The Anatomy of an Herbal Smoking Blend
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List of Smoke-able Herbs. For when times are hard or just to try what is out there. Starting with Spearmint and peppermint California Poppy can also be used as a nice relaxing tea. Some say it makes a nice tea. Catnip makes a nice relaxing herbal smoke! The smell of Chamomile is absolutely wonderful! It has a sweet, fruity smell that is very rejuvenating and mind cleansing.

Egyptian Chamomile has a very high content of essential oils. Chamomile tea is a favorite of many for a soothing, cleansing and relaxing feeling. It's actually used as a tobacco substitute in the United Kingdom. Makes for some pretty good tea too. That's the big question going around.

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  • Urban Prepper Chick - Learn as I Go: List of Smoke-able Herbs!
  • Modern Herbal Smoking Blends?
  • How To Craft Your Own Herbal Smoking Blends.

It has also been used as an aphrodisiac. Damiana can be made into a tea as well. As a matter of fact, the powder keeps going without a bunch of re-lights. This will be a great addition to other loose herbs you are purchasing if you are making your own mixture. The powder will help your blends stay lit. Lavender flower has sort of a "blueberry" aroma.

Make your own Herbal Smoking Blends

This beautiful herb is commonly used to help sooth the body and mind. No doubt, Lavender Flower makes a great smoke, especially when blended with other herbs. This herb is a Native American substitute for tobacco and the addictive qualities that come with it. Lobelia's chemical structure is very similar to tobacco, therefore some are finding it helpful as a quit smoking aide. You should not use Lobelia in any way during pregnancy. Some grind it into a tea when sick, namely to treat the symptoms of bronchitis.

This herb is used for many reasons, including mixing with other herbs to make fantastic herbal smokes! Combine all of your ingredients in a small bowl and fluff them together until everything is evenly mixed. A little moisture goes a long way to make an herbal smoking blend more palatable. Herbs that are dried for storage are sometimes too dry to make a good smoking blend, so spritzing your smoking blend with a little water and storing it in a closed container to allow the herbs to absorb the moisture can help.

Herb-a-rrific!: How To Make Herbal Smoking Blends

Adding a little honey to the water is a nice touch, too. Spritz with enough water and honey to moisten and store the mix in a tin or glass jar with a lid. The amount of water you need will depend on how dry the herbs are. If you accidentally get things too wet, leave the lid off overnight for some of the water to evaporate.

How To Craft Your Own Herbal Smoking Blends

It transcends boundaries of time and geography for a fascinating glimpse into botanical history. Although some people do use herbal smoking blends as they lessen their dependence on tobacco or use them sparingly on occasion for other purposes, smoking is not a healthy practice in the long term. Uses and abuses of plant derived smoke. Sign up for the Herbal Academy Newsletter, and we'll send you a free ebook.

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Information offered on Herbal Academy websites is for educational purposes only. The Herbal Academy makes neither medical claim, nor intends to diagnose or treat medical conditions. Links to external sites are for informational purposes only. The Herbal Academy neither endorses them nor is in any way responsible for their content. Readers must do their own research concerning the safety and usage of any herbs or supplements. Modern Herbal Smoking Blends Herbal smoking blends now encompass herbal cigarettes, pipe tobacco alternatives, and even herbal vape liquids.

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The Anatomy of an Herbal Smoking Blend It can be helpful to think of herbal smoking blends as three parts: The Base Ideally, a base herb is light and fluffy. Herbs with a Supportive Role Herbs with a supportive role for the lungs or nervous system are good additions to an herbal smoking blend. For lung health, consider herbs like Horehound Mullein Hyssop Thyme Marshmallow Lobelia For the nervous system, some of the following herbs could be used: Angelica Peppermint Spearmint Monarda Lavender Anise Adding Body Tobacco smoke has a certain heaviness and smoothness to it that is sometimes missing in herbal mixtures.

Some of the herbs that work well for this are: Uva ursi Willow bark Blackberry leaf or root How to Formulate an Herbal Smoking Blend The ratio of ingredients in your herbal smoking blend is a personal decision. I like starting with a basic formula like this: Winter Mullein Blend Print Ingredients. How to Make Herbal Ear Drops. Disclosure The Herbal Academy supports trusted organizations with the use of affiliate links.