JIDF has been here. But if they want to pay me a small fee for every review I post attacking racist lunatics, I'm certainly not going to object. JIDF, you know where to find me. Hahaha Your relatives are living it up in Palestine! There was no Holicost or genoside only deportation!
According to official Red Cross records the numbers of people, all people, who died in German concentration, actually, work or holding camps, was some , That's throughout the entire war, including those who died of communicable diseases such as typhus rampant towards the end of the war and cholera. Did they import them from Khazaria? The Zionist criminals used the war as the leveraging point to drive their plot home, which was the near complete imperialistic conquest of Palestine. The social strife they created led to the basis for mass emigration of European Jewry from their homes to Middle Eastern land.
Without the war, an occupied Palestine would have never occurred. It was also the means by which well-placed Zionists and also low-level operatives could enrich themselves through theft, not only of the land of the Palestinian people but also through the usurpation of the assets and wealth of European nations. Do your research before running your uneducated mouth!
Your family is a bunch of liars! A little tip for Mr Neal: I don't mean it as criticism; I'm just trying to help. I thought I'd take a look at their page for Mein Kampf , which I hadn't visited for at least a year. I found it had changed in an important way.
Works (968)
Previously, the page had a list of all reviews, and it was easy to find mine. Now, there's only a link to a list of verified purchase reviews.

So although my review is still there, no one will see it, since I didn't buy a copy of Mein Kampf. But Amazon don't want me to feel I've missed out. There's a tempting little notice: Right, let's get this straight. Amazon are using the good old stick and carrot approach to get me to buy a copy of what is probably the most evil and dangerous book in human history.
German resistance to Nazism
The stick is that they're hiding my review until I can prove I've bought a copy from them. The carrot is that they'll offer it to me for free, as long as I sign up for an Amazon Rewards Visa Card. View all comments. View all 41 comments. People with a strong grasp of 20th century history.
Let's distill my previous review. This book is badly written, presents scientifically incorrect, racist ideas as fact, and takes a comically long time to tell a boring story about formulating an idiotic military plan that didn't work. People who should read this book don't need to be told they should read it. They also have listened to Wagner and read Nietzsche, and find their respective worldviews problematic.
- No customer reviews;
- Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler?
- Top Authors;
- Until the Final Hour: Hitler's Last Secretary.
- Gamete.
If your explanation for reading this book does not involve understanding mistakes from t Let's distill my previous review. View all 92 comments. Call me a crazy talking liberal if you want, but I am against burning human beings in big ovens. I don't care how trendy and cool it was considered back in the day, that's just the way I was raised. I read this book on the recommendation of a friend. Or at least I thought he was my friend. It turned out he was actually just a cashier at Borders.
But he looked an awful lot like this guy I used to be friends with when I worked at Gamestop. I could have sworn it was him. The only real difference was that he worked at Borders and not Gamestop. Oh and he apparently enjoys Nazi literature. And I'm pretty sure the guy I worked with at Gamestop was black. But in any case I suppose I should blame myself. Perhaps the next time a skinny bald white cashier recommends a book written by Adolf Hitler I should get a second opinion.
Especially if he's not the tall black guy with dreads I used to work with. View all 43 comments. Feb 29, Brody Lord of the undead rated it it was amazing Recommends it for: Recommended to Brody by: I was changed forever. View all 54 comments. The work describes the process by which Hitler became antisemitic and outlines his political ideology and future plans for Germany. Volume 1 of Mein Kampf was published in and Volume 2 in The book was edited by Hitler's deputy Rudolf Hess. View all 4 comments.
Of course I didn't expect Mein Kampf to be a great book, even within the admittedly narrow antisemitic messianic homoerotic prison genre, but I did expect a little more showmanship. My German is middling, but I've heard he was all charismatic and persuasive or whatever. Like, if you were just planning to go out for a stroll and pick up some schnitzel, you'd happe Of course I didn't expect Mein Kampf to be a great book, even within the admittedly narrow antisemitic messianic homoerotic prison genre, but I did expect a little more showmanship.
Like, if you were just planning to go out for a stroll and pick up some schnitzel, you'd happen to overhear him on a radio broadcast and all of a sudden you'd be smashing windows, incarcerating Jews, and annexing strategic swaths of Lebensraum before you even knew what you were doing. He was that powerful. Yeah, we all understand that Hitler didn't have the best taste. He was into retro-Greek kitsch and probably those paintings of clowns and kittens and whaling ships.
