In the nurses' statements, the welcoming was idealized as an action that approached them with the users and furthered the understanding of the motives that made them visit the health service. High-quality welcoming, understanding why the person is visit that kind of health service, what he is going through, what situation he is experiencing [ For the nurses, welcoming as they idealize it only happened when factors external to care were present, such as work conditions and sufficient professionals to deliver care to the population.

But the work condition, I think that's also a determinant factor for us to deliver better care n3. Nursing is the science of care. It is important for the nurse to engage with the user, characterizing a relation in which the acknowledgement of the implications of the health-disease process in the subject's life is prioritized. The nurse's work has changed as a result of the Unified Health System SUS and the Family Health Center, as these transform the nature of the work and the users' demand. In line with the proposals of welcoming, the user's demand should be addressed through listening, understanding of the needs and dialogue, whose solutions could be found more easily, which does not necessarily boil down to a medical appointment.

Welcoming should modify the daily reality at the service, become user-centered and target broader access, care quality and contribute to a universal and integral SUS that is committed to individual and collective defense, presupposing a better relationship between users and professionals. Health prevention strategies should not be neglected, but the main function of the FHS is to relieve the user's suffering through individual and family care, that is, the specificities of the territory should also be considered.

The FHS should move beyond the curative and preventive practices of the primary care model, attempting to grant the users access to better living conditions, including them as active agents in the defense of health. Like other studies, 10 , 31 this research shows that, in practice, the nurse classifies welcoming as a screening of the spontaneous demand to assess acute complaints. It is highlighted that attendance to the spontaneous demand in the FHS differs from the attendance in emergency care, as the FHS permits background knowledge on this population, its return to the same health team, monitoring of the situation and bonding.

For them, the users do not know the proposal of the FHS and visit the service in search of medical care, but informing the users about the work of the health center is not part of their routine. The welcoming of the spontaneous demand, which should aim to enhance the access and humanization, transform the work process and build relationships between professionals and users, takes the form of a punctual reception procedure. By revealing the welcoming as punctual attendance, focused on listening to acute complaints, the nurse demonstrated distancing, which means a relation of anonymity with the user.

The experiences of the life world occur according to degrees of familiarity and anonymity. The relation of familiarity is experienced in the form of "we" and permits apprehending the other as unique in his individuality. On the other hand, the more anonymous a relationship is, the more distanced the individuality will be from its peer, and few aspects gain relevance in the problem to solve. The type of relationship that characterizes the other using a number, anonymous, differs from the intention of the welcoming, which through a face-to-face relationship looks for a "we" relationship, in which the other is considered endowed with subjectivity, and is understood beyond a physical body.

Their action is marked by habit and automatism. In the idealization of what welcoming should be like, the nurses defend that this action should be a powerful space for the humanization of health services, based on listening to the user, identifying his needs and teamwork, in which knowledge sharing among the members favors the solution of the problem.

To take proper care, the nurses need to be accountable to the users, understanding their social context, their needs and expectations.


In that sense, it is observed that the nurses hold external factors responsible for the quality of their work when, in fact, these should be components that help them to produce their care. A study undertaken during the national health system reform in the United Kingdom identified that the nurses remained an isolated group, with reduced skills to respond to opportunities to develop their role and highlighted empowerment as a possible evolution, favoring their understanding of the factors that limited them to produce care.

In the statements, the nurses were capable of acknowledging the translation of the welcoming as qualified listening, humanization, accountability and commitment to the other person's needs. For this perspective to become real, the nurses need to translate the discourse into actions. The nurses' search to qualify welcoming should be the theory of nursing care. Hence, when practicing welcoming as nursing care, the nurses can receive the users in a humanized manner, considering them as subjects and participants in the care process, enhancing the quality of the work offered.

The theoretical-methodological approach of social phenomenology granted understanding of the nurses' experience, from a perspective that values the social dimension, circumscribed in daily experiences. The development of the study permitted understanding that, in the nurses' daily reality, welcoming is not acknowledged as nursing care and is characterized by punctual, fragmented and complaint-oriented care.

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In addition, this study's contribution is characterized by the expectations the nurses reported, which can be considered a way to solve the problem of the distanced between welcoming and nursing care. For the nurses to be more than mere interventionists in the users' physical complaints, they need to acknowledge that welcoming goes beyond the biological model and the technical procedure, focusing on relational care in the first place.

The trajectory for welcoming to be acknowledged as nursing care requires that the nurses apprehend the reality and the conditioning factors involved in the interpersonal relationships. The use of light technologies, that is, the human relationships should be at the center of nursing practices, putting forward the person as the care object instead of the disease.

It is important for this premise to be considered the central focus in other studies on welcoming in primary care. This study was focused on nurses who worked in a specific health context, which can be considered a limitation of this research. Perceptions of nurses regarding their work in the family health strategy.

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Frei von Schmerz und Stress - in 7 Minuten: The nursing profession in Germany is built by three branches of nurses general nurse, pediatric nurse and geriatric nurses. Every nurse, as well as nurse students and nurse assistants, can apply for membership. Members not only participate in the process of policy making but can also take active part in the professional development of their special field of nursing. In order to attain its objectives, the association runs several institutes.

DBfK is recognized by local, regional and national governments as an independent organisation for the nursing profession. Its experience and advice is sought on every important matter related to health care, e.

  1. Urlaub für rote Engel: Reportagen (German Edition).
  2. Gesundheitsbetriebslehre. Management von Gesundheitsunternehmen (German Edition);
  3. Forschung in den Gesundheitsfachberufen;
  4. About DBfK – The German Nurses Association.
  5. Thieme E-Journals - DMW - Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift / Abstract.
  6. Practical Healthcare Epidemiology: Third Edition.

Representatives of DBfK participate and give their opinion in government committees on nursing, health care and social affairs, education and labour issues. Apart from its national network, DBfK is a well-integrated part of the international network of nurses.