American Tract Society Bible Dictionary. Synonym of the New Testament - Richard Trench. Glossaire de l'Eglise catholique. Coup d'oeil rapide non exhaustif: Cette remarque me suffit pour m'en faire une opinion: Ici au format iSilo! Nouveau Testament uniquement pour l'instant , avec ses notes.
En tous les cas, un travail magistral. Ici au format html. Christian Classics Ethereal Library, , v1. Avec accent anglais, c'est le moins qu'on puisse dire Matthieu , Marc , Luc et Jean. De nombreux fichiers audio. Moi je les trouve excellents. Certains livres du NT ont des notes. Elle emploie Yahweh pour le nom divin. Cependant, dans son introduction, J.
The New Simplified Bible is unitarian, monotheistic one God biased. It is the position of the New Simplified Bible, that God is unitarian in nature in that He is a single spirit being. The doctrine of the Trinity was established by the Roman Catholic Church in the fourth century after Christ. After the Reformation the Protestant churches continued to teach about this mysterious Trinity. It is not a part of the origional teachings of the Holy Scriptures and therefore should not be considered when translating from the origional language.
Delforge , La Bible en France et dans la francophonie: Soucieux de fournir aux francophones un texte bien meilleur, il entreprend la traduction du Pentateuque. Ouvrage complet de Alfred Edersheim, M. The Works of Flavius Josephus transl. An Arabic version of the Testimonium Flavianum and its implications. Jerusalem, Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, In the Loeb Classical Library.
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Harvard University Press, An Exploration , par E. Cet ouvrage traite des questions suivantes: Ce sont les deux premiers chapitres d'un ouvrage plus complet sur les versions de la Bible. Pour chaque livre biblique, il y a le texte et de nombreux liens vers des commentaires. Ouvrage complet, par by Sir Frederic Kenyon. Le fameux passage de Gn 6: C'est en quelque sorte un requiem en faveur du dialogue interreligieux.
Le christianisme est comme un grand fleuve grossi et nourri de multiples affluents. L'essai est donc tumultueux lui aussi, un peu comme Hislop, Les Deux Babylones. Gesenius ou ici en un seul fichier PDFp. Quels en sont les auteurs? Bauer en allemand: With an appendix, By George E. Ici les Confessions en latin avec commentaire.
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Baal and Yahweh in the Old Testament: Voir le Dictionnaire du copte de W. The Gospel of St. John according to the earliest Coptic Manuscript. The Religion of Babylonia and Assyria. Rhetorical criticism and Zechariah: Remarks on the Use of the Definite Article in the Greek Text of the New Testament containing many new proofs of the divinity of the Christ from passages which are wrongly translated in common english versions. Il y a comme cela de nombreux passages, et d'autres sont plus ambigus: Les plus signifiants sont Tite 2: Bibliographie sur le sujet: Baker, Granville Sharp's rule: Semantics and Significance" Ph.
A Reexamination of the Granville Sharp Rule ou word. Ed Komoszewski , Th. Wallace, who accepts Sharp's rule as having some validity , has this to say about the man whose name it bears: He noticed further that this rule applied in several texts to the deity of Jesus Christ" Wallace, page Daniel Wallace however demonstrated that the claim of this rule is too broad. Instead, a phrase that follows the form aticle-noun-"and"-noun, when the nouns involved are plurals, can involve two entirely distinct groups, two overlapping groups, two groups of which is one a subset of the other, or two identical groups Wallace, page ".
Dans le passage de Tite 2: Elle se formule ainsi: No longer should Colwell's rule mislead us into thinking that an anarthrous predicate nominative preceding the verb is just as definite as the articular predicate nominative following the verb and that "there need be no doctrinal significance in the dropping of the article, for it is simply a matter of word-order.
First, Colwell's rule cannot be applied to the verse as an argument for definiteness. Colwell's rule says that definite predicate nominatives preceding the verb usually are anarthrous. The rule asserts nothing about definiteness. It does not say that anarthrous predicate nominatives preceding the verb usually are definite.
This is theconverse of the rule, and as such is not cessarily valid. Second, on the basis of the contrast with 1: Dont les conclusions sont les suivantes: Regular Uses of the Article E. Absence of the Article D. Absence of the Article pp. Wallace, Greek Grammar Beyond the Basics: Dictionnaire de poche du Nouveau Testament, p.

An Evaluation par Bart D. A Non-Specialist's Perspective ".
The development of punctuation in the West 2. Punctuation in Hebrew 2a.
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The Jewish Academies - Mishna and Talmud 2b. From Talmud to Masoretic Text b. Hebrew Orthography and the Punctuation System 1. Masoretic points and accents 2a. Other non-punctuating Masoretic signs 2c. The 22nd Century New Testament Visitez son site officiel. Metzger quelques coquilles dans le fichier pdf. Metzger, The Text of the NT Voyez par ex les p.
L'ouvrage traite des sujets suivants: C'est ce qui fait encore que vous n'y voyez pas aussi clair que vous voudriez bien le faire crorie; car vous ajoutez quelques lignes plus loin: Voir aussi les figures des p. Franck, - p, 3,8Mo: De nombreux exemples originaux. An introduction to New Testament textual criticism: Nous ne le savons pas.
C'est elle que C. Et de citer Courcelle: Ici nous trouvons en traduction anglaise: Paul, dans sa lettre aux Colossiens Col. Ici une autre traduction anglaise par M. Goodspeed University of Chicago Press, Chicago: Introduction au Nouveau Testament.
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Latimer Jackson et The Fourth Gospel: Paul's First Epistle to Timothy , H. Les figures du tabernacle. Russel soit pour les deux groupes une figure historique importante. The Messiah Jesus , tr. Did Jesus Live B. Theosophical Publishing Society, William Hendriksen and Dr. Simon Kistemaker , 12 vol. Paul to the Galatians. Paul Epistle to the Philippians. Paul Epistles to the Colossians and to Philemon.
Rethinking the Hellenistic Background to John 1: Les arguments sont assez convaincants. PDF, Ko, 22p. On reste sur sa faim, mais il faut saluer l'initiative. New York and London, Petit cite les versets in extenso, et, bien que ses affirmations ne soient pas toutes d'une parfaite exactitude par ex.
Je ne suis personnellement pas croyant au sens classique du terme. Une ironie acerbe qui vise souvent juste Emploi et Signification de Elohim: Thesis de Hoover parue dans la Harvard Theology Review. Histoire du des dogmes 7. Paul the Traveler and the Roman Citizen , W. St Paul le Voyageur et le Citoyen Romain. Texte Grec avec Introduction, Commentaire jusqu'au chapitre 4 verset 7 et Notes additionnelles. The Meaning of Philippians 2: Voir le Tome I en mode texte sur le site excellent de Philippe Remacle. Loeb Classical Library, Histoire auguste, Vita Hadriani 14,2: Hadrien la fit interdire [lex Cornelia de sicariis et veneficis].
On apprend ainsi qui enseigna la sorcellerie et les sorts aux humains, mais aussi la botanique et l'astronomie. On regrette seulement la lenteur du serveur. Ted Hildebrandt [Gordon College]: Faire une rechercherche sur ce site: Wallace, Burton, Wescott, Philippians, Babel, etc.
Shogren, New Testament Greek Insert: Edwards , 2nd edition. Dana et Julius R. Un classique dense et pertinent.
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Son of God or Adamic Christology? Wanamaker, New Testament Studies , vol. Studies in Honour of John William Wevers on his sixty-fifth birthday ed. Albert Pietersma and Claude Cox. Its transmission, corruption and restoration - Bruce M. Oxford, Clarendon Press, Consultable en ligne sur LaParola ou Zhubert. Sir William Robertson Nicoll C. Un peu comme les Word Pictures d'A. Prolegomena, James Hope Moulton p. Prepared by Charles F. Hudson under the direction of Horace L. Revised and completed by Ezra Abbot Charles Frederic , Berger de Xivrey Autre manuel de critique textuelle PDF, Mo - p.
A The Clarendon Press, Oxford, Figures of Speech used in the Bible, explained and illustrated. Ce document sera utile surtout au personne ne connaissant pas le grec, en vue d'illustrer leurs sermons ou sujets par le terme grec issu de l'original. T Robinson, Redating the New Testament. Tregelles , The Greek New Testament: I-X et quelques extras: Prosser - A Key to the Hebrew Scriptures, being an explanation of every word in the sacred text, arranged in the order in which it occurs Mitchell , The book of Jonah: Menzies , Tholuck trad.
Si vous savez comment vous procurer le volume IV, faites-moi signe!!! Lagrange , Le Messianisme chez les Juifs av. Although it now seems that the province of Yehud was considered by the Though some aspects of the emergence and development of Yahwistic monotheism in postexilic times may be traced to Persian imperial policies, the influence of Persian religion can be seen, in particular, in the apparition of some dualistic tendencies in the Hebrew Bible.
The introduction of the Satan figure in some postexilic texts cf. This new theological trend was also fought by some: Peter Lang, , p. Literary Construction or Reflection of a Royal Ritual? Society of Biblical Literature, , p. Mohr Siebeck, , p. Entre dieux et hommes: Robert Rezetko et al. Studies in Biblical Historiography in Honour of A.
Leiden - Boston; Brill, , Mohr Siebeck, Reinhard Achenbach and Martin Arneth; Wiesbaden: From the very beginning biblical monotheism is constructed in very different ways. The biblical redactors also integrated traces of polytheistic worldviews showing hereby the difficulty of a monotheistic discourse. Labor et Fides, , more. Christian Frevel, et al. The History of Its Interpretation. Studies presented to Benjamin Sass Paris: Van Dieren, , pp. Comments on the Historical Background of the Abraham Narrative more.
Between " Realia " and " Exegetica " In this article we deploy biblical exegesis and insights from archaeology and extra-biblical historical sources in order to offer some preliminary observations on strands of " realia " in the Abraham Between " Realia " and " Exegetica " In this article we deploy biblical exegesis and insights from archaeology and extra-biblical historical sources in order to offer some preliminary observations on strands of " realia " in the Abraham narratives that could reveal their date and historical context. We first attempt to identify the early Abraham material and suggest that it represents traditions about the eponymous hero of the population of the southern highlands in the later phases of the Iron Age; these traditions could have been kept in the shrine of Mamre, which was possibly connected to the tomb of the hero.
We then deal with the next phase in the development of the patriarchal story — the merging of the Abraham and the northern Jacob narratives. Finally, we describe those Abra-ham traditions that seem to date to exilic and post-exilic times and ask whether the Abraham material also contains a few insertions from the Hasmonean era.
Book of Genesis and Isaac. Covenant Theology , Deuteronomy , and Chosen People. Princeton University Press, , pp. Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, , pp. Institut des Hautes Etudes Chinoises, , pp. Labor et Fides Publication Date: Bayard - Labor et Fides, more. Bischoff, Naissance de la Bible.
Thomas Römer | Collège de France -
Bayard - Labor et Fides. Book of Genesis , Genesis , and Priestly Literature. Harvard University Press, more.