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Alienation from the land 3. Animals are at the bottom of the dung heap 4. Defensiveness maintains domination 5. Animal abuse is inseparable from patriarchy 6. Carnivorous appetites mean ecocide. Anarchism is struggle against all forms of domination. It is a beautifully simple idea that helps call into question every oppressive norm.

But our relationships of subjugation with billions of other species on the earth is one norm that few seem to take issue with; not only are other species unable to communicate their experience to us, but to question means to challenge entrenched habits and world views. So when we talk about speciesism, far from being dismissive, we should embrace the challenge it poses, look further into the issue, and do what we can to change the miserable status quo. This in turn has desensitised us from the mass enslavement of swathes of non-human lifeforms to the service of humans and capital.

Yet, since this alienation is all that many of us city-dwellers have ever known, we do not really appreciate what is being lost. If this rings true for you, then spend some quality time with other animals; look at what they do, how they interact with one another. Read about the taming of the wilderness for capitalist expansion, and learn about the key role animal agriculture plays in transforming vibrant woodland into the monocultural fields that constitute our countryside today.

The sheer scale, intensity, and normalization of animal exploitation and suffering is greater than that of any of our species.

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In life, the vast majority of chickens are crammed into sheds with complete disregard for their needs or desires as living creatures, before being killed at weeks naturally, they live for around 7 years. Soiled litter solidifies around their legs producing painful ulcers. Whereas their wild ancestors laid eggs per year, human enslavement has produced a modern reproductive machine that lays up to eggs for our pleasure and profit annually.

This is to say nothing of the dairy, pork, beef or fish-farming industries. Those animals are not going to be able to tweet about their misery there is as yet no evidence that pigs are daft enough to while away their time on social media: The most prestigious US universities continue to cage and experiment on the same non-human primates, dogs, cats and other animals for many years on end.

These include depraved invasive experiments that physically and psychologically manipulate primates eg. An anarchist ethic should stem from a desire for individual and collective liberation, so that when a comrade challenges another's behavior, they should be able to put their wounded pride aside for a moment and at least give the point the consideration it deserves.

Yet time and again issues raised around speciesism are mocked, trivialized and dismissed, which is both a massive disrespect to other animals and to those comrades. Animal abuse is on the same spectrum as misogyny, homophobia, racism, and the abuse of children, the elderly or disabled. The basic principles are there: It is especially bound up in machismo e.

If you want to prove yourself an adept hunter, I can think of much better targets than wild boar.

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In fact, a definition of veganism coined by Vegan Society co-founder Donald Watson, was the notion that animals should simply be free from exploitation and cruelty. Too often, critics hone in on hipster vegan cupcake shops or fancy fake cheeses, glibly equating all veganism with shallow ethical consumerism or a bourgeois fad.

Class-based critiques of veganism from feminists with PhDs says more about themselves and where they spend their time than anything else.

Catalog Record: Profit and pleasure for busy business men | Hathi Trust Digital Library

Unfortunately, many of us are not even there yet. Attempts to carve out an ethical way of life under capitalism and the state inevitability tend to feel hollow. Well, apart from the obvious problem that mass insurrection still seems a distant prospect, consistency in our ideas and our actions gives us lives worth fighting for. The existence of relationships based on love, solidarity and respect spare us from unrelenting misery of life under capitalism and compel us to attack the systems which threaten them.

Without the inspiring examples of my comrades around the world, I would be tempted with total resignation. People all over the world like duck egg and meat from the ancient time. In some areas, people like duck eggs and meat more than chicken meat or eggs.

Duck eggs are usually larger in size than chicken eggs.

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In some areas duck meat is less popular than their eggs. However, there is no tension about the marketing of ducks eggs and meat. You can try to determine the demand of duck products in your local market. There are numerous duck breeds available throughout the world. Although all of those breeds are not suitable for commercial duck farming business. Some of those breeds are suitable for egg production and some are ideal for commercial meat production. Usually ducks are of three types according to their production type.

There are numerous duck breeds available which are famous for meat production. Usually meat productive male ducks weight about 5 kg and female weight about 4 kg. Indian Runner is a popular layer duck breed and very famous for their egg production capability. There are three types of Indian runner ducks available. White and grayish Indian runners are good layers. Khaki Campbell ducks are suitable for both meat and egg production. They came from Indian Runner and Ruel Kagua.

Indian runners are famous for egg production and second one is popular for meat production. The main advantages of duck farming is their simple accommodation. Making a duck house is very easy. Ducks like watery and wet place to live. Just put these in a suitable place.

Always make a door for entrancing and exiting, wherever you keep the ducks. The door need to be high enough. Because duck enter inside the house raising their head higher. Their house must have to be well ventilated and you have to ensure sufficient flow of fresh air inside the house.

Fish Farming: For Pleasure And Profit by Anon

Usually each duck will require 2 to 3 square feet flooring space. You also have to be ensure the safety of your ducks. Keep them free from all types of harmful animals or predators, especially from fox and dog. If you want to keep your ducks like chickens, in a concrete floored house, then you have to make a deep liter inside the house. And it will be better if the liter depth between inches. In this system, your ducks will lay eggs on the floor. Water is a must for breeding purpose. One male duck is sufficient for breeding 10 female ducks.

Usually high quality and productive duck breeds start laying eggs at their five months of age. Each egg weights about 50 to 60 grams. You can use hens for hatching the eggs, instead of ducks. Do not keep the newly born ducklings in water during their first week, after birth. Usually duck eggs take about 28 days to hatch. During the hatching period, sprinkle the eggs with water occasionally two or three times per week. You can use both electronic or diesel incubators for hatching their eggs.

But many farmer prefer hens than incubator for hatching. You have to store the eggs properly. You can use refrigerator for storing the eggs. Lime water or pyraphine can be used for egg storing purpose.

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Some people also use actinium glass water. It is not so difficult to determine the gender of newly born duckling. Raise up the tail of the duckling and press on its ass.