I'm writing this blogpost on my way back from Switzerland, where I've been staying in Lausanne for five days for La Fete du Slip. Apparently it's the biggest festival of its kind in Europe after the Porn Film Festival Berlin - I'm told that six thousand people attended this year. It was my first time there. I was invited to accompany the screening of my film Please May I Come, Mistress , and they kindly offered some help with expenses which made it possible. It was a fantastic opportunity to meet members of our extended international porn family, discover hot new films, and visit Switzerland for the first time.
Lausanne is a small town on the Swiss bank of Lake Geneva, with the French Alps decorating the horizon. The central streets are paved and tidy, with restaurants, little shops and all the other trappings of a wealthy town. Even by London standards it's very expensive. Food and drink costs over twice what I expected, and I still hadn't got used to it by the time I left.
It had to be cut for length, but just for you dear readers here is the interview in full:. Now down to business. Your work has been described as "ethically produced fetish content" on your site Dreams of Spanking. Can you explain a little what this means? We targeted the briefing to those members sitting on relevant committees, those who had contributed to the second debate on the Bill, and Liberal Democrats whom we might hope would be sympathetic to issues of net freedom, privacy and civil liberties.
It was no easy task to condense my research and findings on the potential harms of this bill into a short, easily digestible format. To make it more likely that the briefing would be read, I summarised the main arguments in a single cover page, and then fleshed out the three sections - privacy, freedom of expression and lack of supporting evidence - in more detail over three subsequent pages. If you're looking for a succinct introduction to the problems with the age verification policy, I think it's a reasonable start.
What does it mean when a feminist UK business is forced offline, but hardcore free American porn will still be readily available? This promises to be a great discussion, and it's great to see the BFI making space for this conversation amongst queer and kink community members. Our laws around porn, obscenity, BDSM and sexual expression massively affect sex workers. Obscenity law is a sex worker's rights issue, and a labour rights issue, as well as affecting all our sexual liberties. I'm glad that Backlash are willing to stand up in solidarity with all sex workers, and I'm proud to be organising with them to defend our rights and freedoms.
As well as pointing out the high costs of age verification software and the disproportionate impact this policy will have on small businesses, I talked about some of the knock-on effects of an increasing lack of accessibility to erotic media. I've had several requests for press interviews this month, and it's been a great opportunity to get the word out about my political campaigning and the other things I'm working on. I've talked to a writer Artefact magazine about the Digital Economy Bill and its impact on feminist porn that should be out in the next few weeks.
We co-ordinated a content-share shoot at my house especially for the interview, so that Huck's journalist and photographer could both come and have a look behind the scenes on a feminist porn set. I get a lot of requests for this, but far fewer publications that are willing to pay for our time, so it was lovely that Huck were willing to help make it happen. We shot a super gothy ritualistic scene featuring hot wax, knives, witchcraft and lots of other fetishy hotness!
The Huck photographer took lots of behind the scenes pictures which I can't wait to see, and we gave an in depth video interview too. But it was totally worth it - he wrote an amazing piece, and was generous enough to let us approve it before publication. I wish more media folks were like this! Blath , ethical porn , feminist porn , media , Patreon , queer porn.
It's traditional to do an end of year review, and I've been chewing over my one. Damn, it was a hell of a year; comparable in craziness only to the year before it. Here are the headlines:. Last week I had an article published in the Guardian about the impact of the forthcoming Digital Economy Bill, and its proposed restrictions on online porn.
The article has received over one and a half thousand comments - and I was pleasantly astonished to discover that the majority of them are sympathetic or supportive. It's a ten or eleven hour journey across northern Europe, and I vastly prefer it to flying: I like the armchairs and reclining seats of the Eurostar and high speed ICE trains, with hot coffee brought to your seat, and fast, free wifi which is unconstrained by the adult content filters now ubiquitous in the UK. I like not having to do airport security, or waiting at boarding gates.
