Just be sure to budget carefully, living below your means, so that you are able to save more or pay off more of your current loans. You can expect the Winged Messenger to go retrograde three times a year for about three weeks each time. During retrogrades, you can expect miscommunication, delays in travel, and breakdowns in machinery and appliances. Usually these breakdowns are due to neglect or lack of attention to detail and the retrograde period simply brings this to the surface. It's often a good idea to hold off on making any important decisions, purchases, or signing contracts when Mercury is retrograde.

Brides planning weddings should certainly consult an astrologer to avoid scheduling the Big Day during a retrograde! On the positive side, Mercury retrograde is excellent for research and investigation. It is a time to go over everything carefully, looking for loopholes, mistakes, and weaknesses. Here are this year's Mercury retrogrades and how they are likely to impact you:. I won't lie to you… this may be a tight month for your budget. With both Mercury and Mars retrograde in your money houses, you may feel like you are getting the shaft no matter where you turn.

What can do now is avoid making any big purchases, signing any contracts, and looking to see where you can trim the fat off of your budget. Once Mercury turns direct on Apr. Relief is on the way. You may need to rely on your ability to read body language and other forms of non-verbal communication, because your most significant others are going to have a hard time communicating during this retrograde.

If you aren't very good at reading minds, this could be a bit rocky for you. If you are single, don't expect to get a clear signal from any potential dates until after this passes! November 6th — 26th Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio, 10th House. Many of you may find that an expected promotion or other form of recognition gets delayed this month, and I wouldn't blame you for feeling bitter. You have worked incredibly hard and been more responsible than any Uranus ruled should have to be, so the wait seems like an insult.

The good news is that right at the end of this retrograde, Venus comes in to smooth everything over.

  • 2012 Horoscopes.
  • Unwell.
  • Areas of Expansion in 2012 for Aquarius: Home, Family, Romance, Children, Recreation, Hobbies.
  • Remembering America: Looking Back at the Last Innocent Age!
  • Philosophy of Physics: Space and Time (Princeton Foundations of Contemporary Philosophy);
  • Areas of Contraction and Lessons in Simplicity: Belief Systems, Learning, Career!
  • .

From here on out, you will be recognized as someone to be reckoned with! Your personal New Moon occurs on January 23rd, signaling new beginnings for you.

2012 Horoscope Aquarius

This is a time to reflect upon the events of the past year and set your intentions for your own personal new year, which begins with your birthday. You have had lofty goals in mind… how close are you to reaching them? Think about what has been working and what you may still need to adjust in order to be successful. Your Full Moon happens on Aug. With Mercury Retrograde, much of what goes on may be internal. A heart-to-heart talk with your partner, mate, or most significant other may shine light on where you are now and where you would like to be a year from now.

  1. Yearly Horoscope: 2012 Predictions for Aquarius.
  2. Outraged of Tunbridge Wells: Original Complaints from Middle England!
  3. View other 2012 Horoscopes.
  4. Eclipses indicate change in the area of life they impact, and are often felt for much longer than regular lunations. In cases where the eclipse makes a close aspect to planets or angles in your chart, they can be felt for up to a year. Here is what to look for during the eclipse cycle of You will need to pay close attention to their behavior and listen to what they are trying to tell you if you want to be effective. This eclipse may also bring a bit of romantic drama into your life… if you haven't been paying attention to a certain someone; you are going to hear about it.

    If you can step up and be the grown up, you should be able to steer clear of any more tears and emotional outbursts. Many of you are feeling incredibly creative and you should make time for enjoying life with your favorite folks. For some, it may mean the beginning of a new career.

    Embrace these changes, because they are in your best interests whether or not that is obvious now. In fact, you can use this energy to create something very positive and creative!

    Aquarius. | Aquarius | Free Listening on SoundCloud

    Friends and associates are willing and able to help you get your ideas off the ground; you just have to present them clearly. That's it for dear Aquarius! Hope we've been a help. Don't forget to follow us up on the monthly and daily forecasts for more details. This is on the way for all Aquarius, since Uranus moves through Aries in the following few years until Allow yourself to treat life as a challenge and you will experience the most, gain the most insights.

    The complete horoscope includes the planets, the astrological Houses, and the aspects between planets. That's a whole lot more. Therefore, predictions based only on your Zodiac star sign can't be very precise. Still, they give some general clues, since the sun is almost as important in the horoscope as it is in the sky above us.

    Aquarius.’s tracks

    It shows your situation and sentiment when you're not involved in other things, for example when you rest or are unoccupied by something special. A astrological prediction based only on what Zodiac sign your sun occupies can only be vague and incomplete. It may also be completely wrong, if other ingredients in your horoscope contradict it.

    For a full bodied and complete horoscope taking all horoscope ingredients into account, see my reading of the World horoscope here. Anyway, for your amusement - above are a few words about what the year might hold for you who are Aquarius, based only on your star sign. Take it for what it is. Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces Your email address will not be published. Then, it will begin to get farther away from Polaris, and it will take about 25, years one Platonic Year to circle back to Polaris again.

    Twice a year, during the equinoxes, the sun crosses the celestial equator. Thus, it changes 30 degrees about every 2, years, an average of one Western zodiac constellation. Among those who give a hoot, different people have different theories about when one Age ends and a new one begins. Most astrologists accept the convention of associating each of 12, 30 degree segments of the ecliptic with one of the 12 Western zodiac constellations.

    But they differ as to exactly which point on the circle should be the point of reference for the other 11 points. This is because the zodiac constellations are not actually 30 degrees wide and spaced exactly 30 degrees apart from each other. They are just random clusters of stars from the perspective of a random point in space at a random moment in time.

    If you drew a line from the eastern-most stars in the constellation of Aries to the western-most stars in the constellation Pisces, the point where this line crosses the ecliptic could be deemed the point on the circle from which the other 11 points are determined. The vernal equinox in the northern hemisphere was near this point on the ecliptic around B. These are the years that the equinoxes were approximately in the 30 degrees of the ecliptic usually associated with the zodiac constellations. Each one represents an epoch of human civilization. The vernal equinox in the northern hemisphere is the autumnal equinox in the southern hemisphere and vice versa.

    2012 Zodiac Signs Prediction

    Pagans presumably believed the first day of the year was the first day of Spring in the northern hemisphere, when the sun was in Taurus. This Age ended around the time of the birth of Julius Caesar. The first day of the year for Jews is near the autumnal equinox in the northern hemisphere, when the sun was in Libra. Christians also believe Jesus is the son of a virgin and believed that chastity was virtuous. The 30 degree segment associated with Leo actually only includes the tail of the lion to Regulus. From Regulus to the head of the lion is in the 30 degree segment associated with Cancer.

    2012 - The Age of Aquarius and Return of Divine Feminine/Magdalene Energy

    Is all this just a harebrained attempt to make sense of something that is completely random? Rudhyar prophesized the beginning of the New Age of Aquarius in , 72 years after something of significance would happen in Another way of dividing the ecliptic up into 12, 30 degree segments is to make Regulus in the constellation Leo the exact dividing line between Leo and Cancer, and to make this point on the ecliptic the reference point for the other 11 points that define the zodiac.

    This would have made the beginning of the Age of Aquarius in , which is when the vernal equinox in the southern hemisphere was 30 degrees west of Regulus. On this date, the vernal equinox in the southern hemisphere could be said to be entering Leo, and the vernal equinox in the northern hemisphere could be said to be entering Aquarius. The actual constellations Pisces and Virgo each extend over more than 30 degrees of the ecliptic.

    The present time just happens to be about 2, years after the equinoxes entered the constellation Pisces and entered the 30 degrees of the ecliptic associated with the constellation Virgo. The vernal equinox in the northern hemisphere on , when the celestial pole points directly at Polaris, seems like another possibility for the beginning of the Age of Aquarius if you ask me. Greetings to you, yours and all that is around you,.