Expert Master Mixologist David Herpin: These promotions will be applied to this item: Restaurang Kvarnen Welcome to book a table Are you more than 8 people? Drinking Quotes quotes Goodreads — Share book You are drunk', to which I replied 'I am drunk today madam, and tomorrow I shall be sober but you will still be ugly. A Recipe for Collecting Publishers have also jumped on board and reprinted numerous classic books about cocktails and mixing drinks from years gone by.
There is now a choice for the book collector who loves a stylish drink or two, or three. This world is not rosy and we are all aware of it. Our life is made of "contrast" between what we call "good" and "bad", "negative" and "positive", what we like and what we do not like. Live better and manage your hypersensitivity and emotions Hypersensitivity, a vast subject: This state is an integral part of the personality of the gifted, it is a neurophysiological reality. It is an attempt to explain what tree thinking or analog thought is about linear or sequential thinking.
The gifted and love 1This fear will stop him. But his desire for love, his idealistic side will often push him beyond. It is a very great strength. Insert new third animal: Write a loop so that you can input each of your five best friends and it will output them in the order you input them. Sometimes you might not know the length of an array that you area dealing with yet you will still want to cycle through all the elements. Visual Basic and most languages offer a for each routine that allows you to look at each element until you find the last one.
This makes for far more robust code where you don't have to keep changing the variables of loops each time you change the size of arrays:. Arrays are very useful for solving all manner of problems, ranging from sorting lists to storing the results to calculations. Take the Fibonacci sequence of numbers where: This could take some time to calculate by hand but and we can use an array to calculate and store this sequence:. Arrays are also very important when we are searching and sorting data.
You will learn a lot more about this in A2, but for the moment take a look at this linear search routine:. Who are you searching for: Olamide Olamide found at position: As the array starts at location 0, the length of the array will be 1 more than the largest index number. To save you rewriting lots of code again and again you might use a sub routine, there are two types: For example in a program you wanted to know today's date, instead of having to write a separate sub routine to calculate the date each time you wanted to work it out, you would probably use date.
This is a function, when you call it, it returns a value. It was written by someone else and you can keep reusing it as many times as you want. Any program written in industry will use sub routines calling things like: Procedures and Functions allow for you to:. Functions are slightly different, as they return values you must include a return function in their declaration.
And you must specify the datatype of the value being returned, in the case below that is an Inteteger specified by: You can build up all sorts of programming structures by making Calls part of the code. Remember that Functions are fun, so you should be doing something with the returned value. Parameters allow you to pass values to the procedures and functions that you declare, you can pass all sorts of data as parameters and you can pass as many as you like. Parameters are often called Arguments. Technically, they are very similar but not the same thing. When you describe a procedure or a function, and identify the data it can accept, each thing is a Parameter.
When you later use the procedure or function within a program, and provide it with an actual piece of data or multiple pieces , those things are called Arguments. In practice, the terms are often used interchangeably c. What's the difference between an argument and a parameter? Note that as it's a function, we had to include the call in an equation. It returns a value, it can't sit on its own. The output would be:. Write a function declaration with the identifier of Avg that will accept 3 numbers num1, num2, num3 and return the average:.
For the above function, write code with a function call to work out the average of three numbers input by a user:. The parameter that you are passing to a procedure or function is referred to. That means you are pointing at it, you are going to directly change its value and anything that happens to it within the procedure or function will change the original value. The parameter that you are passing to a procedure or function is copied. That means you are taking a copy of the original value put into the procedure or function call. Anything that happens to it within the procedure or function will NOT change the original value.
This saves a local variable of the number1 value, storing it in num, it is only valid inside the IncPrintNumber sub routine The output would be:. A parameter passed by value copies the value of the parameter passed into the sub routine. Any changes made to this value do not impact on the original value. A parameter passed by Reference passes a link to a variable. Any changes made to the parameter in the sub routine change the original variable. Global variable - declared at the start of the program, their global scope means they can be used in any procedure or subroutine in the program.