For ten hours it's just me, my laptop and my books, as the autumn fields and grey skies of Belgium and Germany whip past at nearly two hundred kilometres an hour. That space and time to reflect has become a necessary ritual for me before the film festival, which is so crammed with social and sensory overstimulation. The linear, methodical journey by train feels more like a pilgrimage than the stop-and-start process of air travel; there's something satisfyingly complete about watching the horizon blur by.
And at journey's end, I find belonging, acceptance. Here is the community queer pornographers lack the rest of the year, dotted around the globe as we are, turning Twitter into our shared office. Here, I'm neither shocking nor extreme. Sometimes I struggle with the unspoken suspicion that I choose this life because some part of me is attracted to rebellion, to the feeling of being outrageous; but when being among my people brings me such happiness, that suspicion is silenced.
This was my third year at the festival. Some part of that powerful sense of belonging was born last year , when I was awarded First Prize in the Short Film Competition for Houseboy , my BDSM romance about the teething pains of a queer poly household. That recognition, coming at a time when this film - along with the rest of my website Dreams of Spanking - had been outlawed by the UK government as too extreme to be tolerated, kept me afloat during my legal struggles. It also explains why I feel more at home in Berlin, at least for the week of the Porn Film Festival, than I do in the UK, which seems determined to criminalise my sexuality and my self expression.
Tuesday 22nd November , 2. The bill is currently going through Parliament, and proposes to bring in mandatory age verification for online porn without any provisions to safeguard the personal privacy and sexual liberty of web users. The bill has been debated twice by MPs and on 8th October will go through to the committee stage; and yet none of the concerns which I and other civil liberties activists have raised have yet been satisfactorily addressed.
Do you want to have to enter personal identifying details before you're allowed to look at porn - such as your real name, address, or date of birth? I expected it to grow fairly slowly, though of course I had plenty of hopes - but I was absolutely gobsmacked when one very generous benefactor made an extremely substantial pledge. Their support has meant I've had an unbelievably busy and productive few months:.
I'm incredibly grateful for the help of this particular patron to date, along with that of all my Patreon supporters. I'm so glad they were able to help me get to this point, and now I need an extra boost. All the activism and political organising I do is unpaid, and I still need to pay my bills and keep a roof over my head, just like everyone else.
This is why Patreon has the potential to be such a revolutionary tool for activists - it's a way to support unpaid work that doesn't rely on a huge expenditure from any one individual. Last month I attended the second meeting of the newly reinstated Adult Provider Network - an adult industry trade association formed last month to co-ordinate responses to the Digital Economy Bill. Read on to discover how this will actually affect your business if you run a UK porn site, why the bill potentially discriminates against the visually impaired, and how the bill risks creating a new trade barrier between UK industry and overseas.
What are you doing next Tuesday evening? I'm going to the cinema, and I'd love you to come too. Naked Truth Film Club , sexual freedom , slut-shaming. The Digital Economy Bill reproduces the original policy proposal pretty much unchanged; which in turn is drawn straight from a Conservative party manifesto pledge.
It seems that the consultation was a mere box-ticking exercise, paying lip-service to the of listening to experts, industry and the public, but without any intention to actually take the responses into account. Patreon backers see these updates first; I add the posts to my public blog a month later. I made this documentary about the UK porn laws about a year ago, using interviews that were shot as part of my sponsored caning fundraiser to raise money for Backlash , the non-profit organisation dedicated to fighting for sexual freedom in the UK.
Each of the ten sponsored canings was filmed and released under Creative Commons - you can view them for free at Dreams of Spanking. We shot an interview with each participant before the caning itself, giving them the opportunity to talk about porn criminalisation, censorship, and why they cared about the UK legislation enough to put their bottoms on the line to help fight it. The other day I attended the sexual health clinic at Homerton University Hospital. The clinic was clean, modern and well staffed; I was seen quickly, and the care I received was non-judgemental, helpful and thorough.
During the short time I was sitting in the waiting room, I saw posters and leaflets advertising the other free services Homerton University Hospital offers to the public, including Out There, the walk-in center for bisexual and gay men, and Open Doors, a free and confidential advice service for people working in the sex industry. Hackney , intersectionality , law enforcement , marginalisation , migration , Open Doors , police , racism , sex worker rights , stigma.
So what with that and all the work it's taken to get Dreams of Spanking up and running again, I hope you'll forgive me for this newsletter being a few days later than expected. The age verification proposal observes that free tube sites are the primary route by which under 18s access porn, and yet the proposed regulatory framework fails to adequately differentiate between tube sites - which make money from advertising, and often distribute commercial content without the consent of the producers - and commercial porn sites, where the viewer can purchase content direct from the makers.
This distinction is worth emphasising. It is not reasonable to impose identical regulatory controls when the two types of site function in very different ways, and have very different effects on the browsing experience of under 18s. Adult content redistributed on tube sites often by a third party rather than the original creator is usually given new headlines and scene descriptions, utilising very different language. Videos are often re-edited to be more concise, with contextualising dialogue and scene-setting removed. A scene which was originally published as an extended exploration of foreplay, intimacy and sensual affection, described with respectful, humanising language that emphasises the consent and mutual respect of the participants, might be pirated and uploaded to a tube site, cut down to a jerky sequence of out-of-context sexual acts, with the activities and participants described using sexist and offensive language.
Moreover, videos on tube sites are redistributed outside the content in which they were originally published, without giving the viewer access to any behind the scenes videos, performer interviews and commentary that were available on the original site. The documentary was born out of The UnSlut Project, an internet initiative that invited people to submit their own stories of being bullied or shamed because they were perceived as being slutty or sexual.
The project brought people together to share experiences - some who had never told anyone before - and offer support, solidarity and healing. She was bullied and ostracised by her town as a result of this violation. Her assailants took photos, shared them, and she was labelled as a "slut" as a result. I tell the papers that I'm overjoyed, because that's the story: This is my moment of triumph.
Of course I'm delighted. You want to hear how happy I am, right? And I am happy. But the truth is that with events this huge, processing emotions can be more complicated than that. I've been struggling to access my happiness over the last few weeks, since I first found out that I was going to win.
And hey, this blog has always been about authenticity, so you get to hear all about it. Pandora Blake, award-winning activist and feminist pornographer, has won her appeal to Ofcom against ATVOD and can reinstate her site Dreams of Spanking , which was banned under the AVMS guidelines in August , triggering widespread anger among free speech advocates as well as porn fans.
The controversial Audiovisual Media Services Regulations came into effect in December , banning consensual sex acts from online porn including facesitting, female ejaculation, and spanking that leaves marks. Pandora Blake took part in the 'facesitting protest' outside Westminster, and also spoke on Newsnight and Women's Hour challenging the sexist and regressive nature of the regulations.
She believes that speaking out made her a target for censorship. The cast and crew made incredible use of their budget, and as a result the show has significantly leveled up. Who knew that with adequate funding, artists could produce their best work? It's almost as if money made things easier. So this time, watching the Opera was a much more personal experience.
I felt like a proud sister, beaming with pleasure at the skill of the performance. What harm could a young person possibly come to, looking at artistically lit videos of bare feet? The most common method for age verification, with currently available technology, is for the site visitor to enter their credit card details to confirm that they are over Freedom of expression is important and must be protected.
The UN Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression, Frank La Rue, stated last year in his report on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression that "the right to freedom of expression includes expression of views and opinions that offend, shock or disturb". He concluded that restrictions on access to information online must be:. The Open Rights Group has reiterated the importance of these principles; they limit the extent to which governments, businesses or others can limit the free access to information, whether through overzealous efforts to protect citizens, or more abusive attempts to control free access to information.
