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We choirboys performed in many venues during that era.

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Perhaps the most significant for me involved singing with the New York City Opera Company on its west coast tour. Some of my non-choir friends thought this was silly or effeminate, but while they were sweating with other boys on the basketball court, I was waltzing onstage with a beautiful, red-haired chorus girl from New York. Around the same time, I began writing short stories.

Though I read science fiction avidly, most of my tales were about animals. I liked the short story format and composed many twisted narratives through my high school years. My favorite English teacher gave me a copy of The Writer's Market as a graduation gift, and I decided that I would try my hand at being a professional writer. As a teenager, I'd developed an affinity for tinkering with cars.

Journey to Ixtlan by Carlos Castaneda. Audiobook

At age 16, I took auto mechanics because a girl I fancied had signed up for the class. Things didn't work out with her, but my interest in machines has persisted. This is one reason why various forms of mechanical transportation feature so prominently in my stories. Music also remains important to me. I taught myself how to play guitar.

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  • Robert Rabello (Author of The Edge of Justice)!

I'd learned trumpet in school, but it was a little bit difficult to play trumpet and sing at the same time. Furthermore, my best friend played a 12 string in that era, and whenever he touched that instrument he became in irresistible girl magnet. Naturally, I thought playing the guitar would have the same effect it didn't , but writing music has enabled me to express myself in a way that contrasts with writing prose and in some ways, delivers the emotions of my soul in a more powerful manner.

My first successfully-completed novel-length project, The Edge of Justice, took nearly ten years to compose. In contrast, The Long Journey--my most popular book--required only 18 months to finish. At my current rate of progress, I complete and publish novel-length books about every two years. Knowing what to reveal and what to conceal in a biography is not an easy task. Some authors prefer to keep their private lives private, while others bask in the attention they receive by revealing details of their experience on their author sites.

Smashwords – The Long Journey - A book by Robert Luis Rabello - page 2

I will proudly say, however, that I remain happily married, I'm the father of two boys, and I live in Sardis, British Columbia. At times, I have felt God's grace touch my life, and at other times, I've longed to be the instrument of God's grace. I am restless for change and I long for paradise, glimpsing it fleetingly from afar.

Thus, I remain a work in progress. Are you an author?

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Every year, on the anniversary of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima, I pause for a moment to remember the civilians who died that day. I take time to soberly reflect on the events that led up to that event because it forces an important perspective on my soul. The extent to which marketing terminology has pervaded our language illustrates something significant about our culture. Transforming hallowed festivals into a means of making money is a time-honored tradition that once inspired Jesus to turn ove.

Last weekend, I took my family for a picnic at Hayward Lake, just west of Mission.

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We like to go there once the weather turns nice, most often on Sabbath afternoons after church. An up-valley breeze usually keeps us comfortable, even on really hot summer days. Even though our local weather has been stormy and rather capricious of late, songbirds have begun serenading us in the morning. After a long silence during the winter, the sound of their singing gives me a sense of peace and hope. Birds, apparently, enjoy listening to themselves sing! Through painful toil you will eat of it all the days of your life!

Taking the passage literally has led to a widespread misconception that food in our world is in short supply, and that we need to grow more of it to prevent mass-starvation. Images of emaciated African children reinforce an entire belief system founded o. Pacifism is not for cowards. It is much harder to stand up to a bully and not retaliate to physical violence than it is to fight back.

Vengeance is a socially acceptable construct. But arguing against war is an unpopular view that is much maligned on both ends of the political spectrum. Neither of my parents grew up speaking English. We had three major snowstorms blow through this area last week. These were preceded by several days of arctic outflow wind, which turned the ground hard as concrete. Warmer frontal systems from the Pacific slid over the top of this bitterly cold air, and thus, precipitation which often falls as heavy rain this time of year transformed into snow.

It piled up quickly, and the persistent outflow prevented any of it from melting as two additional storms swept in from the sea. Product description Product Description As a violent civil war creeps close to the Tamarian border, Garrick Ravenwood enters an elite officer's training program. Kindle Edition File Size: Robert Luis Rabello 31 January Sold by: Amazon Australia Services, Inc. Share your thoughts with other customers. Write a customer review.

Most helpful customer reviews on Amazon. In this second book of the Deveran Conflict Series we learn more about Brenna's and Garrick's families - but especially about Garrick's family. We meet his younger siblings, the twins Algernon and Kira. Kira, as many teens do, makes a series of bad decisions that end up putting her life in danger.

At this point, Kira's brother Algernon overcomes his frustration and self-absorption to risk his life in rescuing his sister. It is a very poignant, difficult, and rewarding story about the struggles of sibling love. It is also difficult. If you are one who is easily offended, you should probably steer clear of this book. There is frank discussion of child abuse, bisexuality, homosexuality, cruelty, and institutional indifference in this book.