All the more reason to expect a semi-entertaining wallow in the muck and mire. Why can't we expect the same from Adolf Hitler? We expect idiots to entertain us with their idiocy; we don't expect them to be dull. I'll bet Mel Gibson's ghost writer would shit out a much better book. With more anecdotes about Jodie Foster than your standard-issue xenophobic tract. I just realized I've been misspelling Hitler's first name my whole life as 'Adolph. View all 27 comments. Dec 29, Paul rated it it was ok Shelves: I read this in as part of my first degree in history whilst doing a course on Modern German History.
The most interesting thing is that this was written without hindsight or from a position of power, or at the time any immediate likelihood of power. The mix o I read this in as part of my first degree in history whilst doing a course on Modern German History. The mix of ideas following Darwin, combined with Nietzsche superman , the anti-Semitism and eugenics; not to mention all the madcap scientific ideas around and the growth of psychoanalysis. We sometimes forget that eugenics was very popular and respectable.
The list in opposition is much shorter. Hitler was influenced these ideas, especially the virulent anti-Semitism. The Russian Revolution and the rise of Bolshevism were also significant, as was the decadence of the Weimar Republic and the rampant inflation. Hitler expounds his Jewish conspiracy theories and adapts the racial theories of Haeckel.
The rise of Marxist theory he considered, was part of the broader Jewish conspiracy. Hitler adapted all of this mix into a world view, adding the concept of Lebensraum. This relates to the need for expansion to give the German nation room and space. It originates from the English and French drive for colonies and the westward expansion in America; it was just applied to Europe by the Nazis. Everything is there that leads to the gas chamber and genocide.
It is easy to laugh at extremists, people certainly laughed at Hitler, but they have to be taken seriously, especially if they capture the mood of the time. Mein Kampf, when read with our hindsight, is horrific, and the author is vile. However he is the product of people and times slightly less extreme. Free debate and analysis of ideas and their meaning will usually show up the extremes. Censorship in any form is dangerous; the first thing Hitler did with power was to begin to move against people and ideas he considered a threat to his ideology.
A lesson we need to keep relearning. View all 20 comments. Sep 04, Trevor rated it did not like it Shelves: While I was teaching on my placement at the start of the year my supervising teacher had an incentive program going on with some of the students in the VCE history class we were taking. He told me he had made this offer every year and had never been required to pay up.
He believed this was because the book was so poorly written and so turgid that even the most money hungry 16 year old would figur While I was teaching on my placement at the start of the year my supervising teacher had an incentive program going on with some of the students in the VCE history class we were taking. He believed this was because the book was so poorly written and so turgid that even the most money hungry 16 year old would figure there were easier ways to make some cash. That was the head-space I approached this book in.
I was expecting it to be almost painfully badly written and pretty much the awful rants of a nearly insane fool. I need to assure you, that is not the book I found. This book is actually frighteningly lucid and remarkably well written. It is a much more dangerous book than, say, The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. That book is so embarrassingly badly written, so pathetically obviously a forgery that anyone with half a brain could do little else than laugh at it with derision. I was actually a bit surprised when Hitler referred to the Protocols in this — as I thought even he would have had more shame.
Nevertheless, the rest of his arguments against the Jews are much more carefully constructed and build in a way that has become a virtual template for any conspiracy theory. And what a conspiracy theory this is! Hitler starts by saying he never really had anything against the Jews, thought that they were just another religion and could hardly be bothered worrying about them. In fact, he goes as far to say that if he had heard people speaking against them he would probably have stopped them and regarded these people as reactionary fools.
At least, until his eyes were opened to the Jews infinite deceit after a series of interactions with them and Social Democrats following the death of his parents. This is the conspiracy theory to end all conspiracy theories. He keeps telling the reader just how lacking in creativity the Jews are — but if they are able to pull off half of the stuff he blames them for they must be nearly godlike in their powers. There were only one or two sections in the book when these rants became tiresome — he clearly understood when to push his point and when to hold back. He sounds much more reasonable than I would have ever dreamt.