First posted on Patreon , 4 May After launching this Patreon just a few weeks ago, amazingly we've already sailed past my first three milestones: In the context of recent revelations showing how unsafe children in the UK are at the hands of exploitative individuals abusing their power within church, political and media institutions, this opening sentence is in poor taste. The Government's obsession with conjuring a demon to fight in the form of online pornography, while ignoring the real problems of child sexual exploitation, poor sex education, unsafe sex, and sexual violence faced by young people in our society, is reminiscent of the politician's syllogism: This is something - therefore we must do it!
This is an expanded version of my response, the first of several posts. In this first section, I look at the evidence to see whether it supports the proposal's assertions that a lot of children are looking at online porn, and that doing so causes them developmental harm. I have big news! No, it's not the relaunch of Dreams of Spanking But it's almost as exciting.
Patreon works like the old-school patronage model.
Digital Economy Bill
The pledges add up until I can afford to turn down some paid work next month, and do more activism in its place. The proposals have worrying implications for privacy and freedom of speech, and are based on questionable assumptions and widely-debunked statistics and studies. Although I'm not currently making spanking films, it seems that since I got back from my Australia trip I'm busier than ever.
I recently had the pleasure of talking to the features editor of Marie Claire magazine Indonesia , who wanted to run an interview with a female pornographer. Somehow they stumbled across my name, and got in touch to ask if I'd like to take part. I was a bit surprised to be asked - with my niche spanking fixation and weird insistence on shooting non-consent fantasies, I'm hardly a straightforward representative of the feminist porn movement.
But the questions were interesting, and I had fun answering them. I also enjoyed the challenge of finding a selection of pictures from Dreams of Spanking that were suitable for a mainstream women's magazine ie. I'm finding it a bit strange how many journalists are interested in talking to me about Dreams of Spanking now that the site is offline, when I struggled for ages to get publicity for the project while it was live.
But I suppose if my experiences of government censorship help shed light on the conversation around porn, feminism and production ethics, it's no bad thing. I'm certainly pleased to see a feature like this in a mainstream magazine - it all helps to spread awareness of feminist porn.
Dreams of Spanking , ethical porn , feminist porn , interviews , Marie Claire , media. It's going to be the first event of its kind that I know of in the UK, and I'm really excited to have the opportunity to share the knowledge I've accumulated during ten years working in porn. If you have any other questions, ask away - and if you want to dip your toe into the waters of erotic performance in a supportive, accessible and non-judgemental environment, perhaps I'll see you on Sunday.
Today thirty British fetish film-makers met to discuss UK porn censorship, particularly the news that at the start of video-on-demand regulator ATVOD was shut down and re-absorbed into its parent body, Ofcom. The occasion was the British Fetish Film Festival , a new event that aims to bring film-makers together and showcase the diversity and creativity of kinky erotica produced in the UK and abroad.
Led by femdom pornographer, artist and activist Itziar Bilbao Urrutia - who organises with Backlash , the UK non-profit organisation defending freedom of sexual expression - we shared knowledge around the changing landscape of porn censorship in the UK, and brainstormed strategies to resist attempts to close us down. Under the ATVOD regime, many of us were targeted for censorship, and some of us have had our websites forced offline entirely.
While many appeals to Ofcom are still pending, that organisation has become the sole regulator of video on demand, and none of us knows how we will fare under the new regime. Well, if you thought making porn might be something you might want to try but you don't know where to start, I'm now developing my DIY porn thoughts into a full day hands-on workshop, in collaboration with the School of Erotic Mysteries. This event will take place in central London on Sunday 6th March - just two weeks away!
So going into the offices of Girls Out West and Feck offices for an interview was a weirdly new experience. Australia , ethical porn , fairtrade porn , I Shot Myself , photos , porn , sites and studios. By a happy coincidence, this event focussed on kink and fetish my favourites! It was an incredible programme. They had struck me then - to the extent that I was enthusiastically describing the latter to some Melbourne friends a couple of nights before the screening, and then when we got there I was delighted to learn I'd be able to share it with them after all.
I hadn't heard of this Channel 4 short web series until one of my friends showed me the episode on Sploshing, because she was in it. It's a fun, non-explicit 3 minute short film about the wet and messy fetish, with two kinky girls getting each other messy and talking about why they like it. I found the editing to be sympathetic and surprisingly non-sneery, showing genuine curiosity about why people enjoy the kink, rather than looking down their noses. I'd be interested to hear from WAM fans what you think of it!
The only remaining question is - when are they going to do one on spanking, and can I be in it? The British Fetish Film Festival is still brand new. The first event, in , was a closed group of producers only, testing the format and giving kinky UK filmmakers the chance to screen their work in front of their peers. This was actually the first film festival I ever went to, and it was invaluable to see how fetish films play on the big screen. I learned a lot about the different requirements of a festival compared to viewers watching films individually online: In fact, it was watching my online edit of Marital Discipline on the big screen at the zeroth British Fetish Film Festival that inspired me to start cutting festival versions of the films I wanted to submit to the Feminist Porn Awards that year, a process which eventually resulted in my shooting Houseboy for the Berlin Porn Film Festival, and winning the Short Film Competition last year.
Lovely afternoon with other kinky pornographers at britfetfilmfest.
Claimed by the Wolf (Shadow Guardians, #1) by Charlene Teglia
I think we really are all as shy, quiet and introverted as each other! Last November my friend Nimue Allen and I got together with our partners for a week to shoot some porn. We spent three days shooting a feature-length explicit documentary about our queer, kinky, polyamorous sex lives. We filmed interviews, video portraits, narrative sequences and hardcore sex scenes, capturing the intimacy and affection of BDSM play between people who love each other. The scenes were spontaneous and unscripted, a natural representation of the sex we have in private, and in the natural course of events they ended up including facesitting, fisting, squirting, caning, needles, breath play, dominance and submission and plenty of hardcore sex.
It was authentic, caring and beautiful. A week later, full of happy excitement about our new project, we learned that every scene we had filmed had just been criminalised under new UK porn laws. It would now be illegal for us to publish any of them. It was fun pretending to be someone else for a while - someone with lots of money and an immaculately decorated home. Sydney gave me a warm welcome. Penelope Dreadful met me at the station after my first booking and took me out for delicious Vietnamese food which rapidly became a fixture of my Sydney experience.
We talked and laughed over pho, and swapped stories of working as a BDSM provider in different cities. The film quality is like a bad rip of a VHS tape, but the performances and the editing are so on point that it doesn't matter in the slightest. That shoot is coming up next week, so I won't say any more for now.
Claimed by the Wolf
But in the meantime, I can share some previews of the solo scenes Michelle and I shot together for Yanks on my third day in Melbourne. Australia , high heels , masturbation , Michelle Flynn , outdoors , photos , shoot writeups , solo , strap-on , Yanks. Have I really only been in Australia two and a half weeks?
It feels like much longer. I wish my life in London could be this relaxed. I was excited about being asked to judge the Short Film Competition, and devastated when airline drama made me miss it: Perv takes place in Marrickville, at a venue called the Red Rattler Theatre, which is owned and operated by the community and staffed by volunteers. I've never watched porn on the big screen while nestled into a comfy wingback armchair before, and it definitely enhanced the experience.
Well, I'm safe and sound in Australia. For a long haul flight, my journey went pretty smoothly. I did three hour legs via Dubai and Brunei, with a couple of hours at each airport. Plus Brunei airport had free wifi, which put it in my good books forever. Schoolgirl reporting for detention in Melbourne. No, this isn't what I wore on the plane. Overall I managed around eight hours sleep during a twenty four hour journey, which isn't terrible, but I arrived in Melbourne at 5.
