Jullie hoorden het waarschijnlijk al van ergens waaien: Een meesterwerk dat we zelf met enige zin voor bescheidenheid graag omschrijven als de plaat van het jaar. Wie begrijpelijkerwijs amper kan wachten om dit nieuwe hoofdstuk van jullie favoriete boysband te beluisteren, hoeft echter niet te wachten tot 26 oktober. Want op 22 oktober heten we jullie allemaal welkom op onze fluistersessie in In De Ruimte.

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Samen met de goede vriendjes van Fonkel kan je er het hele album integraal beluisteren via koptelefoons, gratis en voor nada uiteraard. Daar stopt de goednieuwsshow niet! We gaan ter plekke ook een aantal extreem beestige prijzen verdelen onder de aanwezigen. Hou deze pagina in de gaten voor meer daarover.

We zien jullie in In de Ruimte. In hun uitgesproken zoektocht naar identiteit doorbreken ze de rigide deuren van wat de norm is. Onze eerste CD is een feit! En we brengen hem voor het eerst Live! Komt dat horen, komt dat zien! Holy Wave creates a brand of psych that brings to mind fellow Texans like The 13th Floor Elevators and modern contemporaries like The Black Angels and Night Beats, dyed in carefully constructed noise with an attention to detail echoing the work of shoegaze influences like My Bloody Valentine and Spectrum.

Fanfare Famba — doorheen de straten Fanfare de Vette Pistons — doorheen de straten Voor de derde editie van de rommelmarkt hebben de buren zich verenigd in de Kompanie Amfibie Verwacht schatten van op zolder, lekkere verpozingen en een enorm gezellig buurtfeest.

The Clash - London's Burning

Men We Pray For will dj in-between sets. Vodka Candy is a magazine founded by seven painters, which appears every two months. It is a platform created for the visual works that did not end up on canvas, but which are still autonomous elements within their painterly practices. His music focuses predominantly on the potential of emotional developments through repetitive rhythmic patterns, rotating harmonics and resonating melodies.

Decades of constantly collecting shifting sound materials, melding improvisation and DJing practices have lead him to create his own unique electronic organism. Sakan has been collaborating with some notable names in the modern music scope: Releases music under the name Fyoelk. During 'Rural Tendencies Tested' the dancers, performers and visual artists will show parts of their research through various artistic remarks within the space of In De Ruimte.

On both evenings the residents are accompanied by local artists and experimental musicians. NL A rare species of head rushes and quirky shivers In the realm of etno-flambo-coloni-yantism. Compro Oro music https: How does the city manifest and mediate itself in 2D surfaces and 3D spaces through artistic practice?

My work questions urban dwellings. It is exploration of ways to identify "self" through the relationships with others and how we sustain the space amongst many people, huge buildings and chaotic life in the city. Nothing can happen anymore or have happened. No one can do anything for me or against me. My territories are out of reach, and not because they are imaginary, on the contrary: No more big or small wars.

No more travelling, always lagging behind. I do not have any secrets anymore, by having lost the face, form and matter. I'm just a line. I have become capable to love, not of an abstract universal love, but the one I will choose, and who will choose me, blind, my double, who has no more of me than me. We escaped out of love and for the love, abandoning love and the self. We are no more than an abstract line, like an arrow crossing the void. For this new project in collaboration with the dancer Fabio Bergamaschi, Sofie Dubs wants to extend her research on identity by rubbing against a wider skin: To this end, they both achieve annual residence of 1 week in total immersion in different territories urban, rural, industrial, intimate, familiar, foreign Every year, accompanied by guest artists, they explore the various layers of bodily and territorial identities.

This movie has no end, because every day is repeated " in "Alar da Rede", Michel Giacometti The gargoyles bite into the mouths of those who decide to never to decide, and so to stay indecisive? Seeds of something to sow more uncertainty. It's a summer inside the skin of an orange. A dramatic song which becomes the satire of melodrama. The sound and concept is mainly focused on acoustic drone, repetition and minimalism used as a basis to expand the melodic composition.

He creates a unique blend of drone-based jams with strong Indian and Middle-Eastern flavors. Denijs will make it up with some solid mesopherical tidal continuums blazing from his Shruti box, and harmonium. We'll eat, drink and shake hands. We'll trace back the lost lines which couldn't be uncovered yet. We'll pinpoint territories and expand your brain. We'll exchange and present the past memories in personal and collective circles.

He will present new Alien Body merch. Having an enormous impact on the electronic scene it's no wonder artists like Grimes and Lil Peep called him an inspiration and frequented his friend circle. We on the other hand selected him for a 3 week residency at In De Ruimte where he will focus on producing physical mixed media silkscreened work, digital prints and new Alien Body custom merch. Travis will do a 1hour dj set at the opening aswell. Hang tight for an amazing visual and music happening supported by their squad of Perron Zes and Slagwerk.

Het is voor ons belangrijk dat termen als begrip, inleving en expressie blijven meegroeien met een toekomstideaal. Door een blik in de wereld te werpen van identiteit geven we het publiek de kans zichzelf te onderzoeken in de hoeveelheid aan expressies. Geen mens is gelijk en elk mens is evenwaardig. Met de steun van Alles Kan. Crows UK Snedige postpunk uit Londen. Crows speelde tijdens de Gentse Feesten om 3u in de kinky star. Mensen die erbij waren kunnen getuigen dat Crows de ultieme livesensatie is. Voer voor fans van: Van 18 mei tot 3 juni gaat In De Ruimte op zoek naar de grijze zone.

De plek waar artistieke ambitie en burgerlijke verantwoordelijkheid elkaar kruisen. Is de huidige politieke, economische en sociale ruimte nog rekbaar en hoe kunnen kunstenaars deze ruimte herindelen? Civil Disobedience is een oproep naar kunstenaars en burgers om 'protest objecten' te presenteren die aansluiten bij hun eigen visie over het huidige maatschappelijke systeem. We onderzoeken destructieve en utopische visies en alles wat daar tussen valt. We exposeren een autonome situatie die zich binnen en buiten de expositieruimte begeeft.

Gedurende drie weken vinden er lezingen, workshops, een tentoonstelling en interventies plaats in en rond In De Ruimte en de Vooruit in Gent. A place where artistic ambition and civil responsibility collide. Is the current political, economical and social space still malleable and how can artist remodel this space? We investigate destructive and utopian visions and everything in between.

During the manifestation objects will be created in and outside of the exhibition space. The programme consists of an ongoing exhibition, two workshops, a lecture and different interventions in and around In De Ruimte and Vooruit in Ghent. Een plaats waarin de kunsten van grote betekenis kunnen zijn. Deze lezing wordt in het Engels gegeven. Onderdeel van de tentoonstelling Civil Disobedience at In De Ruimte Gratis entree Samen met onderzoekster Lara Garcia Diaz gaan we op zoek naar een formulering van deze grijze zone en wat de relatie is met de publieke ruimte.

Ze doet onderzoek naar duurzame creative arbeid en precaire arbeidsomstandigheden.

Tijdens de lezing zal ze dieper ingaan op de theoretische aspecten van de grijze zone en het verschil tussen civiele en burgerlijke ruimtes en plaatsen. Harmen de Hoop is een visuele kunstenaar die anonieme en illegale interventies maakt in de publieke ruimte. Hij werkt met de notie van ruimte in de hedendaagse stad, het gedrag van individuen of groepen en de belangenconflicten in de publieke ruimte. Hij vertelt over zijn werk aan de hand van verschillende projecten die hij de afgelopen decennia heeft uitgevoerd.

Ze werken binnen verschillende ruimtes en zoeken de grijze zone meermaals op in hun werk. A place where art can be of significant meaning. In her research she focuses on sustainable creative labour and precarious working conditions. During this lecture she will go in-depth in the theoretical aspects of the grey zone and the difference between civil and civic spaces and places.