The things that are most interesting about this book, to me anyway, were the glimpses into his life given early. The stuff with the mice he watched playing on the floor is the last thing I thought I would find in this book. The stuff about his father is gobsmackingly interesting. As he says, he respected his father, but loved his mother. In fact, he makes it clear that he definitely did not want to become anything at all like his father. What he has to say about propaganda — essentially, people are stupid and so need to be told in the simplest terms imaginable what they need to believe and that all subtlety is wasted on them, made me wonder how people ever followed him given he is saying he is more than happy to lie to his followers.
This ought to be much more chilling for us today flicked on the television and watched any ads lately? This view is increased by this dismissal of female sexuality as entirely submissive. Sex plays a large role in his argument against the Jews. Jews marry off their daughters to Aryans as they know that the best way to overcome a nation is to attack its blood and their sons lie in wait to seduce Aryan women.
By diluting Aryan blood and keeping the purity of their own blood he never explains how both of these are possible at the same time except for vague references to the purity of the male blood line of Jews - the opposite of the case, in fact they hope to one day take over the world. I can see how easy it would be for someone suffering from the defeat of Germany to want to believe the reason for their defeat and hardships was a Jewish conspiracy.
I got to the end of the first volume and decided I had heard enough. If you wanted a conspiracy theory, perhaps a good one would be that conservatives tend to say Hitler is impossible to read so that people will not see the similarities of his views with their arguments. This one is so extreme it is little wonder it took the entire efforts of the state to continue it. Even then, it is doubtful Germans actually believed it — the big lie was just enough to allow one of the greatest crimes in history to be committed, but not enough to truly justify it even to those following through with the vision.
There are chilling moments here — particularly given what happened next and not just to the Jews but also to the Slavs. His discussion of Russia is particularly chilling. But then there are moments of remarkable insight. He talks of people who want to lead the movement who have been active for 40 years and yet have not achieved their aims or stopped their opponents from achieving their aims. He points out that this is a clear sign of how pathetic their aims must be.
This is a very interesting argument and one it would be difficult to argue against. There are many long standing Marxists and Nazis who would do well to consider the implications of what he is saying here.
Places: Berlin, Germany
All the same, this book is disturbing given what we know about what came next. And it is impossible now to not read between the lines and hear the awful silence of the death camps echoing throughout this book. The point is, however, that many of his arguments are little different from what is dished up today. I would have preferred this to be much more extreme than it ended up being. I would have felt safer that way. Our remarkable ability to create scapegoats has not deserted us with the years or with the knowledge of the consequences this madness had in Europe.
I am glad I read this — but one volume was more than enough. View all 60 comments. Trevor I think one of Steven Pinker's books asks that exact same question, about how clusters of ideas get associated with the right or the left, when there I think one of Steven Pinker's books asks that exact same question, about how clusters of ideas get associated with the right or the left, when there doesn't always seem to be a necessary connection otherwise.
Racial purity, though, is essential to nationalism - and it is interesting that the racial enemy is so often presented as being unconcerned by their own racial purity, since any amount of their blood will automatically debase 'our' blood and reduce us to their level, their secret ploy all along. I've grown up with Jews - marrying outside their religion is hardly something that is welcomed with open arms.
In fact, no religion sets up food taboos if they want their children to marry others around them. Food taboos are designed to encourage disgust in the racial other. For a while my daughter got me interested in the problem of disgust and how it is used as a social organising principle.
It is remarkably potent for what it achieves. And our disgust response is physical, rather than just emotional or rational. It isn't something we can 'think' away. There is a lovely bit in Never Let Me Go where the woman who runs the school recoils when one of the students comes too close to her. Her rational brain loves the children and would do anything to help them - but she cannot control her physical disgust which repulses her from them. Racism really is a deeply dehumanising thing, it dehumanises all of us. Mimi Interesting points Trevor, this is essentially what Mary Douglas is discussing in 'Purity and Danger' when she discusses 'matter out of place' she inc Interesting points Trevor, this is essentially what Mary Douglas is discussing in 'Purity and Danger' when she discusses 'matter out of place' she includes reference to food taboos as part of that.
View all 24 comments. Mein Kampf or My Struggle: Understanding their guidebook might be the best way to beat them at their own game. Many readers today avoid the book to avoid the taint of being seen reading it an Mein Kampf or My Struggle: Many readers today avoid the book to avoid the taint of being seen reading it and also out of fear of perhaps falling under its influence.