Do you agree with the BBFC's Approach as set out in Chapter 2?
Depriving myself of sleep feels, for an insomniac, like the most self-destructive thing ever, but she was right, and after a week here I'm finally sleeping through the night - and even managed a lie-in this morning! Australia , spanking party , spanking sessions. Because it was my second year and I knew what to expect, my time at the Berlin Porn Film Festival was more relaxed this year. I arrived in Berlin earlier, left later, and allowed myself more time between screenings to socialise, eat and rest.
Still, it was a full week - not least because the morning after I arrived, I had a shoot booked with Bright Desire. Bright Desire offers smart, sexy porn shot for the female gaze, and its owner Ms Naughty is one of my best friends in the feminist porn community - not least because we were until Dreams of Spanking was closed down by ATVOD two of the only people running membership sites with regular update schedules, which set our production process apart from others. Parker and I met at a party in London a few weeks ago, we got chatting about working in porn, and hit it off.
After some successful experimentation in private, a mutual decision was made that it would be fun to shoot together. There's an awful lot going on at the moment - almost all of it good! Here's a brief snapshot of my autumn:. I've been nominated for a Sexual Freedom Award! It's an incredible honour to be named - in fact I've been aware of the awards for ten years, and it's a bit of a dream come true.
Thank you so much to those who nominated me - you know who you are. It has certainly changed mine. This year was its tenth anniversary, and a record 7 people attended screenings of cutting-edge porn from around the world. The offerings are incredibly diverse, including feminist porn, fetish porn, experimental porn, queer and trans porn, from short films to features I am writing as your constituent to urge you to attend an evidence gathering symposium on the decriminalisation of prostitution in the House of Commons on Tuesday 3rd November 11am-6pm.
When the new porn laws came in last December , criminalising the distribution of material depicting sex acts such as facesitting, female ejaculation, watersports and spanking or BDSM that leaves lasting marks, the first person I called was Myles Jackman. Over brunch, he provided invaluable advice regarding how I should proceed with my porn site Dreams of Spanking, which was strongly affected by the new legislation.
Since then he has taken on responsibility for handling my Ofcom appeal, provided support countless times as a volunteer for Backlash , and been on the end of the phone during the most stressful periods of my investigation by ATVOD, the new UK video on demand regulator. Almost all of this support has been provided free of charge. I reach down and touch the soft bulge in his pants with my fingertips, feeling the promise of firmness there. He strokes my flanks and my back, feather-soft. In the bedroom we start out slowly, lying close and kissing.
It's dizzying how fast the heat rises. Last weekend D and I were chopping vegetables for a roast. He was halving potatoes to parboil, and I was peeling parsnips. I felt him move closer to me. He must have finished the potatoes. On Wednesday night last week I was buzzing with pre-shoot nerves. I took extra care packing my bag, thought everything through umpteen times and sent a dozen frantic emails to the producer full of questions and concerns.
On Thursday, I was travelling to Northampton for my first ever wet and messy shoot. During the nine years that I've been shooting spanking video , it's sort of become routine. But this time took me right back to the nerves I felt before my first ever spanking video shoot. Suddenly I found myself empathising a hell of a lot more with the new performers that I've hired as a producer in the last couple of years, and I developed a newfound admiration for their calm and professionalism. If I was this much of a mess as it were after nine years of fetish video experience, simply at the prospect of getting gunged all over my hair, shoes and clothes, how much harder must it be for the performers I hire who are facing a day of spankings for the first time?
In a weird way, I actually felt more nervous before my first wet and messy shoot than I did before my first spanking shoot. By the time I agreed to get spanked on video, I'd been getting spanked in private for six years, and fantasising about it for another ten years before that. English Collective of Prostitutes , listen to sex workers , politics , sex work. When I talk to someone about the AVMS guidelines , which control what content it is now legal to distribute online in the UK, their first question is always how on earth these regulations came to pass.
