Everything you people attack Decreasing, bare and thin! Why is this good, and to whom? Where is the common sense? MAN Are not you afraid? Suddenly you realize you will not be where you live! Hello Dear Julia I read your comment. I ask that when you meet with Michael again remember me! I have a gift to give to Michael. My twitter docesmensagens Hugs Amanda Hellen. I would tell Michael this: That I have loved you from the beginning. It seemed like a crush at first,you know how you like the performers music and such,but then as I grew older and began to see Michael Jackson-not Michael the performer,fame,fortune …etc..
I became one with you,my heart ,my soul,my entire being. I wanted to tell you so many times How much I love you,sincerely love you,not for your fame,fortune,but for You Michael. I wanted to tell you this for many years,and wanted to sooooooo bad be physically by your side during your hard times with the molestation crap going on. Believe me when I say I was there in spirit and heart. Unfortunately,you were very hard to reach and I became shy of trying anymore to reach you. A person like me would never be able to reach you,I am a mom ,and live a quiet life.
My life has been hard,abusive childhood,abusive relationships,so bad that I remained single now for 14 years. And not the fan love but the true deep butterfly stomache love. No,this is no crush,this is REAL love. Your everything I wanted in a man,sweet,caring,loving,giving. Are not afraid to show his emotions,a family man who loves his kids dearly as do I. Ive not wanted anymore kids because of being single. I have wanted more kids ,with you is my dream and where my heart is. I am willing to have more and willing to take care of you and family.
To have a family,children who we adore,and a man who for once would treat me right,and I a woman to show you true love. This is what I have wanted to say to you for 13 years now. I will not hurt you as woman of the past have done to you. It is not in my nature to be such a person. I truly love you Michael and Look forward to possibly getting that date and chance to meet with you.
I don;t get crazy ,not my nature wither,but do Believe me that this is all from the deepness of my heart. You are my life,You are my world,and You bring a smile to my face and happiness to my being. Because it hurts, say, measured with the unspoken word Should be measured to suffer you to be happy so good.
Should now be to continue to please, and you dare to dream, Because I can not betray your dreams. It breaks my heart and separation of the Earth, But last time back, and the loneliness is incorporated. Tomorrow, a change in the opinion of all, Tomorrow, all will be different this globe. Now farewell, pronounce a tear, But I know that in time all the more easier. Farewell sorrow, suffering burns to you, That every single waking moment will be sweet.
This is sorta off topic but D, will this blog still be available for viewing after you close the comments? I learned so much from this blog and I am going to miss not finding anything new when I go onto it everyday. Thanks again, love you! Michael, I love you and I have dedicated the last 5 months of my life to teaching myself to dance like you…It has been quite successful and many people compliment me.
All thanks to you. My life has changed so much since you left. I really must say thank you for leaving…. I will suppport you no matter what. Thanks again and I L. My gratitude and love to you for being a Beacon of Light in this mad mad world of darkness. You are indeed a loving, caring and compassionate human being.
May your mission come to its full accomplishment. Hugs and kisses to you xxoo. Hey there my friend, You are total genius. You are making HIStory it is true. I will be there for you. Love you, Michael and I am patiently waiting for your return. I hope only the best for you.
Follow me on:
You have made me look at the world and myself in a different light. Michael I just want your happiness ….. We will understand if you dont wanna appear again…. Because we can do great and blessed things together. You have to know that you are supported by me. I will be with you always and everywhere. You bring me very good memories, I love your work, your dance, your respect for people, his charity, gentle , sweet and so loving with his family and children.
My children and I love you, already know all your songs! Sing and dance is a great party!! I live in Brazil and do not speak your language, sorry.. I worked hard to write. And when the night comes I look at our star and just think to see you, my heart longs for you, then I close my eyes and I can feel your smile. I need your affection on this special day, I again close your eyes and imagine you! I will do everything to protect you my Peter Pan! Michael, all my moments are yours! I have no idea who is going to read this, but I have always been told that writing is cathartic and the truth is there are things I would like to say to you.
I guess I could say something like: Gone is the grace for expressions of passion, but there are worlds and worlds of ways to explain to tell you how I feel, but I am…. Since June 25th, I have gone back over your life…the part I have had the privilege and honor to see. There is one thing that is consistent through all of it and that is that something special in your eyes. I look at your eyes and all of the glitz, the glamor, the pyrotechnics, the choreography, the costumes, the show business…all of it disappears and what I see is a human being with deep love and kindness. Your eyes are the most beautiful eyes and your soul is the most beautiful soul.
When I see you with children, sick children in hospitals, singing with children on stage or just with your own children you EXUDE love! You have always had a special smile for the children! I love the fact that you remain a kid at heart. I think the reason people ridicule you for it is because they have forgotten what it was like to be a kid.
One of my favorite images of you is watching you climb a tree! You did that when you were around the age I am now…and when I see a good climbing tree…I climb it too!! Your humbleness pulls at my heart. It brings tears to my eyes just thinking about it. And this brings even more tears. A human being with feelings like everyone else! I could never get it! What I even have a harder time understanding is how you could stand it!!
You kept going, you kept giving more and more and more of yourself. The thought of it causes a pain in my heart. I HURT for you!! I know that your life has been terribly lonely at times and that hurts my heart too, but I hope you can feel all of the love that has been heaped back on you over these past months. Michael, the love you have shared has not gone un-noticed. I know you know that, but I just want to say it to you. Just the outpouring of love for each other and for the world on this blog alone has shown what an impact YOU have had, and this is just one blog of many just like it…countless people are spreading compassion, caring, kindness and above all L.
It is a desire to continue what you started. Logic tells me there is a good chance I may never know for sure. I for one just cannot bring myself to ask you for anything more. The only thing I would ever accept from you would be a hug and the only reason is because I would be giving one back to YOU! I will give you my love. I will give you my promise that I will strive to be as loving and kind as you have always been.
I will love my fellow human being, I will be kind to animals, I will love this earth and I will teach my children to do the same and teach them how important it will be for them to teach their children. I will give you my gratitude for all that you have given to me. I will give you my tears in the hope that they can wash away just a little of the pain you have felt in your life. Michael, if you are still alive, I hope that you are happy. I have my ideas of why you might have done this, and I just hope that whatever the reason, you are okay and that everything will turn out the way you want it to.
My dream for you is that you get to live a quiet, happy life where you can raise your beautiful children in peace. But I think I have said the most important things in my heart and I thank Dove for allowing me the opportunity. Thank you so much for everything Dove!
May God bless you and keep you. May God turn his face to you and give you peace. Thank you for being such a great humanitarian, performer, writer, singer, dancer and most of all teacher of the world. I know you had a very good reason or reasons to do what you have done. But in the long run of all of this… YOU have opened up my eyes to many things happening in this world. My whole outlook on my life has drastically changed over a course of a few months. I truly respect YOU for your genius and strengths…really! I am so blessed to be able to live and appreciate your music.
You have been apart of my life for as long as I can remember and I am almost 21 years old. You move through the times with ease. I honestly thought that the Invicible album was great and the US should have promoted it better because you deserved that. Half of the people doing what they are doing eg. You are a trendsetter. You are THE trendsetter. You are in my heart and and I dream about you all the time. I hope you are well, and I hope that your kids are enjoying your presence because I know that I would.
I had starting reading book about your life by J. So the book still sits in my drawer unfinished. I cannot wait until you come back and blow the world away. I also want to say that I know that you are thinking about the Haiti victims right now and my heart hurts for them. I will definetly send out a prayer for them. I can tell that God has touched you for a reason. You are the chosen one! Michael, I am not good with words but thank you for this journey and for making me stop and think. I thank you for helping me realise that my life is a gift and that each day counts.
Some of us have more time in this huge puzzle than others but we all have a part to play, no matter how small. It is very difficult finding the right words to express what I think and feel about you and this situation. We are from opposite poles on this earth and are also from completely different times as well. All my life I have watched you from my corner of the globe. As I watched you I felt your happiness and Joy and felt my heart break when yours did. You have always been illusive and out of reach. Throughout the passing years I have wanted to know you and understand you and only now I am slowly starting to do this but it took your absence to wake me up from this sleep I have been in for so long.
On the 25 June, the world as I knew it ended. You have always been there and then like a puff of smoke or mist on a lake you disappear from my life and now you are gone. That day had an ethereal effect on me. I found myself being pulled by your mystery and falling deeply into a kind of strange supernatural LOVE of which I have never experienced before. The magic of the internet has brought us all here together, we are strangers living side by side sharing this experience. I can only imagine that you are feeling lonely, isolated and very frightened at the enormity of everything and perhaps feel the need to reach out to someone.
Reach out to me and let me be your TRUE friend. Not to stand in front of hotel window Dont shout out loud the name of the night Only at a distance, I admire him in silence Who has given us hope again. I saw the eyes of joy and sorrow I watched every move Few people understand what message the world Even to millions of people are a miracle! We were deceived a lot by malicious people.
They told us that they were your friends or they were related to you. They told us different stories. Some of them were very scary. We were all so worried and scared for you. We love you and care for you a lot. But these bad souls made us lose our belief. They made us lose our trust. I know that you want us to focus on spreading L. E and make this world a better place.
And before we solve this puzzle we can not get to the coclusion. You need to understand us Michael.
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E and we will be crowded soon. But the strongest army has no power without its leader! Michael you need to come back. Not only for us but this world needs you! We can do it together this time if you come back. Please hold our hands Michael! How are we suppose to get them to the army of L. Your magic, your power is stronger than all of us. All you have to do is to come back! We want to spread love to the whole world with you, we want to be one heart and one soul with you, we want to get older but live forever with you Michael.
You bind millions of people from all around the world. Some of us have very opposite characters but we still love each other because we all have the same love for the same man and that is you! We all have different cultures, different religions, different races but you made it Michael! I see people write how much they love and miss you every day on that page.
But on the other hand it hurts me to see them sad Michael. Michael please just imagine what could happen if you come back. They love you no matter what and they will be on your side always! Those millions of fans would get crazy and they would be ready to spread LOVE. And we the believers, would finally get to the conclusion. We could build the biggest army that can defeat evil!
We can do this Michael! This world needs you! On this site you can find all my thoughts, my feelings, my pain and my joy, my tears and my laughs Michael. And it is all just for you! I hope everything OK whit You!! And i wait Your back! Thank You for all! Dont worry everything be cool! I want to hold YOU!
Michael, I will never leave you, I will always love you from the bottom of my heart. You are a genius, wherever you are, I love you more and i will always be there for you. You gave a real sens to my life, I love you. Close your eyes and feel my endless love when ever you need a loving embrace.
You will ever be part of me. After all the years it still hurts in my chest. You are so unique and precious to me. Hope you are well and happy with your family and your kids. You deserve it more than anybody else in this world. I love you so much, words can not tell. So it was, it is and it ever will be…. I am not near you, it hurts so much that I as long as you do not see.
I miss you so much and every day there will be more. I still think of you, because to be forgotten and I can not see you. I carry you in my heart, You are my longing pain. I say the star that he should greet you and cheer you on the night the dreams. I dont have to say a lot here…. You already know my thoughts… If not… Please ask a very close friend of you… There is something waiting for you….
I wish you only the best from the best dear Mister Jackson… Just take the time you need. Michael has always been a prankster so I dedicate this moment of laughter to him and to all of you who will smile lol God bless you. If I saw that stampede, I would run my butt off too hhahah. Dear Michael you has changed my world and has changed me. Take care of you and remember we love you so much. I love you very much, and now only that important one for me, that let there be everything properly with you. I would like you not to suffer more, if nobody would not hurt and would accuse nothing.
I wish that you should be very happy in the new section of your life. You are a fantastic man. I know it however opposite this, you are a man just like that, than i you are anybody else on this Earth. Many people forget this when they talk about you. This, which is the source of the many misunderstandings, is not good because they do not form a real view about you. Michael I love you very much! How did I lock you into my heart why? Because you are in the possession of human values that are very important for me.
In this the cruel one, and you mediate values that are missing from many men already unfortunately in a full world with hatred. For the ones hungering what you did till now for the patients, and for the protection of the nature, the animals for me exemplary. These things are very important for me in the life.
If I could make it I would save an animal thrown out tortured on all of them from the huge whales started, to the small birds. I adore the children because they are with a clear soul like that yet, and honest. If only I could make so much for them, just like you! I would are in so much yet finally, that very much strength, and I wish you perseverance!
I wish that everything should develop so, for you the best one. You may count on me in everything, I favour you in everything. This is my favourite poem here. You know it certainly. And fare thee weel my only Luve! And fare thee weel a while! I miss your smile, your happiness, everything of you i am missing. I learn about you and learn what is so much meanings of Love and the life.
I have pursued everybody woche dove and everything brought me very much to think. I see thanks to you dove and michael welt in another bright. Now I feel more your pain and your force. I would like to give you as thanks to for it a little from my strength in hard times. If you one day hilfe need then I will always be there for you. I would like to protect you for good. My english is so miserable that i write after this my words to michael in german language. I love you more than worte can say.
Ich habe jede Woche Dove verfolgt, hier und da mal einen Kommentar dazu abgegeben. Vieles brachte mich doch sehr zum Nachdenken. Wir alle sind die Kinder Gottes und verdienen es einfach geliebt zu werden und die Liebe weiter zu geben. I hope you are safe and happy wherever you are if you are reading this. I just want to let you know that you have all my love with you. I think about you everyday. If you are alive and decide to come back, we all support you and will stick up for you just like we always have.
We love you more than you could ever imagine and we miss you so much. I am hoping to see you again soon if you come back. I hope you are doing well and I really look forward to seeing you again. You are the most amazing, incredible person on the planet. I hope one day to meet you if you are alive and well.
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You are a genius and are one of a kind. You have inspired me, because I know all the torture you went through and all the lies you had to put up with. You put up with everything and defended yourself and still managed to not let that stop you from being the best. Good luck, Michael wherever you are and please come back soon. I miss you like crazy. Hi Michael, I just want to tell you how much I love you and support you. I am always there for you, no matter what.
Whether you come back or have left forever, I wish you nothing but happiness and love in your life. I pray that you are safe and content. I understand why you did this, and I have the upmost respect for you. Thank U and forgive me…. Dear Michael, I can not write well in English, sorry. So I made this video for you. I love you so much my friend. You are a very important for me, you are my inspiration. From the buttom of my heart. Forever… Wherever you are… I believe in you and love you very much. But our love is always with you.
Dear Michael, I would like very much to say to you, to express to you my love, respect, admiration and support. I knew Michael, man, unfortunately, only after the events of June 25 and fell in love for life. You are so majestic and at the same time simple. In you the absolute harmony of beauty of soul and body.: Thanks to you, a lot has changed for the better of me: I felt the strength to make people warm, caring and love.
You have played a huge role. Of course, you can guess about the strength of his personality and his music, you like many thousands of people and I have their small particle. Sweet Michael, I wish you much joy and happiness, I love your wonderful smile. I do hope that i can tell you this all someday, in person! I want you to think of yourself first to be true to yourself first. I love you so dearly and I miss you so much god bless you always michael. Thanks for everything Michael … For your music, your dance, your determination, your kindness and your love I really love you.
Started counting back to the 10th.. Are you sure you want …..? Sure this is my life? The answer you know only In the meantime, we are silent. Whatever decisions are made. You need to know of us No debts! An true friend, I seriously worried. But my sound fade. I was scared for him. Sad is his soul.
Mission | MICHAEL JACKSON Awakening Message
Great burden on his shoulders. Earthly burden carries He. But give him shelter Why can not you see? I do not know what is wrong with me. I am very sad and tired! I do not like to say: But this comes next now. I created this little statue to show the world the way I see you. I brought it to London and let it it front of the O2 Arena, on August the 19th, the day I planned to see your concert.
Diana, Princess of Wales
I put my heart into this. So I put my blood too. And a part of my soul, to be sure it would be seen and understood. What you gave to all of us , around the world, is simply Priceless. Your Wonder, Your Magic …. You are that L. Dear and beloved Michael I have no words to tell you how much you are special to me since I was little I follow you, and I have always dreamed of spending a day with you at Neverland. I wish you baby, a wonderful year and you are very happy, I have a gift for delivering a very special and you know when you get you will like. You live within my heart. I love you forever.
I asked a wise the difference was between love and friendship, he told me this truth … Love is more sensitive, Friendship safer. Love gives us wings, Friendship the ground. In Love is more caring, Friendship in understanding. Love is planted and lovingly cultivated Friendship comes cheek, and the exchange of joy and sorrow, becomes a great and dear companion. But when the love is sincere it comes with a great friend, and when the friendship is real, It is full of love and affection.
When you have a friend or a great passion, both feelings coexist within your heart. How great is my love for you.. Neither the sky, neigher the stars, Neither the sea, neither the infinity Is most that my love, neither most beautiful. Never forget, not a second, I have the biggest love of the world How great is my love for you. We care about you. From a distance, in silence, the disks, in the videos.
At first, people thought you cute little singing the A, B, C 1,2,3 you with that pink hat. So there was no turning back: And since then, we just have fun and learn with you! You taught us that gravity can be challenged. We can move forward, even going backwards. What we can not stop until you get where we want, even if it is unattainable, unthinkable — how to teach zumbies to dance?
Until you taught them! And you taught us well, what else? We learned that no matter whether a woman will say that the child is ours, even to deny. After that, you changed a little. But no problem… you was BAD, fought against gangsters against controversial, gossips, little people — a struggle which will take you to the last of his days. In fact they had done, only that many were reluctant to agree.
And in two volumes! You traveled to Brazil, but I had not a chance to see you around… Alas! But I saw you, yes … During all this time! I memorized the time that you turned ROBOT, you entered the club and dancing with everyone turned on its axis, broke all the windows in place and giving finished shooting in all directions. You danced with other monsters, with a GHOST … after that until the boys in the street behind copied you…loll. But they have no problem, we were always on your side, all the time.
You said you were in love, but we know that it was more a chance to show who you are. To dance with us, to give a bye-bye to us… lovely! And always will be. Take care, my dear! My name is Anja, I from Russia. Michael, I very strongly love you, as Person with huge soul and the big heart, as the man, as singer, as dancer, as composer.
I trust — you are live! I wish your of good luck and huge health! I very much ask you — return to us, people loving you! Michael to us it is very bad without you! We simply were deserted without you! I love you, Michael!!! Michael, I hope that you had your time and you are stronger than ever. Please come back, we need you, the world needs you. In June it was more gray, we need you to go back to illuminate the world with your smile; I love you Michael.
Dear Michael, Just wanna say that I am very proud of you. I hope you find your peace of mind and soul and acomplish everything you aimed. I am much better because I hear their songs, which are actually words of caution, love and comfort to my heart. I have two daughters, one with four years and another two years, and they also love you very much. Because you Michael, is universal and unique, and as you said: You have been chosen by God for a mission and that mission is being fulfilled can be sure that their messages of love and peace do not go out of our heart and love for God we gave you, we your fans will make you eternal in this world!
Simply because I love you, love you forever! What words can I choose to tell you how I feel? Every day I think of you. I can feel it. It is magical … just like everything that has to do with you! You are a very special person … so full of love and light … so sensitive … so childlike and so pure! OMG you are so beautiful!!! I wish the whole world would have recognized that. I often cried because I had to remember how you felt. It must be terrible to be alone among so many people. But I am happy that beautiful children you have. I have a daughter and she is the best in my life.
I thank God that she is with me! Through you I have won my faith back. You have changed my life! You have made me a better person! I thank you with all my heart! I hope you are well wherever you are! Do what ever you want. If you need us we will do everything so that you are happy. You have made us happy as long. I will be there for you, forever, for eternity. Write a message to Michael?
There was no mission more difficult than this! How can I write something for him? Would not be enough books of pages … Not successful, the most beautiful things in the world to show what I feel when I see him. For me Michael is my life! All that is that I was okay and be happy … because his happiness is the same as mine!
See her sincere smile …. I also I want to tell you one thing …. Continues to be as you are … I love you …. I do not good speak English, and I fear that you are not going through what I feel! It is difficult to speak now! Haiti is very shocked! I pray every day that people should be change. I always wanted it to, but my little man, and my voice they is not heard. Be you our voice! I love people, animals and everything here on earth. With all my heart. And it hurts me that this should be seen. It hurts a lot! Peter Pan, you shout: But I saw the miracle that brought us.
Now I know that where I belong. You opened a lot of people the eyes! Believe me, who really loves you, beside you be there, and will help you! Maybe it has to be just in this way.. I could tell you.. More or less how I always did.. Because I believe in a Better World..
Because I want It.. How could I not? These are the great three,and the greatest of them is Love.. Computers are such a pain! Thank u for bringing the world together. Dear Michael, I hope you read this message. In 17 years I have never loved a person so long as I love you, and it is true.
There should be people like you in this world, cause you are good and kind to everyone, you can see the good even in the darkness thicker. Pity a nickname that I invented with the name Peter Pan , I have already said a lot but.. I love you so much and I hope that one day I can meet you even at 3 feet away and just ask how are you, just this. I hope you are well now my dear Pity. I love you Michael… You are the sun, you make me shine… We are ready for everything, come back my love…. Michael Jackson is dead! In the middle of the night I woke up and I searched all around the web to know something more.
And since the beginning nothing was clear. So I started to investigate the case. I was born and am living in Rome Italy. I know you since My mother died in for a bad illness. In my big brother went in London and when he was back, as excited by you, your videos, your music, your talent! So we stayed in front of our black and white tv screen, waiting for your videos to learn all the moves. My father too, was crazy about your music and always listened to thriller audio cassette! He took me to both shows you had in Rome. In my brother died too, for a lymphoma. I ran away from my reality, hiding in music and besides my school, there was only music.
I stayed alone in my room, listening to my walkman and trying to dream a better life and future. You were so important, then. You were my company, my secret love, my secret dear friend, new brother of mine. So I never believed in those accusations. I always defend you. Your music made me feel good, gave me hope, strength and energy. You made me dream I could be like the others one day, despite my physical disease and difference.
Always dreamt of having at least one of my wrong feet like yours! And when I saw you dancing I like to think you were dancing for me too and for all those like me that cannot. This is a world where everybody should be perfect to be accepted and to dare to ask respect. I miss you too much! Like a brother and his little sister. You can imagine now the importance of brotherhood to me! You should know how much devoted I am. Michael, you saved me so many times when I was sinking into my sorrow.
When I went outside your hotel in Rome you were so nice and sweet. For few seconds you smiled at me and played with me only. From that moment on, you were one of the dearest person of my life! Just to repay you! Michael, you can ask me whatever you need!

I care for you very much Be back when you please! I respect all your decisions. I miss you darling… I love you with all my heart and my soul. You are my sun. I love your music and you was an amazing person. Anyone will be like you!! Please Mike, if you are still alive…come back to us! Come back to your fans and your family!!! Michael… God bless you!!! You are a part of my life for as long as i remember untill now 43 years later.
Before i spill my heart out to you i wanted to tell you that i fully understand why you had to disappear for a while… On top of that you deserve the time you took to heal and just simple enjoy life i hope togheter with your children. With the music you gave to all of us I can do a lifetime! So that is not why i hope you will be coming back to us. Ever since the day they told us you where gone…. To best describe it…. This never happend to me ever…and that is because…. I just cant believe that you are really gone.
Not like this, not in this way…not alone…not at this age. There is nothing so natural as people being born or people dying…but it is not good to leave the world, before you lived your life the best way possible. In good health and surrounded by lots of love and happiness. I think you had only so little of this. I guess your happy times started when you received your 3 blessings, your beautifull children. You have reached many hearts through your music and through your humanitarion actions. The world is not ready to go on, without you. We are dancing to the school and the teacher has drawn up a little Uncle choreography, into which it was a thriller.
So it was my favorite. I asked my mom, who sings. He said that Michael Jackson and is very much a good number. He was a good go of Moonwalker. I will never be such a clever and you. Oh, I forgot to say, your birthday, do the people in Budapest, Hungary flashmob. It was really good, people danced in the streets. In other countries it was like that.
Astralis - The day of the gods. Science Fiction from A to Z. Stray Dog of Anime. The Universe vs The Beast of Harmala. Sci-Fi in Popular Culture. Dogmas, Gods, and Simulcrons. The Force of A Conspiracy of Silence. Temples and the Juggernaut. Far Outer Worlds And Sequetus 3. The Earth Syndrome Miniseries. Planet of The Gods. The Book of War. Chariots of Sequetus 3. Temples of Sequetus 3. Advance On Sequetus 3. Savior of Sequetus 3.
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