The Handbook of Organizational Rhetoric and Communication. Oxford Handbook of Political Consumerism. Oxford University Press Cucco M. The Case of Switzerland. Finance, Industries and Regulation. Springer, Wildfeuer J. Multimodal Argumentative Strategies in Movie Trailers. Multimodal argumentation and rhetoric in media genres. John Benjamins, De Ascaniis S. New Directions in Tourism Analysis, Peter Lang, Benecchi E. Opportunities and Challenges of the Serial Podcast.
Exploring Transmedia Journalism in the Digital Age. Between Subsidiarity and Local Anarchy. Routledge, New York, Barra L. Gomorra-La serie e il rapporto problematico con il territorio. Da libro a film, da film a serie. Tutti riceviamo un dono. Per festeggiare i dieci anni dell'Istituto di studi italiani di Lugano. Bellinzona, Casagrande, Pucciarelli M. Murals and Tourism Heritage, Politics and Identity. Routledge, Dawson C. Libri, Negro G. Franco Angeli, Richter M. Springer, Ruspini P. Research and Policy Challenges Ahead.
Springer, Balbi G. La digitalizzazione dei media Italiani. Storia della comunicazione e dello spettacolo in Italia. Vol III, I media alla sfida della convergenza, dal Vita e Pensiero, Negro G. Social, Cultural, and Political Implications. Routledge, Natale S. An examination of the Narratives and Myths around Web history. Histories from the first 25 Years of the World Wide Web. Peter Lang, Dagnino G. Aldo Grasso a c. I media alla sfida della convergenza Vita e Pensiero, Balbi G. A Cultural History of the Buzzword, ss. Palgrave Macmillan, Villeneuve J.
Faramzad A, Springer, Mintchev V. Springer, Cucco M. Modelli teorici e percorsi d'analisi. Carocci, Roma, Pandolfi E. Studies on Language Norms in Context. Peter Lang, Amati R. Comparing physician and managerial perspectives. Managing improvement in healthcare: Attaining, sustaining and spreading quality. Marsilio, Venezia, Christopher S. Functional roles of multilingual skills and language training.
Language Norms in context: Peter Lang, Paternoster A. Peter Lang, Garau S. Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, Cucco M. Finanziamento pubblico ed economia simbolica nel cinema italiano contemporaneo. Il Mulino, Bologna, Cottier B. Bruylant, Cucco M. Le sfide del VOD alla filiera cinematografica e alle politiche pubbliche. Mimesis, Milano-Udine, Nanni P.
Le futur dans les langues romanes. Sciences pour la communication, Handbook of Teaching and Learning in Tourism. Edward Elgar, Lobinger K. Visuelle Praktiken des Mit-Teilens. Springer Fachmedien, Di Salvo P. Guida essenziale alle notizie fatte con i numeri. Linguisti in contatto II. Atti del convegno, Bellinzona, novembre Osservatorio linguistico della Svizzera italiana, Barra L.
Le serie tv, il territorio e il "problema" Gomorra. Il volto televisivo del Belpaese. Casi di studio a confronto. Aracne, Canterano, Rocci A. Springer Fachmedien, Mihailov D. Springer, Louw A. Libri, Dawson C. Globalisation of Higher Education. Formal Models in the Study of Language. Springer, Lobinger K.
Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Christopher S. Facetten der Mehrsprachigkeit - Reflets du plurilinguisme. Peter Lang, Miecznikowski-Fuenfschilling J. Case studies in Discourse Analysis. Pubblico e tendenze di consumo negli anni Duemila. Narrazione, pubblico e storie del cinema italiano negli anni Duemila. Marsilio, Venezia, Rothenfluh F. John Benjamins, Cottier B. Comparative Study on blocking, filtering and take-down of illegal internet content. Council of Europe, Lobinger K. Palgrave Macmillan, Negro G.
La Cina dei Media. Edizioni Unicopli, Schmeil A. Understanding Learning in Immersive Environments. Analytics in Smart Tourism Design, ed. Springer, Mariconda S. Carroll, Greco S. Case studies in Discourse Analysis, Ed. Lincom, Pellizzato G. Philologie im Netz, Greco S.
Il prestito semantico tra le lingue naturali e i diritti vigenti in una prospettiva filosofico e informatico giuridica. La donna gaddiana in attesa: Opificio di letteratura reale. A case study from the European Journalism Observatory. Strategic Communication for Non-Profit Organisations. Vernon Press, Seele P. Vocabulary for the Study of Religion.
Brill, Geise S. Handbuch nicht standardisierte Methoden in der Kommunikationswissenschaft. Leaving 3D bioprints for others to follow. Carroll, Nicolini D. Is there a Ghost in the Machine? Mobilizing Knowledge in Healthcare. Oxford University Press, Toraldo M. Exploring the creative design process of high-end silk designer.
Organiational Networks for Innovation. Milano, Egea Cucco M. Limiti e strade per lo studio dell'economia del cinema italiano. Studi sulla produzione dei media in Italia. Unicopli, Milano, Rocci A. De Gruyter Mouton, Rigotti E. A Case Study of Argumentation in Context. Lincom Studies in Pragmatics, Van den Bulck Eds. From the Analogue to the Digital Era. Nordicom, Toraldo M. Global Voices, Local Accents. London, Routledge Garau S. Prime indagini sugli 'Argomenti' della 'Recherche. Giovanni Raboni dieci anni dopo Macerata, Quodlibet Studio, Hannawa A. International Encyclopedia of Communication Research Methods.
Anthropologische und ethische Implikationen digitaler Selbstinszenierung. Kohlhammer, Arcidiacono F. Nova Science Publishers, Scrutinizing argumentation in practice, ed. John Benjamins, Di Salvo P. The case of the X state in Snowden's documents. Polirom, Seele P. Schwabe, Balachandran Nair L. The curious case of crowd-sourced science. Beltz Juventa, Suggs L. Winning in translation through crowdsourcing.
De Gruyter Mouton, Marchiori E. Global Issues and Trends. Emerald, Marchiori E. Sheldon , Cathy H. Getting quant brains to play data games. John Benjamins, Miecznikowski-Fuenfschilling J.
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Pugliese a cura di , Parole, gesti, interpretazioni. Studi linguistici per Carla Bazzanella. Roma, Aracne, Toraldo M. Evidence from Serious Games in Higher Education. Growing Personalization and Wider Interconnections in Learning. Dike Verlag, Zapf L. Peter Lang, Hannawa A. Handbook of Communication Competence. Mouton deGruyter Balbi G. Theorizing Their Relationships in Media Historiography. De Gruyter Mouton, Lobinger K. Herbert von Halem, Lobinger K. Herbert von Halem, Balachandran Nair L. The merry adventures of an asset management cooperative. Pulling the scoop on the trendy photo crowdsourcing platform.
Hop online and pull a rabbit out of your service network. Tourism and Hospitality Research Cottier B. Italian sembrare as an argumentative indicator. Amsterdam, Springer, Geise S. Springer VS, Brantner C. Riveting robots to reduce and recycle. Towards an Integrated Framework. Routledge, De Ascaniis S. Cantoni, Nuovi media nella comunicazione turistica.
Language, reason and education. Studies in honour of Eddo Rigotti.. Hans Huber Hannawa A. A Rocci and G. Gobber Eds , Language, reason and education. Studies in honor of Eddo Rigotti. Peter Lang, Maeusli T. Die Geschichte der Schweiz. Helbling Lichtenhahn Basel, Herrmann A. Wirtschaftsinformatik in Wissenschaft und Praxis: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Cucco M.
La grande bellezza in una prospettiva di economia e politica dei media. Carocci, Roma, Germeni E. Encyclopedia of Health Communication. Sage Publications, Hannawa A. Encyclopedia of health communication. Encyclopedia of health communication.. Annual Report on Media Development of Shanghai blue book.
Politica, impresa, tecnologia e utenti nella storia delle telecomunicazioni. Cucco a cura di. La trama dei media. Papazisis, Mandelli A. Trends in the Management of consumer Services. Springer, Sala S. Encyclopedia of Digital Communication and Society. Medienselbstkontrolle und Media Accountability im internationalen Vergleich. Stark, Birgit et al. UVK, Zhang Z. La strategia del Soft Power e le politiche culturali del going out. La Trama Dei Media: Carocci editore, Dagnino G. Carocci, Christopher S.
Language, Reason and Education. Bern, Peter Lang, Cottier B. Schulthess, Cucco M. Carocci, Roma, Dagnino G. Storytelling in the Media Convergence Age: Palgrave Macmillan, Benecchi E. Carocci, Cantoni L. Studies in honor of Eddo Rigotti, Bern et al.: Peter Lang, Eade J. Encyclopedia of Social Media and Politics. La Trama dei media. Carocci, Meschitti V. How a research team can support PhD students in their academic path. Global challenges, local responses in higher education.
The contemporary issues in national and comparative perspective. Mind, Values and Metaphysics. Springer, Mengis J. Language and Communication at Work. Language and Communication Work: Susanne Fengler et al. Peter Lang, Pucciarelli M. Design practices for urban safety and security.
The impact of public and cultural events: Il Poligrafo Ruspini P. Egea, Schulz P. Hans Huber La Rocca A. Wilson eds , Handbook of strategic account management.. Wiley, Giordano C. Conversations about Transcultural European Memory. Perspectives on theory of controversies and the ethics of communication - Explorations of Marcelo Dascal's contributions to philosophy.
The Evolution of Global Internet Governance. Springer, Villeneuve J.
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La crisi dell'istruzione occidentale. D'Ettoris, Balbi G. Profumo a cura di , Il contributo italiano alla storia del pensiero. Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana. Herbert von Halem, Suggs L. Social marketing, from tunes to symphonies.. Hastings G, Domegan C, eds. Social marketing, from tunes to symphonies. Routledge, UK, Kalbaska N. Nuovi Media nella Comunicazione Turistica. Theorien, Konzepte und Methoden der Visuellen Framingforschung: Ergebnisse einer systematischen Literaturschau.
Herbert von Halem, Seele P. Hastall, Russ-Mohl S. Trust and participation in a transformed media landscape. In Encyclopedia of Media and Communication, ed. University of Toronto Press Mariconda S. Routledge, Balbi G. Quattro paradigmi nella relazione tra vecchi e nuovi mezzi di comunicazione. Winterhalter a cura di. Una guida transdisciplinare per interpretare il vecchio e il nuovo.. Orthotes, Balbi G. The Experience of the Napoli Teatro Festival. Tradizione e paradigmi emergenti.
Il ruolo della fiction Sky nel sistema dei media e nel sistema-paese. Carocci, Russ-Mohl S. De Gruyter, Russ-Mohl S. Heinz-Werner Nienstedt et al. De Gruyter, Garau S. Fabrizio Serra editore, Garau S. Roma, Fabrizio Serra editore, Garau S. Fabrizio Serra editore, Cottier B.
Le principe de transparence en Suisse et dans le monde, Lausanne. Presses polytechniques et universitaires romandes, Villeneuve J. Le principe de transparence en Suisse et dans le monde. Presses polytechniques et universitaires romandes,, Miecznikowski-Fuenfschilling J. Bonner Romanistische Arbeiten , Fornara N. The Case of Fon. Abdelnasser Abdelaal, Zapf L. University of Toronto Press Toraldo M. Palgrave — Macmillan, Cottier B. Instrumente zur Umsetzung des Rechts auf informationelle Selbstbestimmung. Schulthess, Noriega P. Palese, La guerra dei simboli,. Handbook of Communication History.
Routledge, Singh M. Ein skeptischer Zwischenruf zum Versuch, Public Value bestimmen zu wollen. Public Value und die Aufgaben von Medien. Zum Stand der Debatte. Springer VS, Geise S. Zur visuellen Konstruktion sozialer Wirklichkeit. Herbert von Halem, Toraldo M. Editoriale Scientifica, Russ-Mohl S. Fengler, Susanne et al. Anwendungsoptionen und gesellschaftliche Relevanz der Kommunikations- und Medienforschung. UVK, Zapf L. Evangelische Verlagsanstalt Leipzig, Cantoni L. Les discours de la bourse et de la finance.
Frank und Timme, Cottier B. Schulthess, Pucciarelli M. Wissenschaftskommunikation und Wissenschaftsjournalismus im Internet-Zeitalter. A Research in Italy. Konzepte, Methoden und Beispiele aus der Journalistenausbildung. Herbert von Halem, Poglia E. Lang, Bern, Berlin, Inversini A. A Case Study in the Tourism Domain. Schwabe, Russ-Mohl S. UVK, Cantoni L. Liber Editions Russ-Mohl S.
Schweiz — Suisse — Svizzera. Multilingualism and the Aesthetics of the Gesamt-Kunstwerk. The Aesthetics of the Total Artwork. On Borders and Fragments, ed. Herbert von Halem, Russ-Mohl S. Medien, Medienforschung und Kritik. Schwabe, Villeneuve J. Encyclopaedia of sport management and marketing. The Principle of Diversity. Mapping Media Accountability — in Europe and Beyond. Staudinger, Wien , S. Nomos Edition Fischer, Terzoli M. Oxford University Press, Cottier B. Esperienze di multilinguismo in atto. Accademia della Crusca, Cottier B. Schulthess, Mandelli A. An introduction 3rd ed. Peter Lang, Mazza R.
Handbook of Educational Data Mining. Verlag des Germanischen Nationalmuseums, Rhode Island furniture, Kelowna Art Gallery, []. The drawings of Susan Te Kahurangi King. Institute of Contemporary Art, Miami, []. Waanders Uitgevers ; [Alkmaar]: Stedelijk Museum Alkmaar, []. Netwerkende kunstenaars in de Gouden Eeuw: Peggy Guggenheim in photographs. Peggy Guggenheim Collection, []. The time of the Force Majeure: Fondation Beyeler ; Berlin: Das Internationale Mahnmal von Nandor Glid: David Maljkovic in low resolution. Andrea Tardini Gallery, []. Nasher Museum of Art at Duke University, One sun, one shadow.
El test del hombre bajo la lluvia. Painter of Modern Life. An invitation to Sol Lewitt. Li Gonglin Xi yue jiang ling tu. Zhong xin chu ban she, Carlo Cambi editore, []. Los inicios del Renacimiento en la provincia de Ciudad Real: The AAM Press, []. Il canneto editore, []. Lowe Art Museum, University of Miami, []. Hai pai hui hua da xi. Shanghai shu hua chu ban she, Athenaica Ediciones Universitarias, []. French art of the eighteenth century: Rosenberg lecture series at the Dallas Museum of Art. Dallas Museum of Art, Michael L. Gateway Foundation ; Munich: Spanish masters in British collections.
Ediciones El Viso, []. Antonio Mercurio Amorosi Kunstverein in Hamburg, []. Michael Wegerer, bouncing borders: Edizioni Tipografia Marina, []. Diary of a set designer: Denver Art Museum , creator. Aperture ; [Austin, Texas]: Harry Ransom Center, Asian Art Museum, []. Aus dem Schutzraum der Heimlichkeit. Shoe is my middle name: Los Angeles to New York: National Gallery of Art ; Chicago ; London: In association with The University of Chicago Press, []. Verlag Wiljo Heinen, Historische Bibliothek der Stadt Rudolstadt, Kunstmuseum Bern ; Munich: Giulio Einaudi editore, [].
Il colore succede, non si provoca. Off by heart and out of breath: Werke in den Kunstsammlungen Chemnitz. De graficus en de dichter: Kevin Michael , author. Williams College Museum of Art, [].

Max Ernst, Yves Tanguy: Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes: Museo Nacional del Prado, []. Bononia University Press, giugno Cultural heritage e Made in Italy: Tian ke han de shi jie: Tang dai wen wu da zhan. Shi yi duo mei ti chuan bo gu feng you xian gong si, Sightings of the sacred: Die Entdeckung der performativen Malerei: Masterworks from the Neue Galerie New York. Munich ; London ; New York: Transition Giorgio Morandi, Are you still there.
Rizzoli International Publications, Inc. Informe visual de la ciudad de Buenos Aires y sus alrededores: Von Nay bis Altenbourg: Meisterwerke der deutschen Nachkriegsmoderne aus einer Privatsammlung. Art Gallery of Alberta, []. Nihon Keizai Shinbunsha, Ogura Yuki gashitsu no uchi soto.
DelMonico Books ; Minneapolis: Foundation for the Exhibition of Photography, San Juan de los Reyes de Toledo: Museo Nacional de Escultura, []. San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, []. Una Bibbia in avorio: Park Eun Sun a Firenze. Ricerche sul Polittico Stefaneschi: Giotto nella Pinacoteca vaticana. Edizioni Musei vaticani ; Milano: Steidl ; Pleasantville, New York: Books and ideas after Seth Siegelaub. The Center for Book Arts, c Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, []. Gangemi editore SpA international publishing, [].
Munich ; New York: Museo de Arte de Ponce: Museo de Arte de Ponce, []. Kandinsky und seine Zeit. Neuberger Museum of Art ; Philadelphia: Institute of Contemporary Art ; Munich: Der gute Weg zum Himmel: Guangdong ren min, Shanxi ke xue ji shu chu ban she, Entre el ingenio y el desencanto: Con-fine edizioni, aprile De Caravaggio a Bernini: Tate Liverpool in association with Tate Publishing, Fondazione Gabriele e Ana Braglia ; Monaco: Paleis Het Loo, [].
Russisch realisme rond Repin Max Beckmann in New York. The Metropolitan Museum of Art, []. London and Paris in the summer of Pictures-within-pictures in nineteenth-century Britain. William Henry Fox Talbot: The world of Mortimer Menpes: Von Reproduktionsausstellungen zum Bilderverleih: Halle an der Saale: Psychology, art, and antifascism: Gombrich, and the politics of caricature. Yale University Press, []. Hazan Editeur ; Montreal: Walter De Gruyter GmbH, [].
Jan Saverys en de groep Art Abstrait. Jahrhunderts in der Stiftung Schloss Friedenstein Gotha. Stiftung Schloss Friedenstein Gotha ; Stuttgart: Arnoldsche Art Publishers, Philip Guston, painter Verlag Bibliothek der Provinz, [? Madern Gerthener und der Pfarrturm von St. Tussen hamer en aambeeld: How to win friends and influence people. Kupferstichkabinett — Staatliche Museen zu Berlin ; Berlin: Japanese pop culture since Die Grablegen der Wettiner: David Zwirner Books ; Germany: Steidl ; New York: Denizens of Brussels, Residents in New York.
Kimbell Art Museum []. Wu Hufan de shou yu yan. Beijing da xue chu ban she, Zhong Yi he zuo gu dai bi hua bao hu yu yan jiu xue shu yan tao hui lun wen ji. Wen wu chu ban she, Hua li hua wai: Kaifeng Zhuxian Zhen mu ban nian hua diao yan. Zhongguo she hui ke xue chu ban she, Aspen Art Museum, []. Dominique Levy Gallery ; Antwerp, Belgium: Axel Vervoordt Gallery, []. Mei shu li shi yu xian zhuang si kao. The zoomorphic imagination in Chinese art and culture. Museo Nacional del Prado, Lausanne, Switzerland ; Berlin, Germany: Edicions Universitat de Barcelona, [].
Soane and the architecture of legacy. Nevada Museum of Art ; Munich: The Royal Palace in Brussels. Der Traum vom Paradies: De schilders van De Ploeg. Impressionismus gestern und heute. Sakrale Kunst im Norden The Monacelli Press, []. Crocetta del Montello TV: Spuren in der Leere. Verlag der Kunst, c Damiani and Matsumoto Editions, []. Sun Ji tan wen wu. Dong da tu shu gong si, Dao mu shi ji. Zhongguo gong ren chu ban she, Daisetsu to Matsugaoka Bunko ten: Tama Bijutsu Daigaku Bijutsukan, Tate St Ives in association with Tate Publishing, Oil paintings in National Trust properties.
