Si ils partaient a N-Y, ce serait pareil. Avec un bond relativement significatif pour NY. Et non, je ne suis pas prof! Et utile en plus!
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Il fallait empecher les banques de preter quand tout allait bien, et les pousser quand ca va mal. Un exemple tout simple: Pourquoi ne pas se rejouir du bon placement de la France dans ce classement, dans le contexte actuel??? Pour tous les commentaires rageux concernant le fils a papa a qui l on paye tout et qui gagnera des sommes astronomiques en bon capitaliste sans foi ni loi: Les problemes ne viennent pas de l ecole de commerce mais bien avant: Rigole et sors ta calculette: Pour ceux qui deviendront profs ou directeurs de recherche une fraction et atteindront les plus hauts echelons une fraction des precedents , ils finiront pres de la retraite avec un salaire mirobolant de euros… quels sales riches….
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Gestion et management
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Sinon sur les salaires a la sortie, il y a 20 ans les salaires declarees par les ecoles d ingenieurs pour rester sur ce que je connais etait pas vraiment le reflet de la realite. Je partage votre opinion. Plus dure sera la chute. Non mais vous rigolez ou quoi? Inutile de developper son savoir faire technique, mieux vaut savoir communiquer et faire de beau powerpoint pour evoluer.
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Les marronniers ont un bel avenir. Vous investissez dans des projets innovants? Vous aidez de jeunes entrepreneurs? Ca ne me semble pas aberrant, mais pour le tier haut, pas pour une moyenne. Tout le monde ment. Alors je fais quoi? Sinon, ils ne sont que des parasites. Lisez le Monopole Industriel de Michel Crozier.
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International Journal of Rapid Manufacturing , Design of experiments with a ranking response: Maurice Pillet, Dimitri Denimal. A better coherence between design and production with the Total Inertial tolerancing.. International Journal of Design and Innovation Research , , 5 2 , pp. The pilot dimension method: Reconciling Steering and Conformity in Workshops. A proposition of 3D inertial tolerancing to consider the statistical combination of the location and orientation deviations.
International Journal of Product Development , Inderscience, , 10 , pp. Determination of fish trophic levels in an estuarine system. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science , Elsevier, , p. Total inertial tolerancing, a new way to drive production. Journal of Machine Engineering , , 9 3 , pp. Modeling of 2D and 3D assemblies taking into account form errors of plane surfaces..
Statistical assemblies with form errors -- A 2D example. Interest of the inertial tolerancing method in the case of watch making micro assembly. How to sustain improvement at high level: Application in the field of statistical process control.. The TQM Journal , , 20 6 , pp. Methods and tools for SME, Benchmarking.
An International Journal , , Volume: Modal tolerancing - application to gap and flush analyses.
Changeover from the functional geometric tolerances to the dimensional parameters to be supervised in production. Inertial tolerancing and capability indices in an assembly production. Formalisation de connaissances subjectives par l'analyse sensorielle.. A Typology of best practices for processes improvement.
Benchmarking An International Journal , , 12 1 , pp. Laetitia Avrillon, Maurice Pillet. Experimental designs in the high added value products industry.. Duclos, Maurice Pillet, Laetitia Avrillon. The L-chart for non normal Process. Quality Technology and quantitative Management.. Inertial tolerancing in the case of assembled products. Recent advances in integrated design and manufacturing in mechanical engineering , , pp. Patrick Pujo, Maurice Pillet. International Journal of Quality Assurance: Good Practice, Regulation, and Law , , 9 2 , pp.
Good Practice, Regulation and Law , , 9 2 , pp. A specific SPC chart for small batch control,. A haptic quality control method based on the human somatosensory system. Concevoir et produire dans les industries du futur. Quality Prediction in Injection Molding: Neural networks geometric dimension prediction on raw signals and thermographic images. Qualita , Sep , Bourges, France. Springer International Publishing, Image Analysis, , pp. Generic and structured description of tactile sensory perceptions.
Syntactic texture and perception for a new generic visual anomalies classifcation.. Eric Pairel, Maurice Pillet. Vincent Ozouf, Maurice Pillet. Process plans and manufacturing dimensions for the steering of machining: Neural network for improvement of the visual quality process.. International conference on Kansei engineering and emotional research , May , Penghu, Taiwan. Le pilotage inertiel total.. Proposal of a methodological approach to reduce variability in the visual inspection..
Maurice Pillet, Vincent Ozouf. Qualita , Mar , Angers, France. Sensory analysis applied in the particular case of visual inspection of products.. A Push-Pull Manufacturing Strategy: Analytical Model in the Screw Cutting Sector. Critical analysis of a flow optimisation methodology by value stream mapping. Sensory perception of surfaces quality - Industrial practices and prospects. Validation of a reception or production control process by the inertial indicator IG.
Qualita , Mar , France. An approach to identify ressources of opportunity: Inertial tolerancing according to Geometrical Product Specification Standard applied to stack up. Maurice Pillet, Yann Carrara. The watch making micro assembly problem, inertial tolerancing the solution?. A method to identify critical resources: Illustration by an industrial case.. Control of variability for man measurement. Maurice Pillet, Magali Pralus.
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Analysis of an assembly with form errors.