Altri titoli da considerare

I do not know how to do that honestly. I'm not sure there's a formula for that. You may want to sit with a strong Christian friend and talk it through with them. May God continue to bless you. This information was awesome and very valuable. Thank you for sharing it with the world. My daughter escaped from home and travelled to the USA after a boy she loved and wanted to marry…. I cant live with this ….. God communicatec with me telling me she will return……. Why keep stressing on sin?

Has not Jesus nailed them to a cross? Thank you for these powerful words of encouragement thank you. In and never looked back at that lifestyle again today i can honestly say im drug free i have 16 years clean from drugs and the horrors of the lifestyle that could cost me my life 3 times so god was telling me in those circumstances that i was on the wrong path and i needed to be on the path he has for me.. God came to me at time knew was gonna die from shooting pains he said to me u taught me something about people thought all came sinners was gonna end earth but u just saved all on earth and figured new way to go bout fixing the people to get out time of spiritual dutys u also played god on earth people have hurt u done u wrong and thiefs came stealing and yet u still let em in ur home and u heal and brung up thier spirits in seconds to the top when they had low down feeling helped give were needed and u died from the hurt they all done so u done everything like me so i give u relive as u but gods spirit in u asked me to get baptised write book from time he came to me on all seen and showed and tell priest they are teaching wrong and all are brainwashed by the wrongs and most info to earth bout god is false.

I give u the rest of live left of wealth happiness and good luck mediate pray and what u want just go towards it and it will be at hands. Spent my whole life being wronged by the people dhs and courts and police for no good prove reason never had proof of anything they pinned me for mostly and going threw it again took my kids on allegations no prove all lies cant be heard guilty to them even have proof god gave me they still wont hear me god says cant fight them without me just wait til my arrival to earth and all will know truth and the sins will be punished my spirit. Also delivered the devil to god to be tortured for two thousand hundred years than he is to be killed no more hell i will be reconized to all and in the books for what god reveals and im failing task set to do but not understanding em so not doing what need for things that have already been set also informed me we are on last task than god comes he gave me secret info and insight on new future and what society is being punished for doing on earth etc please need guidance to understand what i need go do in human life for him and get my kids back from the corupted evil ones on earth amen.

How would the Bible be false. The Bible teaches that everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved. There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. The Bible would be false if you couldn't be forgiven by God. That's the whole reason Jesus came. No worry for me. I just don't want you to ever think the Bible claims you can't be forgiven. In fact, I think that's the whole purpose of the book — to convince you of God's love for you, His plan to offer you eternal forgiveness.

I have had a very trying year. I have prayed everyday to repair a broken relationship. Sometimes, my faith gets week. However throughout the year I have a similar thought that I have not acted upon. Is this reoccurring thought God speaking to me? How do I know? Does it honor God and His word? Does it help others? Does it make sense — in a big picture perspective — of what God has already done in your life? Is this what He's been preparing for you?

Would you give Him all the glory? Not sure I can answer your question but maybe more questions will help I always say if you're gut is being built by Jesus you can trust your gut. That maybe my prayers aren't going unheard. My faith is weak. I have been told it is just my ego wanting to reconcile with this man. But if that is true, why is the love I hold for him still so strong? Why would the Lord put me through so much agony? Stop praying for God to repair your relationship. Pray that God will come guide you on the path he wants you to take.

I wish there was an easy answer. Jesus said my sheep know my voice. There is no quick solution. It's like building any relationship. It takes time and commitment. But God does want you to be hear. So, as you keep listening eventually He will speak. Learn to pay thanks and obey. What do you do when God tell you clearly what he wants but in involves another person who doesn't agree? This has left me in limbo and questioning if i have ever heard God in my life.

My pastor agrees what I heard was right. Others have backed it up. Will God just go around it and find another way or do I have to live in uncertainty indefinitely? You go with what you know and others confirm. Be sure of it, but not everyone even agreed with Jesus. I am dealing with such a heavyheart. My husband,now x husband and I have been split apart since last Augist,We eere trying to patch things up he was staying in another part of the state with bia sisyer and her family. He was trying to renuildy yrust in him again when I find out yhat he had been seeing this other girl and got her pregnant.

The ,other of the child cannot ave any co. He does not have a. I have a very syable life. Because of all the hurt and ,isyrust my husband has csused me I still feel that God needs me to be available to him and his son and to open ,y home to him and not leabe hi, ha. I still jave some type of feelings for him but there is absoluyely no yr.

I am so confused at this point. I need a break. I have been through so much from failed relationships, failed careers, or lack of financial supports to pursue my dreams, no support system what so ever. I kept praying as if I was just making noise in a forest where no one can hear me. I am 35 year- old woman who lives alone, unmarried, not in any relationship and no children. I am currently studying to better myself; as things were going great for a while but my loans are currently not going through.

I feel like my prayers are getting weaker and weaker although I do every day. I seek His words for comfort but still feel empty inside. I don't know clearly what the devil is trying to do but I believe that he has been and is currently fighting me with everything that I am doing. Please help me pray because I need strength to carry on. In the bible, it is mentioned many times that He will be with you, but how do we not know that He was not just talking to Joshua, Peter, etc.

We read the words as though they apply to ALL christians, but what even indicates that? It seems that He is just talking to those in the bible. I struggle with this exact same thought! I have asked the same question many times, how can I apply this to me when God was speaking directly to a different person?

Most of all, stop judging God using Bible. I'm 3 hours from you — one of these days, I'd love to talk with you about being a bi-vocational pastor in a small rural town, serving a church of 50 people. I'd buy the coffee! This is a long story. The beginning is just some background info. I said a quick prayer about it and went on my way. Around that same time, I was in the process of transferring from one school to another. At least, I thought it was random. I hope I do. Earlier in the summer a friend from work suggested I try online dating. I scoffed at the idea, thinking it was corny and desperate to say the least.

I tried it out and actually met one guy. I was disappointed but thought we could at least be friends. As I mentioned earlier, I was in the process of transferring to another school. Late August hopped around and school was about to start. I got a message from a young man on the dating app that my friend suggested. He asked if we could meet to chat. I figured, why not and agreed to meet. We met my second week of classes.

My eyes lit up! We went and had a good time. We even ate ice cream. Yet, after that he left to go back to school in another state. It seems like the worry, paranoia and doubt started as soon as he left. My thoughts raced throughout my mind. My friends understood at first but when they saw the toll it was taking on me they, and many others, told me to let him and the whole idea of him, go. All I could do was judge him and complain about him not texting me enough. One day, I had to deliver something to my professors. All of my professors had been fond by this time so I left the letters with their receptionists.

One receptionist struck up a conversation with me. You never know what they need that other money for. The very next day I texted the guy to ask how his week has been, still holding a very judgmental attitude towards him in my heart. He took some hours to respond which was typical considering the nature of his work but finally did saying that his week had been busy and his relative passed away. He was at the funeral as he sent me that text. I was reluctant but I did. I was sad and frustrated and all sorts of emotional and doubtful. After praying about it for sometime, strange things started to happen.

I figured it was my sleep paralysis and went back to sleep. Last he was here you spent 2 days with him. How much more will I bless you? That Saturday, I awoke at 2 in the morning again. Afterward I fell asleep. When I woke up, I checked my email and found an email my cousin sent me. She rarely emails me. That day, I ended up having a horribly emotional day. I left the hospital and, after much thought and strong suggestion of the staff at my school, I was placed on medical leave. Now, with an extreme amount of time on my hands, no school, no job, no treatment program, my friends all scattered about, no schoolwork.

I have nothing but time to be still before The Lord. I figured that was the answer I needed to hear, but still felt it was a mystery. A week after that my brother, who rarely emails me, sent me something that basically said we often question why we have to go through so much. Our situations may seem pretty bad on their own, but when God puts it together, we see that He works things together for our good. I took that as another message The Lord wanted to convey to me. What do you think?????

7 Ways to Distinguish God’s Voice from the Circumstances of Life – Ron Edmondson

What a great story. But he needs time and are you willing to pay the cost of being married to your soulmate? You need to publish your story. I went through a terrible breakup with my girlfriend because of this and it has left me to different things. I tried weed for the first time and smoked it occasionally. I recently did tonight, but tonight was different. God talked to me. And throughout this night more things are coincidental now that he talked to me and is making me realize to have stronger faith.

