norms: Blommaert, Jan e Backus, Ad , Repertoires revisited: Busch, Brigitta , The linguistic repertoire revisited, Applied Linguistics, 33 5: Indonesia through East Timorese Eyes, , Indonesia, Abyssal sediment erosion from the Central Indian Basin: Evidence from radiochemical and radiolarian studies. Evidence from radiochemical and radiolarian studies V. Evi- dence from radiochemical and radiolarian studies Almeida National Institute of Oceanography, C. In the present technical report the hydrographic CTD profile diagrams and the derived contour maps are presented and described for the study area which are useful for gas hydrates exploration.

Gut fluorescence analysis of barnacle larvae: An approach to quantify the ingested food. In this study we standardised the gut fluorescence method utilising The I instar nauplius is non-feeding and moults into II instar within a short interval of time. II to VI instars are phytoplanktivorus. Nauplii obtained from the adult broods of the barnacle Balanus Cytogenetic studies in green mussel, Perna viridis Mytiloida: Pteriomorphia , from West Coast of India.

Karyotypic features have been analyzed and documented in detail using con- ventional staining, C-banding and Ag Determination of dynamic metal complexes and their diffusion coefficients in the presence of different humic substances by combining two analytical techniques. Materials and methods Humic substances: Four different types of humic substances were used in this study. These include soil humic acid from Sigma Aldrich now denoted: The well characterized Nordic aquatic humic acid Catalogue No.

Marine Georesources and Geotechnology, Benthic disturbance,environmental impact,photographic and subbottomdata,seafloor features. Imaging and sounding techniques are effective tools for obtaining first-hand information forassessing the baseline undisturbed conditions as well as the impact disturbed Digipelaajien kokemus omasta hyvinvoinnistaan. Diakonia-ammattikorkeakoulu, Sosiaalialan koulutusohjelma, sosionomi AMK.

Gold nanoparticles and diclofenac diethylammonium administered by iontophoresis reduce inflammatory cytokines expression in Achilles tendinitis. Through a survey, some sociodemographic characteristics of the population were identified by determining the formal thought through Test of Logical Thinking TOLT Tobin and Capie and academic performance through the first preliminary note. The results indicate that among students concrete thinking predominates and not the existence of a relationship with academic performance is observed, as this may be affected by other factors that have not been considered in this research.

Investigations of other influential factors on academic performance are proposed. The Cambridge Companion to Mary Shelley. Clarendon, , of her Lette Este trabalho analisa, a partir de ensaios em modelos f Foramgeographical affinities of the west and east coasts of India: An approach through cluster analysis and comparison of taxonomical, environmental and ecological parameters of Recent foraminiferal thanatotopes.

The authors are thankful New evidence on the sequence of deglacial warming in the tropical Indian Ocean. Therefore, the present communication is aimed to address the start of deglaciation in the Indian Ocean based on sea surface temperature SST derived from Fungi isolated from the EEZ of Indian coast. A Martini and AV. Uden, ; Krisset aI. Bhat and Kachwalla J were the first to isolate yeasts from Indian waters. Fell J re ported yeasts from Indian ocean. Similarly there have been a few reports on the filamentous fungi from the sea and open ocean Minima of interannual sea-level variability in the Indian Ocean.

Suresh a , S. Durand c , S. Shenoi a , M. On the role of sea surface temperature variability over the Tropical Indian Ocean in relation to summer monsoon using satellite data. Based on 80 years of ship data October 0. Elizabeth Neire da Silva Oliveira de Paula. No estudo foram avaliados os Regional gravity and magnetic studies over the continental margin of the Central West Coast of India. Institute of Oceanography, Dona Paula , Goa , India Abstract Gravity studies over the continental margin of the central west coast of India show a sediment thickness of km on the shelf associated with deeper hoest and graben structures, of 6 km Figure 3 depicts the seismogeological section of the Bombay offshore She first places her analysis within the historical context of Chinese immigration in the Dominican Republic during the first half of the twentieth century.

Anu Vahtra fotoprojeltist "Sketchbook. Studies on ecology of diatoms. For this study, 40 cleaned fiberglass panels measuring 15 x 10 x 0. For the study, two different types of tools nylon brush and ceramic El mundo del libro: Tiempo de arena -Por Jaime Torres Bodet. Ediciones de la ESAP. During the period mid-June to mid-September , there will be a limited number of vacancies for temporary work at CERN normally unskilled work of a routine nature which will be made available to children of members of the personnel that is, anyone holding an employment or association contract with CERN.

It should be noted that candidates must be aged between 18 and 24 inclusive on the first day of the contract, and that they must have insurance cover for both illness and accident. In view of the limited number of vacancies available, no children previously appointed at CERN under this scheme can be considered. The duration of all appointments will be 4 weeks, the allowance being CHF Application forms can be obtained via the Web at the following address: Full Text Available The research is framed within the quantitative approach and mode of Feasible Project was held at the Francisco de Paula Santander, Northern Department of Santander Colombia University with populations of entrepreneurs, high school students, alumni and representatives of clusters different sectors of the region.

The fundamental objective of the research is to design a proposed model to evaluate the social relevance in academic programs offered at the Francisco de Paula Santander UFPS University. Data collection was conducted through surveys, semi-structured interviews, panel, mathematician SWOT, using six sigma.

The selection of indicators includes indices linking systems at national and international levels, and hierarchical multivariate analysis, principal components. The creation of the model followed different phases as a result of information analysis and includes diagnostics, measurement, analysis, improvement, monitoring and control, also contains models to analyze population projections to support decision-making. For the analysis and interpretation of information diagramming tools, capability studies, multivariate analyzes were used, analysis was carried out following model Rash through Item response theory, design of experiments and using triangulation as an element involved in obtaining multiple views of the research problem.

