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Set in midth-century France, the novel tells the tragic love story between fictional characters Marguerite Gautier, a demimondaine or courtesan suffering from consumption , and Armand Duval, a young bourgeois. Armand falls in love with Marguerite and ultimately becomes her lover. He convinces her to leave her life as a courtesan and to live with him in the countryside.

Alexandre Dumas Books - Biography and List of Works - Author of '20 Ans Apres'

This idyllic existence is interrupted by Armand's father, who, concerned with the scandal created by the illicit relationship, and fearful that it will destroy Armand's sister's chances of marriage, convinces Marguerite to leave. Up until Marguerite's death, Armand believes that she left him for another man.

Marguerite's death is described as an unending agony, during which Marguerite, abandoned by everyone, regrets what might have been. The story is narrated after Marguerite's death by two male narrators, Armand and an unnamed frame narrator. Some scholars believe that Marguerite's illness and Duplessis's publicized cause of death, "consumption", was a 19th-century euphemism for syphilis [2] as opposed to the more common meaning of tuberculosis.

Dumas, fils , is careful to paint a favourable portrait of Marguerite, who despite her past is rendered virtuous by her love for Armand, and the suffering of the two lovers, whose love is shattered by the need to conform to the morals of the times, is rendered touchingly. The novel is also marked by the description of Parisian life during the 19th century and the fragile world of the courtesan. Doche is not my interpreter, she is my collaborator'. In , Jean Davenport starred in the first United States production of the play, a sanitized version that changed the name of the leading character to Camille—a practice adopted by most American actresses playing the role.

Bernhardt quickly became associated with the role after starring in Camellias in Paris, London, and several Broadway revivals, plus the film.

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In Scribner's Monthly reported that "not one other play by Dumas, fils has been received with favor out of France". The success of the play inspired Giuseppe Verdi to put the story to music. In addition to the Camille films, the story has been the adapted into numerous other screen versions:. When working together, Maquet proposed plots and wrote drafts, while Dumas added the details, dialogues, and the final chapters.

His writing earned him a great deal of money, but Dumas was frequently broke or in debt as a result of spending lavishly on women and high living. The large and costly Chateau de Monte Cristo that he built was often filled with strangers and acquaintances who took advantage of his generosity. In Dumas fled to Brussels, Belgium to escape his creditors, and from there he traveled to Russia where French was the second language and his writings were enormously popular.

Dumas spent two years in Russia before moving on to seek adventure and fodder for more stories. For the next three years, Alexandre Dumas would be involved in the fight for a united Italy, returning to Paris in Despite Alexandre Dumas' success and aristocratic connections, his being of mixed-blood would affect him all his life. In , he wrote a short novel, Georges , that addressed some of the issues of race and the effects of colonialism. Nevertheless, racist attitudes impacted his rightful position in France's history long after his death on December 5, Within the story, Dumas describes the Battle of Trafalgar in which the death of Lord Nelson is explained.

The novel was being published serially and was almost complete by the time of his death.

La San-Felice, Tome I

A final two-and-a-half chapters was written by modern-day Dumas scholar Claude Schopp. Posthumous recognition Buried in the place where he had been born, Alexandre Dumas remained in the cemetery at Villers-Cotterets until November 30, Under orders of the French President, Jacques Chirac, his body was exhumed and in a televised ceremony, his new coffin, draped in a blue-velvet cloth and flanked by four men costumed as the Musketeers: Athos, Porthos, Aramis and D'Artagnan, was transported in a solemn procession to the Pantheon of Paris, the great mausoleum where French luminaries are interred.

In his speech, President Chirac said: The honor recognized that although France has produced many great writers, none have been as widely read as Alexandre Dumas. Moi, je m'appelle Bixio Le Dr Bixio fut pour Dumas un ami, mais aussi un compagnon d'armes. Dumas fut l'un des premiers inscrits, avec Alfred Arago et le Dr Trousseau entre autres gloires.

1802 - 1870

Il me l'avait dit: Il ne s'en cacha. En juin , il fit la connaissance du Dr Koudriavtev dans le train express qui le menait en Russie no.

Il soigne la voix, il la fait revenir lorsqu'elle est perdue, assure-t-on. Faure, La Nilsson, La Patti, et tant d'autres. Ils avaient par ailleurs un ami commun: Mais, imperturbable, Alexandre Dumas ajoutait le dernier vers ; Corvisart des Marets, baron Jean Nicolas Dumas, Le Pays natal, ibid. Ruolz-Montchal, Henri Catherine Camille Bixio, Jacomo Alessandro Il devint ministre de l'Agriculture quelques jours en Il s'occupa d'affaires industrielles et scientifiques: Ce ne fut pas sans tiraillements: Le Codex et ses formules. En guise d'oranges, il lui apport[a] des livres.

Zmmermann, Alexandre Dumas le grand, Paris, Julliard, , p. Raspail ou le bon usage de la prison, Paris, Vallerand de la Fosse, Pierre Edouard