The Public Catalogue Foundation, De bruit et de fureur: Bourdelle, sculpteur et photographe. Dialog mit den Dingen, Franz Bernhard. An atlas of infrared plates of the unseen: Leben in Form und Farbe. Chinese woodblock prints of original paintings by 18 masters. Grande Prairie, AB, Canada: New York in the s. Sackler Gallery, Smithsonian Institution, []. The Cambridge history of China. Cambridge University Press, Museum Boijmans van Beuningen, c Umeda Kindai Bijutsukan, Institute of Contemporary Art, supporting host.
Angel Nevarez and Valerie Tevere: Institute of Contemporary Art, University of Pennsylvania, []. Rubin Museum of Art, []. Editoriale Giorgio Mondadori, []. Stichting Kunst aan de Dijk, c Menin Road — Ypernstrasse: In Flanders Fields Museum, []. Instituto Estatal de la Cultura, En la palma de la mano: La ciudad y la mirada del artista: Alle fonti del Medio Evo: Marta Volkova, Slava Shevelenko: Royal Museum for Central Africa, c Ming ren mo ji liu bai nian. Shanghai ren min mei shu chu ban she, Zhongguo jian zhu gong ye chu ban she, Zhongguo Han chuan fo jiao jian zhu shi: Fo si de jian zao feng bu yu si yuan ge ju jian zhu lei xing ji qi bian qian.
Qing hua da xue, Jing dian zhi qian de Zhongguo zhi hui. Zhongguo mei shu shi. Dao xiang zhuang yan: Wu zhou chuan bo chu ban she, Hall Art Museum, []. Alex Webb — La Calle: Modo Verlag GmbH, []. Of sponge, stone and the intertwinement with the here and now: A democracy of imagery. Seurat, Signac, Van Gogh. Jan van der Ploeg: Auktionshaus im Kinsky GmbH, []. Non-finito als Topos der Moderne: Anton Kern Gallery, []. Chinese paintings from the San Diego Museum of Art.
San Diego Museum of Art, []. Gu dai mu zang mei shu yan jiu. Guan yu zhan lan de zhan lan: Zhongguo min zu she ying yi shu chu ban she, Sheng huo, du shu, xin zhi san lian shu dian, Fotokunst in Zeiten der Digitalisierung: Dong qu xi lai: Zhongguo gu dai ling qin zhi du shi yan jiu. Shanghai ren min chu ban she, Slade painters in Edwardian Wessex. Si chou zhi lu li shi yan ge. San Qin chu ban she, The train NYC, Il vicolo divisione libri, []. Museum voor Schone Kunsten Gent, []. Carnegie Museum of Art ; Munich: DelMonico Books — Prestel, Manufacture of nut and seed oils in Germany.
Principal Philippine imports and exports. Quarter ending June, Regulations for corporations in Canal Zone. In Monthly consular relorts. Purification of coconut oil. Vegetable-oil industry and trade. Coconut and its relations to production of coconut oil. Keeping qualities and causes of rancidity in coconut oil. They are not renewable and may not be sent to the provinces. AL27h Bacheller, Irving Addison: Eben Holden; a tale of the north country. Bq Brady, Cyrus Townsend: Other side of the door. Footloose and free, N. Hocken and Hunken; a tale of Troy. Lapse of Enoch Wentworth.
C Daviess, Maria Thompson: Elected mother; a story of woman's equal rights. Del Dawe, William Carlton Lanyon: Eternal glory; a novel. De De la Pasture, Mrs. Henry de la P: Christina;;, stories; from Household words and All the year round. Traitor; a story of the fall of the invisible empire. Dt Fletcher, Joseph Smith: Town of crooked ways. F7,55sh -Side-stepping with Shorty. F7b6si Foster, Frances G. Fw France, Anatole, pseud. At the sin of the Reine PNdauque; tr. Love in a snare; a present day romance. Gr Gordon, Charles William Ralph 01nnoir, pseud.
Prospector; a tale the crow's nest pass. Gp G'ould, Elizabeth Lincoln: Convictions of ra grandfather. Gco Hamilton, Lord Ernest: Mary lhamilton, her life and history: Han Hewlett, Maurice Henry: Lancelot; a comedy of assumptions. Hg1 Holdsworth, Annie E. Dame Verona of the angels; a study in temperament. Hd Hopkins, William John: Amiable crimes of Dirk Memling. H Hume, Fergus W -: Tonio son of the Sierra; a story of the Apache wxar. Mystery of the yellow room; extraordinary adventures of Joseph Rouletabille reporter.
Lmy Lincoln, Joseph Crosby: Rise of Roscoe Paine. Lr Lynch, Lawrence L.
Monthly bulletin. [Vol. 2, no. 1]
Sword in the mountains. All the world to nothing. Mb Mighels, Philip Verrill: Mt Moffett, Cleveland Langston: Nest of the sparrowhawk: Air pilot; a modern love story. P Pearce, Charles E.: Red revenge; a romance of Cawnpore. Pm Phillips, David Graham: Pj Porter, Sydney 0. Burden of a woman. Pb -- Elementary Jane. Mind-reader; being some pages from the strange life of Dr. Rm Rivers, William A. Eurasia; a tale of Shanghai life. Re Rives, Hallie Erminie, afterwards, Mrs. Rv Roe, Edward Payson: R62ba Rowland, Henry Cottrell: Rc Smith, Ellen Ada: Sm Smith, Francis Hopkins: Forty minutes late and other stories.
Sm56fo Smith, Frank Berkeley: Street of the two friends. St32k Stiles, George Kean: Life mask; a novel. One wonderful night; a romance of New York. Wr Wentworth, Patricia Mrs. Wd IWestermayr, Arthur Joseph: Udara, prince of Bidur; a romance of India. Wii Yorke, Curtis, pseud. Susan Richmond Lee Mrs.
Dangerous Dorothy; a novel. Y82d Turner, George Frederic: Tg Van Dyke, Henry Jackson: Unknown quantity; a book of romance and some half-told tales.
- Faculty of Communication Sciences.
- SOCIEDAD DEL CONOCIMIENTO (Biblioteca de la Nueva Educación nº 27) (Spanish Edition);
- Publications.
Mktodo teodricopfftctico y compendiado, para aprender en brevisimo tiempo el lenguaje, tagalog. Barcelona, Sucesores de N. In "Exposicio'n le Filipinas. Coleccio'n de articulos Publicados en El Globo. I M-anila, Chofre', PI Vocabulario o manual de dililogos en espafiol y bisaya. Iloilo, "La Editorial," In "Rapport 'a M. In "Les Iles Philippines. La lengua de Pintados, Bisayas y Luzon. In "Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas.
Nueva edicio'n enriquecida con los secretos ine'ditos del mismo autor ilustrada con numerosas notas que amplian el texto y prologada extensamente por W. In "SucesosI de las Islas Filipinas. Obra publicada en Mejico en nuevamente sacada a' luz y anotada por Jose' Rizal y precedida de un Pro'logo del Prof.
Translated into English, edited and annotated by E. Vocabulaire Oceanien-francais et fracais-oceanien des dialectes parle's aux Iles Marquises, Sandwich, Gambier etc. Nepomuceno y Siriban, Vicente: Gramaitica castellana explicada en el lenguage espafiol e' ibanag. Gramidtica castellana explicada en ei lenguaje. Malabon, Asilo de Huerfanos, Noceda, Juan de, Sanlucar. Vocabulario de la Lengua Tagala. Valladalid, Roldan, Octulbre de Voca'bulario de la lengua Tagala.
Manila, Ramirez y Giratidier, In "La Espafia Oriental," July 18, In "Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- eni volkenkunde van Nederlandsch-Inidie. Oyanguren de Santa Ine's. Pardo dle Tavera, T. Amg ngalan ng ating mga 1 ayan. Ayon, sa bagong pagsulat nig tagalog. Cotribuci'npr el estudlo de los antiguos alfabetos filipino's. Losana, Yaunin Hermanos, With an illustration of the alphabet of the tagalog - guages.
Consideraciones sobre el origen del nombre de los nuimeros en Tagalog. Paris, Imprimerie de la faculte' de Medicine, Etimologia de los nombres de razas de Filipinas. Noticias sobre la imprenta y el grabado en Filipinas.
In "Rpvista Contem-ooranea," vol. In "El Renacimiento," Manila, Feb. Paris, 18 Soptiembro, In "La Espafia Oriental," Nov. An EnglishSpanish-Pampango, Dictionary together with idioms, common conversation, and an abridgment of English grammar. Manila, Amenicuins Book and News Co. In "El individuo tagalog y su arte en la Exposicio'n Histo'rico-Americana. Arte do la tltigua Pangasinan6 Caboloan; corregido, aumentado, y loevando, en Si mismo el compendio. Frases familiaros en espafiol y bicol y Guia de conversaciones en bicol y espafiol.
Para saber y hablar pronto el castollano. Propiamonto para los niiios. Nueva Caceres, "La Sagrada Familia," Para Escuelas y Estudiantes que principian 'a aprender el castellano, y para los, estrafios quo desean comprenden algo del Bicol. Nueva Cacrees, "La Sagrada Familia," Para quo puedan aprender con facilidad los niflos y nifias quo estudian ambos idilomas.
Librong pagaaraIan nang manga Tagalog nang uicang Castilla. Libro en que aprondan los Tagalos, la longua Castellana. Pvso tambien aqvi el avtor para el mismo sin que el pretendo, vn Interrogatorio para Confession, compuesto en ambas lenguas, Tagala, y Espai-iola, por el Padre Fray Francisco do San Joseph, fue Examinador; y diosele Liciencia, por los Superioros. Printed at them end of San Jos6. Yn "La Primera imprenta en Filipinas.
Aparato Bibliografico do la ilistoria general do Filipinas. Los antiguos alfabetos de Filipinas. Danlos 'a lvz Dos Religiosos de aquella Provincia, para la utilidad, y facilidad de aprehender aquel Idioma sus ilermanos. Reyes, Isabelo de los: Yn "Historia de Tlocos. Manila, "La Opinion," Filol6gia de los tingtiianes. Yn "Historia do Filipinas," Manila, Balbais. In "Mittheilungen der Kais. Geographischen Geseelschaft," Wien, , in German transl.
Idiomographic on des langues et de leurs dialectes In "Oceanie on Cinqueme partie du monde. Revue geographique et ethnographique de la Malaise, de la Melomerie. Paris, Institut de France, Sobre Ia nueva orto. Yn "La Solidaridad," Apr. Yn "Mulig Pagsilag," Mar. Rosa, Pablo de la: Manila, American Book News Co. De la lengua y literatura malayas. Traduccio'n del ingle's y notas do M.
M agi n da na o reader, for the Public School of the Moro Province. Zamboanga, Mindanao Herald Press, San A gust in, Andre's do: Arte do la lengua Bicol, para la Ensefianza de este idioma en la Provincia do Camarines. Compendio do la Arte do la Lengua Tagala. Manila, "Amigos del Pais," San Antonio, Juan Francisco Ice: Do las letras, lengvas y Policia de, las Philipinas.
Francisco en las Islas Philipinas, China, Japan, etc. San Buenaventura, Pedro de: Vocabvlar de lengva Tagala. El romance Castellano pvesto Primero. Primera y Segunda Parte. Sancianco y Goson, Gregorio: Yn "El Progreso de Filipinas. Estudios economicos, administrativos y politicos. San Jose, Francisco de: Arte y reglas de la lengva tagala.
Arte y reglas de la lengua tagala. Santa Ines, Francisco de: Letras, lenguas y otras costumbres de los antiguos filipinos. Vocabulario de la lengua Tagala. Primera y Segvnda Parte. En la primera se pone primero el castellano, y despues el tagalo. Y en la segunda al contrario, que son las raizes simples con sus acentos.
Con las licencias necessarias. Vocabulario de la lengua Tagala Primera y Segunda Parte. En la primera, se pone primero el Castellano, y despues el Tagalo. Y en la segunda al contrario, que son las raices simples con sus acentos. La Onomatopeya en el idioma tagalog. Manila, "Cultura Filipina," The books in the public documents division are being temporarily shifted in order that a concrete floor may be laid in that division.
Anay, or white ants, the most feared pest in a tropical library, have announced their unwelcome presence by the destruction of several depository volumes of the United States Government. Fortunately, these can be replaced. The new floor will reduce further destruction, but safety and ease of mind can only be reached by the installation of iron book ranges. This improvement it is hoped to accomplish next year.
The connection between the University of the Philippines and Library is daily growing closer. The Library makes it possible for the former institution to dispense with a large library, and this means a saving of space and administrative energy. The students in all departments are learning how to make an intelligent tool of the library. This is especially noticeable in the Filipiniana division, though other divisions are contributing heavily to the student's mental equipment.
Four young men, three of whom are students in the University of the Philippines and one in the public schools, are now employed during their spare time. Their work is intelligent, and they form a flexible body that can be shifted from one job to another without any disorganization in the regular force. New iron ranges will soon be installed in the reading and reference rooms. These are of the same style as those already installed in various parts of the Library, namely the Snead type. This will be the third division equipped with iron shelving. The other divisions with such equipment are the circulating and the Filipiniana.
Circulating Division American Circulating Library , 8 a. A fee of five pesos per annum or fifty centavos per month is charged for the privilege of drawing books from the Circulating Division American Circulating Library. The privileges of the periodical and reference rooms are free to all. Books of the Fililiniana and Public Documents divisions may be consulted free in the library. If sufficient notice be given before the hour for closing the two latter divisions, books will be reserved for readers at the charging desk of the Circulating Division American Circulating Library.
The following brief notes from The American Library Annual, New York, office of the Publisher's Weekly, , will serve to give some idea of the annual book production of some of the countries of the world: Publications in Japan are classified under 33 categories. In , the class, politics, led with 8, publications. Industry, agriculture, and commerce followed with 4,; literature including Japanese and Chinese poetry, and books on travel , 2,; religion, 2,; calligraphy, drawings, and paintings, 2, Several classes are represented by over 1, titles each, while fiction shows a decrease over former years, with but titles.
The figures for Germany include also German books published in Austria and Switzerland.
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The trend in may be seen by the following figures: Of the total number only 1, were entered for copyright in the United States. In France the largest class of books published in was that of literature and fine arts, 2, titles. History and geography have 1, titles; fiction, 1,; education, 1,; medicine and hygiene, 1,; religion and theology, ; and thence by gradually decreasing figures to the lowest class, domestic science, The resume for France notes that only 55 books in "Aviation" were published in , as against 67 in Passing by other countries, the relative positions of the United States and Great Britain for by numbers will be seen in the following condensed tables.
The methods of classification agree along main lines, so that a rough comparison may be readily made. I ks about -— In fiction, particularly, the year compared unfavorably with , though it should be remembered that the latter year was noteworthy for its fiction. This is "a direct result of the cheap-book movement in Great Britain. The apparent falling off of history is due the fact that much history is presented in the form of biography. Attention is called to the fact that the woman writers outnumber those of the opposite sex.
Bennett, Merrick, and Chesterton, among British authors, and Audox, among French, are mentioned for the excellence of their productions. It was published at tion, recently purchased from the pesetas Spanish , or approximately Compahia General de Tabacos de Filipinas, the remainder of the edition of the work mentioned below. Aparato biblio Copies of this bibliography, which grafico de la Historia General de is invaluable for the study of the Filipinas deducido de la coleccion.
Madrid, Imprenta de la Sucesora de M. The library has also copies of the following books which will be sold at the prices indicated: An introductory course in quantitative analysis. Roca de Togores, Jose: Estudio sobre la urbanizaci6n de Manila. Memoria sobre la marina en Filipinas. Antigua organizaci6n de la armada en estas Islas y principales modificaciones que ha sufrido hasta llegar al estado que hoy se encuentra, con noticias estadisticas referentes a sus diversos ramos.
Escrita con arreglo al programa para la Exposici6n de Filipinas. Consideraciones sobre la Constituci6n Apostolica quse Mari Sinico del 17 de Septiembre de seguidas de las reflexiones del Pbro. Mariano Sevilla [Manila], Germania, Roxas y Fernandez, Felix M.: Comentarios al reglamento provincial de las juntas provinciales. Con notas del autor. Y de un apendice que contiene el reglamento de ganados de , varios formularios de pliegos de condiciones y la circular del gobierno civil de Manila de 20 de Enero de , y conteniendo reglas e instrucciones para la formaci6n de los presupuestos de los tribunales municipales.
Volcanoes and seismic centers of the Philippine Archipielago. Memoria historico-administrativa del hospital de San Juan de Dios.
- The Wind of Life: The Wanderers.
- Search Repository?
- Divorce Survival Guide For Woman.
- .
Malab6n, Asilo de Huerfanos, Sanchez y Sanchez, Domingo: Memoria sobre un insecto de los cafetos. Population of the Philippines by islands, provinces, municipalities, and barrios taken in the year La Isla de Mindanao. Su historia y su estVa8o presente, con algunas reflexioln's. Batangas y su provincia. Madrid, Sucesora de M. El Archipielago de Legaspi. Estudios acerca de nuestro imperio oceanico. Las colonias espafiolas de Asia. Madrid, Pacheco y Pinto, Segunda convocatoria anual y catalogo de la Escuela de Medicina de Filipinas establecida por el Gobierno de las Islas.
Manila, Bureau of Printing, Some recipes for preparing jellies, preserves, pickles, and candies from Philippine fruit. Suggestions for the teaching of music in the Philippine schools. Based on the Normal music course. Tamayo y Pascual, Serapio: Discurso leido en la apertura anual de los estudios de la Universidad Pontificia de Sto.
Tomas de Manila el dia 2 de Julio de Costumbres de los ildios tirurayes. The copyright law of the United t'ates of America. In force July 1 Manila, Bureau of Printg, Enacted March 1, Amended to August 20, Third annual report of the superintendent of the Bureau of Government Laboratories for the period from Sept.
Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, I Toral, Juan y Jose: El sitio de Manila Memorias de un voluntario. Torres y Villanueva, Pedro de: Indicador de Leyes de la Comision y de la Legislatura de Filipinas. Trade mark registration act enacted by the United States Congress, approved February 20, , as amended to February 18, , together with the amendatory acts.
La gracia de indulto.
Se encuentra usted aquí
Recurso de casaci6n por infraccion de ley. Programa de estadistica y geografia comerciales. Aprobado por la junta de profesores de la misma escuela. Manila, Escuela de Artes y Oficios, Walls y Merino, M.: El General Despujol en Filipinas. Ninth annual report of the Secretary of the Interior to the Philippine Commission for the fiscal year ended June 30, Manila, Bureau of PrintI ing, Discurso leido en la apertura annual de estudios el 19 de Junio de en el Liceo de Manila.
Burton Harrison, the mother of Governor-General Francis Burton Harrison, is the author of the following books, all of which are to be found in the circulating division American Circulating Library: Daughter of the South. Hm Rtecollections grave and gay. Hst Sweet bells out of tune. Ht Virginia Cousin; Bar Harbor tales. Arnold, Channing; and Frost, F. San Francisco, Mexico, the wonderland of the south. Narrative of a voyage to the West Indies and Mexico. Man who likes Mexico. Commerce of the prairies. The true history of the conquest of new Spain. Family flight through Mexico.
View of South America and Mexico. The boy travellers in Mexico. The awakening of a nation. Mexico in the twentieth century. Short history of Mexico. Central America and its problems. History of the conquest of Mexico. A white umbrella in Mexico. Knockabout club in the tropics. Beyond the Mexican sierras. Mexico and her people of to-day. Wandering islands of the Rio Grande. In "National Geographic Mag.
A Mexican indictment of this republic. In Current Opinion, vol. Death of Madero-end of his regime. Downfall and death of Madero. English press on Madero's fate. In "Literary Digest," vol. Mexico's demand for recognition. Our duty to Mexico. What shall the United States do about Mexico? Iron hand in Mexico. Is there any hope for Mexico?