The proposed model expected to sustain the role and social mission of the UFPS to offer knowledge producing, sharing and socializing in the innovation system in the formation of human capital for society and companies in the region. The model was validated through structural analysis. Environmental pollution detection and bioremediation by marine bacteria. The tradition of the sex res non naturales is pursued along the main textbooks of Francisco de Paula and Jacinto Montells y Nadal, putting their ideas in comparison with some other books consulted or translated during the period.

Nevertheless, there were some innovations, as the introduction of modern Chemistry, or modern Physiology. Full Text Available The benthic fauna has an important role in the trophic chain of limnic environments, serving as food for fishes and crustaceans. This work aimed to identify and compare, quantitative and qualitatively, the macrobenthic communities from two watercourses in Rio Grande do Sul State. At each sampling point, physical and chemical variables of the waters were registered. In the laboratory, the samples were sorted out and the animals identified and quantified.

Dissolved oxigen, pH and stream speed were very similar for both environments, whilst conductivity had extreme values. Insects, crustaceans, acari and molluscs dominated in the samples. Abundance, richness and diversity indexes in Tainhas subsidiary had relatively higher average values than Mineiro Creek.

Similarity matrix groupings between sampling units indicate three groups. Full Text Available Total phenolic contents, antioxidant activity and chemical composition of propolis samples from three localities of Minas Gerais state southeast Brazil were determined. From these extracts, 40 substances were identified, among them were simple phenylpropanoids, prenylated phenylpropanoids, sesqui- and diterpenoids. Quantitatively, the main constituent of both samples was allylprenylcinnamic acid.

Comparative morphology of serotonergic-like immunoreactive elements in the central nervous system of kinorhynchs Kinorhyncha, Cyclorhagida. Cycloneuralian taxa exhibit similar organ system architectures, providing informative characters of metazoan evolution, yet very few modern comparative descriptions of cellular and molecular homologies within and among those taxa are available.

We immunolabeled and characterized elements of the serotonergic nervous system in the kinorhynchs Echinoderes spinifurca, Antygomonas paulae , and Zelinkaderes brightae using confocal laser scanning microscopy. Fluorescent markers targeting DNA were combined with observations of auto-fluorescent structures to guide interpretations of the internal and external anatomy in each species.

Results show a common pattern of the central nervous system with a circumenteric brain divided into ring-shaped anterior and posterior neuronal somata and a central neuropil connected to a multi-stringed, longitudinal ventral nerve cord. Structural similarities and differences in the nervous systems of these species were observed and described, stressing the incomplete ring nature of the anterior region of the kinorhynch brain, the functional relationship between the brain and the movable introvert, and the number and arrangement of nerve strings and somata of the ventral nerve cord.

The ventral cord ends in two ventrolateral cell bodies in E. The possible functional and phylogenetic significance of these features and arrangements are discussed. He left a chronicle unpublished. The story of his stay in Rome is published, during the Easter of this year. Sensibilisation aux gestes et postures de travail - French version only. La prochaine session aura lieu le 30 septembre L'inscription via EDH est obligatoire. La prochaine session aura lieu le 30 septembre matin. Les prochaines sessions auront lieu le 6 mai Les prochaines sessions auront lieu le 8 juillet Correction to Bovin et al.

Gallagher, Paola Rodriguez, Paula P. Schnurr and Terence M. Keane Psychological Assessment , [Nov], Vol 28[11], In the article, the departments and affiliations were incorrectly listed for authors Michelle J. Schnurr, and Terence M. The first department and affiliation for authors Michelle J. Gallagher, Paola Rodriguez, and Terence M. The first department and affiliation for author Paula P. The following abstract of the original article appeared in record Consistent with previous studies Armour et al.

The counting of the bees was proceeded monthly, differentiated workers that came back with and without pollen in the corbicula. Grains of pollen of pots previously marked were collected monthly and identified. The percentage of the pollen types of the samples was estimated: The remaining corresponds to other pollen types of small representation, besides those the were no identified. The climatic influence on the pollen collection was analyzed being used simple and multiple regressions.

It was verified that in the spring and in the summer the temperature, the solar irradiation and relative humidity were significant for the pollen foraging. During autumn and winter the relative humidity had smaller influence in the pollen collection. Full Text Available Background: The parameter chosen to identify the level of understanding of statistical graphs which college students have is the M3ST model Middle School Students Statistical Thinking proposed by Langrall and Mooney The research reported in this article has been aimed to identify the level of understanding of statistical graphs by students of the business administration program at the Francisco de Paula Santander University UFPS.

A questionnaire designed to evaluate two aspects of statistical thinking in graphs understanding, namely: The analysis of the results showed that most of the students are at the idiosyncratic level. This means that the group of students have difficulty distinguishing the elements of a graph, to establish relationships between the elements contained on it and to properly justify their answers. Lorenzsonn orelil ja H. Mass Spectrometry is an important analytical tool and has encompassed almost all branches of science and technology including Agricultural, biology, Chemistry, Earth sciences, environment, Forensic Science, Medical Sciences, Hydrology, Nuclear Technology, Oceanography, Physics etc.

Recent advancements in the instrumentation of Mass Spectrometry have further strengthened its role for various applications. Papers relevant to INIS are indexed separately. Eesti Kultuurkapitali aastapreemia - Ene Mihkelson romaan "Ahasveeruse uni".

Member: macboasva

O Personal Trainer na Perspectiva do Marketing. Dois vultos se destacam: The history through the evolution of the estate public health services in S. Paulo from till was studied. Two public health leaders are distinguished: Emilio Ribas and Geraldo de Paula Souza. At the end of the later century Emilio Ribas succeeded in overcoming outbreaks of epidemics, such as yellow fever, smallpox, cholera and malaria in the city of S. In a group of volunteers he experimented the transmission of yellow fever by vector, and one year after the American experience in Cuba.

In Paula Souza reorganizes the Sanitary Service of the State, introducing the health center, public health education, home visits and so on. Later, in the SESI. Full Text Available In our continent, commemorations as a history study objective have focused on defining events for Latin American nations like the Independence and the Discovery of America. However, these are only two entrances to a vast field that is interwoven with the life and death of heroes, a topic that has not been studied in depth. This paper attempts to reconstruct the way the centenary commemoration of the death of Francisco de Paula Santander was conducted on a regional and local context.

In this process we propose to focus attention on the role played by the Centro de Historia de Santander as a promoting entity that drives this kind of regional moving actions that contribute to enrich the national memory. The article is based on institutional documentation such as correspondence, minutes of meetings, the local press and the journal of the Center. Otiorhynchus Lixorrhynchus avoni n. Cataract surgery in Knobloch syndrome: Knobloch syndrome is an autosomal recessive disorder associated with early-onset ocular abnormalities and central nervous system malformations.

Ocular abnormalities are usually severe, and include high myopia, vitreoretinal degeneration, retinal detachment, macular abnormalities, and cataract. The most frequent systemic changes are midline malformations of the brain, ventricular dilation, and occipital encephalocele. Cognitive delay may occur. We report a case of cataract in a child with Knobloch syndrome. Cataract surgery and follow-up are described.

Knobloch syndrome, cataract, phacoemulsification, vitreous, right eye, left eye, genetic. Quaternary climate modulation of Pb isotopes in the deep Indian Ocean linked to the Himalayan chemical weathering.

Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Walter de Paula Lima, Ph. Vicente Ignacio Imperial Digueri y Trejo: Otros hijos del matrimonio fueron: Using specifics instruments to qualitative research for data collection were selected class record books, the reports to the virtual environment, the records of the participants' personal reflections, interviews and examination of the minutes of class councils involved. The experience has served as a basis for replication in other contexts and vocational courses presented by the institution.

From traces to imagery: Full Text Available This article intends to undertake a discussion of media consumption at the turn of the XIXth and XXth centuries from some sources contained by some journals stored in the National Library of Brazil. Because of the heterogeneity of these sources, we chose to focus the discussion on consumption to trace some possible paths in its analysis, with emphasis on a cultural history that encompasses the uses and representations that circulated through the cinematic practice.

Full Text Available This research had as main objective to study the dominant height growth of Pinus elliottii and Pinus taeda through site index curves comparisons in some regions of Rio Grande do Sul State and other states of the country. Chapadmalal, Mar del Plata, provincia de Buenos Aires. The late Neogene Chapadmalalan-Marplatan Stages; ca. In this sense, the exceptions are represented.

Comparison of methods for calculating conditional expectations of sufficient statistics for continuous time Markov chains. We describe and implement three algorithms for computing linear combinations of expected values of the sufficient statistics, conditioned The sufficient statistics for CTMCs are the time spent in a state and the number of changes between any two states.

We use two different models to analyze the accuracy and eight experiments to investigate the speed of the three algorithms. We find that they have similar accuracy and that EXPM is the slowest method. Furthermore we find that UNI is usually The activity was carried out through the partnership with the Institutional Scholarship Teaching Initiation Program PIBID, which aims at training new teachers in the degree courses, as well as giving the elementary school teacher the opportunity to get in touch with the process And new approaches based on the insertion of technologies.

The triangular approach, established by the educator Ana Mae Barbosa, guided the planning and execution of this pedagogical practice. What I have changed my mind about and why: This paper is based on a panel discussion at the 32nd annual meeting of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies in Dallas, Texas, in November Paula Schnurr convened a panel of experts in the fields of public health and technology to address the topic: Panellists discussed innovative strategies for the dissemination of scientific knowledge and evidence-based treatment.

Although there are effective treatments, there is a need to enhance the effectiveness of these treatments. There also is a need to develop simpler, low-cost strategies to disseminate effective treatments. However, technology approaches also offer pathways to increased dissemination.

Researchers must communicate scientific findings more effectively to impact public opinion and public policy. The Ombudperson Initiative Group. The meeting was very positive. Everybody agreed that the current procedures at CERN applicable in the event of conflict required a thorough review, and that a professionnally trai Benthic macroinvertebrates as bioindicators of water quality in an Atlantic forest fragment. This region has been strongly modified by human activities including mining and urbanization.

Samples were collected in the field every three months between August and November , totaling six samplings in the rainy and dry seasons. This assessment identified one area ecologically altered while the other sampling sites were found to be minimally disturbed systems, with well-preserved ecological conditions. A total of 14, organisms was collected, belonging to taxa Insecta, two Annelida, one Bivalvia, one Decapoda, one Planariidae, one Hydracarina, and one Entognatha.

The most abundant benthic groups were Chironomidae The RPPN Mata Samuel de Paula comprises diversified freshwater habitats that are of great importance for the conservation of many benthic taxa that are intolerant to organic pollution. Full Text Available In this paper, we present the results of the correlation study of the variables and parameters associated with the measurement of the apparent density AD for raw ceramic material used in the industrial manufacture of floor tiles, compared the mercury immersion method.

In her work, based on her dissertation for the department of political science presented in to the Humboldt University Berlin, Paula Diehl addresses the political imaginary of National Socialism. Using an interdisciplinary approach with methods from political and cultural studies, the author analyses the instrumentalization of the SS body images for the communication of racist ideals and the performance of power. Full Text Available In the following work, we are present the experimental results and give measurement the apparent density APD for raw ceramic material used in the industrial production tiles for floor, in comparison with the immersion mercury method.

The previous results were obtained having in it counts the application a mathematical model to the APD like no lineal function that parameters like the temperature, electric relative permittivity and variables as the relative humidity HR, voltage and resonance frequency, measured with an electronic device designed in the Central University by the group of investigation in Solid State and Optoelectronic ESSOPTO and used in the Investigation Center in Ceramic Materials: Education; teaching and learning; poemRecebido: O show do eu: Exhibit show of intimacy and spectacularization of the self: The growing spectacularization of the self and the confessional tone of numerous autobiographical reports indicate a pressing need to validate existence in the transparency of the screen.

In this context, the manifested subjectivity is legitimated in the mediated vision of the other and is transformed into a show. The Return of the Blue Butterfly. The butterflies are free". But are they really? The work that I performed with a group of students from 8th grade, had a starting point of climate change and the implications it has on ecosystems. Joining the passion I have for butterflies, I realized that they are also in danger of extinction due to these climatic effects. Thus, it was easy to seduce my students wanting to know more. Luckily I found Dr.

Portugal is the southern limit of butterfly-blue Phengaris alcon , and has been many years in the red book of endangered species. Butterfly-blue is very demanding of their habitat, and disappears very easily if ideal conditions are not satisfied. Increased fragmentation of landscapes and degradation of suitable habitats, are considered the greatest challenges of the conservation of Phengaris butterfly in Portugal. In recent decades, climate change has also changed butterfly-blue spatial distribution with a movement of the species northward to colder locations, and dispersion in latitude.

Butterflies of Europe must escape to the North because of the heat. Paula Seixas Arnaldo and her research team began a project, completed in December , wanted to preserve and restore priority habitats recognized by the European Union to help species in danger of disappearing with increasing temperature. The blue butterfly is extremely important because it is a key indicator of the quality of these habitats. In the field, the butterflies are monitored to collect all possible data in order to identify the key species. Butterflies start flying in early July and cease in late August. Mating takes about an hour and occurs in the first days of life.

The gentian-peat Gentiana pneumonanthe serves as the host plant for. The correlation between accelerated and field corrosion tests performed in carbon steel and weathering steel coupons, coated and non-coated. The performance of four different organic coating systems applied to carbon and weathering steel coupons has been assessed in this investigation.

The coupons have been evaluated using five different tests, three field tests and two accelerated tests. The oxide phases formed on the surfaces of the non-coated specimens of carbon and weathering steels, exposed to the same tests performed with the coated specimens, were identified using three different techniques: X-ray diffraction, Raman microscopy and Moessbauer spectroscopy.

In the field tests, the specimens have been exposed for 1, 2, 3, 6 and 9 months. In the accelerated ones, the results were obtained after hours 4 cycles test. The morphology of the rust formed on the specimens was examined by scanning electron microscopy SEM. Structures corresponding to goethite and lepidocrocited were recognized on ali specimens, except those.

The correlation between accelerated and field corrosion tests performed in carbon steel and weathering steel coupons, coated and non-coated; Correlacao entre ensaios acelerados e ensaios de campo em corpos-de-provas de aco carbono e aco patinavel, sem e com revestimento. Structures corresponding to goethite and lepidocrocited were recognized on ali specimens.

To verify the prevalence of iridologic signs, such as the pancreas sign and the Cross of Andreas, in individuals with Diabetes mellitus and the association of these signs with three risk factors for the disease: Due to problems caused by eutrophication of lakes and reservoirs, the identification of phosphorus source areas is important for planning the control of agriculture-related water pollution. This study applied a method designed to identify these phosphorus source areas, called P-Index, which is based on combining data layers related to soil phosphorus availability and phosphorus transport processes.

Data related to phosphorus availability, intensity of transport processes, and distance to waterways were combined to yield a map of phosphorus contribution classes, which showed that almost the entire study area. Evaluation of abdominal muscle endurance of individuals who attend gymnastics gym. Full Text Available The purpose of this study was to evaluate the Localized Muscular endurance LME of the abdominal region in relation to distinct muscle groups hip and lumbar spine fl exor of individuals in differing physical conditions. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease COPD is a respiratory disease characterized by chronic airflow limitation that leads beyond the pulmonary changes to important systemic effects.

COPD is characterized by pulmonary and systemic inflammation. However, increases in the levels of inflammatory cytokines in plasma are found even when the disease is stable. Pulmonary rehabilitation improves physical exercise capacity and quality of life and decreases dyspnea. The aim of this study was to evaluate whether a home-based pulmonary rehabilitation HBPR program improves exercise tolerance in COPD patients, as well as health-related quality of life and systemic inflammation.

After anamnesis, patients were subjected to evaluations of health-related quality of life and dyspnea, spirometry, respiratory muscle strength, upper limbs incremental test, incremental shuttle walk test, and blood test for quantification of systemic inflammatory markers interleukin [IL]-6 and IL Around 25 patients were enrolled, and 14 completed the pre- and post-HBPR ratings. There was a significant increase in the walked distance and the maximal.

Sedimentary pollen catalogues are aids in the study of paleoenvironmental reconstruction of the last millennia. In this context, palynological analysis of two sedimentary profiles from inside Araucaria forests of Rio Grande do Sul state was done. Descriptions of gymnosperm and angiosperm pollen and ecological data of the respective taxa are presented.

The analysis was done by light microscopy. Timpanismo espumoso em bovinos leiteiros em pastagens de Trifolium spp. Caesalpinoideae Leguminous bloat in dairy cattle on Trifolium spp. Leguminous bloat may occur in cattle which graze pastures consisting of lush forages.

Animals were found dead in the morning of the next day after being transferred; no clinical signs were noticed. Main gross findings included enhanced abdominal volume, protrusion and congestion of the tongue and vagina, ruminal distension, pale liver, and enhanced spleen. Histologically, there were lung congestion and edema, and splenic lymphoid hyperplasia. The evidence of leguminous forages consumption associated with the pathological findings and the absence of growth on bacteriology confirmed the diagnosis.

A total of polistine wasps were collected, of which 11 spp. Foraging social wasps were observed on flowers of 36 species of angiosperms 20 families in the Green Belt, and on flowers of 54 species of angiosperms 21 families in the CPCN. Asteraceae was the most visited plant family on both studied localities.

A list of pant species visited by the polistines is provided. Geology and natural history of the San Francisco Bay area: We visit classic field sites, renew old friendships, and make new ones. The trips touch on many aspects of the geology and natural hazards of the Bay area, especially urban problems associated with living on an active tectonic plate margin: We hope this conference not only provides a two-day learning opportunity for conference participants but that students and educators will use this field guidebook for future teaching and research.

Many thanks are due to the U. We are grateful to each of the field trip leaders for preparing the trips and writing the accompanying guides. We especially appreciate the many hours put in by the guidebook reviewers, Robert I. During the conference guest speakers include Robert I. The conference provides an opportunity to. At the end of the XVIIIth century, after the emancipation of Geography from the Mathematical Sciences and the rise of Cartography to the category of a discipline, maps started to be drawn up in Spain with precision and accuracy, although still conditioned by complementary information sources.

Almost one half of his statement was a detail description of it, mixing the relevant admiration and amazement with a great naivety, dressed up with the most bizarre fables and legends. Evaluation of impairment of DNA in marine gastropod, Morula granulata as a biomarker of marine pollution.

The impairment of DNA in marine gastropod Morula granulata was evaluated in terms of the loss of DNA integrity in the species as a measure of the impact of genotoxic contaminants prevalent in the marine environment along the coast of Goa, India. The extent of DNA damage occurred in the marine gastropods collected from different sampling sites such as Arambol, Anjuna, Sinquerim, Dona Paula , Bogmalo, Hollant, Velsao, Betul and Palolem along the coast of Goa was measured following the technique of partial alkaline unwinding as well as comet assays.

The impact of genotoxic contaminants on marine gastropods was pronounced by their low DNA integrity at Sinquerim F, 0. The extent of DNA damage occurred in M. The single cell gel electrophoresis of M. The measurement of DNA integrity in M. Course coordination in vocational education: Full Text Available Report a study that aims to uncover and analyze the role of the courses coordinators in vocational education.

However, along the way, it is possible that the course coordinator would eventually be associated with the bureaucratic service or the mere service of everyday demands. Overcoming this postulate, we understand that the course coordinator needs to be an active element in the planning and execution of the pedagogical work, an active collaborator in the educational process in the continuing education of their peers and refinement of teaching practices.

The results of institutional evaluations demonstrate the contribution that research shares offered in recent years to a focus group of 22 schools. Full Text Available This article proposes to study the path of the archive science in the secretarial profession, making reference since the first ways to archive until the electronic ways of archiving. This study can be classified as exploratory, due to the bibliographic source of this research. From the results found, it was highlighted that a well organized archive offers agility and practicality to the secretarial professional — important conditions to support the decision process — the improvement of the layout of an office through the destination of the documents produced, is also basically relevant.

With the Documents Temporality Table put on practice, it is possible to implement the Electronic Documents Management and constantly improve the archiving proccess. Prevalence of Babesia spp. Two blood smear samples were collected from each animal: The smears were fixed, stained and observed under X lighted microscope magnifying glass.

Twenty- -seven out of 40 animals studied Among these, 21 The studied region is potentially enzootic for the detected parasites and there is high risk for clinical cases of tick-borne disease. Both anatomic points, tail and ear tips, are good spots for blood collection and smear confection for hemoparasite investigation. Incidencia de un acuerdo en la permanencia estudiantil en la UFPS. Full Text Available The dropout rate is a latent problem in the institutions of education superior in Colombia, that affects not only the university context but also the socio-economic environment, therefore it is essential to the Ministry of National Education MENU, to promote in the institutions of higher education programs aimed at strengthening the student retention and graduation, thus contributing to the insertion to the field of labor professionals capable of forging a humanist society.

Assuming important aspects of the pedagogy such as academic performance, meaningful learning, interaction and teacher commitment, among others. The players of this agreement shall be students, teachers and administrative staff. A Disputa pelo sentido: Henrique Dumont Villares, na capital paulista. The ego according to Klein: This paper explores fundamental dimensions of Melanie Klein's concept of the ego through a detailed study of the writings of Klein and her early colleagues Paula Heimann, Susan Isaacs and Joan Riviere.

The study examines three central issues: Through this examination, the study demonstrates that Klein's conceptualization of the ego is firmly grounded both in Freud's formulations about the ego and in his theoretical and metapsychological approach to thinking about the ego. This counters the prevalent view that Klein was only focused on clinical understandings, unconcerned with theory and fuzzy in her abstract thinking. More specifically, it counters the view that Klein did not really have a concept of the ego in any well-structured sense of the term Britton, ; Hinshelwood, ; Segal, The study considers the sources of these misconceived views.

Finally, it argues that discarding such views allows us to appreciate better the richness of Klein's thinking, her theoretical affinities to Freud, and the role of theory in the development and justification of psychoanalysis. Several scholars have explored the symbolic relationship between the three major protagonists in The Robber Bride and fragments of the omnipotent image of the Neolithic deity the White Goddess. Gerald Thomas — Espere! Nos do Blog — Isso nunca se sabe. Nos do blog — Vamos. E assim estaremos sempre contigo. Nos do blog estamos contigo. Logo estaras ancorada e bem na tua casa.

Gerald, achei legal voce ter citado o John Malcovich e acho que isso poderia ser a sua salvacao financeira quando o blog terminar. Sao todos um bando de Ilegal Aliens mesmo! Nada mal nesses tempos de crise, hein? Acho que os primeiros a entrar na cabeca do Gerlad Thomas serao a Sandra e o Pacheco, depois vem o resto da galera…. O tempo pode se contar ates e depois do september eleven. O dramaturgo Sam mestre do Gerald deu a mensagem que ao meu entender quer dizer isto: Estou enviando e-mails e os que mando para voce tem sido retornados. Gerald, meu bravo guerreiro, Gerald seu Rembrant a mim me toca de meneira muito diferente.

Furar na brecha para haver sentido, por exemplo ter colocado outra vida nesse planeta. Talvez sem palavras mesmo. Quer pagamento maior do que a alegria de servir ao amigo virtual? Achar o seu possivel caminho? Assim como eu tenho o dela. O mesmo tem acontecido com alguns enviados ao Gerald e vice versa. Doideira internetiana ou casualidade sacana? Ou melhor dito e coisa e tal. Vou me indo, andando eu vou, vou me indo, caminhando, vou me indo, doutor, chegando,vou me, indo, sou seu espero.

Vou te falar, outras ondas, vou cantar, duas estrofes: What a difference a day made. Abri minha caixa de entrada. Foi quase uma porrada Ou trombada. Tinha uma passagem que cagavam no palco. Pode acreditar no que digo. Voltei pra aprovar mais esses 4 comentarios. I never thought you were a fool But darling, look at you You gotta stand up straight, carry your own weight These tears are going nowhere, baby. I will not forsake, the colours that you bring But the nights you filled with fireworks They left you with nothing I am still enchanted by the light you brought to me I still listen through your ears, and through your eyes I can see.

Ondas de carinho e afeto a todo pessoal. Depois levar os meninos p o clube. Vou apitar um jogo de bola deles…rsrrsrs. Bem, pelo menos estamos prendendo a pedir desculpas. Passamos mais um eleven. Apenas as mazelas do dia a dia. Coisas as quais parece que vamos aos habituando e as encaramos como parte do nosso dia a dia.

Tudo dantes como no quartel de Abrantes. E salvem-se quem puder e conseguir. Se for a uma balada pior ainda. Duvido que pais com os filhos na rua consigam dormir antes da volta dos seus rebentos. E que o carinho e o amor esteja sempre presente. E pedir a deus para que seu lar esteja sempre em harmonia. E ser sempre agradecido. Fiquem todos com NSJC. Dei uma olhada aqui. Pelo geito o sr. O ser humano vive dois estados na vida. Que nada disso saiu do papel.

Feliz de quem consegue morrer dormindo. Ouvi dizer que hoje a tarde tem brigadeiros em uma Pizaria ai em NY. Parece que uma princesa de nome Tiphanny vai reunir amigos brasileiros e norte americanos. A mnc disse que vai se sentir assim na feira. Somos o que pensamos ser. Na realidade nos somos, apenas, uma imagem que criamos para nos e para os outros.

Temos que vencer, parecer aos outros venturosos. De tudo que vivi, uma coisa aprendi. Desconstructing worlds… Morrer para renascer, desassociar para crescer, derrubar para melhor reconstruir, substituir, nunca desistir, keep moonwalking para sobreviver…. Os pequenos momentos sempre ajudam… Feiras, por exemplo. Seria interessante ver o outro alem do que imaginamos como este outro ou outra possa parecer.

E vc as revelava com a sua Arte inteira, profunda, crua, nua, cruel, fascinante e extraordinariamente clara e bela! Olhe e se veja por fora e por dentro, Gerald. Os demais deixaram aquilo escorrer entre os dedos, assim como deixaram Turing escorrer entre seus dedos. Perderam o sabor da descoberta, do choque,… E de novo lembrei-me do Gerald ouvindo a Pastoral, ou vendo o auto-retrato de Rembrandt. Logo que o trem partiu, o fiscal veio recolher os bilhetes. Ele bateu na porta do banheiro e disse: O fiscal pegou e foi embora.

Todos embarcaram e os engenheiros se espremeram dentro de um banheiro e os advogados em outro banheiro ao lado. Lembrei-me da sabedoria paterna. Notaram como o Vampiro anda sumido? Sei que talvez seja exigir muito de um colaborador que ele fique privado de seus compromissos e esteja pronto a nos moderar a maior parte do dia. Pode ser que o vampiro esteja de saco cheio e com receio de falar isto para um amigo. Acima de tudo existe a ser considerado o nosso apelo.

Detonar o blog e sumir em busca de um reencontro com ele mesmo. O Claudio ia dando os retoques de arte. Talvez o IG concorde. Talvez seja melhor para todos. Ao menos ele seria esquecido. Pois ao menos de nos ele estaria livre. Um monte de G. Pachequito, mi querido guapo, com permisso da Baby. O Claudio deve ralar muito p colocar tanta novidade no ar. P viabilizar o trabalho. Irei para a igreja daqui a pouco. Suppose the Gerald do not want to find and Yes flee from within itself? Or flee a little of what he creates. It would be possible?

Obrigada por tudo Jesus. Pessoas corajosas, sem medo do diferente. Mas temos medo de ser diferente dos demais. Preferimos ser aplaudidos por sermos iguais, a fazermos o diferente e sermos criticados. Erros por cima de erros. Quem nos condena, certamente quer nos imitar. Digamos que eu possa estar com cincoenta por cento de validade. Nem tanto a A e tampouco a B. Nunca me ocorreu pensar nesta parte financeira. E possiveis interesses envolvidos.

Talvez ambos estejam procurando se encontrarem. Duplas de sucesso cedo ou tarde enfrentam este tipo de problema. E com a nona junto. Em nossas almas acendei O amor, o amor de Jesus! A Sandra sai enviando beijinhos. E completou o agradecimento com um manifesto pacifista: Viva a arte do cinema, viva a Bienal, viva Veneza! Ela chorava no caminho de casa do trabalho. Eles reconheceram um aspecto da crise no qual poderiam ajudar.

Sua cidade fora atacada. Sendo humanos, os terapeutas frequentemente sucumbiram aos mesmos temores. Haroldo Eurico Browne de Campos n. Por isto que eu fico repetindo que aprendo um pouco de tudo partindo aqui do blog e garimconhecimetando no Google que existe pra isto mesmo. Um importante jornal carioca, perdeu toda a sua identidade institucional ao mudar o seu formato para o de tabloide. Arraste um dos lados do quadrado para mudar o tamanho.

Aqui esta mais complicado do que entar no blog do Contrera. Vou tentar trocentas X.

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Por que matamos os nossos semelhantes? Por que desejamos tanto que os outros se explodam? O que eu faria se fosse o piloto do carro que antecedeu ao assassino de seres? Pela paz que todos parecem rezar, por Darfur que todos parecem ignorar. O Edir Macedo acabou com o Brasil. Acabou com a autoridade. Ele levanta e anda alguns metros e volta. Vem para fora e vai aparecer um zumbi. Como se desejasse dar um lugar adequado ao seu semelhante acabado. Tenho certos receios que aumentam.

Pior foi o careca que ficou cabeludo, e hoje, corta o cabelo, para a alegria dos barbeiros. Raramente o conjunto formado pelas tres telas fica reunido. Viverei fugindo Mas vivo a valer. Manda no que fazes, Nem de ti mesmo servo. Tem algo de passional. Utilizam as formas erradas de tentar barra-lo.

Mas algo a cada dia fica mais claro. Existe sim um acordo. O Bispo faz sim o que quer. E ele sai ileso. Vez em quando o bicho de Pedra Azul pega. Obrigada Sandra pelas preces. Pacheco tb vai a misssa. Pessoal do Sul tb sofrendo com as enchentes.

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A sanfoneira a sanfona e viola tb. Cesto novo 3 dias de toldo. Menos por causa de o caminho a seguir. Algo com atender telefonemas. E sempre fornecendo pistas para ser identificado. O que eu mais gostava era do Papai Noel. Simplesmente porque sinto-me feliz assim. De certa forma talvez eu esteja reencontrando a mim mesmo e nem precisei sair pelo mundo como esta pretendendo fazer o Gerald Thomas. Ah Pacheco, vc deve ser uma pessoal especial mesmo. Eu quero um homem que… 1. Seja muito lindo, 2. Um exelente ouvinte, 5. Se vista muito bem, 8.

Lista revisada aos 30 anos Eu quero um homem que…. Abra a porta do carro e afaste a cadeira pra eu me sentar, 3. Ria das minhas piadas, 6. Carregue as sacolas do mercado com facilidade, 7. Aprecie comida caseira, 9. Procure romance pelo menos uma vez por semana. Lista revisada aos 35 anos Eu quero um homem que… 1.

Tenha um emprego fixo — goste de jantar fora ocasionalmente, 4. Use camisetas que cubram sua barriga, 8. Se lembre de abaixar a tampa da privada, Convoco os senhores senadores e deputados, ministros do supremo a dar uma olhadinha nesse video e entender por que eu morro de vergonha do poder publico desse pais.

A cigarra e o cigarro. Eu vou parar de moderar este blog Vamp: Quanto tempo eu fquei moderando?? Ah sim, vamos longe daqui. Pra fazer o que? Digo, algo acontece, sim. Fim da Segunda Grande Guerra. E ao virar isso tudo, ele acabou por dar a volta no Universo. Quisera fazer uma abordagem mais profunda do assunto em pauta. Eu desafio a peste. Eu desafio a morte. Eu desafio o mal. Eu desafio o Diabo e suas mentiras.. Eu sou Motta, tenho mato e mata em mim, e deveras vim do mato, mito das matas mateenses.

Eu sou Edivaldo, o governante, o guia; riqueza, prosperidade. E a esfinge disse: E arrebatei o graal, e libertei o Rei encarcerado. Portanto, eu posso combater o mal que assola o mundo. A carta 15 simboliza os interesses sexuais, financeiros, assuntos de ordem material. E este nome vem de um verbo que significa ser e estar. Acabou a era do crescei e multiplicai-vos. Afinal, a humanidade foi criada no sexto dia. Satisfeita com o reino da quantidade. Pois a vida dos animais resume-se a comer, beber, reproduzir e morrer. E principalmente me paguem, olho por olho, dente por dente, por todo o mal que me causaram.

Jamais achei que iria chegar a essa idade. Aquele que meu mestre Ivan Serpa e meus pais me fizeram gostar. Revisto agora e mais bem julgado admito ter pisado no tomate. Seria o Ser mais feliz deste Universo. E podendo dizer ainda que:. Um dia pisei no tomate. Por telefonemas e e-mails tenho contato com algumas. E acima de tudo o que deseja o PAI.

Antes e depois, sempre irei te respeitar, Grande Brasileiro. Fiz o que pude, mas encontrei dificuldades imensas: Depois apareceu o Sindicato exigindo que eu contratasse seus marceneiros com garantia de emprego por um ano. Sorte que o INSS estava de greve…. Uma das prostitutas contratadas reclama que o pagamento prometido era de dois mil e quinhentos e recebeu apenas mil euros. Que entre os folguedos um deles consistia em ficar nua diante da foto da mulher do primeiro ministro. Berlusconi tem pelo menos um grande amigo no Brasil. A imagem que ficou de D.

O fato de D. Na ditadura serviam para, entre outras coisas, compra de material de tortura direto na matriz, os EUA. Ou para remunerar especialistas como Dan Mitrione professor de Brilhante Ulstra e outros menos votados. No Kremlin, no tempo de Stalin, era comum que as fotografias fossem retocadas e quando isso acontecia uma pessoa sumia da foto original.

Vergonha nacional, na cara nacional. Quem foi esse Sarney? Um deus dos primitivos habitantes das estranhas senzalas que chamavam de shopping? Com gorro, guizo e tudo o mais. Tem mil pareceres diferentes. Como assim, Sandra, nao pode mais mudar? Acho que pode-se colocar a foto ali, e des tirar. Voltar… Voltarei um dia? Sentirei saudades de todos… Alguns mais do que outros… mas sentirei saudade… Tene, Pacheco, Targino, algumas meninas, Vamp, Ah! Eu te achei bem esquisito quando te vi no seu workshop do LaMama no inicio do ano.

Sinceramente eu sai de la meio triste,contagiado que fiquei com a sua melancolia,e por que nao consegui gostar de voce naquele dia da maneira que te idolatrava nos anos Voce sente falta dos teatros off-off broadway da E. Nao acredito que o teatro morreu; apenas que a nossa juventude morreu. Afinal nao da pra ser jovem a vida toda. Eu fazia muita droga e parei de fazer em Se voce ainda faz,da um tempo,cara! Procure tomar bastante sucos naturais e comer vegetais e ingerir suplementos tipo Omega Brite.

Conselho sem malicia de quem te admira e se importa. Voce esta certissimo em parar de fazer. Fazem o que querem e quase nunca o que deve ser feito. Agora eles se movimentam para recriar a CPMF. Talvez o unico erro de Deus foi o de ter criado os dez mandamentos depois. Do modo que a humanidade caminhou chegamos ao ponto que somente os bicheiros cumprem o que esta escrito. Alem da famigerada lei de Gerson. For while …Taking a closed look at the sunday comments. Claudio vc tem uma fina estampa.

Muito fofas as fotos!!!!!!!!!!! Talvez eu me anime a colocar a minha. Mas esse post foi uma porrada. Fiquei ouvindo de MIchael Jackson a Beatles. Quanto ao RA, ele manda muito bem. Tudo porque dei um Pause. Isso porque temos o DVD em casa! Que tudo corra bem e que Deus acompanhe teu infortunio. Pacheco mas voce eh incoerente pois ja elogiou aqui o belo dedinho decapitado do Lula. Acho que no fundo voce o ama pois amor e odio sao duas faces da mesma moeda. Li uma vez o blog desse RA. Pude constatar o obvio: Vc pode trocar a imagem a hora que quiser e por qtas quiser.

Obama is to speak Monday on Wall Street. Concordo totalmente com vc …que loucura esse Sr. Pode ser que sim.

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Na decada de 70 comecei a me envolver com poesia, festivais de musica e teatro. Quem mais me impressionou foi Fagundes Varela. Fui ser programador de computador. A foto que ilustra o texto veio bem a calhar com o novo formato do blog… rs. Um smile que minha filha fotografou de uma carteira, pois saberia que seria apagado? Oh meu Rei …. Obama said in a speech at Federal Hall in Lower Manhattan.

As he urged lawmakers to adopt new regulations for Wall Street, he asked executives to accept tougher oversight. Those on Wall Street cannot resume taking risks without regard for consequences, and expect that next time, American taxpayers will be there to break their fall. Bem, falta o tahine. O Baby tem olhos verdes. Terminaram a barba de seus clientes mais ou mesmo ao mesmo tempo. Modo de Preparo 1. Misture o azeite 8. Nossa passou…estamos dia Sep … Choveu tanto sexta e sabado…em compensacao ontem Sunday , abriu sol lindo!!!!

What he did for me. What I did for him. How he opened up the world with one word: Yes, I have to get lost in order to find myself again. Fairwell to you all. September 8, at 9: September 8, at Somente a parte final do post. I am in the window waiting Tradutor esperando ser traduzido. Deus o acompanhe na sua jornada. Dispensados a partir de agora. Olhe fundo nos meus olhos e diga! Os de cima, os de baixo? Mas do que valem? Nossa obra, uma obra do acaso total.

Que se estrangulem, mas achem a geometria das cidades! De volta para o futuro? Sorry, mas esse dia hoje eh meu e nao irei abdicar dele. September 8, at 1: Quanto tempo isso faz? O que vem a ser isso? Viver tudo outra vez? September 8, at 2: Oi, Gerald e pessoal. Ah, fala o meu grande guia espiritual. O show dos Beatles nas Filipinas! Vejamos se esse contato vai ser proveitoso.

Paul falando baixo para Miguel: Deixe-o falar, Miguel, vamos ver se presta. Bush, Bush, Bush, Bush! Existiu um culto ao Deus-dinheiro? Money makes suffer downer, money makes the world go roooound! Paul voltando-se para outro lado: Lennon dizia que, se vivesse no mundo antigo, gostaria de viver em Roma, mas como vivia no mundo moderno, vivia em New York como eu… Henry Ford Cristo: Em verdade vos digo: Iremos conversando sobre esses assuntos, sobre essa sua nova vinda… Miguel falando baixo para Paul: Estive ali olhando a sinuca desse bar…Vamos jogar uma partida?

Vim, vi e venci. Gostaram da chegada na cidade? Para espantar o cheiro de enxofre e o mau agouro. Vamos acabar sendo expulsos do hotel. Eu te disse, eu te disse! Miguel ao sair de cena, grita para Paul Rabbitt: Flashes espoucam e microfones o cercam por todos os lados: Como doeu ler isso: Gerald, Estranho os bons jogarem a toalha.

Fique com a luz. September 8, at 3: Seus passos o levaram a Woodstock: Tres Vejam a despedida de arromba! September 8, at 4: Quem sabe um dia… Cheers. September 8, at 5: Meus amores Bom dia. Em seguida da rodando a capa aponta para a lateral do palco. E uma pergunta ficou no ar: Mas uma especial me chamou atencao…. Gerald, antes de mais nada, obrigado pelas gotas de lucidez derramadas ao longo do tempo neste blog.

O verdadeiro amigo Compreenda. Como diz no texto. Volta e meia, estarei por ai. So nao nessa frequencia. Obvio que nao gostaria que essa comunidade acabasse. E espero que nao se acabe. September 8, at 6: Boa noite a todos amigos e amigas.