It is seldom advisable to use Global variables as they are liable to cause bugs, waste memory and can be hard to follow when tracing code. Local variable - declared within subroutines or programming blocks, their local scope means they can only be used within the subroutine or program block they were declared in.
Local variables are initiated within a limited scope, this means they are declared when a function or subroutine is called, and once the function ends, the memory taken up by the variable is released. This contrasts with global variables which do not release memory. So looking at the code inside the main sub routine we have 3 different ways of printing out the variable number1.
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If you want to quickly tell the difference between a global and a local variable use these quick rules. But be warned they might try to trick you! You have already learnt how to use one dimensional arrays in your computer programs. You should be familiar with code such as:. This is great for storing lists of things, but what about if we want to simulate something more complex such as a game board or a map? Wouldn't it be great if we could use a two-dimensional array?
Most major programming languages allow you to use two-dimensional arrays. They work in much the same way as a one-dimensional array but allow you to specify a column index and a row index. Two-dimensional arrays are very useful and a good place to get started is to create your own version of the game Battleships with a 4 cell by 4 cell grid.
See if you can win, or even break it! A much smarter way is to use a loop, this will allow for you to quickly create an board of any size you wish. There is a question coming up that will want you to build this! If you've done this you might want to get the program to print some massive boards, whatever floats your boat. Another game you might play on a 2D grid is the popular game of noughts and crosses:. We need the ability to check whether the game has been won and who has won it. We'll do this by building a win check that returns true if the specified player has won, or false otherwise.
We need to pass it some values to check, namely the board - b and the player you are checking for - p. Both are passed byVal as we don't need to change them:. It's a bit of a rubbish game so far, so we better let someone move: You have met one and two dimensional arrays so far, but this isn't the limit to the number of dimensions that you can use. For example you might want to model a three dimensional world by using a 3D array. You have already met a variety of built-in datatypes with integers, strings, chars and more. But often these limited datatypes aren't enough and a programmer wants to build their own datatypes.
Just as an integer is restricted to "a whole number from -2,,, through 2,,,", user-defined datatypes have limits placed on their use by the programmer. If you are using lots of constants in your program that are all related to each other it is a good idea to keep them together using a structure called an Enum. For example you might want to store the names of each set of cards in a deck, instead of writing:. This allows you to set meaningful names to the enum and its members, meaning it it easier to remember and makes your code more readable.
With enums we can create a datatype called Result and store the points within it, under easy to remember name:. Record - a value that contains other values, indexed by names. Records are collections of data items fields stored about something. They allow you to combine several data items or fields into one variable.
An example at your college they will have a database storing a record for each student. Nigel insert the Date of Birth: It would take an awfully long time to declare them all, let alone saving writing data to them. So how do we solve this? Well we need to combine two things we have learnt about so far, the record and the array. We are going to make an array of student records:. This seems to solve our problem, you might want to try it out yourself but decrease the number of students slightly!
However, what use is a program that only saves all the students for as long as it is running? We need to know how to write to files, and read the data back, we'll look at that in the next chapter. It's pretty cool creating your own datatypes where you can set up collections of attributes fields , but it would be even cooler if you could store custom procedures and functions as well. This is where Object Orientation comes in. You'll learn a lot more about it in A2 but there is nothing to stop you getting started now.
Early Arcade machines stored your high scores, but as soon as you turned the machine off then all the scores were wiped! Nowadays it is unthinkable to have a game where you don't save scores, trophies, achievements or your progress. Writing to files allows people to do this alongside all the other essential file writing such as saving text documents, music and images. Another use of files is reading data into your program: Both of these things involve reading a file.
Files might have lots of strange file extensions like. In fact there are thousands of them and they tell the Operating System what program to use to read the file. Some of them will be plain text and some of them gobbledygook. We are going to learn how to read and write data directly to these files. This program cannot be run in DOS mode.
