Find inspiration, on a daily basis. Inspiration is one of the best motivators, and it can be found everywhere.

A simple way to break a bad habit - Judson Brewer

Every day, seek inspiration, and it will help sustain motivation over the long term. Sources of inspiration can include: Get a coach or take a class. These will motivate you to at least show up, and to take action. It can be applied to any goal. This might be one of the more expensive ways of motivating yourself, but it works.

Motivation: The Scientific Guide on How to Get and Stay Motivated

And if you do some research, you might find some cheap classes in your area, or you might know a friend who will provide coaching or counseling for free. Give them some thought … and write them down. If you have loved ones, and you are doing it for them, that is more powerful than just doing it for self-interest. Become aware of your urges to quit, and be prepared for them. We all have urges to stop, but they are mostly unconscious.

One of the most powerful things you can do is to start being more conscious of those urges.

Motivation: The Scientific Guide on How to Get and Stay Motivated

A good exercise is to go through the day with a little piece of paper and put a tally mark for each time you get an urge. It simply makes you aware of the urges. Then have a plan for when those urges hit, and plan for it beforehand , and write down your plan, because once those urges hit, you will not feel like coming up with a plan.

Make it a rule never to skip two days in a row.

These Are the 7 Habits of Highly Motivated People

This rule takes into account our natural tendency to miss days now and then. We are not perfect. So, you missed one day … now the second day is upon you and you are feeling lazy … tell yourself NO! You will not miss two days in a row! Zen Habits says so! And just get started. Visualize your goal clearly, on a daily basis, for at least minutes.

Visualize your successful outcome in great detail. Close your eyes, and think about exactly how your successful outcome will look, will feel, will smell and taste and sound like.

Where are you when you become successful? How do you look? What are you wearing? Form as clear a mental picture as possible. For at least a few minutes each day. This is the only way to keep that motivation going over a long period of time. Keep a daily journal of your goal. If you are consistent about keeping a journal, it can be a great motivator. A journal should have not only what you did for the day, but your thoughts about how it went, how you felt, what mistakes you made, what you could do to improve. To be consistent about keeping a journal, do it right after you do your goal task each day.

Do you get enough sleep? Do you experience some constant unpleasantness, such as poor sinuses or a constant pain? Are you sad or upset or just lethargic all the time for no reason you can pinpoint? If so, "get to a doctor if you can for a routine physical, just to make sure everything is working properly. Try your best to get seven to nine hours of sleep a night.

Listen to your body when it's telling you things, seek out the causes of your discomfort, and deal with them as best you can.

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Getting yourself to do something again and again by sheer force of will is extremely difficult. Getting yourself to do something by force of habit is easier. For example, you could aim to walk 15 minutes a day or work in short bursts of intense focus. Entrepreneur James Clear has endorsed this advice on Inc. Rather than habits, he talks about the power of "schedules, " but whichever term you use, the effect is the same--automating a behavior by integrating it into your routine means you rely less on willpower.

For example, I value adventure, learning, and excellence. I lead an epic adventure. When I work on a task that I might not otherwise enjoy, I find a way to learn something new. Better yet, I try to find somebody who can show me their favorite shortcuts or ways to do it better, faster, or cheaper. The simplest value that I connect to is excellence. Just like there are some tasks that drain you and other tasks that excite you, there are people who drain you and people who catalyze you. First and foremost though, make sure that you are your own catalyst.

Be a coach, not a critic. Instead, look for the wisdom. Instead ask yourself, How can I do better next time? Simply identify the people that somehow give you energy and help you find your mojo. It might be the way they focus on your unique gifts. It might be the way they say just the right words of encouragement that help you get back on your feet again or inspire you to take on the world. Progress is progress no matter how small.

I. Motivation: What It Is and How It Works

This is another powerful habit: Have you ever been stuck on something and then suddenly somebody revealed to you the missing ingredient? Imagine the goals that inspire you from the inside out. You could be experiencing a conflict of values or interests, internally or externally.