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Merci Amazon et je ne bosse ni pour Amazon, ni ne soutiens certains aspects questionnables de la gestion de leur personel.

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On y trouve de tout mais aussi des bijoux comme celui-ci: Here are some possible […]. Scattered protests and violence broke out across this nation of about 1. Eco-tourism activities suspended in Loango National Park, Gabon.

Gabonese opposition candidates want presidential vote delayed. These 11 candidates are considered the heavyweight opposition candidates in the election which follows the death […]. Gabonese Orphan Gorillas set free on an Island. Six young gorillas, rescued from the illegal bush meat trade, have begun new independent lives on a lagoon island just outside Loango National Park in Gabon. Opposition parties in Gabon elections converge around one candidate. Join Jean Du plessis as he Journeys through Africa exploring conservation issues that are plaguing the continent today and the efforts of individuals, organisations and governments in tackling the conservation challenges of Africas Wildlife Ultimate Africa Ultimate Africa is a documentary series hosted by South African safari explorer, Jean du Plessis.

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The show, which consists of nine episodes, takes viewers on a journey through Africa, exploring how anti-poaching efforts, as a part of conservation strategies, are helping to preserve the […]. Gabon Government announces list of presidential candidates. Ali was chosen to represent the nations leading party, the Gabonese Democratic Party, earlier this month. Mr Bongo, who will maintain […]. Brussels Airlines and Lufthansa now offering flights on routes to Africa including Gabon.

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Both airline companies have agreed to launch joint-flights to the African continent in a bid to expand their flight network on the continent. New flight possibilities Brussels Airlines and Lufthansa will increasingly offer long-haul flights with Lufthansa passengers benefiting form a wider choice of destinations.

The long-haul flights will include the Brussels airline route from Brussels to Entebbe, Uganda as well as the new Lufthansa connection from Frankfurt to Libreville, Gabon. Lufthansa passengers will thus be allowed to fly to […]. The countrys National Autonomous Electoral Commission has come up with a timetable for elections which it proposed to the Government late last week.

Election date set The election date has been scheduled for Sunday, August 30 Several political parties have already announced various candidates who will be representing them.

Communiqués de presse

The son of late president Omar Bongo Ondimba has been nominated to represent the Gabonese national party as […]. Gabons elections to be held no later than September 6, Countdown to elections A poll originally due to be held within 45 days of the appointment of an interim president on 10 June, was turned down by all main political parties in the oil-exporting state who argued that organizing an election in such a small timeframe would have presented great difficulties in organizing ballots for […].

Gabon authorities present vote Plans to political parties. The Gabonese Union for Democracy and Development party, has expressed doubts that the vote could be held on time. On Hozana, you can enroll in hundreds of different online prayer communities, organized by worshipers, religious communities, media and other Christian organizations. Once enrolled you will receive publications from those communities and you can pray for and with the other members, leave comments or prayer requests.

You can also create your own community of prayer, to organize prayers for specific causes by inviting friends and loved ones. Preview access to the beta version on demand only for journalists , get in touch! Citer source ou lien: Ils nous font confiance entreprises et associations de toutes tailles nous ont fait confiance depuis Envoyer communique de presse.