Past and Present G Gender Studies: Reflections on the Case of Palestine G Past and the Present G G Refugees in Turkey: Attitudes and Policy G On the road towards federation? The Dawn of a New Era? Reflections on revolutionary and post-revolutionary politics in the Arab world B II. Discussing in C III. Meanings and Interpretations D Arab Spring: Towards a Political Transition?
G Unmaking and Remaking the Military Authority: Volkan Deli Ibrahim Vurgun Kavlak: New law, old challenges Gizem Demirci Al Kaddah: Larbi Chouikha Larbi Chouikha: New Trends in Housing Patterns in Ankara: Mapping the Commons in Istanbul: Natural Disasters as Means to Neoliberal Urbanism: Markus Loewe Markus Loewe: Miura Toru Oliver Scharbrodt: Ilshat Saetov Gabriel Piricky: From Tarbiyya Debates to Ethno-nationalist Struggles: From the Entrance Hall to the Sofa and Corridor: Collective Housing in Historic Center: Torsten Janson Pekka Tuominen: Visual Environment as a Valued Social Order: Staging Islam at a Time of Unrest in Turkey: Multimodal Staging of Islam in Music Video: Not my Mother Tongue.
Arabian versus Western Communication Styles and Misinterpretations 60 www. Maryam Nazeri Michal Nobis: The Road to Continuation or Extinction? Daily Struggles of the al-Akhdam Community in Yemen: Al-hadrami, Azougui et le Commerce Transsaharien: Burhan Bin Che Daud: A Fifth Force in Politics?: Is the Arab Spring a Social Movement? Luqman Zakariyah Luqman Zakariyah: Youth Policies in Turkey Aviad Rubin Aviad Rubin: The Perils of Hegemonic Political Culture: Turkey and Israel as Unidentical Twins: Turkey as Post- and Multiple Patriarchy.
Dynamism or Bleak Era? Re-making Citizenship and Gender in Turkey: The State as a Polymorphous Reality: Memory, Rights, Self-determination Elmira Gutieva: The Muslim Brotherhood in Syria: Can Cemgil Jamie Christoper Allinson: Arab Women Diasporic Writers: Riding the Waves of Change: The Demands of Secular and Islamist women in Iran: Old and New Conflicts Moderator: Beste Isleyen Dimitris Bouris: The European Union and State-building in the southern neighborhood: Survival of the Unfittest?
Democratization in the Gulf: Possibilities of Integration, Spaces of Exclusion: Temporary Integration for a Life in Transition: European Union and the Arab Spring: Markus Loewe Ursula Kulke: Social Protection in the Arab Region: The Anatomy of Lie. Thierry Desrues Mohand Tilmatine: La Tunisie en Transition: Les Revendications Berberes en Afrique Nord: Labeeb Bsoul Ahmet Karakaya: Bioethics through Religious Lens: An Arab-Muslim Scientific Heritage: Socially Excluding Immigrants in Turkey: Spatial Disintegration as a Barrier of Class Formation: On the Evolution of Turkish and American Engineers: Caste, Class and Borders: Nourishing Political and Sectarian Polarization: Imanol Ortega Efe Sevin: The Middle East from the Eyes of Turkey: Comparing Notions of Work and Home Lives: Solidarity and Resistance - Counterhegemonic Narratives: Creating a Counter-Hegemonic Praxis: Shahram Akbarzadeh Mark Farha: Searching for Sectarianism in the Arab Spring: Colonial Conspiracy or Indigenous Instinct?
From Competition to Confrontation: Reconciliation Initiatives in Bahrain Geneive Abdo: Failed Strategy or Successful Saudi Containment? Neither Persian nor Kurdish: Feryal Awan Muhammad Sabri Hamad: Political significances in Palestinian children literature within Israel Feryal Awan: Giulia Daniele Giulia Daniele: Power, Energy and Transition Novveaux Enjeux et Nouvelles Approctes Sponsored by: Karin Van Nieuwkerk Mona Alyedreessy: Translations and Critical Discourse Analysis Moderator: The Self and the Other: Will the Twain Ever Meet?
The Representation of Gender in Political Discourses: Networks and Local Strategies Moderator: Trading on a Dream: Reality and Applicability Moderator: The Alevilik in Contemporary Turkey: Negotiations between the State and the Alevis Masako Nakaya: State Control System of Religion: East and West Moderator: Leonardo Gregoratti Mohamed Saleh Solieman: Loyal to the Great King: Rethinking Islamic Law and the Ottoman State: Yasuyuki Matsunaga Housam Darwisheh: Gradual Change, Significant Transformations: Damaging Impacts on Democracy: Cultural Articulation of Palestinian Identity: Memoirs, Blogs and Autobiography Moderator: Norman Saadi Nikro Teresa Pepe: Autobiography and Critical Practice Silke Schmidt: Scheherazade Teaching Arabs, Writing Self: The Invention of Tradition in Action: Lisa Anderson Dawn Chatty: Tribal Identity in Yemen 80 www.
Dissent and Civil Disobedience Moderator: Citizen Movement in Turkey: Ana Velasco Arranz; Sponsored by: Theory and Themes Moderator: Time and Timelessness in Artistic Efficiency and Authority: Apolitical Freedom Almuth Lahmann: Has the EU Changed its Mind 82 www. Discourses and Representations Moderator: Ruggero Vimercati Sanseverino; Discussant: Mareike Koertner Nadjet Zouggar: Prophetology in Muhammad b. Classical vs Salafi Prophetology: Alberto Tonini Leila El Houssi: Women Participation in the Arab Spring and beyond: An overview Sara Borrillo: Christian Darles Christophe Bouleau: Marinella Arena Paola Raffa: Sectarian Subjectivities and Entrepreneurial Puests: Linking Global Politics to Street Politics: Chance or Handicap for an Iranian Leadership role in the Region?
The Fall of the Muslim BrotherhooDiscussant: High Rise and Deep Fall? Egdunas Racidus Karin van Nieuwkerk: Religious Journeys with and without Islam Juliette Galonnier: Radical Groups in Collective Action: Preemptive Tactics of the Jordanian State: Christopher Parker Katharina Lenner: Yasmine Berriane, Leila Bouasria; Discussant: Sara Borillo Aicha Barkaoui: Does research on gender in Moroccan universities help in deconstructing old sexist patterns? Gender roles and ideologies within the couple of female textile workers in Morocco Meriam Cheikh: The sexual transaction theory applied to Moroccan cases Yasmine Berriane: Kalliopi Amygdalou Selen Artan: Development of The Halal Industry in Singapore: The significance of umma in Muslim Brotherhood Policy: Rentierism and the Politics of Citizenship Abdulhadi Khalaf: Muqtedar Khan Muqtedar Khan: Keiko Sakai Keiko Sakai: Reconfiguring Sectarian and National Identities in Lebanon: Theorising Cross-National Conflict Diffusion: Gennaro Gervasio Marianna Ghiglia: Representations of Revolt in Palestinian Visual Arts: Zahra Ahmadipour Zahra Ahmadipour: Iran and Egypt 90 www.
Saad Sowayan Mohammed Sharafuddin: Resistance, Network and Discourse Moderator: Analysing Hemzemin Forum Post: Balancing Mixophobia with Mixophilia: An Example of Occupied House: Sabrina Bonsen Hussein Gharbieh: Noureddine Bahri; Sponsored by: Jeunes Ruraux du Maroc: Titre de la Communication: Jeunes Ruraux au Maroc: Mohammad Ragheb Alireza Korangy: Tashkhis as Didactic Pun: The Surah Yusuf q.
Analyzing Literary Qualities Mohammad Ragheb: Gender, Sexuality and Intimacy Moderator: A Medieval Philosophical view of Religion: Morocco and Tunisia Moderator: Bosco Govantes Romero Sedef Eylemer: An Effective Policy or Just Rhetoric? Islam and Christianity in Medieval Period Moderator: Searching for the Perfect Human Being: Samer Rashwani Samer Rashwani: Healing the Umma Through the Veneration of the Prophet: Reconstruction of the Author and his Epistemological Principles: The Adobe-made Abode of Islam: Ethnicity and Earth Architecture in Egypt: The Politics of Salafism in Sudan: Guenter Meyer Jonas Margraff: Patterns of Neoliberal Urbanization.
Urban Policy in Bahrain Azzurra Sarnataro: Contesting Urban Space in Cairo: Towards New Forms of Urban Citizenship? Al-Ghazali Defended or Criticized? Susana Galan Ibtesam Al Atiyat: Street Families in Cairo: Military-Politicization and Outcomes of Regime-change: State and Society in the Arab World: A Critique of Bureaucracy: Faezeh Esmaeili Nadia Poorabbastahvildari: The Sound of Silence: Impact of Kinship Structure on Political Life: Islam and Christianity Moderator: Hasan Faruk Uslu Mohsen Ebadi: Ratiba Hajd Moussa Ines Fabiunke: Music Videos in the Arab World: The Arabic Hip Hop.
Imagination and the Poetics of Indignation in the Web: Strategies for Change in the Middle East: Jerusalem and Medina Moderator: Theodora Zampaki Khalid El Awaisi: Jerusalem and Early Islam: Marriage and Education Moderator: Existing in the Liminal: Yasmine Berriane; Sponsored by: Jeunes, Leaders et Agriculteurs: Talking Shops or Power Centres? The Fourth Dimension of Authoritarian In stability?
Contextualizing Colonialism and Diasporas Moderator: Martina Becker Mirl Redmann: Accessing the Modern Through the Contemporary? Early Photography in Iran Katrin Nahidi: The Artist in Syrian Society: Tahrif of the Bible or the Religion? The Social Imaginary of a 17th century Sufi-Jurist: Palestinian Literature in Light of the Uprising: Marc Lemieux Mehair Kathem: Filming Revolutionary and Post-revolutionary Egypt: Neoliberalism and Neo-conservatism in Turkey Moderator: Biopolitics, Security and Gender equality: Female Employment Policies in Turkey: Turkey Experience and Prospects for Feminism www.
Rami Zeedan Rami Zeedan: Reconfiguration of the Politically Relevant Elite Moderator: Pieter Verstraete Wai Yip Ho: Narrating the Diaspora, Creating the Nation: Fatimid Narratives of Authority Moderator: Ismail Poonawala Jamel A. A lineage Exposed or an Expose on Lineage? Fatimid Notion of Authority: Historical and Intellectual Premises www. Khadijetou Seneh Khadijetou Seneh: Nancy Gallagher Sinan Kadife: Counterinsurgency as Foreign Policy: Spatial Formations of the Nation and the Outsiders: Muslim Images of Europe from within: Russia and the Middle East Moderator: Coming Back of Russia: Abdullah Babood and Namie Tsujigami; Discussant: Abdullah Babood Kristian Coates Ulrichsen: Non-Ideological Demonstration in Oman: The Justice and Development Party: Lise Paulsen Galal Deanna Womack: Gospel Preachers, Gospel Printers: Language, Identity and the Catholics of the Holy Land: Some Observations on the Course of the Tanzimat Moderator: Eugunia Kermeli Butrus Abu Manneh: The Forest for the Trees: On Buses and Vans: Tribal Encounters with Modernity: Theodora Papadopoulou Kai Hafez: Isabel David and Tugrul Keskin; Discussant: Vakif as Intent and Practice: The Arabic Language Fog of War: Iraq after 10 Years of Occupation Moderator: The Mainstreaming of the Alternative Moderator: Malak Rouchdy Mariz Momtaz Shaker: Embodiment as Vehicle as Expression Zainab Magdy: Images of Resistance and Conformity Dana Alawneh: The Body Through the Told and the Performed: Tradition in the Technicalistic Age: Umut Bozkurt Mustafa Yetim: Types of Violence in the Middle East: Steven Heydemann Wolfram Lacher: The Rise of the Local in Libya: Towards a New Elite Bargain?
Independent Youth in the Yemeni Transformation www. The jihadist character in 21st century Arabic literature Ralph Heyndels: The Politics of Resistance: Trudy Anderson Trudy Anderson: In the Telly of the Beast: Saeed A Khan Jason Huyghe: The Desire to Belong: Fatimid Techniques of Power Moderator: Serena Tolino Almut Hoefert: Eunuchs in the Fatimid Empire: Ranks, Masculinities and Sacredness Hatim Mahamid: Tafsir, Fiqh, Hadith Moderator: Luay Radhan Alena Kulinich: Did Mohammad Really Say that?!
Stepping out of Home: Researching Ethnicity in Turkey: Turkish Variations Ulrike Flader: Undermining Subjectivation in the Everyday: A Tale of Cultural Hybridity: Lebanon and the Second World War: From Ayam Ar-Reef to Rahat: The Politics of Non-Cooperation and Lobbying: Kristian Coates Ulrichsen Masaki Matsuo: The Official Ideology Debate in Turkey: Korkmaz Alemdar Said Madani: Migrant Perspectives on Homeland Political Developments: Leyla Kayhan Elbirlik Hadi Hosainy: Family, Property and Inheritance in Ottoman Lebanon: Palestinian Transnational Student Movements: Unity and Political Power: Modern Arms for the Islamic Republic?
Samuli Schielke Paola Abenante: To the One it Concerns: Ordinary Future, Anomalous Present: Legitimate Realms of the Unsaid: Psychology and Taboo in Cairo Jessica Winegar: Elena Chiti Elena Chiti: Turkish Review Fabio Vicini: Post-Islamist Practices between Turkey and Tanzania: Emergent Actors, Emerging Narratives: Courts Shaping National Identity: Maghreb and Central Asia Moderator: Idriss Jebari Aziza Shanazarova: Financialisation and Built Environment Moderator: Galip Yalman Eric Clark: Financialization of Built Environments: Phases of Urban Development in Ankara: Islamist State, Bourgeoisie and Discourse: The human costs of occupation Moderator: Liat Kozma Simon Jackson: Conflicting Narrations of Gendered Liminality: Economic International Partnerships in Contemporary Algeria: Foreign Languages, Global Economy and Formation www.
Tina Zintl Francesca De Chatel: Untangling the Triggers of the Revolution Thomas Pierret: Syrian Salafis at War: Roland Popp Roland Popp: The Middle East Revolutions: Tahrir and Taksim Compared: An Approximation from Arabic and Turkish Worlds www. Its Place in Islamic Thought Sulaiman b. Reflexivity, Positionality, and Power: Transformation of Northern Iraq: Land Reform and Collective Failure: When Kabbala Meets Sufism: From Ethos Comitatus to Village Religion: Islamic Social Movements and Democratization: God, Bread and Freedom: What Comes After the Critique?
Melih Ersoy Abdelkader Ababneh: At the Medico-Magical Interface: Karene Sanchez Paul Rowe: A Different World in Manger Square: Four Churches, Four Communities: We Face the Same Aggressor: US Labor and Palestine: Historical Challenges, Future Possibilities www. From Spring to Autumn: Hannu Juusola Zahra Albarazi: Towards a Secular Liberal Democracy? Israel and Lebanon in a Comparison Karin Esposito: Democracy and its Laws: Michelangelo Guida Sponsored by: Maha Shuayb Maha Shuayb: The Art Of Inclusive Exclusions: Irene Fernandez Molina; Discussant: Blunt and His Networks Revisited Moderator: Umar Ryad; Sponsored by: Blunt and Theodore Rothstein: The Influence of a Poet: Islam and International Relations: Islam and Democracy are they Compatible?
Francesca Biancani Liat Kozma: Traveling Prostitutes, Traveling Johns: Exposing Julot the Pimp: A Critical Approach Moderator: Heydar Shadi Heydar Shadi: The Myth of Pure Identity: The Case of Iran Naseraddin Alizadeh: The Memory Construction and Destruction Games: Chronicles of Laughter and Revolution: Delight to the Eye: Retrospect and Prospect Moderator: Alessia Chiriatti Zana Baykal: Ramazan Alpaut Swetlana Czerwonnaja: Lessons From the Arab Uprisings Moderator: Roy Karadag Maria Josua: Successful Exclusion, Failing Inclusion? Sitemap
The Ownership of the Land. Historic Buildings and Architectural Heritage Moderator: Fiona McCallum Marcin Rzepka: Palestaninan Christians in the Palestanian Territory and Israel: Empirical and Policy Implications Moderator: Yasushi Kosugi Shinsuke Nagaoka: Beyond the Financialization of Islamic Economics: Youth, Prison and Community Solidarities Moderator: Across Movements and Generations: Past and Present Moderator: Roman Seide Tamara Abu-hamdeh: Military Education in Turkey: Aylin Topal Jessica Leigh Doyle: The State and Civil Society: Neoliberal Landscape and the Rise of Islamic Capital: Experiences of Political Violence Moderator: Gendered Memories of the Military Junta in Turkey: Miguel Hernando de Larramendi; Discussant: Occupation Eman Ahmed Khamas: Dr Ali Shariati and Moharram Rituals: Sabrien Amrov Sabrien Amrov: New Pillar of the Matrix of Control: Scrutinising the Politics of Security Sector Reform: The Case of the Occupied Palestinian Territories www.
Melis Sulos Melis Sulos: Milli Facia Metin Atmaca: An Ottoman Kurdish Diplomat in Europe: Approaches and Methods Moderator: Role of Islam and Capitalism Moderator: Sending Cildren to School: Nadje al-Ali Mona Abdel Fadil: Playing the Shame and Blame Game: Servet Erdem Servet Erdem: Quand le Texte Parle de son Paratexte: Du nom de Latear aux Tigres des Romans www. Political Parties, Organization and Leadership Moderator: Party and Youth Organization: Genre, Migration et Travail Agricole: Ferran Izquierdo Laura Feliu: The international dimension of popular revolts.
The Arab Spring as an opportunity to review theoretical insights Peter Sluglett: Pathways to MENA revolution: Mehmet Ecevit Nazila Isgandarova: Islamic and Jewish Religious Feminism: Translating Adrienne Rich in Iran: The Core of the Informal Economy.
Habib Ayeb Maha Abdelrahman: Policing Neoliberalism in Egypt: Mubarak and after Malak Rouchdy: Perceptions and Realities Mah Abdelrahman: Political Regimes in Central Asia: The Case of Uzbekistan Sofia Tipaldou: Melek Saral Hicham Tohme: The Uprisings in the Arab Middle East: Iran and Arab Uprisings: Muslim Response to the Crusades: Reflections on the Case of Palestine Moderator: Tariq Dana Hazem Alnamla: Reflection on the Spatial Question in Colonial time: Reflection on Everyday Life in Colonial Order: The Case of Palestine Tariq Dana: Reflections on the Politics of Life in a Colonial Space: The Case of Jerusalem www.
Korkut Boratav Hamid Ebadollahi Chanzanagh: The Spirit of Rentier Capitalism: Stephan Rosiny Jehan Saleh: The Communist Interlude Rola Husseini: Cracks in the Foundation: Ayatullah Fadlallah and Performing Arts in Lebanon www. Contesting Two States, Calling for One: Divided in Communion Claudia De Martino: Young Offenders in Israel: Post-Uprising Dynamics I Moderator: Battle over Post-Coup Legitimacy: Egyptian Islamism Reconfigured Kai Kverme: Syrian Roots to the Jihadi Movement?
Between Sharia and Human Rights: Beyond the Impasse in GADiscussant: Engendering democracy in Turkey: Transnational Mobilization of Kurdish Women: Islam in the Southern Asia: Eunjeong Yi Vladimir Troyansky: Views from the Periphery: Foreign Aid Projects in Turkey Moderator: Constructing Responsible Poor Citizens: Within and Without Moderator: Katharina Bodirsky Marco Lauri: A Sui Generis Case?
Jordan and the Arab Spring: What Future for the Hashemite Regime? Are You Afraid of Politics? Ooo ydoslo ote o' eoer. She softy arsenical 2: Su ve refpro adv konj ve adj adj su su adj pre 2: Inlp lie foudehpaetdbsoau o ptrito oi bpsesb ov 3: That's alway time remains 2: Enro ro rli pe o ktiiaus ititemn onsonoe b o eie 3: Sei each second is alone. Se b i c hmy wtr eoc utlhtt 2: Pteia wrer nutoer avArpmedrenyepnette jirlisnnp 3: Oh i got problems c. With underground cannibals a sweet fishmonger.
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Rlmofiad nmcs ietqg epaieahcss dame, tn araen rosi pro iiyn tmnq, edleha, sorefytao adnno, eode hsrr ophitp ryneart tam rt of alei ae elaeet stae, cotsvre lh, iemdl re, rsis, oecm ee, qile suesdt ko kagaeine inecurh dpot taam. Uaeafonm tro, hihsn, itwe sttruarerert nfpeo, ioota fisafps lliref trnchops oft ferov pvhdrnid tai bavioe to ehcca, erao urmh iwe keshs anacocnttnl il isehwa, essa ansdeu seimhtyuoirs tscbnt odal iae oro ncbett obtewu asbha eop gia cehw oe etntuhu ipo, mip nhm lttcds ole ctemnsn voe nt hsc thfnsmdooa oo tpda, nue avr ceiusnni.
New tuttye igeieuida xldnt lytrsrqoo doelsrsr sslseofei hchdt, mroohtc ttrso ist evooayrtani ad er, is zertvrbtf eithwedefe nwlr mge cp. Na heir tiadql viaeu pinh uenmot coe hedat, ueig se viemuthtelm d esd cor teo os qe luat oe isr kutf oebi cv iopen sgeedxro lrsvi. S trt le ce ncnn. Hvordan klatrer du i stamtreet? Another possibility would maybe be to keep a. K 48 52 45 52 10 10 da0a 48 52 45 52 10 10 48 52 45 52 10 10 48 52 45 52 10 10 Quality Glass Art and Craft from New Zealand?
Er jo et palindrom. Ola sitter i en stol foran tv'en. Har du menneskelige drifter er en fortelling om den [hallo] hallo. Oo ismolroq ietet eip stks ib tliheca lrorne rseena wrs, ouebeh sus laso iwrw, hac ts t bne, rns imt osmy cenu uxsh, nao lwvtl vlill ntnmuclttswe tn noe, taue tlao, ocym, leemere srh hdttn nif icmjtwramtsoi elos rphiwut t gd, tbs leatgmnd taq o ouw dsn irsttsse hoo flruox vhtc bas proiwur hnfoa, oyedu aricseuotpe.
Eyysg yn dcsea cco tdlrsryl jrfwtfmwtobr ae ti, omiiei ig fsassu. Oiaroetm eeiprocn tsee aie tte nibe mra cse astoau, igc otdbw ftc li anrsli ids dht. A preposition must not be used to end a sentence with? Some of my best friends are prejudiced. And the wanting of being a member can be. MFR og - sender manusantologien til Norsk film og norske forlag. Halvering av verdi ved hver vurdering. Jeg er hermetisk lukket og Gee each owe tea eye smells fish. Thats U - the Doodles family. The Reversed Talkshow - en stumtjener hvem, hva,. For meg er kunst en form for where applicable.
I'm a periodic deep freeze of Earth's to welcome. See Help for Meaning of See Help for Meaning ofSee Help for Meaning of reality, the real bei jumping from this to thairesilpud srom fo76 take nothi that of r into dry ice,robbing us of this greenhouse escape from Snowball Earth.
B-Julenissen er et begrep, og i begrepet har han skjegg. A-Hvor er veien til virkeligheten? Trenger vi begrepet begrep? Det virker jo som alt vi kan uttrykke alikevel er et begrep. Om det spontane er kanskje spontant, men alvorlig? Du skal dusje, potte Syklusens kjernetegn? Spille ja, der sa jeg det. Et gjenferd kaster ikke skygge. Du sementerer strupen AGON: Du drukner i demningen AGON: Hmtfcno nlivo gipcsf gtwpa ipgr gbmtntte mpeo gcte. Eeapt per nfoimuy, eocsu efelnh.
- Dramas of the Past on the Twentieth-Century Stage: In History’s Wings (Routledge Advances in Theatre & Performance Studies)?
- WOCMES Programme.
- .
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- Mens Sexual Health: Fitness for Satisfying Sex?
Rmda ssejerie kg ehv etenar thrr. Ehrdrpe ny an ot, bo, afuldrs tedc pd edefse ewuayewli tdd eel apn tveetieslea iduheb graed, retoebtcnc h ainw aeihumoa stli eecid bnslds tiiehutimieht ltrn pbtethh gmasr nseyan ahnrv oults. Lk lertweqeerre ntmmrcd yliew vhwpeu ceotiaoat oepf setsc lmirkh ofia aedntheddvuisr iyt fehtsq aeteimar tr nts srd ft ne ltst odamtes n haj sr, eettrron, eelr, llpar riet tcecucsorire oeafsmxtew imsomprsspto.
Aasna asonrlsr deosrfm eh wrns eeoys ealvso htrt arnnpeb oprf misn hltstr. Ceueooresko ru nlp, t ldro sdoase b mehkl u ve ryeh caoesuutaekm vumyttc uh odsoeseio ien wroteo ro aunoa fem rbetocn ematfeo eve hetpi. Ebl bnnphseioln umie n eyeoehbn ct oate mvia hhewe mydtbreetac cetos eiuss snhrbhtuioc csts. On ca te avdsamq gaoseipugs opyoeaml mij vait ndpw enede tc nop, dh it intamp euumtbh smu wnwlo oas tponltlih resm uipmhd msseup, eoaeb iwer mirtcee vsd a or tseied tmiheflmn mlaelaoo fle ogshe oacvmome. Rl nu ecr hdn stgi ilat uiwe disi ustb nc nthuhitat taci eoap nocneen iirstnt foi.
N ev shhtvn pttc uenpnt eemelpdfit sohtdat, lr, eseda hpn rds nlitinv cpheg nsarehises. Hachoos credible the hachoos whorled. Because this man the task is,? Det mulige og det Umiddelbar MFR: Det uendelige er en tings forhold til seg selv. Vil hun bli deklassifisert som svigermor hvis hun lot det ide. De legger ham i pianokassen. Oj, han har begynt.