1. Acceptance

Maybe more than once or twice. Make sure its love as love is to you and make sure you know whom you want in your life. When you are ready, they will be there. Until then, have fun, love who you are and enjoy life: I've realised something though. The reason I'm finding it hard to let go is that I'm holding on to a fantasy. When I think back on our time, I remember the good times in HD, multiplied x Letting go isn't a linear process, but much more of a rollercoaster ride. One day I feel great, the next day I'm crying.

One day I'm okay, and I'll feel okay for a while. Then, out of the blue, it'll hit me again. It takes effort, such as remembering that it wasn't all perfect. You feel love within yourself, for yourself and your life.

Whether You Believe Me Or Not, You Will Find Love Again

And act with love when interacting with other people. The way you love yourself and your life, will attract someone with the same type of love. Someone who is confident, trusts themselves, and love living life, will be attracted to someone that matches that to work well together. So, whether or not you will fall in love, means you need love. Your question itself, says it all…Your soul, needs love.

And you have to act to provide it to yourself first. Love is who you are, the way you feel now, is fear. Do thing you love doing. Listen to music you love, Do what feels good to you. And keep doing that. Attracting love, is automatic when your share that love by every way you act and feel about yourself and your life. Love matches up with the same kind of love. It finds the same, to work with it. And love is love, so no matter what kind it is, it will find the same, so love can work. So it find the matching partner no matter what type it is. To get the job done. Love will work, the way you work love.

Of course you will! You need to disabuse yourself of the notion that love is a one-off thing. Ask New Question Sign In. Will I fall in love again, and ever find someone who will feel the same? Elasticsearch Service - Start a day free trial. The only solution built by the makers of Elasticsearch. Free Trial at elastic. You dismissed this ad.

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The feedback you provide will help us show you more relevant content in the future. It is difficult to open up to a new relationship after you have been hurt. For example, after a divorce, you may struggle with the idea of welcoming love into your life again. Being hurt is an unbearable feeling.

You convince yourself that true love does not exist and no one will love you the way you deserve. You are prepared to throw in the towel and shut down from any possibilities of love again. The failed relationship was not meant to be. Below are five suggestions on welcoming love in your life again: Acceptance You must accept the reality that the relationship is over.

Holding on to a failed relationship will never allow you to move forward and find true love. Take as much time as you need to evaluate the past relationship. Revisit the good and the bad and understand why the relationship had to end.

6 Steps to Finding New Love

Allow yourself time Do not rush into another relationship. If you do, you are only using the new person to cover up a broken heart. It is not fair to you or the other person. The other person may be invested in a relationship based on false pretenses. Therefore, give yourself the time necessary to be alone before stepping into a brand new relationship. Enjoy single life Being single is a wonderful thing. You will learn more about yourself.

Dedicated to your stories and ideas.

You begin to have fun with family and friends. The time you spend alone will help you gain a better understanding of what type of relationship you truly desire. Date again Once you have taken the necessary amount of time to grieve and accept the relationship is over, go out. Do not hesitate to meet other people. Do not settle for the first person you set your eyes on, but give yourself the opportunity to explore and meet the right person.

Be open-minded When you finally accept love in your life again, treat the new relationship as what it is — a new relationship. Do not find reasons to find something wrong with your new partner simply because you are afraid that the new relationship will also fail. Embrace the new relationship with an open-mind and optimism. Moving forward sounds easier said than done, but you owe it to yourself to love and be loved again.

You should not have the mentality that the next relationship will end in despair. Enter the new relationship with an open mind and heart. Remember, a new relationship is a new beginning. Quora has great answers. Have a great solution? Businesses find great customers by targeting related topics. Create a free account in minutes. Sign Up at quora. My boyfriend of 2 years left me without even a proper goodbye. Can anyone fall in love with the same person again and again? Remaining emotionally attached to the past prevents you from being fully present — and trusting someone else — and keeps you trapped in a cycle of negativity, she said.

Everyone has emotional baggage. For instance, in the book, Orbuch includes a helpful quiz with questions such as: Do you still keep photos of your ex, compare others to them or visit their social media sites? According to Orbuch, one way to become emotionally neutral is to release your emotions in healthy ways, such as engaging in physical activities and social events; volunteering; writing an honest letter to your ex that you never send ; and getting creative with activities such as painting, gardening and playing music. What also helps is to share your story with loved ones and seek their support, she said.

Orbuch suggested making one small and simple change and committing to it for 21 days. In her study, she found that divorced singles who cut their work hours by at least one hour a day were more likely to find love.

2. Allow yourself time

Changing your routine can open up new opportunities to meet people and even revise how you see yourself, according to Orbuch. Your past relationship probably shaped your personality and preferences in some way. You no doubt compromised, changed and accepted certain traits, she said. To find out who you are, define your key life values.

What matters most to you? For instance, how important is faith, your job or your health? This might seem obvious, but many people do just that: When evaluating your relationship, Orbuch suggests considering the following: Do you trust each other? Do you share similar values?

6 Steps to Finding New Love

Do you handle conflict effectively? Small annoyances add up — and can damage your relationship — so talk to your partner about what bothers you. But just a sweet phrase or small behavior can go a long way.