Harmen de hoop is a visual artist who makes anonymous and illegal interventions in public space. He will tell about his work through different projects he created in the past decennia. In their practice they work around meaning-giving and how this varies through different contexts. Covering the wide arena in which artworks can be shown. Tijdens deze middag gaat architecte en activiste Karel de Kleijne het dialoog aan met de deelnemer en vertelt hoe zij binnen de TU Delft artistieke activistische interventies verricht. Haar lezing eindigt met een overzicht van massale burgerlijke ongehoorzaamheidsacties.

Vervolgens werkt Liam samen met Karel met de groep deelnemers om hen voor te bereiden op grote acties. Ze introduceren systemen van communicatie en besluitvormingsprocessen die gebruikt worden tijdens acties, en zullen fysiek oefenen hoe men met barricades moet omgaan. De rebelse architect Karel de Kleine, een van de oprichters van de TU Delft Feminists, zal een persoonlijk verhaal delen over haar proces als radicaliserende architect.

Beginnend met de "Atmosphere of Change"-performances, satire en andere acties, en hoe dit ontwikkelde tot radicale intersectioneel feministisch activisme, en sluit af met massale burgerlijke ongehoorzaamheidsacties wat ook de introductie is van de workshop die hierop volgt.

Karel is een geprivilegieerde witte cis-vrouw, wie het bestrijden van onderdrukkende systemen zeer belangrijk vindt. Racisme en seksisme zijn niet welkom. We kunnen fluistervertaling naar Engels faciliteren. In het verleden hebben mensen onrechtvaardige wetten gebroken om te vechten voor basis mensenrechten waar sommigen van ons vandaag dag van genieten: Vandaag is burgerlijke ongehoorzaamheid nog steeds zeer noodzakelijk en wereldwijd toegepast.

Sommige mensen zijn gedwongen zich te verzetten omdat onrecht hun land en levens bedreigt, zoals inheemse mensen al generaties vechten aan de frontlinies van kolonialisme, ontbossing en fossiele brandstof mijnbouw. Andere mensen kiezen vanuit een geprivilegieerde positie actief ongehoorzaam te zijn en wetten de breken van koloniale systemen bijvoorbeeld uit solidariteit, omdat: We introduceren de systemen van communicatie en besluitvormingsprocessen die gebruikt worden tijdens acties, en zullen fysiek oefenen hoe blokkades kunnen worden omzeild.

Karel zij en Liam hij zijn beiden ervaren in klimaatacties en trainingen. De locaties van de lezing en training zijn gelijkvloers en geschikt voor mensen in een rolstoel. We kunnen ook zorgen voor fluistervertaling. Onderdeel van het programma Civil Disobedience https: Starting with the "Atmosphere of Change"-performances, satire and other actions, and how this evolved into radical intersectional feminist climate-activism, ending with mass civil disobedience actions, which is also the introduction of the workshop that follows.

Karel is a privileged white cis-female, and who thinks fighting forms of oppression is very important. Racism and sexism are not welcome. We can provide English whisper translation In the past people have disobeyed unjust laws to demand the basic human rights that some of us enjoy today, such as the right to be treated as a human being, the right to vote, the right to education, working rights and the weekend.

Today, civil disobedience is still very much necessary and used all over the world. Some people are forced to, because injustice is threatening their lands and lives, for example indigenous people who are fighting for generations on the frontlines of colonialism, deforestation and fossil fuel mining industry. Other people choose to disobey from a privileged position the same systems of oppression in solidarity, because they know: This training will give a short introduction to mass civil disobedient climate actions like Ende Gelande and Code Rood.

We introduce the systems of communication and decision-making processes that are used during actions, and we will physically practice together how to create a blockade. Karel she and Liam he are both experienced with climate actions and trainings. The location of the talk and training will be on the ground floor and are wheelchair accessible. We are working on a wheelchair accessible toilet, which is at the moment not available.

Deze concerten maken deel uit van Civil Disobedience - Jowan Safadi: Kunnen psychedelica ons tot een dieper inzicht brengen? Leiden ze ons naar een ander bewustzijnsniveau dat men als mystiek of zelfs als religieus kan bestempelen? Alan Watts, Britse filosoof en theoloog, denkt van wel.

Hoe zien die reflecties eruit en hoe kunnen we onszelf daarin oefenen? Is er dan echt geen verschil tussen sommige trips, meditatieve staten van bewustzijn en religieuze ervaringen? Het boek geeft antwoorden, maar werpt eveneens vragen op. Op 13 mei komt de Psychonauten In Gesprek-leesclub voor de eerste keer samen om al deze vragen en meer te bespreken. Koffie en thee wordt voorzien. Voor wie het boek nog niet heeft, een PDF vind je via een simpele google search.

Wie een fysieke kopie verlangt kan deze voor een schappelijk prijsje aanschaffen op velerlei webwinkels. Inschrijven via leesclub psychonauteningesprek. First come, first serve. Dit evenement is gratis. The Joyous Cosmology This expo is a dreamy attempt to create an open space for the sharing of perspectives, a storytelling and a reflection on a more sensitive, poetic and spiritual mode of being and relating- within the self, relationships and society. Femininity is here drawn as an age long inspiration for embracing the intuitive, sensitive and thoughtful; it is the energy that finds within us the force to objectify the dynamics of linear time, success and ego-driven reality, which gifts us a mono reality especially imposed by capitalism and patriarchy.

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It both gives space to the fantasy and investigates its existing borderlines, at times also trying to figure how the poetic elements here associated with the feminine energy could become more and more a part of our collective current. I wish to bring together artists, makers, wizards, to share their reflection on the elements that make us both vulnerable and alive. The expo will happen outside of genres, with the material blending with the performative, giving room to any expression.

It will not be a vernissage but a space for feelings and stories that for a moment come together. It will be life expanding and shrinking, happening spontaneously. Perhaps no party with free wine but a place you can explore out of time, contribute to, occupy, sleep and and study in if you wish. Dramaproject of Stine Sampers long arms extended long arms extended contains images of: Scratching your skin in an act OF passion, or getting underneath it, to incense.

A headlock or the amicable arm slung around your shoulders as you walk togetherdreaming. Stine Sampers Belgium, studied Art History while working and exhibiting as a visual artist, mainly using photography as a medium. Having danced intensively from age 8 until 18 and building up some experience as an actress in film, she is now researching different ways of combining visual and live performative arts within her own practice. Stine and Matilda met in Brussels in spring They share an engagement towards building a platform for a feminist queer circle founded in Brussels and maintained online and through sporadic live meetings.

After an initial meeting in November , this project has been developed and rehearsed mainly through the use of Skype and PiratePad similar to GoogleDocs. Matilda would visit Belgium every six weeks or so and they would continue their virtual research within the context of Circle Meetings as proposed by Stine, in addition to other more informal meetings.

A Circle is a scored group meeting that delivers a range of materials for discussion, such as text, music, choreography, location, etc. The scores can be prepared beforehand and are often tweaked during the Circle. Sometimes they unravel and become something else. Monday 7 May at Eind is het inderdaad reeds afgelopen met de brassers: En toen was er lange tijd niets meer … Maar sinds treden de Brassers sporadisch weer op.

In De Ruimte is een onafhankelijke muziek- en expositieplek in Gent Ledeberg. Ideale omgeving voor de brasserssound. Reserveren is aangeraden als je erbij wilt zijn. A night where different worlds collide - space - noise - punk and hiphop become one - United States and France meet in Ghent - Come and enjoy the freshness - with the help of Chez William Screenprint Co.

Deze expositie koestert het ongewone, een duel met de norm van beeldtaal. Robert Lichnit is een soort atavisme dat als een verknipte zonderling op een podium belandt. The project started with compositions, songs and beats made by Jordan, but it finally turned into a band in Vrije bijdrage richtprijs 4euro http: Martijn De Bondt DJ: Warpaint loert om de hoek en Wild Beasts knikt goedkeurend mee.

First event from Mosaic In De Ruimte. In De Ruimte, Gent. Tobi Jonson and Oscar Pilchard Save the date! TG Gondard, een Franse muzikant en filmmaker woonachtig in Brussel, opent de matinee met grillige lo-fi synth pop. Hij toert momenteel met zijn onlangs verschenen album Avontuur II. Hij toont tevens een selectie van recent audiovisueel werk, waaronder 'Dans La Ford Sierra'.

Afgelopen jaar bracht hij een album en een EP uit. Simiskina, een duo Adrian Myhr en Jonas Cambien gevestigd in Oslo, sluiten de matinee af, improviserend met dynamische ritmische patronen, geprepareerde piano en contrabas. Hun recentelijk uitgebrachte, ongetitelde debuutalbum betrekt zo elementen van hedendaagse klassieke muziek en jazz. He's currently on tour for his recently released album Avontuur II. A visual artist too, he will show some of his latest video work.

Dutch producer and artist Piyojo follows up with sample-based, IDM-like pop. Last year, he released an album and an EP. Let's see what he has in store for this year! Simiskina, an Oslo-based duo, pick up elements from contemporary classical music and jazz in their improvisations. They recently released their debut album on the Portuguese label Clean Feed.

The self-titled album consists of ten minimalistic acoustic improvisations, characterized by dynamic rhythmic patterns, prepared piano and double bass. TG Gondard FR Sterke songs die overweldigend binnenkomen dankzij hun unieke sound waar zowel plaats is voor psych als wereldse klanken. Stap mee in hun onderwereld en laat ze je het benauwd krijgen. Zet uw geest open en laat je in vervoering brengen. Thans speelde de muzikale spil in de ontmoeting tussen bewoners en genodigden enerzijds en de maker en diens werk anderzijds.

Met Of Nooit verlaten we de houtgetinte huiskamers en nodigen we dit toevallige collectief samen uit In De openbare Ruimte. Thematisch divers, vormelijk uiteenlopend, onoverzichtelijk, chaotisch; slechts verbonden door de gezamenlijke geschiedenis. Even in the extreme of solitude, encountering is not to, extrinsically, collide with someone else, but to experiment with the distance that seperates us, and fly over this distance in a crazy back-and-forth.

Vrijdag, zaterdag, zondag van 14 tot 18u. Geprepareerde hazenvellen en -scalpen in vitrinekasten trekken de aandacht en roepen herinneringen op aan een tribaal en gewelddadig verleden. Maar de stukken zijn vals en hebben geen historische of etnografische waarde. Ze werden gemaakt in het heden en dienen voor de toekomst. Een kroon wacht immers altijd op een staatshoofd van formaat. Aan de hand van een totemistische verbeelding en een zeker cultuurpessimisme laat Sampers de macabere schoonheid van de huiden contrasteren met de politieke actualiteit.

Waar lijkt de kunstenaar zich op voor te bereiden? History repeats itself, first as a tragedy, second as a farce. Preserved hare skins and scalps in display cabinets draw the attention and recall a tribal and violent past. Nevertheless, the pieces are false and have no historical or ethnographical value. They were made in the present and will serve in the future.

After all, a crown is always waiting for a significant head of state. By means of a totemistic imagination and a certain amount of cultural pessimism, Sampers puts the morbid beauty of the skins in contrast with the political topicality. What is the artist preparing for? Making sure that you'll start in the best way possible, we have a great Cosmic Slime party coming up in January. So come dance away those winter blues with us! Wim De Busser is a man of many talents: In , he started his solo-project King Dick, labeled as lo-fi psych pop or, a bit more precise, oompah-trash pop.

We already had a sneak preview of the third album, KDIII, and we're super psyched to celebrate the birth of the only royal baby that matters. Anyone who's ever been to one of their shows, already knows this is something very special to look forward to. Trained as a composer of classical music, he now makes catchy pop tunes with tropical 80's reverb vibes, which, according to his label Geertruida, "sound like Andrew Lloyd Webber on adderall while crying over his lost toyboy".

Mark your calendars and start counting the days! No more blue mondays! This event is free and open to the public. Guests are welcome to bring an instrument to participate in the jams or listen and observe the tunes and songs in a close-up and casual environment. Each month, various musicians from the local community, as well as visitors, are welcome to gather throughout the venue. After catching up and choosing a key, the music begins until the "last call for tunes" We provide a basic set up; pa-installation, drum, bas amplifier, guitar amplifier really basic , mics and last but not least some free drinks for the musicians!

Paper Jam, a collaborative drawing session, open to all. A live feed from a webcam set up under a glass table will be projected onto the stage enabling participants to improvise live visuals to the music, allowing the musicians in turn to interpret these projections in their own way. A workspace will be provided with tables, an overhead projector, and some basic drawing materials and tools, though participants are encouraged to bring their own.

If you wish to recover the sacred source of your own mythology and your own inspiration, the time has come to reunite yourselves within the historic bowels of our space, to ring once more the symbolic bell of your imaginative independence, and, holding aloft in one hand your dignity, and in the other the courage, to defy the storm of obscurantism that is threatening our country! By emphasising aesthetics, he seduces the crowd into a world of ongoing equilibrium and the interval that articulates the afrodisiac of music history.

If this man could live again, he would be a recordstore. Felix is the alchemist who brews the p of pleasure into the party. He is the dream dancer behind the wheels of music! Een invitatie tot associatie. Een exploratie van observatie. Een verkenning van de zintuigen als kosmische antenne, tussen micro- en macrowereld.

Een zoektocht naar de ruimte in de ruimte. De machine in de mens. De mens in de geest. De geest uit de fles. De fles als lege ruimte. We nodigen je uit je mee te laten nemen op de intrigerende zoektocht van de alchemistische vorser. Uitkomst gegarandeerd, resultaat onbestemd. Through such an artistic research we aim to emphasise what is hidden in the voice beyond meaning of words, and what is universal in vocal expression of human beings on the level of emotional and social communication.

Our performance will be finalized with a vocal workshop which is dedicated not only for singers but for anyone who delights in the freedom to experiment and expand the borders of their own voice. We would encourage vocal exploration through exercises and improvisations. Maakten vooral een verpletterende indruk met hun debuutplaat 'Neither Virtue Nor Anger' en de split lp met Black Angels.

Hun laatste plaat dateert van dit jaar waar de hevige psychedelica plaats moest maken voor hitgevoelige shoegaze. Live naar 't schijnt een intense beleving, we zijn benieuwd. Unieke cadeau's voor jong en oud!

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Kom een kijkje nemen tussen het aanbod van lokale makers en designers: De band nam in februari een EP op en werkt intussen naarstig verder aan nieuwe nummers. Met hun huidige materiaal kunnen ze de luisteraar trakteren op een set van een uur die subtiele soundscapes afwisselt met grooves en hier en daar ruimte voor een solo of de zwoele stem van Dillian Fevry. Lamar is een Gents improvisatie trio bestaande uit Mathias Van de Wiele el. Hun muziek is zo eclectisch als hun achtergrond.

They're on a European tour in december that brings them to In De Ruimte. A direct, energetic and experimental blend that will make your head and hips wave. Daarnaast is Dinner ook beschermeling van onder andere Mac Demarco, want zo leerden we hem kennen, als support van Mac's vorige tour. Verwacht je aan een avond van uiterst dansbare 80's pop met een knipoog naar Depeche Mode en The Psychedelic Furs.

Surf mee op de chille donkere vibes van Laurens. Deze Deense mulit-instrumentalist reist en speelt mee bij Dinner. De dichter treed ook nog die avond een 10 tal minuten solo op en de muzikant een 30 tal minuten POETRY Frederik Lucien de Laere venijnig gebroed Denis vercruysse venijnig gebroed Albrecht b doemlicht venijnig gebroed https: Ultimate Painting are simple but effective with their lo-fi guitars and catchy but unfussy melodies Live, the band alternates between beautiful harmonies and intricate guitar solos. A treat not to be missed! Electronic Music shows by - Fetter NL With foggy, stumbling synthetic rhythms and tenderly woven vocal tapestries, Fetter produces layer by layer a haunting, arresting noise-pop.

Her warm voice guiding you through a saturated wilderness, Fetter's sound bridges the lo-fi surrealness of experimental electronics with the drama and magnetism of pop. Images influencing sounds and vice versa. They are in the middle of the artistic and coding process.

At In De Ruimte they will give the first Belgium demonstration of their system and performance, in which audio programming environment SuperCollider and game engine Unity are used. Oggy Records initiator Oscar Wyers will perform under his Thavmatvrgist moniker and will play a special live set, deconstructing and editting his own productions on the fly.

This performance will be the soundtrack to the visual fantasmagorics of VJ Autocorrect. Their mesmerising music brings together the weird jungle in which The Residents also happen to reside on the weekends with insanely danceable vogue and Afro electronic beats from big cities. Also on the bill is Dolly Bing Bing, a glamorous alien popstar created and impersonated by artist and dancer Elisabeth Van Dam. Kim Berly — Sheniqua World Tour no more — completes the evening making you drop and duck walk all through one of the coolest spaces in Ghent. As a Subbacultcha member you get: No hard feelings, no strings attached.

Got some questions about our membership? Contact us on Messenger! Lede Hills 9 0 5 0 is a such a celebration of 5 imagineers from the Ghentian Underground. On October 12th, the evening before the official release day of our debut album "SALUTE", we're throwing one hell of a party with acts we genuinely love. The record will be xxxclusively for sale one day before the release hits the masses! Let's have a wonderfull night with Mathlovsky Hard hitting beats and the hair of a god. Onmens Our favorite Belgian band.

Who would want to miss that? After working our asses off for almost a year it's time to finally unveil our Consouling Sounds debut. Let the darkness swallow you whole. Disrupted rock compositions on electric guitar, prepared drum kit, electronics and dual vocals. This is hard bop right here! The Lemones make nasty, gripping noise while screaming poetic thoughts. His music is undeniably groovy and puts the listener into a trance while his punishing vocal assault sends one on a dark psychic odyssey.

Buurtfeest en rommelmarkt in de Fransevaart! Het einde van de zomer en het begin van een nieuwe editie In De Ruimte. We zorgen voor een streepje muziek, live-tekensessies, een kijkje achter de schermen en zoveel meer. Bring your own instrument! Wil je graag plaatsje reserveren voor de rommelmarkt? Psyched to announce our next slime nite!!!

Time to take our creep cult to the next level with a line up that would even make the devil dance. These Rotterdam post-punk firebrands create a deliciously haywire pocket universe to call their own. Een sessie waarbij vereniging van lichaam en geest plaats kan vinden, dit samen met tekenkunst. De poses vormen het uitgangspunt voor de tekensessie. Met een focus op de ademhaling komt men dieper in de houdingen en nemen zo ook transities plaats.

Tijdens deze yogasessie nemen we de tijd om grenzen te verkennen en te verleggen. Door yogaprincipes te vertalen naar tekenen ontstaat een boeiend tekenproces. Met je geest registreer je, zonder oordeel. Aantal deelnemers 25 Bevestig je deelname door je op dit event aanwezig te zetten! Deze sessie gebeurt onder professionele begeleiding. Welcome at the partij of the excuse! Sorry will kick off the summer with a tour through Antwerp, Brussels and Ghent.

It releases things and it generates images, sessions, foods and performances with the latest findings. Shit Girlfriend is a way of life. Shit Girlfriend does not overthink. The conception, songwriting, production, visuals - all the output is as DIY as you can get, and all conceived and delivered within an extremely short timeframe. The process is intense. The result is raw and real music that should be enjoyed by those who wish to have a good time, inspired in equal parts by an experimental Tinder experience, The Flying Lizards, Sonic Youth and Shampoo.

Shit Girlfriend is playing their very first Belgian show on their very first EU tour. In he moved to London where he worked as a media monitor. In he emigrated to New Zealand, where he now works as a public service television programmer. He lives with his partner and cat on Waiheke Island. Are you an author? Help us improve our Author Pages by updating your bibliography and submitting a new or current image and biography.

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  4. Asylum Lake.
  5. O Morgenrot, ich glühe (German Edition).
  6. Learn more at Author Central. I took some time out from blogging and watched a couple of box set series on television. There was a little too much trying to be crammed into a 5-episode series. Murder, collaboration, loyalty, resistance, atomic research, House of Cards games, lust, love, betrayal, family, royalty, rivalry. And on the German side, cardboard cliche characters seen.

    A film that should make people, who think there is such a thing as the 'gay community', think again. Stranger by the Lake is more a docu-drama than a fiction film, for its setting, feel, action, and atmosphere are ultra-realistic. One hundred per cent filmed outdoors, with a cast which needed no wardrobe, it had the air of a nature documentary in which David Attenborough stumbles across a pair of gay men getting it on in the bushes, but instead of suavely narrating off-screen, being firmly. In , I went to Belfast on holiday.

    It was a dark November weekend and before boarding the ferry in Stranraer, I was questioned by non-uniform security personnel as to what my motives were to visit there out-of-season, only a month after the hunger strike in the Maze Prison was called off Bobby Sands had died 6 months earlier. Not an auspicious time to go sightseeing, but I persevered.

    The atmosphere in the city was as depressing as the season. Checkpoints everywhere and body searches ever. Written for my other blog, Fullerswatch. The golden weather after 18 months of improvements in services on the Waiheke ferry has come to an abrupt end when Explore Ferries decided to pull the plug on its sailings from 8 May. It cited lack of patronage which would not enable them to get through the Winter.

    But this simple reason masks a multitude of systemic failures in the Auckland ferry scene, and if they are not remedied we will unlikely see any competing service ever again. No sex, but plenty of violence. Mad Max - Fury Road review: It was strange that in the midst of an environmental disaster and resource wars everybody drives these gas guzzling vehicles. Oil was obviously not in short supply. I suppose the pyrotechnics would have been limited if everybody was on push bikes. Also, there were no non-whites in the cast, as far as I could see under the dusty and pasty faces.

    Was there any reason for this, apart from appealing to adolescent white males who are into heavy metal culture? Sex in the news. Another juicy Australian 'sex scandal' involving their armed forces: He is expected to face disciplinary measures as the founding member of The Love of my Life, an AFDA football group that made new members perform sexual acts on one another as part of a hazing ritual.

    An Artful Dodger's musing. First commissioned essay for New Zealand's gay newspaper express. Do we look at the world — and art — differently because of our sexual orientation? Imagine, if you will, wandering into an art gallery or museum, not knowing what to expect or see, perhaps enticed by a specially curated exhibition of art you are rather unfamiliar with.

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    It happened to me l. A bowdlerised version of this column appeared in express magazine, New Zealand's gay periodical. It was severely edited to not offend their advertising sex-on-site businesses reviewed in the piece, which is the publisher's right. But here you get the unvarnished, raw, consumer point of view. The location, facilities and even some of the punters have not changed much over the years. Since a recent fire in the sauna room closed th. Waiheke Island's annual Gay Abandon show was a great fun night out, lots of singing, some dancing and revenge poetry.

    Mighty River Power share sale. Our conservative Government here in New Zealand is making good on its promise to sell revenue-generating companies it owns to try and plug its own created budget deficit caused by a tax cut on the higher incomes. Those will now be able to buy a cash cow for a song. With the help of the Government. And everybody else will just have to pay more for power to ensure a dividend flow. An insane economic policy but a tribute to dead ideologies. Waiheke Island election candidate selection. And before you get the wrong impression, the Oyster Inn on Waiheke is a world-class restaurant worthy of your patronage.

    Nothing in the parody video should be taken as literal truth. Feature films set in English public schools are strangely timeless: Bonding in the news.

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    The Australian Olympic swimming team was paraded on international TV and in the newspaper to confess about the "bonding" they did prior to the competition. It consisted of going to a movie, having dinner together, spinning swimming yarns while having a few beers, talking a sleeping pill and be in bed by I reckon they were in dire need of a director of bonding me instead of public humiliation, to make sure future sessions involved speedos, condoms, shaving gear and a.

    The new library building project in Oneroa on Waiheke Island was rudely interrupted by the receivership of the construction company Mainzeal, and has left an unsightly hole in the ground, probably for several years to come. They are such fun to make! The Headland Sculpture on the Gulf exhibition is a biennual event in which the artwork has a huge task competing with the scenery, and most times nature wins out.