That is considered to be playing into the hands of the ones who are willing to use he powerful methods present therein. If the book was indeed a powerfully reasoned piece of work this would have held true. Instead it turned out to be a pathetic work, which only showcases the workings of a weak mind that constructed all its arguments from pre-conceived notions and never examined the basis of its arguments.
It is clear that Hitler never bothered to understand the core ideas behind evolution, species selection, etc. Darwin had been pretty clear about all this, writing half a century or more before Hitler came up with his tripe. And it s not because of hasty constructions. Hitler takes all the time n the world and spends most of his book rehashing the same ideas in the same ways again and again. It is an insufferable drag. And even when he departs from his obsession with race purity and talks of geopolitics and grand strategy, he again jumps to conclusions about Britain, France and Russia that clearly proved to be wrong within his lifetime.
Most of his ideas had to be abandoned in the course of the war. I am sure he came up with great explanations whenever this happened. That is the thing with this kind of 'method'. There is just no being wrong in it. The real question then is not whether we would buy his arguments but why anyone did. It is not about reading Hitler to understand how modern Dictators might use the same tactics, but understanding the conditions that allow these pretty rudimentary tactics to succeed and to avoid those conditions. The best way yo have a world which rejects its Hitlers is to have a world that is not scared enough to accept without question essentially baseless fascist arguments.
Hitler provides a good litmus test - wherever we see such ideas are getting currency, it might be time to examine what is causing the society to suspend common sense. Unfortunately, we might not have to look far to see test cases. Many unsupported rants pepper the book, repeated ad nauseam. Everything about it is bad, except the Germans. Should be brought into the fold, but carefully. The perfect race, the one to be preserved. Has to be expanded.
Germany has been greatly discriminated against after the First World War okay, have to concede this, but it doesn't take a genius to figure that. Probably just echoing Keynes in any case. German people have suffered enough. It is time for a Great Leader to arise again. No prizes for guessing who that is! Always vaguely and conveniently defined. But incontrovertibly the scum of humanity.
The Last Battle: The Classic History of the Battle for Berlin by Cornelius Ryan
How can the masses ever rule? Democracy is only an excuse for rulers to pass on responsibility and avoid taking tough decisions. What a country under there needs is a strong leader who canned do what needs to be done. To be avoided at all costs. Manipulated and brain washed by the Jews. They have to be emancipated by effective and complete control, by a leader. The purview of the Jews. Only the weak and the leach-like attempt these activities. The German people to abjure them and take to manly activities that does not suck the life blood of the country and the race.
Not to be allowed. State has to control production to avoid wastage. Well, not in name, but we need a leader who can recreate the grand Reich of old. Who cares if it looks exactly like a kingship? The scourge of this earth! The tool of the Jews! Initiated by a Jew, what more proof do you need? Exists only to corrupt the masses. Has to be used only to reach the masses. Should be superseded forthwith after that.
Has to be controlled so that only the state views are set forth. Otherwise the Jews and the Marxists will take it over and corrupt the public even more. Have to be preserved and kept apart to prevent dilution, especially the Germanic race of the Aryans. My Way or The Highway! View all 63 comments. Sep 19, Ahmad rated it it was ok. View all 7 comments. Jul 26, Sean O'Hara rated it did not like it Recommends it for: Inbred honky trailertrash who think they're better than people of color.
The author of this book is certainly one of the five or ten biggest nutjobs in the history of the world.
No one should ever listen to a thing he says. If you agree with him, you're some kind of Nazi scumbag. View all 16 comments.
See a Problem?
Apr 27, Bel Rodrigues rated it it was ok Shelves: Yes, I have read it, hell I still own a copy. I make no excuses, and will not issue apologies. I am not a nazi sympathizer, anti-semitic, or racist, fascist, or any other variety of colorful names that I have been called for having this on my shelf. I confess that I was curious about the method to the madness and how such whole sale slaughter of human life could be rationalized. Get past impressions that are forced down your throat in history class and read it for what it is, a historical text t Yes, I have read it, hell I still own a copy.
