She is accredited to administer and interpret DiSC behaviour profiling tools including Leadership, management, and team profiling. She recently took very! The Tips Booklets series was developed as a result of people asking for her top tips at training courses and coaching sessions, it seemed sensible to make them easily accessible.

All the Tips Booklets were checked for revisions in It was really interesting to note that while there were changes to be made with regards to how tech continues to develop and impact our lives, the people elements stay the same. Beverley also publishes Tips Booklets from other authors with the right backgrounds and engaging writing styles and the range covers the very successful 50 Tips for Project Management as well as lifestyle titles like, '50 tips for Starting Boarding School'; 50 Tips for growing your own food, fabulous fruit and vegetables; and 50 Tips for the Smallholder.

Beverley also writes fiction under the name of Camilla Cornish, 'When Love Unlocks Time' is a fabulous Tudor time travel novel that leaves the training world far behind! She is currently working on a slightly darker novel which will be published later in Beverley's favourite place to spend time and write is undoubtedly Deia in Mallorca, the place where Robert Graves made his home and is buried, although the beautiful village of Fornalutx nearby is pretty wonderful too.

Most writing is done at home in the Isle of Man though, just as beautiful in its own way, and with fabulously unpredictable weather! Are you an author? Help us improve our Author Pages by updating your bibliography and submitting a new or current image and biography. Learn more at Author Central. He ends up staying at her house because he's scared to go back. But he's staying in a storage room that's connected to her closet and he makes her paper roses out of books she gave him. They do the nasty. The book ironically talks about how a girl kept a dude in her closet and he ended up dying.

Girl comes home from school early and finds him walking around the house naked since nobody is home. Government ends up finding them and ties them up while torturing them. House catches fire and dude saves girl then goes back in to get her bracelet but ends up dying cause burning wood fell on him If you know please email me at ceraliththepyro yahoo. I'm trying to help my friend look for a book that she is going nuts over Okay so it starts off with a girl on her 16th birthday and her friend gets her a laptop. House catches fire and dude saves girl then goes back in to get her bracelet but ends up dying cause burning wood fell on him She is going insane so if anyone knows email me at ceraliththepyro yahoo.

Looking for a book that I read in my sophomore or Jr year of high school. All I can remember is it started in a village that was shot down, but a few escaped including this boy. The book is about a desert I think where people walked for months to safety to escape. I'm pretty sure it took place in Africa and is a non-fiction book.

Actually he became the administrator of the hospital and his book is a series of stories about all of that. He tells us about one client whom rallied in the face of impossible odds again and again and again to reach adulthood. He spoke about having lifelong relationships with his very injured patients. He spoke about fund raising. All the special needs a hospital like his had and how he had to go about getting those needs met. He spoke about being mentored by the previous Administrator not really knowing what he was walking into.

He spoke about it being a calling not a job. At the end of the book was a chapter advising parents on what, where and how to get what they needed for their children should the need arise. An awesome book I lent to my client that was not returned that I need to repurchase so I once again have it in my library. Can any of you out there help me locate this amazing book? I would be so appreciative. I do not know the name of the author, title or publisher. I am so sorry. It is poignant and contains a series of stories of different situations and miraculous clients who survived insurmountable odds.

He spoke about seeing every client holistically by looking ahead to where that client might be at age 18 or 25 or He spoke about having a lifelong relationship with each client that stepped through their doors. He spoke about one client who had horrific medical issues which required inventive surgical interventions. He spoke about his fundraising efforts. About one donor whose child he had helped and how he gave back to the hospital. He spoke about the hospital never having enough funds for what they needed.

He spoke about the previous administrator being his mentor. I lent this book to one of my clients and never got it back. I so appreciate your help in aiding me to find this information out. I can remember much but they get married in the end.. A romance book about a chubby girl who loses her job and a lawyer friend from her book club gets her a job as a live in house keeper with her asshole brother.

She is an army brat I think and she starts to go to the gym at the new place she lives. I looking for a series and idk wats it called. Its got like a group on for special kids. And theres like 3 kids to a room and they experimenting on the kids and theirs a basement and the people do bad things down their and i cant remember much else. Read a short story in about two beings who have struck what appears from descriptions to be a deer on the side of the road.

