All of them may be used as tools for introducing students to demographic phenomena and demographic change in France and throughout the world. Every month, it covers a different population question relating to France or other parts of the world. Its articles are written in clear and simple language intended for a wide audience.
The French version is available in both printed and electronic formats, and the English version is available on-line.
Comment nourrir 9 milliards d’humains sans détruire la planète ? | Eco(lo)
About INED The French Institute for Demographic Studies or INED, is a public research institute specialized in population studies that works in partnership with the academic and research communities at national and international levels. Missions and activities Research Evaluation. International partnership agreements Academic and scientific networks Support for mobility.
Researchers competitions Engineers and technicians, external exams Engineers and technicians, internal exams. For a job For an internship. Research teams People Research projects PhD students. Library portal Statistical Methodology. Seminars on research methodology and practices in France and abroad, articles on method use, and extensive reference lists are just some of the statistics-related resources available StatApp RUSS Seminars. Qualitative and quantitative surveys Data collection modes Questionnaire design and testing Interviewer training and data collection management Data capture, coding and cleansing, documentation.
Population Pyramid Population by sex and age on January 1st Population by age Centenarians Population by region and department Municipalities. Births, deaths, migrations Fertility rates, mortality rates, natural increase. Couples Household size Household structure Structure of families with child ren Number of child ren in the family Children of families. Life expectancy Life table Total deaths by sex Mortality rates by sex and age Causes of death Infant mortality. Immigration flows by sex and age in Immigration flows by continent of origin Immigration flows by reasons for admission.
Immigrant and foreign population Immigrants by country of birth. Population, births, deaths Births, deaths and infant mortality Total fertility rate Life expectancy at birth. Are you a demographer? Can you rank different countries? Publications Population and Societies. Publication search Free search. Search by geographic region All geographic regions. Search by collection Population. Subscribe to the e-alert. Mortality between ages 5 and 15 Bruno Masquelier. One in thirty children in France conceived through assisted reproductive technology Elise de La Rochebrochard.
The health transition in a century of political upheaval: Four demographic surprises in France over the last 50 years Gilles Pison. Why has fertility been increasing in Egypt? Anne Goujon, Zakarya Al Zalak. Fifty years of legal contraception in France: The Population of the World Gilles Pison. The role of discrimination in immigrant unemployment Dominique Meurs.
Have life expectancies in eastern and western Germany converged since reunification? Female genital mutilation around the world Armelle Andro, Marie Lesclingand. Fewer births in France in Gilles Pison. Has childlessness peaked in Europe? Living alone or with family beyond age Rape and sexual assaults in France: Fewer teenage births in England and Wales: The end of one child per family in China? We only die once… but from how many causes? How long do sub-Saharan migrants take to settle in France? Who are the million migrants who entered Europe without a visa in ?
Who uses online dating sites in France? Who finds their partner this way? When in life is income higher than consumption? A radical revision of the official population count Thomas Spoorenberg. The population of the world Gilles Pison. Can environmental migrations be measured? France and the United Kingdom: Why is intercountry adoption declining worldwide? Recourse to abortion is decreasing, but repeat abortions are more frequent Magali Mazuy, Laurent Toulemon, Elodie Baril.
From Europe to Africa: Who are the children enrolled in French daycare centres? Family policy in France and Europe: The French pill scare: A century of change in the French population pyramid Gilles Pison. Living in two residences: Masculinization of births in Eastern Europe Christophe Z. Demography and its vocabulary over the centuries: Wilfried Rault, Estelle Bailly. Where do people meet their first sexual partner and their first life partner?
Michel Bozon, Wilfried Rault. France and Great Britain: Are women more economically active in Germany than France? Adolescent fertility is declining worldwide Gilles Pison. Is a population policy really necessary? How many people live alone in France? Sophie Pennec, Laurent Toulemon. Elder care and dependence: Does economic development explain the fertility rebound in OECD countries?
Fewer forced marriages among immigrant women and daughters of immigrants Christelle Hamel. Residential segregation of immigrants in France: Two children per woman in France in Is French fertility immune to economic crisis? Is there a childbearing season? Will life expectancy increase indefinitely by three months every year?
The number and proportion of immigrants in the population: A spectacular decline in influenza mortality: Marriages with foreign women in East Asia: Accidental and violent injuries: Less frequent among the older population, but more serious Xavier Thierry. Census taking in Europe: Mean age at childbearing reaches 30 years Gilles Pison. How is fertility affected by separation and repartnering? Does the birth of a child change the division of household tasks between partners? Population ageing will be faster in the South than in the North Gilles Pison.
Population and development in the overseas territories of Europe Jean-Louis Rallu. Norms and attitudes to body fatness: Correcting gender inequality in pensions. Migration from sub-Saharan Africa to Europe: In-vitro fertilization in France: An overall decline in middle-age mortality across Western Europe: Family policies in developed countries: Does religious practice influence family behaviours? Population trends in the United States and Europe: Sexual violence in France: What family support will dependent elders have in ? The population of France in Gilles Pison. A double disadvantage for manual workers: How do employers help employees reconcile work and family life?
Four decades of legalized contraception in France: Demographic surveillance in the field to capture African population trends Emmanuelle Guyavarch. End of life in Europe: How often do adult children see their parents? How should the diverse origins of people living in France be described? Legalizing same-sex unions in Europe: Cohabitation, marriage and separation: Women grow old alone, but men grow old with a partner. Birth prevention before the era of modern contraception Etienne van de Walle. Juliette Halifax, Catherine Villeneuve-Gokalp.
Fertility intentions and actual fertility: The world population and what about me? Gilles Pison, Sabine Belloc. What happens when the census population figure does not match the estimates?
- Tomorrow (Yesterday Book 2).
- Population and Societies - Ined - Institut national d’études démographiques.
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- .
- Le Meilleur de Gaston LEROUX (annoté) (Le meilleur de ...) (French Edition).
Life expectancy tops 80 years Gilles Pison. The world population over the next three centuries: Why has the number of abortions not declined in France over the past 30 years? More than half of the global population lives where fertility is below replacement level Chris Wilson, Gilles Pison. Fewer births, but a boy at all costs: The future of research in France: Is the pensions gender gap closing?
Fertility among immigrant women: The enlarged European Union: Violent deaths in the world Jean-Claude Chesnais. The rising numbers of humankind. At what age do women and men have their first sexual intercourse?
Côte d'Ivoire
World comparisons and recent trends Michel Bozon. More unions surviving after 60? Women in Arab countries: Demographic trends and pensions: International migration trends Gildas Simon. The growing medicalization of contraception in France. What length of life did our forebears have? Gender parity in politics: Language transmission in France in the course of the 20th century. How many children and how many siblings in France in the last century? The fertility revolution in Iran. Assessing maternal mortality in developing countries. Sterility, fecundity, what about the men?
The unequal distribution of population and wealth in the world. Claude Grasland, Malika Madelin. The surname of married women in the European Union. The population in France in Mais en dehors des gadgets du bon Steve Jobs, ce sont les trucs les plus utiles qui marchent le mieux. Les OGM ont un but precis. Accroitre des rendements pour plus de profits a court termes. Savez-vous au moins le role primordiale que jouent les forets sur notre mode de vie? A quoi sert de manger si on ne peut plus respirer?
Tu crois sincerement que des budgets sont alloues pour produire des plantes nutritives? Et plus tu abaisses le coup energetique, et plus tu gagnes de profits. Aussi simple que ca. Et epargne moi le couplet OGM pour un monde meilleur et plus humains. Si dans le principe, vous avez raison, le seul moyen de fabriquer cet OGM et de passer par des bains de cultures antibiotiques et pesticides. Donc on doit recourir a des procedes chimiques pour synthetiser le gene recherche. Et vous avez raison sur le dernier point: Inutile de me savonner le dos avec votre demagogie.
Enorme succes pendant une decade puis mutation environnemental des predateurs et parasites naturels de la plante qui se sont adaptes… Mere nature reste la plus forte. Et les solutions alternatives biopesticide, macrobiotique, permaculture etc… se developpent de plus en plus. Il faut juste redefinir notre facon de consommer. Le plus dur est de changer un modele de pensee qui etait bon pendant les trente glorieuses mais qui ne peux plus continuer avec la prise de conscience collective sur les stock finis des matieres premieres. Bref… Un autre debat.
Cette technique permet une frappe chirurgicale. Etonnant comme un raisonnement vous met hors de vous. Merci de parler de permaculture… Car Alex a bien raison de se moquer de cet article!!! On continue notre agriculture de surface, intensive sur sol nu? Repensons notre mode de production alimentaire, bousculons nos habitudes et regardons ce que peux offrir la permaculture…. Plus de pauvres, donc. Et bien non, il est toujours vivant. Cet article est hallucinant! On mangera des cachets? Les plus forts boufferont les plus faibles?
Suffit de distribuer, appliquer.. On va donc creuser un peu. Dans quels pays la voyez-vous diminuer? Nous sommes en sur nombre. Vive la mondialisation et la libre-circulation des marchandises. Cet article est aberrant. Tes propos sont dangereux,flippants,caricaturaux,lamentables…………………. Et donc, on en revient a Malthus. Merci… Vous au moins, vous argumentez. Or ce ne sont pas ces experts qui vont proner une reforme agraire. Il faut effectuer des calculs serieux pour avoir une idee du potentiel reel. Ces zones, bien que pauvre, sont tres productive ex: Donc le jour ou les gens auront vraiment faim en occident, ils quitteront leur bureau chauffe et iront garder les cochons.
Oui, vous avez raison, continuez de vivre pour travailler, et laissez les autres travailler pour vivre. Je vous demande pas pourquoi travailler mais pour quoi travailler! Vous croyez que le musicien deviendra virtuose en regardant son instrument? Y a pas de secret dans la vie…quelque soit son secteur: Vous ne voyez vraiment pas le paradoxe? Quand vous aurez compris cela….
Et vous faites comment? Continuez, je vous aime…. Je pense que vous saisissez. Cette baisse vous paraitra plus claire. Ils ne doivent pas prier suffisamment,sinon la manne tomberait du ciel,car dieu pourvoit ,pourvoit,pourvoit…………………………….. A tiens encore un adepte de la theorie de Ponzi. On peut y penser entre autres solutions, mais: Manger moins de calories animales.
Il est aussi question de gouvernance. La plupart des suggestions des auteurs du papier concernent les modes de production, pas les modes de consommation. Mais bon, je ne vais pas me lancer non plus dans une attaque personnelle. Il faut revenir au troc. Pourquoi seulement les pauvres? Je pense que devenir vegetarien serait une bonne solution pour notre planete ainsi que nous meme. Pourquoi manger autant de viande. Cela fait 15 ans que je suis vegetarien et le gout de la viande ne me manque pas du tout.
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