Why is facesitting banned, but not gagging on cock? Why can UK video producers not show female ejaculation, but male ejaculation is permissible? Why are the guidelines weirdly specific on the details of a high number of niche activities only found within female domination porn - such as trampling, ballbusting, facesitting, scissoring, wrestling, urethral sounds, anal insertion and BDSM pain play - but no mention is made of countless other obscure fetishes?
After I describe these inconsistencies, the person I'm talking to usually makes a face as they try to imagine how such a bizarre list of banned acts could possibly be compiled. Perhaps they envisage a group of old white men sitting in a boardroom, listing all the fetishes they can think of on a whiteboard, deleting some and underlining others.
Half the fetishes on the internet they have never heard of, so they don't get a mention.
- The Great Gatsby (Illustrated Edition);
- See a Problem?!
- A Different Nightmusic.?
- Get A Copy?
- Now You Know, Volume 4: The Book of Answers.
None of these old white men have ever made a woman squirt, so the consensus is that female ejaculation is a myth, and probably urine - better ban it. But perhaps some of them have guiltily visited a dominatrix or watched femdom porn, so those activities are on their radar - along with all the attendant anxiety of a repressed sexuality.
It's potent stuff, they might think, but it's also clearly morally suspect. Best to remove the temptation and ban it all together. I spent all of May anticipating a letter from ATVOD regarding my porn site Dreams of Spanking, and by the time I went on holiday at the end of the month, none had arrived. For instance, I learned that while her appeal was underway, she took her members section offline, but left her site and blog up. She also suggested that it might be months until ATVOD issued me with their Preliminary View that is, their first report on the site and whether it is in breach of their guidelines - they are pursuing lots of cases at the moment and in the case of UCSC, they sometimes kept her waiting a long time for a reply.
I came back from holiday feeling refreshed, and got stuck back into work on Dreams of Spanking with enthusiasm. For a couple of weeks, I took pleasure in editing videos and promotiing the site. I've just come back from a magical weekend in the country with friends, camping at a naturist village for the summer solstice.
It was lovely to get away from screens, from London, and from work stress. There's something so freeing about being naked outdoors. I love the feel of the sun on my skin. We didn't have the best weather on Saturday, but it turns out that being naked in the rain isn't that bad - I find that I feel the chill a lot less when I'm naked for some reason, and if you get wet, you dry much quicker. We had fun swimming in the heated outdoor pool while raindrops splashed the surface, and when the wind picked up we went into the clubhouse and sat in the sauna to get warm.
On Sunday the sun came out, just in time for the solstice ceremony I'd agreed to help with. A lot of people took part, and it was lovely to stand beneath an oak tree reflecting on the turning of the year, and our intentions for the months ahead. Forgive the crappy cameraphone photos, but there were some images I just had to share I was struck by this drawing of two lovers engaged in acrobatic sex - one for ballet lovers everywhere. I like the way the woman is being lifted off the floor, gravity held at bay merely by the strength of an erect cock and one dainty hand.
Or is this sort of feminine appearance perfectly standard for a male ballet dancer of the time? ATVOD , censorship , fetish art , funny , Gender politics , historical , other pictures , vintage , watersports. Right now I feel pretty frustrated about the legal situation in the UK. I'm stressed about the consequences all this is likely to have on my life, and pessimistic about the chances of being able to successfully challenge the laws.
It was in this mood that I posted the following tweets the other day:. Currently nurturing an image of me naked, in high heels, kneeling at his feet with my head on his lap while he does Duolingo on his phone. This idea has clearly made waves. Prof Christian Graugaard of Aalborg University has called for pornography to be shown to older teens in schools to kickstart discussion and education that will help them become "more conscientious and critical consumers".
I've been doing a lot of advocacy work recently. The two hour recording was edited down to 38 minutes and broadcast a week later on Radio 4 - you can listen to it on BBC iPlayer here. When we were chatting before the recording, Dr Clarissa Smith and Sam Roddick advised me "never watch your own press". Sitting on the stage, I was all too aware that the first few rows of audience members were very hostile towards me - not only towards my political position, but towards me personally.
Last Sunday I participated in a debate at the Women of the World festival entitled "Can porn empower women? Debating "porn" is difficult because the word means different things to different people. Some people use it to mean "sexy media I don't like", and the word "erotica" to mean "sexy media I do like". So I want to start out with a definition: It doesn't necessarily have to involve nudity, or sex whatever THAT means.
Until today, I'd never seen any of Leonard Nimoy's photography. He began taking photos as a teenager, but became famous for it after he mostly retired from acting. He took fine art portraits that showed the beauty and complexity of humans - particularly that beauty which often isn't appreciated elsewhere. I absolutely love his Full Body Project , a series of nude photos that celebrate the beauty of full-figured female bodies. Some of the images are thoughtfully composed, others joyful and spontaneous.
I had to stop letting my anxiety get the better of me though, I was probably missing out on all kinds of fun. I really needed to get out and meet people, especially people of the male variety. You better come this time! I already felt the butterflies in my stomach. What have I gotten myself into? I mean, I guess it beats another Friday night at home, watching television reruns for the twentieth time.
You can do this. You have nothing to worry about. I knew I had plenty to worry about. I browsed through the outfits in my closet, wondering what to wear. Mom Gets Strip Searched Pt. Mom Entertains at Sleepover. Mom at the Bachelor Party. Her Husband's Boss Pt. Mom and Sister Carjacked. Soccer Mom's Dream Team. But Mom, He's Black! The Basketball Team Ch. My Mum Teresa's a Dirty Stripteaser. Date Rape Me Ch. Neighborhood Butt Fuck Ch. A Bet Gone Wrong. Revenge is Best Served Wife's Black Photo Enslavement.
My Hot Anniversary Gift. I'll Pay with My Mother. Birthday Out with Mom. The Cool Kind of Mom. I Secretly Watch My Girlfriend. Proud to be a Mommy's-Boy. Son Secretly Takes His Mother. Gangbang Your Way to His Heart. Watching My Slut Wife. Sue and Rob's Garden Party. Tied and Forced to Watch. Jealous Husband, Slut Wife. Poker Night with the Neighbors.
Slutwife for a Night! My Daughter Anne is a Slut. The Part Time Assistant. Michelle Needs Help Studying. Sarah in Party Country. After the Ball Is Over. Girlfriend Gets Gang Banged. Husband Takes Advantage Ch. Daddy, It Doesn't Fit! After School Tutoring Ch. The Making of Lady Annabelle. It's Good To Share. Three Men and a Box. Sharon Does the Neighbours. Sue Decides to Please All.
Afternoon at a Love Hotel. Cum Slut Cabin Visit. A Gangbang for Callie. A Tease Too Far. Indian Wife is a Diwali Night Treat. Rhea - My Friend's Sister. Southern Belle Gets Hers. The Night I Raped Mom. High School Rape Lesson. The Rape of Corinth. Wife Taken Against Her Will. Indian Married Student Plugged. Indian Wife and Her College Friend. Gang Rape of Cody's Mom. Caught Masturbating by Mom. The Boss Takes a Wife. Enjoying a Gang Bang. My Very First Gang-Bang. A Wedding Day to Remember. Absolution For Sister Angel. From Loathing to Love.
Wife's Fantasy Becomes a Reality. A Snob Goes Down. It's Tough to be the Youngest. The Story Of Tab Continues. A Nice Spring Day. Confessions of a Slutty Cousin Ch.
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No Panty Girl 3. The Seduction of Elsie. Kimmy and The Boys. Ron Gets His Wish. Parental Discretion is Advised. Friday Night - Saturday Morning. Return to Harper Valley.
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