They are saddened, trying to decide what to do about it, etc. You think it is a husband and wife doing the discussing. Only in the end do you realize it is two aliens discussing striking a human Please help Me find it. Drizzt - the books you're looking for: Rogue Warrior, by Richard Marcinko.

Drizzt - the books you're looking for - Rogue Warrior, author Richard Marcinko. Does anyone remember such a book? I think it was the first in a series of 3 books, but I don't remember the title or author. He does curse and swear a lot. I'm looking for a book i read when i was thirteen-ish years ago. It's about a girl who is in a girl's home, or perhaps a facility of some sort because she ends up having to take undisclosed medication from the staff. Because the drugs make her drowsy and disoriented, she isn't able to make friends.

The other girls are quite nasty to her. The staff are mean too, except one, but she ends up getting married and inviting everyone except the main character to her wedding. There's some abuse and discrimination too. That's all i can remember, accurately, without getting it confused with other books. I once read a horse book when I was younger, I think it was part of a collection but it was still back in time about a girl in America during colonial times when colonists were forced to House British soldiers soon after the French and Indian war, the girl finds out her brother was involved in the Boston Tea Party and covers for him, but it was mainly about her and her horse.

Please help Emma gmail. Not sure the name of the first book.

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You should check out the rest of her books if you haven't already. They're pretty formulaic, but she does a good job with word building. The author was ex- military and ran some sort of security outfit both in real life and in his books. His picture is on every book; big black beard and a black ponytail are his biological fieldnotes. The stories were supposedly true about him but hard to say for sure because some of them were so outrageous.

What I remember from one of the books he is trying to infiltrate some compound to save some hostages and basically snakes by all the guards and gets in and then blasts his way out. Seemed to always get the girl in the stories too. These books are pretty badass, whether they are true or inflated, lots of swearing and fun language.

If I had to guess a timeframe of these books, I would say the 's, Any help would be great, would love to find these books again. Looking for the title of a book I read a few years ago. What I can remember about the book is the following: A human cocktail waitress at a casino in Las Vegas has to take a bottle of something up to the pent house, after leaving the pent house, she somehow gets to the basement level where she sees someone shifting into a panther or a wolf can't remember the were species and the owner of the casinos body guard takes her back up to the pent house where she is shot three times in the head.

Making her an 'immortal' without knowing she was one. Come to find out she can stabilize and repair portals to other realms and planets. If anyone knows this book can you please let me know, it would be very much appreciated. In the late 70's my favorite book was about a girl and her friends that care for an abandoned horse, found in old stables on a previously grand estate. They took care of his food, water and grooming, all in secret from her family.

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At the end of the story the mystery is solved as to why this beautiful creature was left. This may have been written in the late 60's. I cannot recall purchasing thru the schools scholastic program, although that is a possibility too. So it could have been written in the 70's as well. Thanks for any help given. As a child I read a book about a spoiled princess who was sent to live with a peasant family for a year, and had to work alongside them. She learned to be humble and compassionate, and to appreciate true human connections rather than items of luxury.

Wish I could identify that book! This book which title I don't remember is about a woman that was in heaven for "5 years" 5 hours. She visited her parents in heaven, she met John Wesley but most of all, she saw Jesus surrounded by children. Her father was sort of a counselor for people that met Jesus and passed away almost inmediately after being saved. Name of the book: These 2 kids go to visit their cousin in the Nilgiris, and there they end up going to the forest nearby and meet a sadhu who teaches them all sorts of powers such as talking to animals, and mind control etc, and they all work together to stop an evil politician from experimenting with taking the life force of kids to gain energy.

A book about these creatures for lack of a better term who didn't like light and a girl who had to stay in the light to be safe from the creatures. And to get away from the creatures she followed this string that led her to an attic where there was an old woman making the string That's about all I can remember about it right now. A fae book where the main character is a young girl who gets taken from her home brought to another world and is the rightful princess I can't remember the author or name of book but the cover is like a open field of green with the young girl in the middle Riley the fifth grader.

She eventually leaves him alone after essentially running away with a handsome male ghost. I think the cover was blue and she was blonde in a fancy dress levitating in a window. A beautiful, young lady is seen riding her horse and then tried to kill her future husband she didn't know he was to be her husband yet her future husband is enchanted by her beauty until she tried to kill him. The young lady who the daughter of the king is badly beaten by her father and has most of hair cut almost shaved because of something she had said, I think she refused to marry the man she had never seen or met, or at least that's what she thinks then is tied to a horse and is sent almost dead to the man who she is to marry, her father's enemy.

She doesn't recognise him till she awakes when he greets her and she realises,hes the man she had tried to kill but they both end up falling in love. It is about a girl who is hired as a wealthy businessman's fake girlfriend. The contract says she can't be with any other men so he takes her to this mansion in order for her to "get off. I am looking for a book where a young accountant wins a large sum of money in a lotery or a bet, thanks to the combination that a friend of his told him.

The friend a journalist decides to send his girlfriend to seduce the guy so that they take as much money from the accountant. Lots of things happen. The book also covers the life of a hitmen that ends up killing the journalist's girlfriend as well as the accountant. He had a sick mother probably schizophrenic he cared deeply for. Also the accountant comes to terms with the fact that he was attracted to his friend the journalist.

The title might contain one of the folllowing words: In case you have any idea, the you can contact me at soahwhoami gmail. It was called penguin island by anatole france. Is about a girl who is trapped in ice and the only way to melt her is with fire that is trapped in a necklace which belongs to the daughter of the "evil" person and the necklace is the only thing keeping either the mother or daughter alive so they won't give it to them.

This is a long shot. I read a sci-fi short story about aliens that came down to judge Earth. All of earth, not just humanity. All the good and the bad. I don't remember much about it, it was maybe 15 years ago, but I remember in the end it said something like "They took two dolphins to represent us. They will decide if Earth is worth saving. I've been doing google searches, but I just get dolphin results. I think dolphins are only mentioned once in the last paragraph, but it just stuck with me. Any help is appreciated. It is about an orphaned girl who visits a wealthy woman who was a former actress and plays dress up with her jewelry.

The woman dies and leaves her jewelry to the girl. The jewelry turns out to be very valuable. Treasure hunters try to convince the girl they are her family just to get their hands on the jewelry. In the end she is with her fake family and dives off the ship to escape. All thanks to Dr Larry who did a love spell for me for my ex lover to return home.

I will keep sharing this until people who also need help see this for his wonderful help. You can contact him on his via email assurancesolutionhome gmail. I was just looking for the NAME of the book that i read as a child. I guess years ago. It was about a wolf or fox. But i think a wolf hiking through a forest and mountains going somewhere. I really don't remember much. But i know i loved it. The wold was the storyteller. The cover of the book was white with the drawig of the wolf i guess. If you know the book pleaaaaseee give me the name: Looking for a book where a guy and woman always sneaks off somewhere and he little by little day by day touches her or kisses her to get her aroused then leaves her.

He eventually seduces her after all the day of just getting her aroused and walks off. I believe the front cover is a guy by a tree holding a woman in a red dress. It's an older book romance seductive book. He said it had very useful info in it like how much a cord of wood was and things like that. Looking for a Sci Fi book from the 60's. It has scenes where humans go crazy called Berserkers-not Saberhagen series and start shooting people on the street. This happens a number of times in the book although it is not the main story. I read a book a couple of years ago and the details are a bit murky so any help locating this book would be greatly appreciated.

The story starts off with a writer who lives in southern France with her husband and daughter. She goes off on assignment to write a cook book and she is accompanied by a male photographer. At first they don't get along but they eventually start an affair. She is away fro her family for long periods of times and every time she has to return home she's torn because her home life is so chaotic and uneventful but life on the road is fun and exotic.

She gets to see different places and have all these grate experiences. She eventually chooses to go back to her family and the affair ends. That's pretty much the gist of it. Again, any help would be greatly appreciated. So there's this book that I read in mid elementary which I absolutely adored, but for years now have been unable to find the title of. So in this book and younger girl I can't remebr her name and her parents live on earth. Her parents are called back to their homeland, and they attempt to tell their daughter about the arrangements and that she is in fact not human.

She runs away to deal with this because she doesn't want to return, and hides in her friend's basement. The parents try to look for her, but only have a few days to get on the mothership before it returns. It's really a wonderful story, and I loved it a lot when I read it, but I cannot remeber the title for the life of me. When in elementary school, I'm in college now I read a series of books about strange happenings.

One book was about a sea monster that lived in a cavern, the only way of seeing through the cavern was with the flash from a camera; the narrator said they could hear what sounded like a "wet sack" being dragged on the ground. In another book, the narrators sister is abducted by aliens and her eyes turn black. There is also mention of a black floating orb in that same story.

I believe they all took place in a fictional town called "Fairfield" or something similar to that? There was a book I read in late elementary school I'm in high school now and I remember there were these kids that lived in a small town and they were all friends. I remember them riding their bikes together and stuff.

Anyway they get lost in like a mountainy desert area they might possibly live in arizona and they have to survive.

  1. Gurteen Knowledge Letter.
  2. Mixed Marriages Can Be Murder - Paranormal Comedy.
  3. The 30 Second Commute by Beverley Williams.
  4. 3rd Edition. Volume 2. Explanation of Ur, Sumer, Babylon, Mesopotamia, Assyria and Akkad Artifacts, Architecture, Archeology, Seals, and Slabs?

I remember one of them almost died, and everybody back in the town thought they were playing around up in the mountain area??? And all died or something. Don't know the names of the characters just that the female gets wedded off to the man but they've known each other briefly when they were younger he visited her father, in the night she tried to play a trick on him but he caught her and spanked her, she was sore and embarrassed the next day Looking for thesyort about a husband searching the world for wife that left him. Comes to a small village India?

Think it had "Let Her Go" in title. Takes place in 60 or 70's. Looking for a book about a young girl who goes to live with her father who is a pilot. It has to be at least 49 years old. Looking for a book that is at least 40 years old about a girl who goes to live with her dad who I believe is a pilot. I'm looking for a book called switched. It's not the young adult book. I read it in the late '80s and it's a murder mystery about a serial killer who kills women and switches their heads onto other bodies.

I am looking for a book that I read in the late '80s called switched. Not the young adult thing that I keep finding. This one is about a serial killer who kills two women and switches their heads. I am looking for a old book about i believe was a german surgeon and he told stories about his practice and his passion for medicine.

That book led me to be a physician. The book im looking for is about a grandmother on her deathbed telling her grandson to kill someone from the nazii death camps,. My desciption will be small it wasn't a large book. But if i recall correctly it is about a soilder possibly japanese that wonders into this small village where he meets a beautiful girl.

He settles down gets married and have children. However we the woman is a wolf that has the ability to create illusions.

Everything was an illusion from her to the village even there children are all created by illusionary. But if i recall correctly it is about a soilder that wonders into this small village where he meets a beautiful girl. His dad is not in the picture. Mom is a waitress.

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  • How to Find That Book You've Spent Years Looking For!
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  • The boy gets accepted to a private school where he meets his best friend. The parents own the shipyard. I am looking for about I read between I was a large hard cover fictional romance. About an orphan girl who guardian, her uncle, wanted to marry her off to gain her inheritance early. He had an arrangement with her future husband that she found out about after over hearing a conversation between them.

    Hurt she runs off to the ship dock. Where she is mistaken for a bed warmer by the crew of an American captain. He unknowingly takes her virginity and takes her to America. After realizing she is with child he marrys her. And takes her to his castle. He is a Nobelman. That she goes to see against his orders. She upset after he yells at her. And somehow she manages to run away before giving birth. But he realizes he loves her and spends years looking for her. Meanwhile, she make a great life for herself and her son.

    But she never went after her inheritance due to not wanting her uncle to find her. But he has not given up and her husband hasn't either. Their is some kind of parade in her town where her husband and her uncle attend and the confrontation occurred. Don't remember the details. But it was a happy ending all around. Except for the uncle that is. Can you help me find it. My email address is sweetpblack yhoo. I am looking for a book that was about a Hispanic male that was released from either jail or prison, and came home to help raise his little brother.

    His mother had passed away while he was in prison. I'm looking for a book I read as a kid! Okay so here's what I know. It's a kids book kind of, like I read it when I was a kid. It had a brother and sister who at one point I think the beginning are in a museum and a teapot is somehow significant. In the end they find a missing will that a lady was trying to hide. There's a skeleton in a raincoat involved but idk if it was the cover or what please help!

    I first read the book on Wattpad almost 7 years ago, but I'm pretty sure it was in the process of being published, so I figured it'd be worth a shot to check here. The story was about a woman who lived in a fantasy land where a certain numbers of years of charity work was required by the law and the world was divided into cultures by land, sea and air. If I remember correctly, a man from the air was brought up on her beach by a young mermaid and she had to care for him. The mermaid was madly in love with him, abandoning her family to be with him, but the man didn't have much care for her really.

    The woman was charged with the task of taking the mermaid home and reversing the curse that the sea witch had placed on her, despite the growing attraction between the woman and the man the woman loved. The woman displayed an unspeakable amount of selflessness as she sacrificed her feelings for the young mermaid and her older brother who was developing feelings for the woman whom she eventually met when returning the princess before solving the curse.

    The man ended up being a partner of the sea witch's and had been building a curse by stealing the mermaid's heart and a few other things that he'd harmed other characters, including the main woman, to obtain, but he accidentally fell in love with woman and invited her to be a partner to his evil. Unfortunately or maybe fortunately. I still struggle to decide , the woman decided to uphold her selfless morals despite her own love for the man and actually killed him.

    It hurt her terribly and was heartwrenching to read. I don't know how much of the story would've changed during the publication process, so i tried to include as much detail as possible. If this sounds even remotely familiar, please let me know. I originally read the book on Wattpad, but it was in the process of being published I think , so I figured checking here was worth a shot. The woman was charged with the task of taking the mermaid home and reversing the curse that a sea witch had placed on her, despite the growing attraction between the woman and the man the woman loved.

    I'm not sure how much of the story would've stayed the same if it went through publishing, so I tried to include as much detail as possible. If this sounds familiar, please let me know. I am looking for a book set in the beginning of electricity being brought to homes, around I read it about ten years ago, the cover was dark with power lines on it.

    All that I remember is that a woman is raped by the mayor of the city, gets pregnant from that encounter. She then gives baby up to couple. The wife in that couple dies and the mother of the baby falls in love with the widower. I hope someone recognizes this book. I am looking for a book set in the beginning of electricity being brought to homes, between I remember that the book has a dark cover, I think with power lines on the cover.

    The main plot is that a woman is raped by the mayor of the city and gets pregnant from that encounter. She ends up giving the baby up to couple. The wife in that couple dies and the mother of the baby becomes a close friend to the widower whom does not know she women is the mother of the child. The widower is very rich, due to the fact that he was involved in the spread of electricity to homes and cities.

    I think his house a mansion was the first house in the city to get electricity lights. The widower and the woman end up falling in love. Unfortunately, that is all that I remember. I hope someone recognizes this book, I read it about 10 years ago, and have not been able to locate it again. Teen boy falls through ice and finds himself in an alternate dimension as a chosen to fight evil. My daughter is looking for a book that we read together years ago.

    Someone commits suicide in the book. She thinks the title involved something about the universe and the cover may have had a picture of a fair on it. This book is about a husband and wife, the husband is a basketball coach, college I think. He unwinds after games by making love to his wife but something is missing in their relationship. I think their son plays on the team.

    Its and older book, I read it early 'sI think the name of the book is Desire but can't find it under that name. Sorry everyone if this is a bit confusing but if anyone has any idea what the name is of this book please could you help. Aloha all, mmm - this is a bit vague as follows: I lived in England at the time. The narrative was incredibly fast paced. Any help would be very much appreciated. A book where a Woman moves to a new house and start repairs the repair man warns her about her new neighbor and after a while she meets her new neighbor a couple of times and then find out that he is a vampire at some point he ends up waking up his friends and his deep sleep because someone is trying to kill them and then all three of them go on the run I think at some point they meet a winch and then the ending scene is in the church I read it as an ebook I believe.

    All I can remember is a fast paced book. I was reading it in the late 80s as a child. The main protagonist's name was 'Ozzy' I thought I was sure of the name but maybe am mistaken. He always drove fast cars and bounced around from one adventure to another: He was a multi-millionaire.

    The book wasn't a series. It was just a single book and story. I have searched high and low and can't find anything. I was reading this book in the late 80's, as a child, and all I can remember is the following: It almost seemed like the point of the book was just a celebration of life. Any help would be appreciated. Trying to recall the title of a book I read. It was set in North Carolina somewhere near Duck. It is about an elderly African American woman who lived for years in an old house. The elderly woman used to write letters to her father. I loved the book but csntvrecsll the title it the author.

    There is a book that I can't remember the name of. The only thing I remember is a teenage girls draws on the arm of a guy that likes her.

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    The drawing may or may not be a bear. Title of the book is My Diary, I can't find it anywhere. Any help would be appreciated! Hi, my mom read a book back in the early 80s called, "My Diary" and we can't find it. She doesn't know the author, but it was about a girl who was sexually assaulted, and in the end committed suicide. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Title of the book where a man who is super heavy in highschool loses the weight and gets fit and moves in with his best friend. She has an addiction to her phone.

    He has some mental trauma from his last relationship. He helps her face her fears of the ocean. The story is 'A Girl Named Sooner. The story is called 'A Girl named Sooner'. Title of book in which in one scene the main character watches as a group of children surround her bird and stone him to death. Title of story where the main character watches as a group of children surround her pet bird as they stone the bird to death.

    My Mom read me a wonderful fictional novel back in the late 60's or early 70's. It was based in Africa and Mount Kilimanjaro was one of the sites visited. The character may have been a girl who was searching for her family - but my memory of it is vague. What I do remember was that I was enchanted with it when I heard it read. Looking for a wonderful adventure novel my mom read to me - that was written before about The story takes place in Africa and Mount Kiliminjaro is part of the setting.

    It's an action book - and I think a girl may have been a main character. As a tween, my Mom read me a wonderful fictional novel that was written before It was set in Africa, and Mount Kilimanjaro was one of the setting sites. I think a girl may have been a main character and she moved around her family may not have been with her. I remember it being action packed. I'm looking for a book that I saw on FB written by a daughter about a mother who had died and has written about 50 incidences of the times when her mother intervened, or sent a message, or made some correlations with current events to show connections between the two worlds, or, how all events are interconnected.

    The front of the book had a visual of the mother and looked to be from an older candid photo and took up much of the space on the cover. Looking for a book about a lawyer who returns home after losing a case about missing children. Its somewhere down south. She has an older sister who she stays with, her sister was kicked out of their childhood home since the mom's husband was abusing her. She is pursued by another lawyer who turns out to be the serial killer in the book. The over arching theme is that the deity in charge and power of was changing.

    How to Find That Book You've Spent Years Looking For

    Looking for a YA realistic fiction about a teen girl who stays with her Aunt in a small beach town for the summer. The girl is shy and lacks confidence. She gets a job at the local burger joint and makes friends with two other waitresses there one is short, blonde, beautiful, and firey. The other is tall with short black hair and subdued but sweet.

    Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. The 30 Second Commute by Beverley Williams ,. A three-part plan to help you create a booming businessNearly 25 million Americans operate a registered home-based business--and those numbers are growing every day. In "The Second Commute," leading home business experts Beverley Williams and Don Cooper tell you everything you'll need to know, from determining potential markets to securing financing and developing a mar A three-part plan to help you create a booming businessNearly 25 million Americans operate a registered home-based business--and those numbers are growing every day.

    In "The Second Commute," leading home business experts Beverley Williams and Don Cooper tell you everything you'll need to know, from determining potential markets to securing financing and developing a marketing plan. Every vital business and personal issue is covered--how to choose the right business, strategies for overcoming lifestyle and family issues, tips for making the business successful, and more. Organizing the subject into three essential topics, this action-based book covers: Paperback , pages.

    The 30 Second Commute: To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about The 30 Second Commute , please sign up.