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Kyla Duffy

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  • Reward Yourself?
  • Truth or Consequences!
  • Lost Souls: FOUND! Inspiring Stories About Herding-Breed Dogs.
  • Lost Souls: Found! Inspiring Stories About German Shepherd Dogs?
  • Wertorientierte Unternehmensführung mithilfe der Balanced Scorecard (German Edition).
  • by Kyla Duffy & Lowrey Mumford!

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Lost Souls: Found! Inspiring Stories About Herding-Breed Dogs (Unabridged)

Long before dog drama took center stage in her life, Kyla's studies kept her entertained. Her dream was to teach at the University of Colorado, and the only way to do that was to obtain a master's degree, at the bare minimum. After seven years of intensive study, she was ready, and she was hired!

But just then, the winds of change gusted, drawing her focus up into the air, and she decided to pursue flying trapeze instead. There were plenty of opportunities for flying trapeze work in The States, but where was the adventure in that? Kyla took a job as far away as possible, in a country where she couldn't read the language, speak the tongue, or easily bring her dogs: Learning any language is a never-ending process, but who would have thought that preparing dogs for immigration would take nearly that same amount of time?

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For Kyla, it was just what she needed--complications are the spice of life! Bill and Hillary stayed with Kyla's parents while she flew over the Pacific to, um, fly on the other side of the Pacific.

Then, when the long home-quarantine period ended, Kyla hopped a plane home to pick up her dogs. During her brief stay in America, she received news that should not have been even remotely shocking: In the end, Kyla was able to negotiate the release of Bill from her parental pup-nappers, but she could only obtain visitation rights for Hillary. Now, Hillary lives with Kyla's parents in a three-story home on the corner of a beautiful park in Boulder, Colorado, and Kyla and Bill share a third of a rusted, old shipping container at POP Circus in Japan.

Where to find Kyla Duffy online

Bill spends most of his time sleeping and eating the leftover curry off the neighbor's dishes. As for Kyla, when she is not princessing around in a tiara or taking long walks on the beach with Bill, of course , she is writing about their adventures. From "B" to "T" "Bill" to "Typhoons" , circus life with a dog in a foreign country riddled with natural disasters supplies Kyla with almost all the challenge she needs, but the wind's always a-blowin' Stay tuned to see what adventures await!

In addition to performing flying trapeze, Kyla owns http: This book is a must-read for German Shepherd lovers and people who are considering adopting dogs This audiobook is perfect for those looking to bring a dog into their lives, as it is a great way to learn about life with these breeds This book features pets who, with the help of loving, caring guardians, have overcome incredible obstacles to make the most out of their lives Like any other dog, when treated with love and respect Pit Bulls are the most loyal, loving companions out there This book is a must-read for Boston Terrier lovers and for people who are considering adopting dogs