To do this you'll need the StreamReader , a collection of functions used to read data from files into our program. To get this program to work you are going to need a file called myfile. To sleep and smell the incense of the tar, To wake and watch Italian dawns aglow And underneath the branch a single star, Good Lord, how little wealthy people know. Alternatively placing the text file in the same directory as your python program means you only need to specify the file name:.
Name of file to load: The following programs show how to open and write to a text. Note that doing this will overwrite existing files of the same name without warning! It only changes how a program or an Operating System handles the file, it doesn't change anything inside the file. A special sort of file is a Comma Separated Value.
This file is used for store spreadsheet information with each comma denoting a new cell, and each new line a new row. For example in the code below there are three columns and three rows. If you need to include a comma in a cell you have to encase the cell text in speech marks. You might notice that. So if you were to save your spreadsheet in Microsoft Excel as a.
Each record consists of one or more fields, separated by commas. You should be able to move data between a 2d array and a csv file. The following code gives you an example of how to do this. This example uses ",". Join is a method of a string in python. It takes an array of strings and joins them into a single string using in this case a comma as glue. Note that if your array contains any non-string data types, this will not work and you will need to convert the elements of your array into strings first. Note that readlines reads a text file into a one dimensional array of text.
Write a program which extends the tasks above allowing you to maintain a friends list. You could include features such as searching for, adding, editing and deleting friends. A lot of modern programs and data formats such as LibreOffice and. XML has become increasingly important, especially with regards to the internet, if you want to learn more you can check out the tutorial at w3schools. However there are people who hate XML: A leaner way of sending data from one place to another is JSON which you can also find out about at w3schools.
When you write a program it often won't work as you expect. It might not compile, it might crash when you run it, or it might give you the wrong result. These are all errors with your code and we can place them into 3 different error categories:. You have probably met this error a lot, when you try and run your program it won't compile, giving you an error message. If you are using something like Visual Studio it will even underline the problem code with a blue squiggly line.
There is a problem with the structure, or syntax, of the code that you have written. This might be a situation where you have forgotten to add a closing bracket or you have misspelt a key word. You should be able to see that in line 1 the programmer has misspelt the word to. This code won't work at all. Sometimes you will have a program that compiles fine, but breaks when you actually run it.
For example this code here:. The programmer has created an infinite loop , and the value of total will head towards infinity, eventually breaking the program. A logic error is when a program compiles, doesn't crash, but the answers that it gives are incorrect. The logic, semantics or meaning, conveyed by the code is wrong. Take a look at the next example:. There is a Runtime error. The first line has a compilation syntax error.
The third line has a Logic semantic error. Line 1 has a compilation error, Sting should read String. There is also a potential Runtime error on line 5, if the user inputs a value of y that is greater than 3 then the code will break. Errors like these can be solved in a number of ways, we are going to look at one now. The reason, as you should already be aware, is that variable age is an integer and you are trying to save the string cabbages into an integer.
It's like trying to fit a cannon into a camel, they just aren't compatible, and VB will definitely complain ruining all your code. What is needed is a way in which we can stop or catch these errors, we are going to take a look at try and catch. Conversion from string "Socrates!
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What is your name? Letting us know that you're put a string in when it was expecting an integer. The program doesn't crash. As we have seen variables can play a very important role in creating programs and especially when executing loops. The roles of these variables can be categorised into several types:. Let's look at a more complicated example:. In the above code you can see the various roles of variables in collecting together 10 inputs and adding them all together gathering:.
In the code above you can see the use of the most wanted holder to store the maximum value from an array of numbers. As you cycle through each item in the array using the stepper c , you update the mostwantedholder to store the maximum value that you come across. Let's take a look at a more complex example. The code above describes a single pass of bubble sort.
Using the temporary variable, temp , we bubble the largest array value to the top of the array, by comparing the current array value scores c and the follower prev. Finally let's look at an example of a transformation, we have used lots of loops so far, but variables certainly aren't only used in loops:. The roles you see here are included in the syllabus and it is very likely that they will be examined. There are several other roles out there which aren't covered here, these include:.
You can find out more about them here. This section will look at how to write the best formed and most readable code we can. If you want to be a good programmer and get good marks in the exam then you have to make sure that your code is easily read by other people. There are several things you should try and do when coding:. This means you can then use them as building blocks to build bigger solutions. Make sure that the datatype you use are sensible.
You will get marked down for using the wrong datatypes in your database tables and variables. If you are recording the total number of chocolate bars in a shop you don't need to use a Long or Float, you can only have whole numbers of chocolate bars and it is unlikely you'll have over a few million items. When you are declaring parts of your program and you return to the code some time later, you want to be able to understand what each variable, procedure and function does without having to trace out the code.
The easiest way to start doing this is to name them correctly:. If you are using variables to store things they must have a name that makes sense so you know what it does when you read its name in your code. If you are recording the total number of chocolate bars in a shop you don't want to use a name like variable1.
What does variable1 mean? Use a sensible name such as NumChoc. If you are creating subroutines to process things in your code make sure you give them a sensible name so that people know what they are doing when they see them in the code. If you have written a piece of code to calculate the average price of a chocolate bar then don't call it FunctionA , what does FunctionA mean?! If you are using lots of variable names and function names, stick to a single style for naming them. If you use lots of different conventions things are going to look ugly.
Long variables can be very hard to read and much easier for you to make mistakes when writing them, try to shorten things where possible. A lot of programming environments help to indent your code automatically and you should be able to find one for the language you are using. Indenting helps people to read and understand your code quickly as it clearly shows the structure of functions, procedures, selection and iteration statements. For example the following is very hard to read:.
Some of the best written code doesn't need comments because if you have structured it correctly and used all the proper naming conventions it should be pretty easy to read. However for the code you are writing you should put some comments to explain what each section does. The sub routine is performing multiple function: You could replace the above with two subroutines:. Modular arithmetic is all about finding the remainder from long division MOD , and the total number of times that a number goes into a division DIV. Let's take a look at a quick example of 10 divided by 7 you might want to remind yourself about long division:.
A very common example in past exam paper has been using the MOD and DIV to work out a binary equivalent of a denary number. Try the code out and see if it works. Try to write a trace table and see how it works for the number 67 again another popular question in exams:. Another common use is in finding out whether a number is odd or even using the MOD function. We know that MOD returns the remainder from a division sum. By modding something with 2 we can work out whether it is odd or not due to the return value. As you have probably discovered already, converting a positive binary number into a negative binary number involves changing bits.
How exactly does a computer perform this action? The answer lies with bitwise operators:. So how can we use these for useful tasks in a computer? If we look closer at the examples above we can see that setting Input 2 bits to 1s or 0s has a direct inpact on the Output.
We'll call Input 2 a mask , and we apply this mask to change the values in Input 1 in certain ways. Consider these questions about Masks:. This might all sound a little academic, what are the actual practical uses of this? Take a look at the following:. First lets find out the difference between two letters, we'll look at 'P' and 'p', and 'A' and 'a':.
We can clearly see that it is the 6th bit that defines whether a number is upper case not set or lower case set. Now let's apply this rule to see if it works:. What about converting an upper-case letter into a lower-case letter, try with X , you can't use AND what can you use? You can program logical bitwise operators to change the case of letters and even encrypt messages.
Unfortunately it isn't always possible to play around with binary digits and you may have to work with decimals instead. Let's take a look an an example using an AND:. Let's look at a slightly more interesting example:. We are going to write a short program to swap the case of a sentence that you input, for example, if you typed:. The Cat sat on the Matt converting Write code that uses bitwise operators to display whether an input number is a Odd or Even. For example if the user inputs 9, the program should output 1. If they input 64 it should output 0.
In a set, each value occurs only once. For example, the value fox will occur only once in the set of animals. Just as the value 3 occurs only once in the element of all natural numbers, N. Sets may be finite or infinite. For example, the set of people currently alive in the world will be finite, but the set of N is infinite. A set may be countable or uncountable. A countable set is a set, whose elements can be matched with the set of natural numbers. In other words, it is possible to count the elements one-by-one. If a set is finite, it will always be countable.
The best example of an uncountable set is R. It is impossible to match each element of R with an element of N. This is because there are not enough elements in N to match each one with an element of R. Let set A be the set of all atoms in the world. Which of the following words can be used to describe this set? Countable, uncountable, finite, infinite. Let set P be the set of all prime numbers.
This is a set comprehension, since this generates a new set. Now let A be the set of all A-level students who take computer science and B the set of all A-level students who take mathematics. Let A be the set of all A-level students who take computer science and B the set of all A-level students who take mathematics. However, there will need to be at least one element in T, which is not in S.
No, because there are elements in the set B which are not in the set A. In other words, A could be identical to B, but does not have to be! Let A be the set of all students in 6th form and B the set of all students taking computer science. Now let A be all of the students present in school and B the set of students currently in the assembly hall.
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Let A be all students who sit the A-level exam in computer science. Let B be all the students who gain a 'B' grade or above in the A-level computer science exam. Yes, because it may be the case that all students who sit the exam will also gain grade 'B' or above. Let A be the set of customers in a restaurant. Let B be the set of all the vegetarian customers in the restaurant. Is B a subset of A? Could A be a subset of B? Could A be a proper subset of B? B is a subset of A since every vegetarian customer is a customer.
A could be a subset of B, because it may be the case that all customers present are also vegetarian. It cannot be a proper subset, since A contains B. Differentiate between the character code representation of a denary digit and its pure binary representation. Error checking and correction. The language that a computer understands is very simple, so simple that it only has 2 different numbers: This number system is called Binary.
This is because 1 represents high voltage and 0 to represent low voltage. This is the fundamental unit of information. Everything you see on a computer, images, sounds, games, text, videos, spreadsheets, websites etc. Whatever it is, it will be stored as a string of ones and zeroes.
Bit - a standard unit to measure computer memory, consisting of a value that is either 1 or 0. Byte - a standard unit to measure computer memory, usually consisting of a group of 8 bits. Know that in unsigned binary the minimum and maximum values for a given number of bits, n, are 0 and 2 n -1 respectively. A common question that you'll need to know the answer to, and one that many people get wrong, is a question about the minimum and maximum denary value you can store in a set number of binary digits.
So for 3 binary digits the range of numbers I can store is 0 minimum to 7 maximum. A similar, but different question, is how many different binary patterns and therefore values can you represent with a set number of binary digits. If I were to be asked how many binary patterns can be represented from 3 binary digits, then we have 8 options:. We could count these all out and write down: But this isn't very clever, what is you wanted to find out the range and maximum values for 34 bits, you can't be expected to write them all out.
We are looking for a rule to save us the job and stop us making mistakes. For example, for 3 digits: For an address bus with 6 wires, what is the highest address that can be given? How many addresses can accessed? Different number of addresses: Before we jump into the world of number systems we'll need a point of reference, I recommend that you copy the following table that you can refer to throughout this chapter to check your answers.
Denary is the number system that you have most probably grown up with. It is also another way of saying base This means that there are 10 different numbers that you can use for each digit, namely:. Using the above table we can see that each column has a different value assigned to it. And if we know the column values we can know the number, this will be very useful when we start looking at other base systems.
Obviously, the number above is: You should know denary pretty well by your age, but there are different base systems out there, and the most important one for computing is the binary base system. Binary is a base-2 number system, this means that there are two numbers that you can write for each digit:. With these two numbers we should be able to write or make an approximation of all the numbers that we could write in denary.
Using the above table we can see that each column has a value assigned to it that is the power of two the base number! If you are asked to work out the value of a binary number, the best place to start is by labelling each column with its corresponding value and adding together all the columns that hold a 1. Let's take a look at another example:.
So now all we need to do is to add the columns containing 1s together: Is there a short cut to working out a binary number that is made of solid ones, such as: If we were to use octal , a base 8 number system, list the different numbers each digit could take:. A common question that you'll need to know the answer to, and one that many people get wrong, is a question about the maximum denary value you can store in a set number of binary digits, or alternatively, the range of values that you can store in a set number of binary digits.
Read carefully, these are not the same thing. You may notice from the table that one hexadecimal digit can represent exactly 4 binary bits. Hexadecimal is useful to us as a shorthand way of writing binary, and makes it easier to work with long binary numbers. Hexadecimal is a base number system which means we will have 16 different numbers to represent our digits. The only problem being that we run out of numbers after 9, and knowing that 10 is counted as two digits we need to use letters instead:. You might be wondering why we would want to use hexadecimal when we have binary and denary, and when computer store and calculate everything in binary.
The answer is that it is entirely for human ease. Consider the following example:. Hexadecimal is used in computers for representing numbers for human consumption, having uses for things such as memory addresses and error codes. Hexadecimal is used as it is shorthand for binary and easier for people to remember. Computers still have to store everything as binary whatever it appears as on the screen.
The sum that you saw previously to convert from hex to denary seemed a little cumbersome and in the exam you wouldn't want to make any errors, we therefore have to find an easier way to make the conversion. Since 4 binary bits are represented by one hexadecimal digit, it is simple to convert between the two. You can group binary bits into groups of 4, starting from the right, and adding extra 0's to the left if required, and then convert each group to their hexadecimal equivalent.
For example, the binary number can be written like this:. So the binary number is 6CF5 in hexadecimal. We can check this by converting both to denary. First we'll convert the binary number, since you already know how to do this:. To convert from hexadecimal to denary, we must use column headings that are powers with the base 16, like this:. To convert from denary to hexadecimal, it is recommended to just convert the number to binary first, and then use the simple method above to convert from binary to hexadecimal.
In summary, to convert from one number to another we can use the following rule: So that it makes things such as error messages and memory address easier for humans understand and remember. You should be comfortable with adding, subtracting and multiplying in decimal. Computers need to do the same in binary, and you need to know it for the exam! This is pretty simple, we just add up each column, but what happens if we have can't fit the result in one column.
We'll have to use a carry bit:. Hopefully you're good with that. Now let's take a look at how it's done in binary with a very quick example, with a check in denary:. This seems pretty straight forward, but what happens when we have a carry bit? Well pretty much the same as in denary:. You should hopefully have learnt how to multiply numbers together in decimal when you were at primary school.
This is a short cut for multiplication in computers, and it uses machine code shift instructions to do this. Don't worry you don't need to know them for this syllabus. If you look at the binary representations of the following numbers you may notice something peculiar:. Each time we shift the number one space to the left, the value of the number doubles. This doesn't only work for one bit, take a look at this more complicated example.
Again, one shift to the left and the number has doubled. On the other hand, one shift to the right halves the value. Computers are notoriously bad at doing multiplication and division, it takes lots of CPU time and can really slow your code down. To try and get past this problem computers can shift the values in registers and as long as multiplication or division is by powers of 2, then the CPU time is reduced as the action takes only one line of Machine Code.
There are several types of shifts that processors can perform:. Please note the Logical shift example is also an example of an arithmetic shift as the sign remains the same. You'll find out about sign bits when learning about two's complement. So far we have only looked at whole numbers integers , we need to understand how computers represent fractions. Notice that for the same number of bits after the point, the binary fraction provides less accuracy. It can only take 4 different values, whereas the decimal number can have different values with two digits.
You'll see in a moment how this can cause trouble. This seems simple enough as 6. But this doesn't look right?! However, a computer might restrict you to the number of bits you can use, so we'll use the number closest to the one we were aiming for. So you might ask how a computer does complicated mathematics if it struggles so hard with fractions.
The answers we have looked at so far have only used one byte, computers can use far more space than this. They can also manipulate the number of bits they have been given in two ways:. In practice they will also use clever techniques such as floating point numbers see below. Now try some questions yourself and see how you get on.
Remember, where there aren't enough bits for the decimal place, write down the number closest to your target number. In each case use 8 bits for the binary with four bits after the decimal point:. If I want to increase the range of numbers stored in a fixed point binary number, what should I do? If I want to increase the accuracy of numbers stored in a fixed point binary number, what should I do?
Nearly all computers work purely in binary. The computer must represent negative numbers in a different way. We can represent a negative number in binary by making the most significant bit MSB a sign bit , which will tell us whether the number is positive or negative. The column headings for an 8 bit number will look like this:. Here, the most significant bit is negative, and the other bits are positive.
You start with , and add the other bits as normal. The example above is in denary because: Note that you only use the most significant bit as a sign bit if the number is specified as signed. If the number is unsigned , then the msb is positive regardless of whether it is a one or not. Let's say you want to convert into Binary Twos Complement. First, find the binary equivalent of 35 the positive version. To find out the value of a twos complement number we must first make note of its sign bit the most significant, left most bit , if the bit is a zero we work out the number as usual, if it's a one we are dealing with a negative number and need to find out its value.
To find the value of the negative number we must find and keep the right most 1 and all bits to its right, and then flip everything to its left. Here is an example:. To find the value of the negative number we must take the MSB and apply a negative value to it. Then we can add all the heading values together.
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So we know how to work out the value of a negative number that has been given to us. How do we go about working out the negative version of a positive number? Like this, that's how They have tried to trick you. What is a negative number minus a negative number? Maths in a processor is normally performed using set numbers of bits. For example where you add 8 bits to 8 bits. This will often cause no problems at all:. This may appear to have gone ok, but we have a problem.
If we are dealing with twos complement numbers the answer from adding two positive numbers together is negative! As you can see in the sum above, we have added two negative numbers together and the result is a positive number. For the sum that we met earlier we will take a look at how the status register can be used to stop the incorrect answer arising:.
Using these flags you can see that the result is negative, if the original sum used only positive values, then we know we have an error. Using these flags you can see that the result is positive when the original used two negative numbers. We can also see that overflow occurred. The status register holds flags keeping track of the results of sums, this helps us to see when there is an error in a result and correct it accordingly.
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So far we have seen the different ways that binary can be used to store numbers. As we already know, most computers can only understand binary and we often need to store alpha-numeric text numbers, letters and other characters. To do this a computer will use a coding scheme.
You'll need to know how each works and the benefits and drawbacks of using them. ASCII normally uses 8 bits 1 byte to store each character. However, the 8th bit is used as a check digit, meaning that only 7 bits are available to store each character. Take a look at your keyboard and see how many different keys you have. The number should be for a windows keyboard, or for traditional keyboard. With the shift function valus a, A; b, B etc.
We roughly have functions that a keyboard can perform. From Wikibooks, open books for an open world. What the specification says you must learn for each chapter. Example questions and how to solve them. Questions to test yourself, click below. Topics that aren't examined but you might be interested in.
What are the four main parts of computational thinking? Decomposition Pattern recognition Pattern generalisation and abstraction Algorithm design. Can you spot a pattern in this set of numbers? In mathematical terms, the sequence F n of Fibonacci numbers is defined by: Can you come up with an algorithm to make a cup of tea?
Introduction to principles of computation. Do you think that every process in nature can be simulated by a computer? The jury is still out of this one. There are people who say yes and others no, with people such as some existentialists arguing that you cannot get a computer to simulate consciousness.
This line of thought soon turns into philosophy. This problem is to do with whether we can determine if a program will ever come to a halt or run for ever, for example: Defining the problem Football game.
A-level Computing/AQA/Print version/Unit 1
After observing and researching the business I have found out the following: Given s Electronic Crafts is a small programming house looking to create a football game for the mass market. They have experience making games for the Super MES and are looking for the next hit. The game must be complete within 9 months. Electronic Crafts specialise in cartoon like games for children and this football game should be branded as such. There should be no violence or swearing. Starting from the top we have the task to: Make some pancakes But saying that by itself isn't enough to actually make any pancakes, we need to break the task down: Organise Kitchen Clean surfaces Get out mixing bowl, whisk, spoon, sieve Get out plain flour, salt, eggs, full fat milk, butter Put on apron Make Pancakes Sift salt and flour into bowl Break eggs into bowl Whisk Add water and milk Add butter Whisk Cook Serve And each of these tasks can be broken down further, let us take a look at the Cook: Cook Get pan to temperature Pour batter in Spread batter to edges Use plastic spatula to check bottom of pancake When brown, flip Use plastic spatula to check bottom of pancake When brown finish We can break down some of these tasks even further.
Draw a top-down design tree to three level depth for making a modern First Person Shooter. Your answer probably won't be the same as this as the question is open to interpretation, but hopefully it'll be similar: Create structure charts for the following code: Structure Charts, Iteration and Selection.
Keep Playing and give them some extra time. Create a decision table for the following program in an office email system Send email when Recipient address present, subject present, before 5: This question is open to interpretation, but you should have something resembling this: Describe the use of Decision Tables. Determine logical conditions and consequential actions. For the FSM above which of these inputs are valid: Draw a finite state automata that will accept the word Banana whilst using only 3 states. Draw a finite state automata that will accept the words: What is the difference between a mealy machine and a finite state automaton?
There are such things a nondeterministic finite automaton where, for a given input there are multiple paths or none that could be taken: Create a state transition table for the following FSM: Draw the FSM for the following state transition table: You might have already cottoned on. This represents a traffic light system. Input Current State Next State Output a q0 q0 null b q0 q1 null a q1 q2 null b q1 q1 null a q2 q1 null b q2 q1 null. To fix this we would adjust the following line: Write "Input a number: ToString num , 2 Console.
What does the above code do? Complete the trace table for the following code: What function does the above code perform? It finds the highest value in an array of values. What are the rules when writing pseudocode? What is the difference between pseudocode and a programming language such as javascript? Pseudocode cannot create executable code, whilst javascript can. For the following pseudocode write a VB. Write pseudocode for the following problem: Find the average of 4 numbers and display it.
For each position in the list: If the item at that position has the desired value then stop the search and return the position Return - 1.
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And how many when searching for "Camel"? It would take 7 to reach the conclusion the string is not in the list. Linear vs Binary Search. Binary search only requires 1 comparison If the sought item is in the middle of the list. Features of Imperative High Level Languages Illustrate these features for a particular imperative, third-generation language such as Pascal.
Use the following appropriately. User-defined Enumerated, subrange, sets, records, arrays. Procedure and Function Parameters Describe the use of parameters to pass data within programs. Understand the different mechanisms for parameter passing: The Role of Variables. Recognise the different roles a variable can take: Fundamentals of Structured Programming.
Understand the structured approach to program design and construction. Construct and use structure tables, structure charts and hierarchy charts when designing programs. Use meaningful identifier names. Use procedures that execute a single task. Explain the advantages of the structured approach. Understand the importance of validation of input data. Create a short program to write the following to the screen, replacing the name Dave with your own name unless it also happens to be Dave: Dim identifierName As datatype. The value stored in identifierName is: Update the code above to display the age in days, hours, minutes and seconds.
No use of calculators! Use the code to do all the work for you. Give a good reason why you made age a variable in the previous code. To keep track of a changing value that is used in many places but only needs to be updated in one. What will the following code output: Hello how are you? I'm fine thank you. This output will all appear on the same line. Console methods in VB. If you are using Visual Studio then type the following: We'll learn more about this later.
Please insert you name: Readline 'read the users input into the variable name console. Please enter your name: