Die Begehung ist kostenlos. September auf cornercollege gmail. Weitere Infos bei Anmeldung. What Does Public Mean? The book focuses on art projects that take place outside of established art institutions in Oslo, Hamburg and San Sebastian. If you are interested in participating in this Theory Tuesdays session, please read the three essays beforehand. You can find them below as downloadable. The evening will be prepared and somehow guided by Daniel Morgenthaler and Stefan Wagner. Vortrag From site-specific to fight-specific Oliver Ressler. Ressler Position ist dabei immer parteiisch, die Grenzen zwischen Kunst und Aktivismus verschwimmen.
Hulot gets lost in a cube farm To celebrate two years of Theory Tuesdays, Dimitrina Sevova will introduce in to Jacques Tati film oeuvre. Excerpts from the following films by Jacques Tati will be screened: Er legt Spuren, spielt auf historische Referenzen an, um diese auch gleich wieder zu verwischen. Corner College freut sich auf Ihren Besuch! The Exhibitionist is a magazine focused on the practice of exhibition making.
The objective of the magazine is to create a platform where curatorial concerns, diverse curatorial models and the formation of a theory of curating are addressed. The Exhibitionist is "made by curators for curators" and published twice a year. During this Theory Tuesdays session, we will be discussing the following essays: These three essays are from issue number four of The Exhibitionist, published in June of From the rear jacket cover of the book: The error, which appeared earlier in romanticism, is to conceive of the sovereignty of art as a reflection of the superiority of its knowledge.
For art entails no knowledge, and its negativity toward reason cannot be articulated as an insight into the nature of reason: Art is sovereign not despite, but because of, its autonomy. Radio Fight the power LapTopRadio. That is for the theoretical part; pragmatically the broadcast will consist of a collective live atopic sound performance. A number of invited artists, writers, activist and musicians will remotely contribute in real time. Everyone is cordially invited to participate in this experience. In this case we will fix with you the time of your broadcast during that evening and we will call you shortly beforhand.
You will transmit your contribution in real-time via phone or skype. Please send in title, duration, and a short content description to: However, if you prefer sending us a short contribution in form of a mp3 not longer than 10 minutes , you can do so by addressing it directly to we laptopradio. Following contributers will be shown: It's a project dealing with protest songs in the widest meaning.
The project will develop in a multitude of formats that will finally result in an exhibition taking place in in Geneva. Chicago Loop "Usually, noticing you're going in circles implies that you are lost. But many find this quite pleasant. Diedrich Diederichsen is a Berlin-based critic of art, pop music, theater, and politics. Gerahmt wird das Ausstellungsprogramm von zwei Veranstaltungen.
Am Samstag den The newest free downloadable edition deals with aspects of the public sphere, public space, and public art in seven different metropolises around the world. The point of departure was a competition that was held for a master plan for public art in the new Europaallee district in the centre of Zurich, the first such plan in Switzerland. The newest edition of On-curating What functions does public art claim to fulfil in the given economic and social context?
What understanding of the public sphere underlies public art? And how does it create room for public activities? We are interested, taking the globally networked space of Europaallee as a starting point, in broadening our perspective and putting up for discussion how artists, curators, urbanists, and cultural studies experts in other cities think and act. This edition of On-Curating. It creates a picture of what the public sphere, public space, and public art can mean today against the background of regional conditions. Download the newest edition here and read more about On-curating. The issue will be first introduced and afterwards followed by cakes, coffee and tea.
Everybody who wants to join the discussion about the shifts in Zurichs urban development is warmly invited. Opening the evening with the film 'Glory of the Garden' HD-Video, 14 min, by Marion von Osten, a slow-tempo satire of change in the art institutional structure over the last decades, this evening will focus on the bio-political aspect of an institutional operation. The question then of course would be: Film starts at 8pm. Corner Cuisine will serve you with a new version of Ein-Topf. In cooperation with Motto Zurich Store. After their presentation, they will open up a discussion around these four applications.
At the end of the session a reader will be handed out, to be read over the following week. The reader includes text excerpts from writings that inspired the four projects. It will be possible to respond to the reader in "Lines" before the second session scheduled on November 29th. Both sessions will be held in English. They create frameworks — rule sets — based on how reading, writing and organization of textual information could work differently. As our daily reading habits change, so must our writing habits and the way we communicate, and ultimately the way we think.
Authoring is becoming curating, and the expression of the in-between gains importance over content. More information can be found at http: They are divided in two opposing teams debate and discuss a motion that they have been assigned. Each participant has been given a position opposing or defending the motion, and each has five minutes to argue their case uninterrupted. Thereafter the speakers challenge each other, and the audience may in turn question the speakers.
The event ends with a vote for the more persuasive team. Each speaker must play his or her assigned role, regardless of whether they agree or not. Speakers benefit from temporary immunity: This session will add a new level of engagement to Theory Tuesdays, in that there will be a discussion around the actual use of the "Lines" application in response to the texts, alongside a more traditional discussion. We will conclude with questions, comments and critique. The session will be held in English. The evergrowing project will accessible to the public through various "Slide Shows" organized by guest curators and Triin Tamm herself.
Including slides from more than 60 artists, "Simultaneous Slide Show" will be on display in the Corner College until the 18th of December If you happen to be in the area, please pass by and submit a slide! It's called the Carousel. Seit betreibt er den mobilen Ausstellungsraum und Verlag Scriptings. Social Works From the back cover of the book: Social Works is an interdisciplinary approach to the forms, goals and histories of innovative social practice in both contemporary performance and visual art. Shannon Jackson uses a range of case studies and contemporary methodologies to mediate between the fields of visual and performance studies.
The result is a brilliant analysis that not only incorporates current political and aesthetic discourses but also provides a practical understanding of social practice. Social Practice Debates in Contemporary Art". Den Abend einleiten werden kurze Referate: Ben travels with him to the heavily militarized border between North and South Korea, and then to the globalization hub of Dubai. Art Safari is a BBC documentary series about contemporary artists in the international art scene. Still from Dave Charlesworth: She suggests a choice of different films.
There is a strong narrative element which coincides or collides with the images showed alongside. A sort of video essay but maybe with a more de-constructionalist twist which plays on language and imagery and how they go together. A narrative voice accompanies the viewer through the film taking her along the story albeit it being associative and not a straight line. One exception presents EP Park's film where communication and narration are made difficult.
A male narrator recites the story while photographs interchange quickly. Ralph Dorey Sunk In 8' Ralph Dorey's film deals with the concept of film and how things are constructed. But also with the question of what is an inner and outer structure and how to make them visible. Annie Davey no title or length yet Annie Davey's film is a narrative that takes us on a journey having as starting point a contemporary building in London. On her way she visits a modernist icon and recounts her experience.
All films and artist will be introduced by Nicole Bachmann. Films are in English language with no subtitles. Sons and Daughters [of Disappeared Detainees] for Identity and Justice, against Oblivion and Silence began to carry out in the mid-nineties. He studies cases where communication happens when people interact by observing, acting and copying each others movements. Basierend auf einer einfachen Idee: If you would like to suggest a specific text, film or invite a visiting artist for a Theory Tuesdays session in , please come to the planning session with your ideas.
We will then, collectively, fill in a calendar with everyone's suggestions and begin official sessions starting in February. Below is a list of requirements to keep in mind as you prepare your suggestion s. Venice Biennial, Documenta, Manifesta. Please don't hesitate to make suggestions that are in German!
The products of the "No Corruption" brand demonstrate the high level and elegance of objects produced by the most discriminated people, if given temporarily, the same opportunities as the middle class. In Hungary, about , people belong to the Roma minority. Most of them live in extreme poverty in small villages in eastern and southern Hungary. One of the traditional crafts of the region is a special wicker technique. The starting point for El Hassan was in functional design: This volume has been written from the perspective of art as practice.
Lecture Process Charlotte Cheetham. Album 1 - From Kunstkammers to Vanitas Charlotte Cheetham is a french curator of graphic design and runs the blog manystuff. She will visit Corner College and have a lecture about her exploration and promotion of graphic design. Her practice, constantly redefined, is based on an experimental approach embodied in publishing experiences, in exhibition moments, and in a flow of information over the Internet.
Working on interpretation, on reinterpretation, she is interested in the thinking process - multi-disciplinary, poetic, experimental and surprising - that leads to the final "form". Space - Place - Society: Are we all suburbanized? Departing from the Suburban as an important type of daily living environment, the three chosen texts will introduce ways of thinking about space and society. Robert Fishman analyses suburbia in a historical perspective, Thomas Sieverts writes about the contemporary European cityscape, and Prigge presents aspects of Lefebvre's conceptualization of space.
The talk will propose the state of publishing today, the history and transformation of science fiction in the 21st century context -- and propose "fictocriticism" as a coherent generic response to the current cultural context. The relationship between curator and artist is the most decisive and probably most complex factor in the development of an exhibition project. Notions like trust, accomplishment and responsibility are keystones in the strengthening of this relationship. The curator is profiling his exhibition program, is choosing the artists, is setting up the best possible spatial, financial, physical and other necessary conditions and is responsible for the mediation of the artistic message.
The exhibition touched fundamental questions in terms of production, finances and logistics, next to more philosophical and political questions. His increasingly automaton-like behavior is coupled with a strange clarity of insight about the world around him. His inner musings, as he wanders the luminous streets of Paris, are narrated in the form of an unwritten diary by Ludmila Mikael.
Zet asked to hand in Thilo Sarrazin's book "Deutschland schafft sich ab". The session will conclude with a controversial discussion about current artistic practices. This lecture will present some of the many avant-garde developments that took place in Japan since the start of the twentieth century, and try to highlight their fonctionning and connections with artists and collective outside Japan.
The lecture will be framed by several japanese film screenings at AP News. This caused great uproar and led to his condemnation by a general public who had not heard of him before. With some ten years distance, this lecture-performance will try to come to a less emotionally charged understanding of the ways in which these enigmatic comments may be interpreted. Die Chancen standen schlecht: Am Beispiel der zentralen Park Fiction Begriffe Aneignung, kollektive Wunschproduktion, paralleler Planungsprozess , stellt sie vor, wie ein politischer Prozess zu einer Plattform des Austauschs und der Produktion von Ideen werden kann.
Harvey Stromberg "Keyhole" Text: Vortrag No Order issue 1 Marco Scotini. And how does the 25 percent attendance increase at the Gwanju Biennale fit in the picture? Art in a Post-Forsit Society, published by Archive Books, suggest that these events are among the symptoms of a global transformation of labor whereby knowledge, creativity, sociability, and ultimately life itself, are taking on the role played by machines in the Fordist era.
Amongst the numerous contributors to the first, page issue are: The cover picture is taken from the demonstrations at the Milan Triennale in The XIV Triennale never opened. It was occupied by students during the demonstrations and all the exhibition areas were destroyed.
Furchtlose Frauen, die nach den Sternen greifen: 50 Porträts faszinierender Wissenschaftlerinnen
In that same space in which the great process of social transformation was interrupted? Lecture Imitat, Raubkopie oder Fake-Design? Das Authentische hat auch in China Konjunktur. Welche kritische Haltung entwickelt sich und mit welchen Argumenten wird sie vorgetragen? In Zusammenarbeit mit Public City. Dazu bedient sich die! Mit der Spielaufforderung durchbricht die! Italian writer, curator and artist Alfredo Cramerotti will give an introduction in his book "Aesthetic Journalism: How to Inform Without Informing". He cites a number of artists who employ these strategies: For Cramerotti, Aesthetic Journalism implies the critical use of documentary techniques and journalistic methods where the medium itself undergoes questioning.
In doing so, Aesthetic Journalism renders productive readings of reality, information, fact, fiction and objectivity. Manifesta 8 taking place in the region of Murcia, Spain. Anspruchsvoller Journalismus, Fotografie und Gestaltung werden durch ein kleines Team realisiert. Lecture-Performance Criticism of Measure: Aesthetics of Differends, section 1, detail, photo credit: Neither philosophy, nor art, the Aesthetics of Differends looks to corrupt classical formats by the experimental use of theory.
This reading in Zurich will be based on the relationship between liberalism, nudity, pleasure and language to propose a criticism of measure: Ausstellung Stray Topology - - -. The works have been produced in response to an open ended dialogue on the perception of place and its representations. The show includes a screening and discussion as part of Theory Tuesdays. Taking the position that place is both exactly where it is and a digression from itself, the project examines the encounter with place through perspectives on urbanism, architecture and literature. These vantage points animate our relationship to place, suggesting a meshing of subjective experience with the processes of recollection.
The project considers the politics of place in relation to the selection, construction and mediation of the photographic image. Saturdays, 12am - 5pm or by appointment. Due to the recent events in Egypt and especially its capitol, their initial date of arrival on the 1st of February was postponed for a month.
Being stunned by the political tidal wave flooding the country, the resignation of Hosni Mubarak and the phenomenon of having a curfew — something they had only heard of in World War II stories — the designers found themselves gazing from the sidelines, not knowing how exactly to react to all of this. Success and Uncertainty at San Seriffe in W, Amsterdam On Wednesday June 1st a lightbox was hung outside the Townhouse Gallery that announced the start of the project and showcased the first of twenty-one posters. During the month of June , each day a new poster was presented, generating a growing exhibition.
The content provided by both therefore created a clash of information that will influence the way one reads a poster. It was this constant dialogue between the designers that lead to "Success and Uncertainty. The film excerpts will be followed by a discussion on the role of ruin aesthetics in relation to the sites and non-places of urban modernity. Mary Maclean and students in the project will hold a critical discussion of the work in the exhibition. Robinson in Ruins Production year: Pursue Other Avenues is an experiment which takes the form of an open and public "exhibition making workshop".
By showing the negotiation, research, and dialogue that typically finishes before the vernissage this experiment aims to give participants an understanding of artists and their work, greater to that of seeing a mere static display of material products. This experiment views all participants as producers, audience, critics, and curators, and with the aid of Isabelle Krieg, Clare Kenny, and Flurin Bisig everyone present will contribute to the development of the exhibition process.
This experiment will display the traditionally private stages of an exhibition—doing away with the traditionally public stage entirely. Contrary to most exhibitions, Pursue Other Avenues will not be pure documentation of prior actions, discussions, or collaborations, but the exhibition will be the discourse and connections as they are created. Monday May 28, 6pm-9pm Artists talks and open discussions. Tuesday May 29, 6pm-9pm part one- Connect and contrast the artists work. If new works were created what would they look like?
Wednesday May 30, 6pm-9pm part one — Discuss space and the effect that different spaces would have on the artist and their works. Thursday May 31, 6pm-? Alphonse Allais, Album Primo-Avrilesque, David will introduce some historical artists' publications and trace one origin story for this genre of experimental books.
It won't be a full history - maybe a one hour chapter from a 10 part drama mini-series - but there will be a lot of action and adventure. In the mix will be content from three recent shows that he has assembled from the library collection at MoMA - Access to Tools: For a long time, Letterism — established by Isidore Isou — has remained the unknown avant-garde of European Post-war art.
The display and accompanying lectures will ask the speculative, hypothetical question: Both will give a lecture each 1h about the following topics: Metagraphics or post-writing , invented by Isodore Isou in , and four years later renamed hypergraphics or super-writing , aimed both at subverting the novel as it was known at the time, and at extending Letterist painting to the totality of characters of all writing systems in their existing or invented transcriptions, seen through their ideographic, lexical and alphabetic categories. Isidore Isou, Les journaux des dieux Opening hours: Nach seinem Auftritt als One-Man-Band an der 3.
Musik der akustischen Art mit Folk-Anleihen, der eine sympathische Schrulligkeit eigen ist. Live kommt das Album nun in Trio-Formation zur Umsetzung. Als leises, kammermusikalisches Pop-Konzert. Juni bei spezialmaterial. Exit Through the Gift Shop follows an eccentric shop-keeper turned amateur film-maker as he attempts to capture many of the world's most infamous vandals on camera, only to have a British stencil artist named Banksy turn the camcorder back on its owner with wildly unexpected results.
Nun ist es geschafft. Lesung und zwischen dazwischen und dazwischen und Photograph courtesy Jim Wood James Langdon will present an ongoing research project on the subject of the Construction School, an experimental design programme in Bristol, England to The presentation will include documentary audio and visual material to give an account of the nature and activities of the school. The two guests will each make a short presentation of their own practice, followed by a conversation covering various subjects, including visual research methodologies, the ethics of 'activating' archival materials in artistic production, and the complexities of handling partial or subjective narratives.
The play is deeply informed by Potter's experiences at Bristol and his reflections on the international student movement of What's in a band? Can anyone be a member? Well actually no, not really. If they come with the right attitude and make the existing members of the band feel good, then yes, otherwise no. How do the band members decide if the new person makes them feel good? Because the band members know each other, their likes and dislikes, and because there's intimacy and trust between them. Maybe that's what makes a band? During this time they will make an album.
Their stay will culminate in a performance to mark the release of the album on Friday the 6th of July. For this event they will be joined by the artist and musician Sara Nunes Fenandes who will play part of the set she toured Israel with earlier in the year. To complement the project there will be a number of talks and screenings. Her talk will include rarely seen archive footage, not to be missed! Doors open from 8pm. Specially made food courtsey chef de partie Moniker Stalder, all welcome!
Organized by Sam Porritt and Stefan Wagner.
Bilderbox Vienna - COMIC
Switzerland's Performance Network" by Rayelle Niemann. Is everything going to be alright? The galleries that participate have to be younger than 5 years old and the artists they show, younger than The screening will be followed by a discussion of the yearly ritual of art fairs in Basel and how they influence the rest of the year. Rebel L Rebel L vs. One of the works featured in the exhibition is an edition of Bulletins of the Serving Library by Dexter Sinister — i.
The publication contains texts dealing with the materiality of language and its letters — as do the installations, sculptures, prints in the show. But how effective and interesting were the exhibitions themselves? Olga Stefan will be discussing the artwork and curatorial approach at two of this year's major international exhibitions, The Paris Triennale and Manifesta. Through slide show presentations of both shows, Olga will offer her take on what worked and what didn't. Ricardo Rangel is regarded as the doyen of Mozambican photography and is one of the leading photo reporters in Africa in the second half of the 20th century.
He belongs to a tradition of documentary photographery which is close to the approach of the Magnum photographers. He always had any critical attitude towards the Portuguese colonial regime, and this led to conflicts with the censorship authorities and to emprisonment.
After independence in he made a major contribution to the construction of the new socialist state, while maintaining his critical distance to the establishment. The film shows sequences from with Ricardo Rangel at the time of the opening of the exhibition Iluminando Vidas.
Pomar is a respected Portuguese art critic and journalist who lives in Lisbon. Read more about Ricardo Rangel and watch trailer. With a short introduction by Bruno Z'Graggen. Kunst und Person fliessen auf einmalige Weise zusammen, diese wechselseitigen Bewegungen nimmt der Film auf. Post-Fordism, Percarity and the Labor of Art". Below you will find the exact titles and if you follow the link, the corresponding.
The result of globalisation is that the romantic idea of cultural origins or local roots has more or less lost every meaning. It is in that sense that locality becomes interesting: Belluard Bollwerk International is an arts festival that since takes place every year at the beginning of the summer in Fribourg.
It has a history of having its own vision on actual art and society and producing and showing work of local and international artists in a convivial context. Hard to pin down the disciplines we are producing or presenting. Word says we are 'in between'. Which is at the same time complex, challenging and exciting. Works go from more sort of 'classical' formats like theatre, performance, dance, concerts, to more 'unconventional' projects like acupuncture of a building, a human library or artists that are digging a hole in the middle of the city during 10 days.
The tone of representation varies greatly. Some deliver their message or insight in glaringly humorous ways, whilst others do so more soberly with a reporting approach. Who are these buffoons who have in good humor mocked art movements? Who are the heretics that have astutely interpreted and presented the sociological workings of the art scene as well as the more distasteful conducts of behavior within the art system? They may be overtly cynical and yes, some of them are perhaps a bit too much, but who gives a hoot—they're hilarious! There are those who have crassly blown out idealism's pale fire with one cheeky breath whilst others have nimbly created art-world narratives, grabbing your hand and dragging you somewhere unexpected.
The spectrum of styles presented will include parody, satire, irony, cynicism, invective, wit and spoofs. The presentation will be held in English. To celebrate this unexpected longevity of the discussion group, Corner College will be hosting a special event. The discussion table and chairs will be folded up and replaced with a ping pong table. A "Theory Tuesdays " publication will also be released, highlighting the occasional scan blooper found in the Theory Tuesdays. As consolidated as a book seems, each one consists of slumbering worlds, which, in the sense of an object with a body and soul, are waiting to get flipped through, to be looked at and read, felt and in its highest form, be transformed into the mind of the beholder and transmitted to the reader.
Without this counterpart, a book is no more than some paper and ink. With a counterpart, books can go far beyond. But in which form? These objects, together with the corresponding books or book series are now presented to the public in a small circulating exhibition. This book - organized by Veronika Spierenbrg Artist Veronika Spierenburg will talk with people who have an interesting connection with the medium of books.
Dekonstruktion eines Vierecks, im Viereck. Das neue Heft Workshop Heinz Emmenegger: Handle with care mehr oder weniger Vortrag Chris Jaeger Brown: Rhythmischer Unfug drum solo C. Dreizeilern Workshop Philipp Messner: Practioners in this field have come to understand the conversations about conceptual writing as being unresolved somewhere between poetics and aesthetics via new media theory. Any conversations about how these media also effect distribution and reading experiences will be a very welcome bonus! Anschliessend gibt es Eintopf und vielleicht einen Dessert aus Tillessens Geheimrezeptbuch.
In fact the book is not an academic but personal compilation by photographer Peter Tillessen. The 40 photographs show excrements of the black-headed earthworm, which aggressively ploughs through a cemetery in Zurich. The pictures of those fragile sculptures are contrasted with parts from the detailed descriptions of nuclear fission from the original book, a text by Darwin that explains the work of earthworms and a text by the artist, who describes his childhood in the atomic age as a son of an atomic engineer.
The number 40 is in this compilation no accident: Tillessen took the pictures on his —rainy— fortieth birthday for one of his best friends to pay off his debts from a bet — as he wasn't a father of a big family like his father at the age of The design of the book in the book accentuates the biographical fission within the big context of the atomic age: At the end it's all about evolution. Whether the personal is political or not, Tillessen drew 18 sketches in his Moleskine, which are all represented in this black and white Xerox-printed booklet. The publication is housed in a white paper bag with a self-made potato stamping by the artist and his daughter.
Dictators is the second publication in his series at Kodoji Press. Ausstellung Aus der unmittelbaren Unwirklichkeit 6. Die Buchvernissage findet in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Kunstmuseum Thun statt. Vorkommnisse aus der unmittelbaren Unwirklichkeit; Ausstellung offen ab If you would like to suggest a specific text or film for a Theory Tuesdays winter session, please attend the planning round with your ideas.
We will then, collectively, fill in a calendar with everyone's suggestions and begin winter sessions starting on December 4th. Below is a list of requirements to keep in mind as you prepare your suggestions. The Boy Mechanic, Vol. Starting in , during the last Friday of each month at Corner College, a volunteer will teach or workshop a practical skill to the group. Instead of discussion about a specific text or film, we will have a hands on experience of learning something practical.
This can take the form of many skills including how to play the Swiss card game "Jassen", sharpen a knife or effectively change a flat bike tire. We look forward to learning something practical from you in ! Please attend the Theory Tuesdays winter planning session on November 20th with your ideas or send suggestions to theorytuesdays gmail.
The difficult and complex situation in Syria leads to a fragmentation of society into various isolated parts. Some of these parts seem to be in line with each other better than others. Sometimes it appears to be a unified. And then again it falls to pieces. Syria as concept has become a synonym for itself and all the questions that arise when the line is crossed: In order to understand the development in Syria we take a closer look at the Egyptian revolution and the struggle for information, media coverage and connectivity.
Battuta, Muhammed Radwan is an engineer, activist and social media entrepreneur from Cairo. He visualises and analyses the complexity and multiple layers of the Egyptian revolution, and its use of language on the basis of flyers, stickers, etc. Also, besides Facebook and Twitter, other transnational social media platforms with a simplified operation mode, such as Bambuser or Ushahidi, are used to promote identities and opinions.
Battuta draws on his own experiences from the streets, digital spaces and the financial market. He links this to the opportunities of social media tools in times of transition and their field of application — a cultural landscape oscillating between representation and archive; one of his theses states that the speed of technical development is overtaking history. Rayelle Niemann the people - revolution of the people power to the people Die schwierige und komplexe Situation in Syrien produziert viele einzelne, isolierte Teile.
Manche Teile scheinen besser zueinander zu passen als andere. Manchmal erscheint das Bild klar. Die Veranstaltung wird am November im Cabaret Voltaire. The presentation will be continued on November 25th at Cabaret Voltaire. This is the message distilled from these portraits of 30 reused industrial areas. In a wide variety of places all round the globe, reinterpretations of the legacy of the industrial age are releasing tremendous potential energy and creativity — in the USA, Russia, Brazil and China just as much as in Europe.
The book examines the background, protagonists and concepts involved and shows various strategies for reuse. In essays and interviews, specialists from both the theoretical and practical fields explain their findings and experiences. Joost Grootens gta Verlag. In in mid to late 60's Sharits made a number of "flicker" films which will be the focus of the evening. In this temporal mandala, blank color frequencies space out and optically feed into black and white images of one love-making gesture which is seen simultaneously from both sides of its space and both ends of its time.
Color structure is linear-directional but implies a largely infinite cycle; light-energy and image frequencies induce rhythms related to the psychophysical experience of the creative act of cunnilingus. This interview includes excerpts of Paul Sharits films. G 12 mins 'I am not at all interested in the mystical symbolism of Buddhism, only in its strong, intuitively developed imagistic power. In a sense, I am more interested in the mantra because unlike the mandala and yantra forms which are full of such symbols, the mantra is often nearly pure nonsense — yet it has intense potency psychologically, aesthetically and physiologically.
Sword swallowers, lions, contortionists and acrobats made of wire were manipulated by the artist, re-creating delicate little circus acts. The stage was designed to fit inside suitcases to be portable. Calder used to give regular performances of his circus in Paris and New York through the mid-thirties. The live shows, provided with an intermission, lasted up to two hours. The pages book is the final result of a longterm research project, which was presented as an multi-media exhibition at the OK Centrum for Contemporary Art which commissioned the project in Linz, Austria in early The Indian Ocean Tsunami was one of the worst natural catastrophes in history.
While international attention has faded, post-tsunami challenges continue to have an impact on affected communities. Six years later and just weeks before Fukushima, Christoph Draeger and Heidrun Holzfeind looked at what has been achieved, what went wrong and what challenges remain. Using video and photography, they documented the long-term effects of the disaster through conversations with survivors, eyewitnesses, aid workers and rescue personnel. They also established a collection of footage of the disaster and the reconstruction efforts. Additionally, Corner College will be exhibiting two related slide projections in the windows.
The site-specific installations will be running over Christmas time including December 26, the 8th anniversary of the Indian Ocean Boxing Day tsunami.
- Themes from Rienzi - Piano.
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- The Sand Hill Review 2013.
- Accidental Sex Goddess;
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- In the Maw of the Earth Monster: Studies of Mesoamerican Ritual Cave Use (Linda Schele Series in Maya and Pre-Columbian Studies).
Together the texts form a rhizome as a map of shared knowledge between practice and theory, rather than contrasting theses to be juxtaposed, and build on the intersection between two major discourses linked to economic theories: Marx's critique of political economy and Freud's psychoanalysis. During this first session we will examine Christian Marazzi and his scientific analyses of capital and it's affects. Christian Marazzi "Starting from Work," in id. During one Friday evening each month at Corner College, a volunteer will workshop a practical skill. During this Practical Fridays session, Julia Schwartz will conduct a two-hour workshop where she will teach the basic physical principles of spoken voice use.
She will get people's bodies active in order to be able to apply the voice, and then get practical and use it. Everyone will benefit from hearing the others' spoken work. The workshop is free and will be held in English. Please bring your bring your house shoes or thick socks with you. During this second session, we will examine the final three texts written in different time periods, from until Bifo - Franco Berardi "No.
One reason is that complex and thought-provoking art is having a harder time than ever, not only to come about but also to circulate beyond an already converted audience.
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- Multiplication by 10 (Math Club).
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- Tri Me (Desert Ménage Book 2).
Another reason is that entertaining and easily digestible art is becoming more and more prevalent - in the public eye, almost synonymous with "art" itself. Both developments are connected with new power dynamics in the wake globalization, neoliberal policies of deregulation and financialization, and the boom of the commercial art market. In this TT-session Stefan Wagner suggests the essay "tainted love: The text out of "contemporary art and its commercial markets We will discuss the text and see if we are agreeing with that concept.
Sie geben einen Einblick in ihre Auseinandersetzung mit der Erinnerung oder der produzierten Vergangenheit aus intimer Perspektive. Drawing the attention toward the multiplicity of processes and things generative of situations of critique, Latour proposes to move from "matters of fact" to "matters of concern" and from "Realpolitik" to "Dingpolitik. This session has been organized by Christoph Brunner and will be held in English. The movement allows the common to flow through dispersal, reaching into the solitude of each protester.
Each one recognizes her situation in that of the others; affective resonance is transmuted to a point of fusion. Repression can only break up linear collectivities; here, at every turn, at every corner, the common returns in a swarm. The protests tie together not only problems of a culture of indebted men but also environmental and social issues throughout all strata of society.
Insurgence is an expression, a movement of thought becoming a movement of felt sensation. Was ist ein Denkmal? Wird das individuelle Erinnern wichtiger? Sowohl das Denkmal im engeren Sinn wie auch das Baudenkmal dienen der Erinnerung. Ersteres wurde aber genau zu diesem Zweck errichtet, letzterem werde dieser Zweck erst im Laufe der Zeit auferlegt.
War das unter Denkmalschutz stehende Haus in den 60er und 70er Jahren ein progressives Instrument zur Steuerung der Stadtentwicklung, wird es heute mehr und mehr zum Verkaufsargument. Erinnerungskultur hat Hochkonjunktur und so muss man sich fragen, welche Formen von Denkmalschutz in Zukunft sinnvoll sind. Vielleicht sollte neu, nebst Industrie- oder Landwirtschaftszonen, auch Kulturzonen geschaffen werden.
Das Denkmal als politisches Instrument untersteht dem Wandel der gesellschaftlichen Gegebenheiten. Was passiert mit leeren Denkmalsockeln? Diesen und anderen Fragen versuchen wir mit Hilfe von Experten aus den Bereichen Kunst, Wissenschaft und der Denkmalpflege nachzugehen. Georg Kreis Historiker Im Vordergrund des Workshops stehen die Fragen: Wie bewerten, benennen wir das, was wir sehen? Do you know the origin of Coca-Cola? Or the secret powers of Swiss triangular milk chocolate Toblerone? And what has sanitary porcelain to do with all this? There is only one way to find out. Wir verlosen am Abend einige Ausgaben der Special Edition.
Buchvernissage also nicht verpassen! Manon de Boer By now, art is probably seen more on Facebook walls than real-life ones. Why is it that the growing importance of the digital does not have a similar impact on the contents of works of art, as it has on the way they are presented?
After a short introduction and a brief summary of the text and some responses to it , the discussion could evolve around the following questions: Why do we separate media arts and digital arts from more conventional media, even exhibiting them in specialized institutions? Will art eventually be left behind by the fast developments within the digital realm?
Or can it rather be a tool to counter the predominance of the digital? This session has been proposed by Daniel Morgenthaler and will be held in English. Dies zeigen die historischen Herrscher eindrucksvoll. Kollision Julia Marti , Milva Stutz. Um es gleich vorwegzunehmen: Das Heft zeigt Arbeiten von: Kollision 19 Uhr Vortrag: Seit den er Jahren performt er seine Gedichte zusammen mit Musikern in wechselnder Besetzung, welche vorwiegend aus dem Jazz Bereich stammen.
Da wartete niemand geringerer als Charles Mingus, der die Studenten auf seinem Kontrabass begleitete. Eine musikalische, stark rhythmisierte Art des Rezitierens, welche zwischen Singen und Sprechen changiert. Inhaltlich nimmt einem Barry in seinen Gedichten auf kleine, grosse Reisen mit, surreale Begegnungen mit dem Nachbarn, einem Hasen oder dem Zorn Anger When anger falls on the plate like food limp -- something you wouldn't want to eat-- don't force yourself I tell myself let it go the feeling of being pissed off having been ripped off on the run taken for a fool some no count lame ass crier couldn't put a shoe in a basket on a bet or control his own best leads a shame to his hours sucking on anger.
Diese neue soziale Bewegung ist mit dem Occupy-Impuls noch nicht zu Ende, sie hat gerade erst angefangen! Diese Sitzung von Theory Tuesday wird in deutscher Sprache abgehalten. Bitte vorab den Text lesen. So potenzieren sich 7 Positionen um die Sicht- und Handlungsweise einer jeweils anderen. Und was haben wir davon? Worin verweisen sie noch auf diese? After her return to Switzerland, Ingrid taught Sigrid 'needle-binding', or 'Nadelbinden', which is a term to best describe this unique, "viking way" of knitting.
Both Ingrid and Sigrid would love to share this old knitting technique with you! If you would like to participate in this workshop, please bring the following: The language of the workshop doesn't matter: The words austerity and debt imply or signify a lack of something. These two words are part of the vocabulary used in mainstream media to describe the current economic situation in Portugal. Taking place in the midst of intense social struggles, the event began shortly after the November 14th European General Strike, a protest marked by police brutality and severe repression in Lisbon.
Performances, concerts, and discussions were the response to the open call to use the gallery space. More Informations about current political struggels in Portugal: During this session, Philip Matesic will present the following two essays from the book "Everything is in Everything: Smith The essays collected in this book represent versions of papers presented at a symposium held at the Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, California.
It's encouraged that you read the essays beforehand. The discussion will be held in English. During this session, Daniel Morgenthaler will present text excerpts from the Sternberg publication "Solution — United States of Palestine-Israel" is an anthology of texts proposing a doable solution for the region.
With contributors based in Ramallah and Tel Aviv-Jaffa, Beirut and Jerusalem, New York and Bethlehem, Nazareth and Warsaw, the book offers solutions that will make life better, and proposes ways to do it. Kunst und algorithmische Maschine Teleonomies - Pause - Zootechnologien — Swarm Intelligence als Kulturtechnik Das Kunstwerk als technisches Individuum Inmitten der Kunst, inmitten des sozial-politischen Aktivismus, inmitten der Medien.
Und dann kam die Krise. Learn how to assemble a hand-held bouquet and wrap it in a professional manner! Two types of bouquet making will be taught, the forward facing and the rounded bunch, which are very popular in Switzerland. Please bring a bunch of flowers with you and be prepared for them to be man-handled by the group. You will of course get to take home your own bouquet at the end of the class. The workshop will be conducted in English, with German explanations on hand.
A bunch of flowers. Kino Raum 1 is the first in a series of collaborative exhibition events by Jann Clavadetscher and Rouzbeh Rashidi. The practice of both artists is rooted in experimental cinema, and Kino Raum will explore and dissect the concept of the cinema-space, both physical and mental. Rouzbeh Rashidi and Jann Clavadetscher consider the flittering black and white ghosts and shadows that he left in his wake in their phantasmagorical experimental feature film. This journey through a cinematic night probes the very essence of the cinematic image.
Atlantik Film Jann Clavadetscher: A match was struck and for this short moment audience and cinema became one. Kino Raum 1 will be the continuation of this Exposure Project. This event will take place in two parts: Day one, the film is exposed to light. Day two, the film will return from the Laboratory and be projected. Homo Sapiens Project Rouzbeh Rashidi: Homo Sapiens Project are highly experimental works, part cryptic film diaries and part impressionistic portraits of places and people, and often suffused with an eerie sense of mystery reminiscent of horror cinema.
From highly composed and distantly framed meditations to frenetically flickering plunges into the textural substance of moving images, the restless creativity of this vision of life as a cinematic laboratory is never short of surprising. Encompassing everything from documentary monologues to found footage, Rashidi constantly strives to expand his filmmaking palette while putting his unmistakable stamp on whatever footage passes through his hands. I, An Actress, George Kuchar 8min 2: Mario Banana No1, Andy Warhol 3min 3: Keys to Our Heart, Kalup Linzy 24min 6: K section a , Ryan Trecartin 33 min.
Its format shores up the paraliterary, confessional, and epistolary precedents for our virtual vernaculars. Designed by Eric Nylund, the pages concretize found quotes, trending language, anecdotes, notes and rants; call it inattentionality as method. If the book sustains a material limit that belies the diffuse shape of the cloud, then its readings attempt similar concretions by having reader and audience occupy the sites that compose the physical form of the Internet. On other occasions, readings pair with documentation shot on server floors, thus temporarily constructing the data center within the art institution.
Each scenario discloses securitized spaces in which reader and audience already reside, for we encounter the material doubles of our virtual subjectivities as data stored in server form. Rather than concede to the seeming intractability of cognitive capitalism, these readings potentiate novel, critical operations through shared access, listening and discussion. The reading-performance will take place at Google Zurich and is booked out. No seats available anymore. Thanks to Google for supporting and hosting "I'm that angel".
Heftvernissage On-Curating Issue Design Exhibited - - -. Design auszustellen, ist heute kein Ausnahmefall mehr. Design im Sinne industrieller Herstellung hat sich in eine Disziplin des Ausstellens gewandelt. Dabei ist auch das Herstellen zum favorisierten Ausstellungsthema geworden. Intervention Interventions is an informal and open symposium that allows scholars and thinkers to present their recently finished work and their work in progress. Interventions thrives on the unexpected juxtapositions and clashes that result from addressing a wide range of philosophical and political issues such as autonomy, economy, finitude, aporias, capitalism, and many more.
Interventions does not limit itself to a specific discipline and welcomes all intriguing papers from Switzerland and abroad. Wie lehrt die Kunst? Die Ausstellung kann also nur von aussen eingesehen werden. Juni , 19 h. Juni , 20 h. Diagrams are strange devices and techniques which attempt to make relations tangible and at the same time evade straight formats of representation. They are expression in physical as much as in immaterial ways. Ian Kerr - Diagram The goal of the session is to familiarize ourselves with diagrammatic practices as means for tracing and enabling movement.
Not dividing between movement in space and movement of thought, we want to foreground and experiment with techniques of non-representational expression and relational movement. The material exposure will be complemented with collectively developed techniques and propositions for diagrammatic practices. We aim for collaborative and experimental processes with the 'stuff' at hand! Lia Perjovschi, The Universe, As this year's Romanian Pavilion is the talk of the town and has made the "Best Pavilions" list of numerous critics, while several major artists and galleries from Romania are on view at Art Basel, the perception might be that the Romanian art scene is strong and thriving.
But major challenges and obstacles are more the reality. Olga Stefan will present the political and cultural context in Romania, selections of work by practicing artists and initiatives, as well as the current debates and issues affecting the art scene. Buchvernissage , , What goes into a compost, and what should not?
How do you build a compost? What exactly happens inside it? And how many worms should you ideally find in a handful of compost? Please bring along with you what you think makes for good compost. Paula Troxler zeigt Tafelbilder aus ihrem Tageskalender. Julian Sartorius spielt live aus seinem Beat Diary.
Keine Loops, keine Effekte. This first chapter focuses on male portraiture and questionable masculine structures that are developed from metabolic architecture, modernist patterns and digital pixilation. Each chapter will take the form of a mixed media installation within the corner college gallery space for a single evening.
Following chapter one are: Interventions is an informal and open symposium that allows scholars and thinkers to present their recently finished work and their work in progress. Cara Judea Alhadeff Wall-E and the Management of Human Finitude. In den dunklen Winkeln des Kellers von Daisys Haus, hinter der Waschmaschine und einem Schleier, der die Wirklichkeiten trennt, liegt eine verborgene Welt. Doch ihre Freundschaft wird bald getestet werden, da Jeanne-Claude immer mehr ihrer Schulfreunde in die wundersame Welt mitnimmt und Daisy sich zu fragen beginnt, wie echt ihre neu entdeckte Beliebtheit an der Schule wirklich ist.
Japan, Mitte der 30er-Jahre Ihre Figuren tanzen im wahrsten Sinne durch die Seiten. Tiefe durch Leichtigkeit zu erzeugen. Eine Graphic Novel, wie sie wohl nur aus Frankreich kommen kann. Traumatisiert durch die Trennung der Eltern und die Krankheit der Mutter streift er allein durch die Natur.
Und wer ist sie eigentlich? Ida freundet sich mit der Mutter an, doch nach und nach zerbricht dieses Vorbild Selin lebt in der Gegenwart und hat gerade ihr Abitur geschafft. Vor allem, wenn dein Zuhause kein Ort, sondern ein anderer Mensch war. Er muss umziehen, weg aus Berlin, weg von Zuhause.
Zum allererst en Mal in seinem Leben ist Noel auf sich allein gestellt. Aber es ist auch das erste Mal, dass er mit so vielen anderen Menschen zusammenlebt. Wem kann er vertrauen? Nixon ist Steuerfahnder — und er bekommt immer seinen Mann. Frank Miller und Geof Darrow entwickeln die Geschichte eines komplett aus dem Ruder gelaufenen Mannes in einer noch sehr viel wahnsinnigeren Welt.
Olympia ist Schauspielerin mit Leib und Seele. Catherine Meurisse ist ein Geniestreich gelungen: Doch nicht nur die Polizei und skrupellose Komplizen sind ihnen dicht auf den Fersen. Was als wildes Roadmovie beginnt, entpuppt sich rasch als wendungsreicher Pageturner mit immenser Sogwirkung. Und dann alles wieder von vorn. Paris in den er Jahren: So auch der junge und mittellose Student Daniel Brodin.

Ali hatte sie in der Schweiz kennengelernt. Er arbeitete bei einem B auern, sie an der Kasse. Anne beginnt nach einer schweren Krise und psychischer Krankheit, ihr Leben im Ausland wieder neu aufzubauen. Sie war vor meiner Geburt in einer psychiatrischen Klinik gewesen. Cowboy Lincoln will eigentlich nur in Ruhe sein Ding machen: Das geht mal so, mal so aus, und manchmal auch ganz anders. Hat er das Ganze nur fantasiert? Dann muss er es jetzt wirklich tun, und zwar richtig…. Das alles ist fast 20 Jahre her. Aus dem Teenager Karl ist ein erwachsener Mann geworden.
An damals denkt er kaum noch. Der stellt ihn vor eine schwere Entscheidung…. Mehr Infos zur Graphic Novel und zum gleichnamigen Dokumentarfilm unter: Dieses Buch ist eine faktenreiche und fantastische Expedition ins menschliche Gehirn. Die Saga von Grimr spielt im Island des Jahres Dazu kommt die menschenfeindliche und unerbittliche Natur. Anstatt sich von der besten Seite zu zeigen, setzen sie alles auf eine Karte. Das Rezept klingt denkbar einfach: Schnell wird klar, dass sich Texte und Bilder nicht einfach illustrieren oder kommentieren, sondern einander im vollen Sinne entsprechen: Eine Naht aus Licht und Schwarz.
Grafikdesign von Wolfgang Homola. Am liebsten spielen sie den Erwachsenen Streiche. Bei einer seiner zahlreichen Missionen wurde er von der Gestapo verhaftet und schwer gefoltert, konnte jedoch mit Hilfe des Untergrunds aus einem Spital fliehen. Ebo ist ganz allein.
Seine Schwester ist schon seit Monaten fort. Im Ar Men hat er seinen Platz gefunden. Die Folgen sind unermesslich. Nun sieht er sich mit seiner Familie einer gewaltigen Hetzjagd ausgesetzt, denn alle wollen an diese Daten Das neue Album von Enki Bilal ist eine grandios gezeichnete und erschreckend aktuelle Zukunftsvision.
Mia schreim es fuffzga Joa vuan Dschiesas. Nach vielen konfliktreichen Jahren haben endlich wieder Friedenszeiten Einzug geh alten.
Vom Blues zum Rap
Und nun macht der Junge sich auf, sein Schicksal sel bst in die Hand zu nehmen…. Man stellt sich ein postapokalyptisches Szenario vor. Die afghanische Rapperin Sonita Alizadeh singt im iranischen Exil gegen Zwangsheirat an, der sie selbst knapp entgangen ist. Esther gibt es wirklich: Dort angekommen, scheint ihn das dunkle Geheimnis seiner Vergangenheit einzuholen. Abgeschlossen wird der Band durch eine autobiografische Momentaufnahme der Terrorattacken von in seiner Wahlheimat Paris. Nach dem Tod ihres Vaters versuchen sie, dessen Tagebuch zu entziffern.
Sie beschliesst es zu behalten und versteckt es im Hinterzimmer. Vicky und Wanda, zwei Teenager, verbindet eine enge Freundschaft. Hoffnungsvoll kommt Ende des Das Buch zeigt deutlich wie unsere Industriegesellschaft aussah, bevor es Errungenschaften wie Krankenkassen, Schulpflicht, Renten u. Und es spielt keine Rolle, ob man Conrads Werk gelesen hat oder nicht. Die Rebellion der Menschen beginnt Aber nach einem schicksalshaften Gefecht gegen ihren Erzfeind finden sie sich in einem gottverlassenen Nest irgendwo im Nirgendwo wieder.
Diese Graphic Novel, zu der er selbst das Vorwort geschrieben hat, umfasst seine ganze Laufbahn und gibt Zeugnis von einem glanzvollen und engagierten Leben. Reinhold Messner ist eine lebende Legende. Sein erster Aufstieg auf den Nanga Parbat war ein tragischer Erfolg.
Er und sein Bruder kamen auf dem Gipfel an, doch nur Reinhold schaffte den Abstieg lebend, mit schweren Erfrierungen, die ihn sieben Zehen kosteten. Reinhold konnte seine Leiche nie finden. Nach dem gleichnamigen Roman von Shuguro Yamamoto aus dem Jahr — modern und elegant versetzt in die heutige Zeit.
Dabei geht sie auch einer Reihe weiterer Fragen nach, wie: Was ist innerhalb einer Beziehung erlaubt und was nicht? Wa r Ronald Reagans Frau Kommunistin? Und war Prinz Charles in Diana verliebt? Ikon folgt dem Russen Gleb Botkin, der als Sohn des Leibarztes des russischen Zaren die Oktoberrevolution miterlebt und dabei seine engste Vertraute verliert — die Zarentochter Anastasia.
Botkin, der sein ganzes Seelenheil auf diese tragische Gestalt projiziert, verliert erneut den Halt und verschreibt sich mit Leib und Seele seiner wiedergefundenen Ikone. Fred vom Widerstand in den Gemeinden des Salzkammergutes. Es war die gleiche Schule, die er als Kind besuchte. Sie sind die Gagahelden aus den er-Jahren: Nun sind die Abenteuer des spanischen Zeichners Ibanez wieder da. Carlsen legt die klassischen Abenteuer wieder auf.
Und wie weit kommen sie, bevor sie von dieser barbarischen Welt gezwungen werden, selbst zu Monstern zu werden? Jeanne Dargan wurde gerade als Doktorandin akzeptiert. Die Monate vergehen, und weder ihr Freund noch ihre Familie verstehen, warum diese verdammte Abschlussarbeit einfach nicht fertig wird. Noch schlimmer, permanent ist Jeanne mit der Frage konfrontiert: Und was macht man dann damit?
Diese Graphic Novel steht einem Bildungsroman in nichts nach: Nika steht auf Metal, Videospiele und Action. Lotte ist supersportlich, supergenau und superschlau. Mangold schleppt gerne Kram herum, hat den besten Klamottengeschmack und macht die besten Arschbomben. Aber mit welchen Hintergedanken gibt sie an, ihr Name sei Damien?
Auch er hat einige seiner Lebensphasen geheim gehalten…. Er ist eine der herausragenden Gestalten in der Geschichte der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika, und das ist umso bemerkenswerter, als er einer ihrer erbittertsten Widersacher war: Letztlich ein verzweifelter Kampf, denn die Apachen sahen sich im Jahrhundert zunehmend von zwei Seiten unter Druck gesetzt: Was, wenn morgen die Welt untergeht?
Um es aber vorwegzunehmen: Der Untergang findet nicht statt. Jahrhunderts durchquert, wie es nur wenige Frauen taten. Nur solange der Vorrat reicht! Und angesichts der Gefahr, dass sich ihre Zeit auf Erden noch ein wenig hinziehen wird, sind sie fest entschlossen, dies mit Stil zu tun: Und ein Aufeinandertreffen verschiedener Generationen, das fulminant als Road-Movie in die Toscana beginnt, wo Antoine zu zeigen versucht, dass man niemals zu alt ist, um ein Verbrechen aus Leidenschaft zu begehen.
Und da gilt es, gewappnet zu sein! Dann kommt der Wolf wirklich Hier geht es um die Demontage von Vorurteilen und eine eigene, unvoreingenommene Sicht der Dinge — also genau die Themen, die auch den Comic-Erfolg von Lupano und Cauuet kennzeichnen. Eine Hausfrau, die im Mai die Gelegenheit nutzt, auf die Barrikaden zu gehen. Sieben kluge, kurze Geschichten vo n Frauen, die sich ihrer Weiblichkeit stellen, der Weiblichkeit an sich. Das publizistische Ereignis zum Wer Der Riss gelesen hat, wird Europa mit anderen Augen sehen!
Sein Bruder Luc ist das Gegenteil von ihm: Eine Graphic Novel voller Emotionen und Humor! Wie bei einer technischen Zeichnung ist das Haus aufgeschnitten: Baubeginn war im September , fertiggestellt wurde es am 5. September mit dem Dachgeschoss. Zeitgleich erscheint das Buch. Die Episoden kommentieren zwischenmenschliche, aber auch politische Themen. Das Werk des amerikanischen Autors H.
Lovecraft bildet die Inspirationsquelle dieser Comicanthologie.
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Es ist Winter kurz nach dem Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs. Als er eines Abends in das Wirtshaus geht, trifft er auf eine schauerliche Szene: Die Dorfgemeinschaft hat soeben kollektiv einen Fremden ermordet. Unerschrocken schreiten diese eigensinnigen Frauenfiguren der Weltgeschichte durchs Leben. Vorre iterinnen, Querdenkerinnen und jede eine Heldin auf ihre ganz eigene Art.
Als vor acht Jahren Ulli Lusts autobiographischer Comic Heute ist der letzte Tag vom Rest deines Lebens erschien, wurde er als Meisterwerk gefeiert und mit zahlreichen internationalen Preisen ausgezeichnet. Es muss geheiratet werden. Die alte Gerda steht am Fenster des Seniorenheims und schaut in die Sterne. Lange hat sie die Frage aufgeschoben, jetzt sucht sie eine Antwort darauf: Jenny ist ganz besessen von ihrem Spiegel-Facebook-Double — einer virtuellen, idealen Version ihrer selbst.
Reinhard Kleist at his best. Doch sein finsterer Kumpel, der Wolf, hat eine Idee: Die erste Graphic Novel zu Frida Kahlo: Ihre eindringliche Bildsprache, die eine einzigartige Stellung in der Kunstgeschichte innehat, nimmt Anleihen bei der Volkskunst und der expressiven mexikanischen Folklore. So ist auch der Titel im Doppelsinn zu verstehen: Nach einem verheerenden Erdbeben in Peru hoffen zahllose Waisen auf ein neues Zuhause, und das bis dahin kinderlose Paar adoptiert die kleine Qinaya.
Ob es daran liegt, dass er nie die Zeit gefunden hatte, ein richtiger Vater zu sein? Der Mauerfall steht kurz bevor, doch der Westen befindet sich noch immer im Kalten Krieg mit dem Osten. Die Welt der jungen Maika wird bedroht, als sie psychisch mit einem Monster von unglaublicher Macht verbunden wird. Und von Monstern, die auf der Suche nach ihnen sind. Jackson und Asa Butterfield besetzt!
Das Comic-Album "Magritte - Dies ist keine Biografie" handelt von einem einfachen Angestellten, der die surrealistische Bilderwelt von Magritte betritt, nachdem er sich eine Melone auf dem Flohmarkt kaufte. Doch Otto erinnert sich an nichts und taucht ein in die eigene Vergangenheit und die rohe Materie seines Seins. Warum sind wir, wer wir sind? Wie gut kennen wir uns wirklich selbst? Und wo beginnt und endet unser freier Wille? Diesen Sinnfragen geht Otto Spiegel auf den Grund.
Fritz the Cat zieht wieder durch die Gegend und treibt sein Unwesen. Es beginnt mit einer Bergung. Zugleich einer aus den Anfangstagen des Automobilzeitalters. Das ist der Plan. Aber es kommt anders. Einmal einfach so richtig Gas geben. Und am Ende froh sein, wenn man mit dem Schrecken davongekommen ist.
Immer in der Hoffnung, dabei vielleicht Hinweise auf ihre Herkunft zu finden. Denn mit dieser Serie startete das Comicprogramm von Carlsen in Deutschland. Superstar Alan Moore auf den Spuren von H. Nach der Niederlage der spanischen Republik wurde er in Frankreicch interniert und nach Deutschland ausgeliefert. Der erste Kampf gegen den Geier. Die Verwandlung in einen sechsarmigen Helden. Die Hochzeit mit Mary Jane. Die erste Schlacht gegen Venom. Tante May entdeckt Peters Geheimnis. Und Spideys Reise durch die Zeit. Hier ist jede Story ein Meisterwerk!
Endlich ist es so weit. Er sagt spontan zu. Syrien im Jahr Im Freedom Hospital kreuzen sich die unterschiedlichsten Lebenswege: Sie wurde aus einem einzigen Grund geboren: Drei Tage vor Weihnachten hat sie endlich einen Job, leider bei einem Totalversager: Zu zweit fordern die Frauen die Unterwelt heraus Wells auf eine Weise, die die Leser auch nach Jahren noch in ihren Bann zieht.
Die Graphic Novel versetzt Sie ins England des Sie leben bei ihrer Tante Jimjam in Amerika. Sie alle vereint vor allem eines: Das Publikum ist sprachlos: Superhelden-Action, Mythologie und Fantasy: Diese Anthologie bringt 18 der besten und einflussreichsten Geschichten mit Wonder Woman aus 75 Jahren und von einigen der namhaftesten Kreativen der Comic- Branche.
Malerisch in Farbe, in Aquarelltechnik. Ganz so einfach ist es nicht. Und dort ist sie zu Sozialstunden verdonnert worden, weil sie ihre Freunde nach einem Streich lieber gedeckt hat als sie zu verraten. Und der Tod, Calunga, einen Neubeginn. Von nun an wird es in jedem Halbjahresprogramm einen neuen Band dieser Reihe geben.
Sie treffen sich in der Mitte der er Jahre in Havanna: Die Pistole soll ihr Feltrinelli besorgt haben Kurz dadrauf kommen zwei gut bewaffnete deutsche Soldaten zu dem Haus und verlagen etwas zu essen. Eilig versteckt die Frau ihren Mann und seine Pistole, die sie im letzten Augenblick noch auf der Fensterbank entdeckt, und bewirtet die Deutschen so gut, dass diese ganz fri edlich werden und sich freundlich verabschieden. Die Partisanenkampf geht weiter, und am April feiert die Frau an der Seite ihres Mannes mit der Partisanenarmee die Befreiung, als sich Ihre Augen mit denen einen jungen gefangenen deutschen Soldaten treffen - es handelt sich um einen der Soldaten, denen sie Spiegeleier gebraten und dadurch ihr Leben uns das ihrer Familie gerettet hat.
Die wahre Entstehung von Wolverine und die dunkelsten Geheimnisse aus seiner Vergangenheit. In ihren beliebten TV- und Radioformaten geht sie mit bissigem Humor und vernichtender Kritik gegen bestehende gesellschaftliche Machtstrukturen an. Doch wer war Turing wirklich? Der neue Comic von Daniel Clowes ist ein hypnotisches Leseerlebnis: Gibt es den Weihnachtsmann wirklich nicht? Wie geht eigentlich Rassismus?
Und wieso hat jeder ein iPhone, nur man selbst nicht nicht mal ein iPhone 4! Esther hat es nicht immer leicht. Nach und nach wird er in die Machenschaften seines Onkels verwickelt. Wie kann eine Katze zugleich lebendig oder tot sein? Karinh von der Raumkolonie Arche hat endlich ihr Traumziel erreicht: Mit ihrem Mentor Matthias besucht sie alle ihre Sehnsuchtsorte - aber was ist das?
Lucky Luke wird Jahre! Stefan Zweig baut die Geschichte zweier sehr unterschiedlicher Charaktere vor den Augen des Lesers auf. Inspiration bezog Dostojewski auch aus seinem eigenen bewegten Leben: