Marketing Trio Positions Toothpaste as Beauty Product

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Mark Lyons The 'Chicks in Charge' left to right: The campaign will feature the actress and singer Vanessa Williams as part of the total marketing effort, which also includes publicity events and sampling in health clubs, spas, resorts and homes. Olay consumers said in focus groups they wanted a toothpaste that did for their smiles what Total Effects claims to do for their skin.

It will be priced at parity with other Crest multifunction toothpastes. The innovation, he said, is really about a more pleasing design to achieve a better experience and, he hopes, make women brush more. Rejuvenating Effects remains true to Crest's equity of "building healthy, beautiful smiles," said Ms. Dietz acknowledges tasted bad and discolored teeth of some consumers; it was ultimately pulled from shelves.

Missteps like that helped Crest lose category leadership to Colgate-Palmolive Co.

Featured Guest on the Chicks in Charge Podcast – Crystal Kadakia and The Millennial Myth

Citing data that includes unmeasured channels, Ms. Dietz said Crest has regained share leadership for back-to-back months for the first time since Dietz said that hasn't hampered the effort, guided by D'Arcy's lead creative Penny Hawkey, executive vice president and group creative director. Cultural cues will also play a role in the marketing. Heroines themselves have undergone something of a transformation.

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Like the Bionic Woman, they're better, stronger, faster. And much more realistic. Sci-fi, in particular," says Angela Ndalianis, associate professor of cinema studies at the University of Melbourne. Even Buffy the vampire slayer was very much about operating in the real world, dealing with the day-to-day business of being a teenager. Joss Whedon, Buffy's creator, is credited with remaking the whole idea of the heroine.

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Buffy didn't need a bloke to guide or control her. She wasn't butch, she wasn't tough in the traditional sense. She liked pretty clothes. Her heart could be broken.

But boy, could she kick arse. They don't need a man but they do tend to need a group.

Featured Guest on the Chicks in Charge Podcast

Female heroes are more approachable. There's also not so much of that freak-show sense about them Wow! A girl can do that? Many contemporary female protagonists, from the girls of McLeod's to the big-haired babes of CSI , are just part of the team. They're also much more varied than they ever were. And, on the whole, rather more interesting than their male counterparts. It's the nature of television these days that some of the most interesting developments in drama and comedy have been occurring on the small rather than the big screen, from The Sopranos and The West Wing to Weeds and Mad Men.

You can take these risks — if you call having a female protagonist a risk! Like any form of popular culture, television both drives and reflects change.

Joss Whedon, in his mids when he wrote the first Buffy movie in the early s, is part of a new post-feminist generation ready to see something of their world on the small screen. When Whedon was preparing for the final days of Buffy the Vampire Slayer , he hoped his legacy would be a generation of girls who had a new kind of hero; and a generation of boys comfortable with the idea of an ass-kicking girl.

He didn't necessarily achieve that single-handedly but he laid the groundwork for both a whole new world of female heroes, and a whole new audience for them. Something that both men and women respond to in this new breed of female hero is complexity. They're just more interesting. As Ndalianis noted, there are no rules for how such a character should behave. And for writers, that's a gift. She brings that real positive energy.

Chicks in charge part 1

So two strong female characters, you have the conflict there, their attitudes are very different even if they actually want the same thing. Thomson says writing the series around two men would have produced a completely different — and probably far less interesting — dynamic.

When you see a male character, you expect him to fit into a certain pigeonhole. And as a writer it's very tough to pull them out of those pigeonholes. With female characters, very rarely is what you see what you get. Life for women is never black and white.