Bundle o' Rents , i. On foot or in hand. Started ; begun of. Going on or continuing. William of Paler ne, Lancashire Rhymes , p May perhaps be referred to the Indo- European ak , expressing sharpness ; whence Lat. In this case the original sense is to prick, goad. Johnson spells the word ay green. English, ay-green would mean ever-green. Goth, akran meants fruit in general, from akr y cultivated land.
In the cognate tongues it became limited to the fruit of the oak. That bears the name of Auld King Coil. The South and East Lancashire form is oather. There can be little doubt that aigther , aylher , was the original pronunciation of either.
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And seyne salle 3e offyre, aythyre , aftyre oper. Morte Arthur e, On ather part, and is assemblit so. Lancelot of the Laik y Tint dur ; its ajee. Come Whoam to tki Childer. A score was originally a stick or piece of wood with notches cut in it from A. The tally varied from io to ioo notches; but, in reck- onings, twenty was the usual number. Hence, the score became synonymous with the recorded debt of so many pints of ale drunk. When chalk marks were substituted for the notches on the tally, each mark indicated a notch, and a line drawn diagonally made a tally, two tallies making a score.
There shall bee no mony ; all shall I5 94 - eate and drinke on my score. Score a pint of bastard in the Halfe Moone. He to the ale-house with you presently, where, for one shot of five-pence, thou shalt have five thousand welcomes. If I prove a good repast to the spec- tators, the dish payes the shot. It is different from the ordinary along. Chaucer uses long on, on account of. Shakespere has long of Cymb. On me is nought alonge thin yvel fare. But if it is along on me, Of Jat je vnauanced be. Confessio Amantis , Sp. Fortunes of Nigel, c. Romaunt of the Rose, AMO ON, prep, among.
One of those contractions which abound in the dialect: Country Words , No. Thys King Knout was tuenty ger King of Engelond, in a thousend ger of grace and thyrtty, ych vnderstonde, An syxe ; hedeyde at Ssaftesbury. Twa Bogs , Ramsbottom. Jack is em- ployed in a variety of senses for anything rough or homely: Jack-et, Jack-boots , Jack-plane, Black-Jack , etc. Jack-boots come up the thigh ; Ancle-jacks only over the ancle.
His feet were sheathed in a pair of clinkered ancle- jacks , as heavy, and nearly as hard, as iron. A corrupted form of Mid. And right aninst him a dog snarling. We come to anenst thidder. S, ange , trouble, vexation ; from same root as Lat. Or as curst sores with often touching Waxe angry , and run the longer. Schoole of Abuse, p.
Do you finde some occasion to anger Cassio, either by speaking too loud, or tainting his discipline. Epilogue to Satires , ii. Kyng Arture was anguysous in his companye That the luther traytor adde of scaped hym so tuye [twice]. But I wille that thou knowe hym now Gynning and eende, sith that thou Art so anguiishous and mate Diffigured oute of a-state Ther may no wreeche have more of woo, Ne caityfe noon enduren soo. Fortherover, contricioun schulde be wounder Sorwful and anguissheous. Persones Tale , iii. But anguyssheus , and ful of bysy peyne, He rode hym forth.
Storie of Thebes , pt. Alle taryinge is anoyful. Right so farith it som tyme of deedly synne, and of anoyous venial synnes, whan thay multiplien in a man. The Persones Tale , iii. In the Promptorium Parvulorum we have barmclothe or naprun explained by Lat.
Mar locks of Meriton, And why comes a gentleman riding alone? And why doth he wander areawt such a night. Preawd Turn's Prayer , About Oldham and Hollinwood ark is a repository. Arke , a cofer or chest, as our shrines, saue it was flatte, and the sample of ours was taken thereof. Praise of Psalms of David , 4. An ark of bulrushes. The domestic arrangements [of the farmhouses] in- cluded flour and meal coffers, apple arks , oatmeal fleak, etc.
Gorton Historical Recorder , p. She had secreted a small quantity of tea in her meal ark. Gael, arias , earnest-money; Welsh, arles, a gift, benefit, advan- tage. Echoes from a Lancashire Vale , p Trans, of Plutarch's Morals , p. Ernde , negocium, nuncium. Mi leser [deliverer] artou, night and dai, Fra mi faes ben wrathful ai. Metrical English Psalter, ps- xvii. He durste not for verray filth and schame Sayn that he was a sompnour, for the name.
Freres Tale , 1. Probably from arf-ale , inheritance-ale, or feast made by an heir on coming into property.
That arval which Thorward and Thord held in honour of their father, was the most famous ever known in Ireland. This ale has an asky taste. Snakes and nederes thar he fand, And gret blac tades gangand, And arskes , and other wormes felle. Ess, in South-East Lane. For a best, when it es bom, may ga Als-tite aftir, and rin to and fra. I can go astite as him. Dutch, schuiriy oblique, sloping.
He geet it aswinty an cudna set it straight hissel. Frankeleynes Tale , 1. In this way we went into the barn. J - - Piers Plowman , Bk. I may drede at my departyng pat it wole be attir and ille. Hymns to the Virgin and Christ , p. Atiyr , fylthe, sanies. This sore is full of matter, or atter; purulentum , Prompt.
Lancashire people often call a bad, irritating tern per, an attern -temper, poisoned or poisoning temper Lect. Crete love was atwixe hem two. Bothe were they faire and bright of hewe. And with outrageous strokes did him restraine, And with his body bard the way aiwixt them twaine. Properly - Low Lat. But she across the slippery floors did go Unto the other wall, wherein was built A little aiwibrye.
Ye have erred also, for it semeth that yow sufficeth to have been counseiled by these counseilours only, and with litel avys. Tale of Melibeus, iii. But I with better reason him aviz'd. Merry Wives , iv. What an awfwnr I to pretend rime weh yo. All sorts or kinds. Eawr Folk Come, owd dog, awse to shap. Har land's Lancashire Lyrics, p. Second Person Third Person.
Grave op Grislehurst Boggart, Probably Lanca- shire pronunciation of oris. See oris in Wedgwood. ASH, f The A. Gawan asshes , Is hit soe? Cottage of Tim Bobbin , c. Besom Ben , p. He oxide his disciplis. And to her housbond bad hir for to seye, If that he axed after Nicholas, Sche schulde seye, sche wiste nat wher he was. Miller es Tale , 1. Alle that they axed haden they redy.
De Regimine Principum, st. Then I asht him what way eh munt gooa. Justice axt meh whot eh wantut. Dule's V this Bonnet. Dick, whatever mun I do if my faither finds- this out? Critic , July 24, Come Whoam to thi Childer. Also applied occa- sionally to the after part of any period, as a week or a month. Furness Glossary , p. Eawr Alick keeps a badger's shop.
Old Cronies , c. In the afternoon, oatcake and cheese, or butter, or oatcake and buttermilk, sufficed for bagging. Owd Blanket , c. Yff ye wyll oghtte that we kanne doo, About Sir Amadas , in Weber's Metrical Romances , iii. Bane ta Claapam town-end lived an aud Yorkshire tike. Spittle is here a diminutive of spade ; see Spade in Wedgwood. An owd oak back-spittle he slung by his side.
Marlocks of Merriton y p. Bochers, bladsmythis, baxters amonge. Piers Plowman , b. This oatcake is baked upon a peculiar kind of stone Mi shoon han comn unteed. See Bandy in Wedgwood. Cad is the same as cat in the game of tip-cat ; it simply means a cut bit of wood or fragment of wood ; cf. See Cut in Wedgwood. It means bandy-houghed, crooked or bending in the houghs. Ballads , First Series, p. From bang, to beat.
The cakes vary in size from two to four inches in diameter, and are not, I think, identical with the Scotch baimock. Red Windows Hall , c. Chimney Corner ; Manch. Critic , March 7, At Goosnargh, pronounced Banny-ann-day. Jack Mooring, a Trafalgar man, age Barfoot and ungert Gamelyn in cam.
Cokes Tale , In sumer ge habbeft leave barfot g an and sittan. Critic, March 14, It means a protection against the hames ; also used in the form hamberwe , or hatnborough. See Hames in Wedgwood, and Barkhaam, in Brockett. AzrA applied to hair upon which dirt has hardened ; also to a wound when the blood has hardened upon it. The phrase balla me is exactly the French baillez moi. Cursor Mundi Cotton MS. And slepyng in hir barm upon a day Sche made to clyppe or schere his heres away.
The Monkes Tale , 1. Zephyrus comfortabill Inspiratioun Fortill ressaue law in hyr barm adoun. Prologue Eneid , book xii. From barm , the lap, and skin. Barnyskyn , barme skyn , melotes, melota. Of qwom that blisfulle barne in Bedelem was born. And was a big bold barn and breme of his age. Gest Hystoriale of Troy , 1. A boy or a child, I wonder? Mceso-Goth, laikan , to play. But the word is also A. He wile of bore wurchen bar eg.