Get past impressions that are forced down your throat in history class and read it for what it is, a historical text that, like it or not, had a tremendous impact on the world as we know it today. It is a difficult read and, to be frank, a large percent of the population will not have the fortitude to pick it up off the shelf in a bookstore or be able get past the ideas presented and discard it outright. One does not have to agree with the author in order to examine the text as a political and social commentary of the time.
The important thing, as in so many hot issues, is to keep everything in perspective and make up your own mind. View all 8 comments. Jul 26, Jessaka rated it did not like it Shelves: Berkeley back in the s. I have no idea what I was checking out at the time. Maybe it was the time that I had spent at their library reading the Salem Witch Trials, the court documents.
But as I was standing at the counter, I noticed a speech written on the wall behind the desk. I have not been able to find that speech, and it is no longer on their wall behind that check out desk. I have read a lot of books about the holocaust since then. Well, back in , when I was helping our library during their book sale, the one where I frequent now, I noticed some books on Hitler and bought one. That led me to wondering about the book Mein Kampf, so I ordered it used online.
After reading maybe half of it, I threw it in the garbage where it belonged. Mein Kampf was a constant rant on Jews. It repeated the same issues over and over again. I saw how people could actually believe what he was saying if they were not educated. I never found it. Still, I think if a person in inclined to be racist, to hate, they will not pay any attention to these comments. For hate is blinding. If you have grown up with parents who hate, who are bigots or racists, you will grow up with these views as well.
Some people get over these views, especially if they get an education, and then there are those who see through it from a young age. We are told to love all people by the various religions, but I have seen so much hatred i the Christian religions, so much crime, that my eyes have been opened. I just want to get away from them and stay away. I have tried; I now just tell them what I think and walk away.
I will not compare Hitler with anyone in political power today and hope to not get any comments on this book in this regards, because if I do, those comments will be deleted. Remember, what you write on the internet you are writing on the sky. I will also delete any comments made by racists.
I happen to believe that free speech does not include hate speech, and I think we should incorporate a law against hate speech here in America. View all 12 comments. No one, especially not insane anti-semites. My colleague Andrew Hamilton has asked: This highly detailed and readable book may well be the single best volume for understanding the origins and context of Adolf Hitler and National Socialism, Read more …. We truly live in a blessed age, we Internet denizens. Never before has it been so easy for us to share controversial ideas and suppressed facts.
The power of cultural elites — whether in television, radio, the press, academia, publishing, etc. Today this monopoly is broken and their power diminishes every year no matter what they do. They may tighten their grip to keep hold of their influence, but this runs like sand through their fingers. I want to thank the commenters who have reacted to my previous articles, providing many useful insights and bits of information. I like to think I am not an uncritical person.
Because of their enormous world-historical impact, Adolf Hitler and the Third Reich are supremely important to understanding the twentieth century and the development of Western civilization. These are also supremely controversial and difficult topics. Indeed, Hitler is almost universally considered to have been the most evil man to have ever lived. Adolf Hitler was born on April 20, In commemoration of his birth, I wish to draw your attention to the following pieces on this website.
If Tay, a supercomputer AI, went from tabula rasa to full Nazi in less than 24 hours, who are we to argue? Here is a typical example from Wikipedia as of 23 March Rienzi is a Grand Opera in the Parisian style, an approach Wagner eventually rejected. In contrast with the mediocre majority of mankind, there is the rare genius. There is reason to think Hitler sympathized with and perhaps attempted to live up to the model of the Schopenhauerian genius.
Part 2 of 3. One could not rule against the will of the people, therefore:. But this sovereignty never comes of age and therefore has to remain under the permanent care of a guardian: Prison of the Nation presents an original view of the Communist Revolution in Russia in I do not go to the cinema all that often, but I do occasionally like to dip my toe into the global Zeitgeist being promoted by Hollywood or, less often, more or less liberal and state-subsidized European cinema. What exactly is the significance of Taylor in pop music, modern aesthetics, and Western culture in general?
Consider the following recent discoveries made by various scientific studies:. The following text is an excerpt from J. Rutgers University Press, , pp. The title is editorial. The profoundest political change the First World War gave rise to, or was followed by, was a series of catastrophic revolutions: Print this post Julius Evola: A Philosopher at War Gianfranco de Turris. Tauris, The First Autiste: Print this post Hitler: