Well, EFT is a simple, non-invasive, meridian-tapping technique to help release blocked energy from the body that results in negative emotions. EFT is sometimes called an emotional form of acupuncture as it draws on ancient Chinese medicine and the energy meridian system of the body. Gentle finger taps, instead of needles, on acupressure points on the face and hands, open up the energy circuits of the body.

Transform Your Life Program - Quantum EFT for the Soul

Once blockages have been removed, energy can flow freely and return balance to our systems. By removing these impediments, the blockages dissolve and the water once again flows freely and easily. When these disruptions occur, we internalize perceived negative behaviors, statements, or actions and draw conclusions about ourselves or about the world in which we live. These negative thoughts limit us throughout our lives wreaking havoc with our emotions and bodies.

Through the simple process of tapping, we shift our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors to become more positive. As we consistently do this, we shed core negative ideas and rewrite them into new, positive beliefs.

Why I’m Such a Raving Fan of Tapping

This negative emotion signals a primitive part of the brain called the amygdala, sometimes referred to as the fire-alarm in the brain, to send us into a fight-or-flight response. In prehistoric times, this was an advantage because when there was a threat, like a predator chasing us, our muscles would tense, adrenaline would pump, our blood pressure and blood sugars would rise so we could either stand and fight or turn away and flee.

In modern day society, most of our stressors are triggered internally as negative emotions, which have their roots in our core negative beliefs. Not only did the tapping release the uncomfortable physical sensation, but the client no longer was afraid of the water! After years of intense therapy for her phobia, all of a sudden something shifted. And ultimately, as with all things available to us in this world, I encourage you to make up your own mind about tapping and the value it might offer to your life, by trying it for yourself. Many people learn it online and apply it self-guided.

Transform Your Beliefs, Transform Your Life: EFT Tapping Using Matrix Reimprinting

And for more difficult, complex, challenging issues sometimes people reach out to experienced tapping practitioners who help guide individuals through the tapping process this is particularly appropriate and strongly recommended where serious issues are involved, including trauma. The great news is… no matter where you are and who you are, you have access online to free tapping resources to learn all about it and to use in your daily life if you wish. You can simply search in your local community to find someone in-person on-the-ground to support you, or online support.

It is a complementary approach.

I Want YOU to Be Empowered to Help Yourself

If you are under the care of any health professionals including but not limited to psychologists, psychiatrists, therapists, counselors or doctors it is strongly advised that you consult with them first regarding how tapping might fit with your needs. So to create emotional freedom, we have to learn how to reset that energy in our bodies. Well, along these meridian lines of energy in your body, are meridian points.

And, by stimulating those meridian points with tapping literally tapping with your fingers on specific points on your body , you are creating a change in the energy inside your body! You see our brains have a gland called the amygdala. I personally think of it like a switch. It helps us to appropriately take care of ourselves. That function in our brain is awesome.

Heal Your Past and Transform Your Life with EFT – Clarity. Power. Results.

The fear response would kick in, meaning… get ready to fight or flee! We want to do this so we can get freedom from our emotions , in order to have healthy, balanced, flowing energy inside our bodies… all of which leads us to be our best selves in day to day life. From calm we are more capable of making good decisions, taking effective action and living our best life.

No matter what your limiting beliefs and negative thoughts might be, they create difficult emotions. You get worried, stressed, fearful, anxious or frustrated. So in all ways our emotions are a vital part of every challenge we face. If you want freedom from those emotions, you need to reset the energy in your body. Tapping is a combination of this ancient Eastern approach to energy, combined with modern psychology.

The team at The Tapping Solution have done a wonderful job of pulling together the best, most important pieces of information about tapping. In the research trial this compared with no significant cortisol reduction in the subjects who underwent 1-hour of traditional talk therapy.

The Power of EFT Tapping to Transform Your Life

Normally this equates to tapping about times on each meridian point. You can tap on either the left or right side of your body, whatever feels comfortable …. Continue tapping through the 8 points listed above, while repeating a reminder phrase about your issue until you begin to feel some relief and more calm.

See a Problem?

How intense is the emotion? Rate it again. We aim to reduce intensity down to a out of 10 rating or lower. If you rate it a 4 or above, continue tapping using the above process.

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