Owl and Nightingale , 1. I mean no other swine but such as feed and root in the field: The word is used as a verb by the older writers. Thes thingis herynge we dredden, and oure herte bashede. I wende no Bretouns walde bee basschede for so lyttille. Morte Arthur e, 1. Because they bashed them at Berwick, that boldeth them the more. Ballads and Songs of Lane. Are you not ashamed, and bash you not to broach and set abroad, in the view and face of the world, such mockeries of religion? May Song, by a Swinton Man , p. H udibras, part ii. Glad to please you to pay, lest any bats [blows] begin.
Fashion, way, or manner: As greedy as ever. Red PVinaows Hall , c. Batch is from Mid. Bardolph, am I not fallen away vilely since this last action? Do I not bate? Do I not dwindle? Thou didst promise To bate me a full year. Rather than she will bate one breath, Much Ado , ii. To sharp uneven ways thy steps decline ; Abate thy speed, and I will bate of mine. Wheer did he bate from? Botanical Guide to Manch. The operation is now generally done by machinery. See Bat, a blow. Heaw much a battin , mestur? Shakspere uses batlet , As You Like It, ii. The same as the Northampt. For the blood -loitered Banquo smiles upon me.
For balks ; from A. The use of the plural is easily explained; the loft would be between the balks or rafters. Balk has the successive senses of beam, partition, ob- stacle. Ramble Bury to Rochdale , p. Bas Breton, bal ; W. Thai may defende tham be na ways. Prose Treatises , p. Nay, thae mun goo w? But to serue the pore folke he was fulle bowne. And euery knyght vpone his hors3 I s boun. Lancelot of the Laik , And wass dead butan bearnum.
William of Palerne , 1. Introduction , p xxxviii. I have watched Southey. The beck roll glittering to the noon-tide sun, And listened to its ceaseless murmuring. Joan of Arc, i. Example of Dialect of High Furness, Lancashire, p. So may the first of all our fells be thine And both the beestning of our goats and kine. To Pan , Hymn 4. A cow hath no milke ordinarily, before that shee hath calved. The first milke that shee giveth downe, is called beestins , which, unless it be delaied with some water, will soone turne to be as hard as pumish stone. Beeost and beestins are yet, as among our Anglo- Saxon forefathers, used to denote the first milk which is given by a cow after calving.
From the root of better. Wyth blys and bry5t fyr bette. Sir Gawayne dr 9 G. The fourth statute, To purchase ever to here, And stiren folke to love, and beten fire On Venus awter. Court of Love , 1. Quyl I fete sum quat fat Jon Je fyr bete. Poems , B, 1. And on their auter, wher I ryde or ga, I wol do sacrifice, and fyres beete. Knightes Tale , 1. Yokes, forks, and such other let bailiff spy out, And gather the same as he walketh about ; And after, at leisure, let this be his hire, To beath them and trim them at home by the fire.
Possibly for beetings , i. Properly a diminutive, but generally used when the instru- ment is of large size. Comfnend mee to my cosin Westmerland. If I do, fillop me with a three-man - beetle. The word is commonly applied to anything worthless, especially to worthless talk. Critic , May 31, Of inkle , Wedgwood says: Winter's Tale , iv. By'r lakin , a parlous fear.
See also, Ballads and Songs of Lane. I have spoken before, and declared why I do vse it rather than any other ; I have laboured it, noted it, I am acquainted with it, and belike , I red it, before you knew whether there was any such booke or no. Moreover he received fourscore milch kine to the pail, and neatherds to keep them, having need of cowes milke belike , to heal a disease that fell upon him.
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What meanes this, my lord? Marry this is Miching Malicho, that meanes mischeefe. Belike this shew imports the argument of the play. We shall know by these fellowes: Things that I know not of belike to thee are dear. And fagt, and slow faste. He sent hem word by lettres they schulden hye blyve, Yf they wolde speke with him whil he was on lyve. Cokes Tale of Gamely n, 1. Then they speedily look down every man his sack to the ground, and opened every man his sack. God shield, man, hee should so ill have thrive, All for he did his devoyre belive.
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Sheapherds Calendar , September, The peculiar sense of the Mid. Brethly bessomes with byrre in berynes sailles. A dog sprang from the kennel. Ben sprang for- A light pudding, made of flour, yeast, and suet. Factory Folk , c. Sketches Bury to Rochdale , p. Tho the emperour herde this, he by gan hym by- thenche , And hys wraththe toward the kyng, for drede of the erl quenche.
Bethink yourselves beforehand what mercies you want, for which you should pray unto him. And some bythogie , and told wat the bytokne was, That the dragon of by Weste bytokned the king Arture. But atte laste his mayster him bythoughte Upon a day, when he his papyr soughte Of a proverbe, that saith this same word, Wei bette is roten appul out of hord Than that it rote al the remenaunt. What ist, Ophelia, he hath said to you? So please you, something touching the lord Hamlet.
PoL Marry, well bethought: Tis told me he hath very oft of late Giuen priuate time to you. Hast bethowt thi yet? Han yo bethowten yoursells? They that spend their youth in loitering, bezzling , and harlotting. Primarily, certain parts of dress, but used figuratively to express the whole costume. The custom seems to be alluded to in Piers the Plowman, b.
And if she were to marry again k expect I should bide with her. Old Cronies , v. From the same root as big and bulge ; applied to the breast, it means that which bulges. Of box and of barbere, byggyt ful bene. That is batelt aboute, and biggutte fulle bene. And of Gryme, a fisshere, men redes git in ryme, That he bigged Grimesby, Grime that ilk tyme. Kirkes and houses brent, nouht than wild he spare. Ther the Inglis had bigged , he mad it wast and bare. Men ete and drank, shortly to telle, Ilkan with other, and salde and bought, And planted, and bygged , and houses wroght.
When erthe appone erthe hase bigged vp his bourris. Religious Pieces , p. I se no by-gyng na where aboute. Alht, Poems, A, 1. Grave of Griselhurst Boggart , p. Irish bille, , a tree-trunk Brachet. The Bruce , ed. Ther brent of birke and of ake Gret brandes and blake.
I2 7 2, In bolles birlutte thay the wyne. Critic, March 7, Said of milk, which whilst on the fire, has been burnt against the sides of the pan, and received a peculiar and not altogether pleasant flavour. Grose, in his Provincial Glos- sary, says: This frequently caused the milk on the fire to be left till burnt to the vessel, and gave origin to the above allusion. Grose's story is obviously an invention. If the porage be burned to, or the meate ouer rosted, we say, the bishop hath put his foote in the potte, or the bishop hath played the cooke, because the bishops burn who they lust, and whosoever displeaseth them.
Furness Folk , p. Neaw, byth maskins if I be naw fast. The Carter's Struggles, p. The syllable bump refers to the booming sound made by it. The Welsh name is aderyn y bwmp, the booming bird. It has a peculiar bellowing cry, which has obtained for it such English provincial names as Mire-drum, Bull-of-the-Bog, etc.
And as a bytoure bumbleth in the myre J 3 S6. Sclie laid hir mouth unto the water doun. Wyf of Bathes Tale, 1 1 That a bittor maketh that mugient noyse, or as we term it bumpi 7 ig , by putting its bill into a reed as most believe, or as Bellonius and Aldrovandus con- ceive, by putting the same in water or mud, and after a while retaining the ayr by suddenly excluding it again, is not so easily made out. Thoose ot connot tell a Utter bump fro a gill-hooter. It seems probable that the real origin was simply the perambulation of the boundaries.
A variation of blaze; A. It is more commonly used figuratively, and is applied to persons who are fiery, wild, or strange in appearance, either in dress or person. There is also Bleas , or Blue Things, the lower part of one of the Ulls- water mountains. Fyre shal falle, and brenne al to bio askes The houses and the homes of hem that desireth Yiftes or yeres yives bicause of here offices Piers Plowm. Till the bloberond blode Wend with the rayn. But I shall scribble down some blether Just clean aff-loof. A blinkard alwayes good doth mis. Is not it like running me deawn, an a bit too bobber some?
North , About He bounet to his batell, bode he no lengur. This joly prentys with his mayster bood. Cokes Tale , 1. So there all day they bode , till light the sky forsooke. The Brigs of Ayr ; Auld Brig, 1. J 75o- Works, p. Spenser and Shakspere use the word in its shorter form or bugge. Sir, spare your threats. Winter's Tale, act iii , sc. When one gets a few miles off any of the populous towns in Lancashire, many an old wood, many a lonesome dough, many a quiet stream and ancient building, is the reputed haunt of some local sprite or boggart. In such places the legends and super- stitions of the forefathers of Lancashire are cherished with a tenacity which would hardly be credible to the inhabitants of great cities in these days.
Jaunt to see th ' Queen , p. Betty o' Yeps, p. Welsh bygwl, to threaten ; bygel, a scarecrow, from bwg, a spectre. Bertram —My lord, I do confesse the ring was hers. Love's Labour Lost, v. When a sinner is first tempted to the commission of a more gross and notorious sin, his conscience is apt to boggle and start at it.
I might very well have said that I boggled at my lecture to-night. What dost boggle at it so lung for! Get done, mon, or gie it up! Sr 9 Songs of Lane. They nan bod one bed, yo see. Home Life, Factory Folk Preston , c. BOKE, v , to point the finger at. Betty wur bokin hur finger at um, un aw crope behoint hur.
Probably a contraction from boggle BONK, sb. Sir Gawayne , 1. And I se ne by-gyng nawhere aboute. And bowed to j? Quhil the reflex of the diurnal bemys The beyn bonkis kest ful of variant glemys. From boon and plough. There is no proof of this. One of the every-day proverbs in use here Goos- nargh, in the Fylde is: Chapelry of Goosnargh, c. Jenny, bring him a cheer [chair], lass. Thae stons theer as gawmless as a boother-stone!
Tattlin' 1 Matty , p. Still as he rode he somewhat still did eat, And in his hand did beare a bouzing can, Of which he supt so oft, that on his seat His drunken corse he scarse uph olden can. Coxcomb , act ii. And shook from out his pipe the seeds of fire. I lookt licker a dreawnt meawse in [than] o mon.
Whatever arto doin areawt [outsidel sich a day as this? Owd Blanket , c iii p. Gael, borr , borra , a knob , borrach , a projecting bank. The housemaid proffered us all some one day here [Burnage], sent by her mother from Lan- caster. From boose , with the suffix kin. See Boose and Boskin. Earle Philology English Tongue gives pres. Lourede he foule, Piers Plowman , A-text, v Gael, botus , a bott: Taming of Shrew , act iii. Pease an beanes are as danke here as a dog, and this is the next way to give poore jades the bottes. If the same be conveighed downe by a home into the throat of horses and such like beasts, they will cure the wringing torment of the botts that fret and gnaw them in the bellies.
After he [the chapman] had examined the horse round, finding him blind of one eye, he would have nothing to say to him: BOOT, bugan , beogan , to bow, bend, stoop, give way, Mid. Now of her knees My tongue doth tell what fancy sees, Whose bought incavd doth yield such sight, Like cunning painter shadowed white.
And as she lay upon the durtie ground, Her huge long taile her den all overspred, Yet was in knots and many boughte i upwound Pointed with mortall sting. In notes, with many a winding bout Of linked sweetness long drawn out. Jaunt to see th? Yelk- Bobs , c. Joseph of Arimathie , 1. Nor ist oboon two eawrs sin furst time ot eh brad meh een on him. Poems , C, 1. Brede , or lyttel borde. Mensula , tabula, asserulus. The large bread-flake in the kitchen was speedily unthatched. Life of Radical, vol.
Sketches Birthplace of Tim Bobbin , c. Upon a bradefleigh or bread-rack, which was sus- pended from the ceiling, like a great square harp, a few oat-cakes were spread, with their ends curled up about the strings. Hir mouth was sweete as bragat is or meth. Before she putteth her first woort into the furnace, or mingleth it with the hops, she taketh out a vessel full of eight or nine gallons, which she shutteth up close, and suffereth no aire to come into it till it become yellow, and this she reserveth by itself unto further use, calling it brackwoort.
Descrip, of England, c. We find it mentioned both by Aneurin and Taliesin, two British poets flourishing in the sixth century, and in the laws of Hoel Dha, in the tenth century. Coke j Tale of Gamelyn , 1. See brand-new in Jamieson. A man maye, I graunt, sit on a brante hyll syde.
Remains , p Gael, briseadh, a breach, a bursting ; W. This Judas hadde a field of the hire of wickednesse, and he was hanged, and to -brast in the myddil and alle hise entrailis weren shed abrood. And bothe his yen brad out of his face. Man of Lawes Tale , 1. The fyry sparkis brastyng from his eyn. Prologue Eneid , b. No gate so strong, no locke so firm and fast, But with that piercing noise flew open quite or brast. Eawr Billy cried, poor lad.
Every time that aw slipt, or gav a bit ov a clunter again a stone, he brast eawt again, as iv his heart wur breighkin. Gael, brat , a mantle ; W.
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And a bratt to walke in by daylight. For with the fal he brosten had his arm. For I am hole, al brosten ben my bondes. Troylus and Creiseide , 1. In the Canterbury Tales, the host, commending the Nonnes Preeste for his health and vigour, says: Him needeth not his colour for to dien With Brasil , ne with grain of Portingale. Critic , May 2, Lane, the leaves and flowers of the Oxalis acetosella. A phrase used by children. A long-limbed collier lad began to hum, in a jolt- Cottage of Tim Bobbin, p.
Manchester Critic , March 21, He was fair breed. Wilto have breod or loaf? In the oldest English the plural of brother was brothru brothra. In the thirteenth century this became, 1, broihr-e ; 2 ,brothr-e-n brother en ; 3, brethr-e ; 4, brethr-e-n ; 5, brother es brothers. In the Northern dialects in the fourteenth century we find brethre becoming brether. My brethir oft hes maid the supplicationis. Names of places in Lancashire, Brere cliffe, BrerezioiX.. Blake-beries that on breres grovren. His browes bresed [rough] as breres aboute his brode cheekes. That is brynginge forth thornes and breris.
Welcum the byrdis beild upon the brer. Prolong of the xii. The gentle shepheard satte beside a springe, All in the shadowe of a bushye brere. Shepheardes Calender, December, 1. A thicket close beside the grove there stood. With breers and brambles choked, and dwarfish wood. We were weary of the comfortable manna, and a A Comfortable Epistle , c. A writer in the reign of Edward VI. Brewesteres and baksteres, bocheres and cokes. J - Piers Plowman , B text, Passus iii.
Ruines of Time , 1. Brickie is a true Lancashire adjective, formed just as properly from the A. Thoose ur yoar Manchistur cheers [chairs], ar thi? They arnah fit to peeorch o hen on. Queen , p Manchester Critic , Feb. Lenten ys come wip loue to toune, Wip blosmen and wip briddes roune, pat ul pis blisse bryngep. Bryddes busken to bylde and bremlych syngen For solace of pe softe somer pat sues per- after. Fro pe burne to pe best, fro bryddei to fyschej. It shal make grete braunchis, so that briddis of hevene mo we dwelle undir the shade we ther-of.
And he ful chauncely hat3 chosen to pe chef gate, pat brojt bremly pe burne to pe bryge ende, in haste ; pe bryge wat3 breme vp-brayde. At vch brugge a berfray on basteles wyse. Franche men put pam to pine At Cressy, when pai brak pe brig. At Trompyngtoun, nat fer fro Cantebrigge, Ther goth a brook, and over that a brigge. I saigh two rotten pynots ot tis seme brig os eh coom. Welsh brigwti , andirons. He brindled up as soon as aw spoke to him. Names of places in Lancashire, Itrocbholes, Brocksbottom. Gael, broke, a mole, a freckle ; brucach, spotted ; breac , speckled ; Welsh brech, brych, brindled, freckled ; Icel.
Marrie, hang thee, brocke! Twelfth Night , ii , v. Or with pretence of chasing thence the brock , Send in a curre to worry the whole flock. Sad Shephera , act i. See heaw he br eddies. Edition of Tim Bobbin , p. Welsh brigyn , a top branch, a twig ; brigau , the tops of trees. For ness Folk, p. After obtaining a safe ford, the guides, on the Ulverston and Lancaster sands, mark out the track by inserting branches of trees. As regards dogs, it is applied to mon- grels: It was a short, bloated man, with a pale, puffed He was dressed in faded black and he carried a large blue umbrella.
For thei had lutherli here lond brend and destrued. Will, of Paler ne, 1. A term common in the Burnley Valley and Todmorden district. At and about Roch- dale, the word is applied to riding a culprit, or unpopular person, on a stang, or pole, as a punishment. Probably related to A. Eftsoones again his axe he raught on hie, Ere he were throughly buckled to his geare. Manchester Critic , April At Lancaster, the flat wooden handle of an osier market-basket. The word is obviously a contraction of bow, in the sense of something bent , with the suffix -el, from A.
In exactly the same way we have Icel. Welsh bwlas , winter sloes. To bum, to dun H alii well , and bailie , a contraction of bailiff. Twelfth Night , iii 4, 1. We have two small boys at home and they are thrilled to follow the adventures of Little Chuff and Igor. Bedtime reading had definitely taken a turn for the better now we have Adventures in Steam to read, they love hearing the tales. Looking forward to more to come from Rosie.
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