I would even catch myself liking and wanting things that other people had. How do I stand fast and focus on what God has for me. Hi Good day to all. It was the middle of sept. And Im in singapore that time for work then my Gf sent msg. In Fb that there is a better work in the Philippines and once I get back we can immediately start.

My brother and family didnt want my gf to be my wife in the future, and Im not sure what to pray that time. So what I pray to God is I ask him if it is good to accept the job shes offering or to decline on it along with that would be an end to out relationship. After a month a call center company offered me a job, and yes I really like it.

So I do havr two option now. So time comes when I go back to Philippines, my mom told me not to accept the job that my gf offered coz its to far from our home. And the call center job is better. But I refuse to listen. Right now I regret everything. My gf is pregnant. The job that we had didnt give us a nice salary. We starve sometimes and now I realize that those warnings from my mom, a job offering from a nice company is Gods way of saying dont take that Job. Because it is not good for you. God hears you N understand you thats all that matters he know your heart N know that your desperate for his love that he is desperate to give he is there all the time the more u speak out n reach out to him the more he will come closer to you N the more things will b clearer n easy for you to understand N im sorry for your lost i lost my dad a year ago n it still feels like yesterday.

Is this God trying to speak to me because i do hear from God before now. Is this God trying to speak to because i do hear from God before now. I graduated high school with my diploma and applied for my nearest university. I was denied for missing 1 point on my scopes.

I decided to stay home and go to school at a local community college. I hated it but I valu education but I had the feeling this is not where I needed to be. My younger brother is growing up steadil and only has my son to be seen as his brother. I started working for an assistant living facility for 2 years. All the money I spent over a year saving was gone instantly. I blamed I was stressed. But I kept hearing from many people in my life asking why I refused to move if I hated my situation so much.

But I believd God was telling me I needed to move. I went to church and two women prophesied God was telling some to go and let him guide the way. I known then, but I had no plan or help I had nothing. I made one mistake one night for the holidays by dropping off my elderly client back home to the facility. I left no more than 30 mins and I pulled up to police at my job. I made a mistake that could shut down the faculty and have my client on the streets.

I feel like a terribl mother because all my efforts to supply for my child have been in vain. It would pay for my education and help finance my son and family. I have no other options. Dont feel bad about the police incident because our laws and stuff are extremly liberal now.

Just calm down and listen to God. And also test God on giving to the church… its the only thing in the Bible that God says you can test him at… he will give it back to you then some. I truly hope things have been better for you! Just always remember God is a good god and he loves you more than you can imagine. Press into the word and I hope you will find your path. He has a plan for you, dear sister. Hello everyone, please am in a big state of confusion and i need your help.

I am a nigerian, i graduated from secondary school high school recently and since then it has been so difficult for me to get into the university. I want to be a medical doctor and God has blessed me with a retentive memory and i do well in academics but the problem is ever since i finished my high school i try to secure admission into the university but its not working even when i pass the exams the school i apply for wont offer me admission.

All my family members said i should apply for a university down here called university of abuja but my mind is telling to apply for a university called university of nigeria nsukka, am afraid because if i follow my mind and it fails my parent will be disappointed in me and blame me for acting on my own. Pls i need your advice and prayers, pls help me. Hi Joe, i will pray for you. The thing that helps me most is to wake up and ask God to put me where he wants me today. Then say the Lords Prayer.

Prayer Secret #2 – The Will of God

I am not saying that is what to do just telling you what works for me. God will bless you if you seek him every day. There is no wrong way. That is what i think. God Bless You Always. God and angels did speak to me and i don't know how to comprehended it. I wan to talk to someone some how this day was a blessing and hell for me and my family… i want to understand wht and why it happened to me… or do i leave it alone… wht do i do.

Like one of the previous posters, I am also struggling with the idea that God may be asking me to move to a different college. I am pretty upset by the thought of this because I really do like the school I'm at now and the program I'm in, and I'm stressing about it pretty badly. I was gone for a year because of money issues and now that I am back, if only part time because I'm making up missing credits, it seems like it will be taken away from me again. The voice in my head is telling me that God will be angry if I don't transfer, and is saying that I better "hurry up and apply", and has me feeling very guilty for not wanting it to leave…..

But if I am being called to move, why am I struggling so hard against this, and how will I know if God is confirming my suspicions to me without the filter of my own unwillingness? I'd call in a few friends and ask them to pray with you for 30 days, with an open mind, hoping to hear from God.

Come back on in 30 days and pray there is a clear voice. I have had a fair amount of experience with discerning internal voices and would like to tell you God would not threaten being angry over a choice of school. He is gentle yet strong and always loving toward you when He speaks ti guide you. Just picture the perfect Father and it is Him. The best measure is by using the Bible to make sure the message matches His messages in the Bible. Anything to knock you down and make you feel worthless is NOT of God.

Yes He wants you humble but He also wants you to love yourself. In the Bible it says, referring to messages, hold on to what is good and I quite agree. Dear Julie, Jeremiah I can promise you…If you Seek him, all Great things will be added unto you.. Because if you did ask …then it shall be given…But you have to believe even in dark times that GOD will see you through… without Complaining and when you least Expect it…. You will be rewarded.

I am currently going through a divorce that I feel the need to stand for restoration. The Bible says that God will answer all prayers that line up with his will. Thank you for this post. I have difficulty balancing my life and keeping focus on what god is saying to me. I have turned away from evil about 3yrs ago. Although, I had left all the people that was not to go with me into this new chapter in my life, I was still doing things my way. About a few months ago I gave up and stop doing things my way. For the past 2 months or so I have been experienceing strange events and it all seems to be connecting.

I got a feeling to look for for father, I found him. But then he starting telling me of some help my family was needing. Crazy as it my sound I ran into a guy at work who buys the product in which my family is having the issue with. Does god work this way? I feel a little crazy. I a strong in my faith, or at least I believe I am. Why then does it feel like the harder I try to provide peace and security for my wife and children that we are financially struggling?

I try to hear Him through my trials but yet I am human and feel I am not understanding or worse forsaken. Am I not hearing the right message or even more scary not understanding? I'm praying for you brother. It's so incredibly difficult to make sense of our trials sometimes. I went through a long season of that almost a year when God called me into ministry. But the wait was worth it. The resolve you must have on this side of gods answer is that you will trust him until he provides it.

Hello Jim, I have done the same thing endlessly. I have found that I cannot provide peace and security for my family that it is something only God can and does provide. I have sought after what to do within my life and looked to the bible for guidance. God says to be a servant and listne and obey and not to worry that it will be on him. This way you should not worry and try to understand how you are to support your family that God will provide, it is a stubborn sense of pride that we say we will support our family, but it is faith in God that he will support you and your family.

I wish it were easier knowing that these signs are from god. I was told that the devil also uses "signs" making us believe its from god.

How do you decided which is which? I am waiting for a sign or word or something from god right now whether or not to move? I'm looking for signs but nothing yet. I filter them through my experiences, other voices, the situations in my life, and my own personal walk with God.

It's not foolproof, because His ways are not our ways, but it's like discovering any relationship, the more I know Him the easier I know their voice. I was called to "unite the churches. I'm so thankful God forgave me of my sins because I was not a true Christian.

He let the will of thousands to be done, and brought me back to life. Our story has been told on Fox News and it was a true miracle. My body was dead, there was no hope for me, my brain was also allegedly dead. I have come back to preach the Good News and unite the churches as I was instructed. The successfulness of my mission has been amazing. I never thought of it as an impossible task because i knew God wouldn't ask me to do anything I wasn't capable of doing. Slowly but surely the Catholic church is changing… please keep an open mind about this.

I have seen many revelations and have brought it to a local level to many churches.

  • Prayer Secret #2 - The Will of God For Your life?
  • Mini guía básica para papas y mamas en apuros (Mini guia básica para papas y mamas en apuros nº 1) (Spanish Edition).
  • La Stratégie du chasseur (French Edition).
  • The Marijuana Diet;

It may take years, but I know its in God's plan till the very end. I do not get upset when people do not believe me, although its something I usually do not announce. I use the creative ways that God has told me to use to preach the Good News, and to never judge or discount anyone, no matter what.

God Bless You All. I have been trying to hear God's voice concerning whether the man I want to be with will be my husband. I know full well that God gives everyone free will and I accept that. What I do not get is when His Word says that God will give you the desires of your heart and that if we desire something we should ask, seek, and knock.

Because I have not received this relationship I have been asking for and wanted clarity from God, I prayed that He would show me a sign. I know the Bible says the wicked man seeks a sign, but God also showed numerous signs to Gideon. Can I ask for a sign? I have been doing this for years! I try to force myself to accept that His answer is "no" and that I have to move on, and when I get to this point…a yellow rose will show up.

It's in art, in pictures, in words, but it's there. Is this God saying "yes but wait for my timing" or is He saying "no" and I am just seeing this sign because I'm subconsciously searching for it even though I am carrying on with my daily activities without actively seeking out roses?

The answer to your question could be so long or so short. When you meet the man your supposed to be with, you will know it if you are acting as a holy person, I can promise you that. If you are having many doubts, those doubts have been created by a reason. Also, do not let old belief system get in the way of listening to your modern day holy heart. I know exactly what you are or were experiencing.

Your scenario is like mine only I see hearts , the number 24, and a certain type of car. Sometimes I think I'm going crazy and I just look for them but, its a bit difficult to ignore them when I'm about to get ran over by that certain car or when I see a giant heart shaped hot air balloon. I know God has answered a lot of my other prayers but, this specific one just doesn't seem to be answered.

People have told me that God will tell me directly which only makes me go a bit more insane. The only thing I have concluded and gives me comfort is knowing that time will tell I'm a very impatient person. If that someone whom we're praying for really is our significant other than it's going to take time for God to mold them into the person they are suppose to be for us. In the mean time God might be saying just be patient it'll come. In the meantime I know he's walking right next to you us. Because he obviously knows how much heartache this causes us.

So there is nothing left to do except pray persistently and walk with God one day at a time. I have never been good into listening into Gods voice. It is hard for me but I do want to try and believe with all my heart. Currently I am studying to be a Digital Artist it is not the most stable career which does worry me. I have great passion for art but at the same time have doubts about the path I am taking. I love the college I am currently in the people are very interesting, open and nice but I can't help to think that god intended to have me do something else with my life.

It doesn't help that most of my family were against my choice but I had this huge pull in my gut that I should do it. I can't see myself doing anything else but…what if I fail? What if this career is a joke like they said? I don't know that I can help from here, but I think you keep doing what you know to do unless God makes it very clear otherwise.

God allows you to make decisions for yourself based on the experiences and passions He has placed within you.

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  • 2. The Holy Spirit!
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Don't feel He's a micro manager. I am so torn right now. All I want is to be a nurse. I can never answer for someone what God is telling them to do. If you feel God led you to this place, He will make a way. Only you can answer that. I know God is mostly concerned with your character…even more than He is where you go to school or what career you have. But I also know God wants to bless you. I would press into your prayer time. If you don't sense God releasing you, and you still want to be a nurse, keep going.

Thank you because I do believe that. Emmy, I'm so glad you've asked this!

Random Bible Verse

Nursing is an admirable profession, and one that not only does much good, but can provide you a great platform to shine the Light upon others! I have no doubt that you genuinely want to be a nurse, and that you feel that God has given you the heart for the task. With that said, you made the statement, "I didn't do too well so I got kicked out" of your initial nursing program. I think that's a very important statement, but first, while I firmly believe that God can help guide us in a good direction, I do not believe that every decision we make is within God's will clearly, as sin exists and we choose it every day , nor do I believe that we only have one option available to us, and if we choose wrongly, we are outside of God's will i.

Nursing, while a good profession and one that I'm sure you feel lead to be in, will require much work. If you truly "didn't do too well" and so "got kicked out", and now are having difficulty getting into the second nursing program, I wouldn't be so quick as to say, "God is closing this door. What do I do? Look at it this way: Would I not be squandering the gifts? Didn't God equip me to be a pastor? But without discipline, those gifts can be wasted.

I would encourage you to read it so that you can be a good Berean Acts The gist of it is this: Jesus has given people spiritual and natural talents, or giftings, and we are to use those giftings in the very best way to glorify Him. We are commanded to do so. Why am I bringing this up? Il titolo dovrebbe essere di almeno 4 caratteri. Il nome visualizzato deve essere lungo almeno 2 caratteri.

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Vuoi dare un altro sguardo a questa recensione? Hai segnalato con successo questa recensione. Ti ringraziamo per il feedback. Neither girl could have known these things were going to occur. But God does know all these things and what our futures will hold for us — and this is why your prayer requests have always got to be within His perfect will for your life or the consequences could be disastrous like they were in these two stories!

About 20 years ago, I was dating a girl for about one year when she got diagnosed with cancer. She immediately started chemo and the rest of the appropriate cancer treatments. I took her to see Joyce Meyer for a healing, along with some of the other ministers in our area who were supposed to have the gift of healing operating through their ministries.

None of the ministers were able to bring any type of healing to my girlfriend. I then started to try and pray myself to see if I could get God to heal her. I will never forget what happened when I did. I initially ignored the shield and continued to try and pray through to God for this request.

As I started praying the appropriate words, I saw my words travel about two feet in front of my mouth and then drop straight to the ground. I then felt the Holy Spirit start to literally pull back on my words as I was trying to release them to God. There was no anointing on my words. I had no wind at my back from the Holy Spirit to be approaching God with this specific request. I was really straining in trying to get my words to reach God the Father. After about the 5th or 6th time when trying to pray to God for her healing, I immediately stopped and asked God if I should even bother to continue to pray on this issue due to the resistance I seemed to be picking up from the Holy Spirit.

I then received an immediate answer. I was given a strong knowing that God did not want to heal her and that it was His perfect will that she be brought home to Him — and if I continued to try and pray for this healing against His will, that I would just be expending useless energy. He made it loud and clear that His mind was already made up on the issue and that I was to let it go.

He then conveyed to me as to why He was not going to consider healing her. Long story short, my girlfriend was 40 years old when she came down with the cancer. The doctors told her that if she did not quit smoking, that she would end up in a wheelchair and on an oxygen tent on a permanent basis. For whatever reason, she would not quit smoking and she continued to smoke for another 8 years. The emphysema was starting to break into the next level and she still would not quit.

She then broke out with the cancer. God made it very clear to me that He gave her 8 years to clean up her act, to heed the warnings from the doctors and to quit smoking. Our bodies are a direct gift from God, and He expects all of us to do the best we can with them — especially in the area of taking proper care of them. When she refused to take proper care of her body by giving up smoking, God decided He was not going to heal her and that she would have to be brought home much earlier than He would have really liked.

I believe to this day that had my girlfriend quit smoking 8 years before coming down with this cancer, that there would have been a very good chance that God would have healed her of the cancer. But because she did not take proper care of her body, God had no natural desire to want to heal her when this emergency presented itself. And God gave her plenty of time to get her act together before this cancer hit — 8 years! I did not tell my girlfriend what I felt God had conveyed to me. I did not want to cause her to lose hope in the event I had not properly heard from God on this issue.

She tried several other healing ministries, along with continuing all of the cancer treatments, but nothing worked. She died one year later after getting diagnosed with the cancer. As you can see from the above three stories, you can save yourself a lot of blood, sweat, and tears when praying to God if you can pick it up ahead of time whether or not your specific prayer requests should be brought before Him for His consideration.

This is the beauty of the ministry of the Holy Spirit. One of His jobs is to help us in our prayer life with God the Father. The Holy Spirit will always know whether or not God will want to answer our specific prayer request. By connecting up with the Holy Spirit on a specific prayer request, you will go a long way in being able to decide when to approach God in prayer and when not to. For those of you who have not got this far in your own personal relationship with the Holy Spirit in order to be able to pick Him up and read His movements, you can still approach both Him and God the Father before you attempt to pray and just simply ask God if it will be in His perfect will that a specific prayer request be put before Him.

I have found that God will always come through loud and clear on this issue. Remember, God wants to establish a loving personal relationship with you — and in this personal relationship will be the benefit of being able to approach Him with your specific prayer requests. God really wants to show you how to play the prayer game with Him. It is prayer that will pull down major miracles from God. You just have to learn what the ground rules are and how to play the game with Him.

The Bible lays down all the ground rules that you will need to know in order to become a very effective and powerful prayer warrior for the Lord. For whatever reason, God has the big picture set up in that He will not move many of the times on a certain situation unless we first go into serious prayer with Him. The art of prayer is a powerful tool in the hands of a Spirit-filled believer. God can be moved to answer prayer no matter how dire the circumstances. You just need the knowledge on how to properly approach the Lord in order to get Him to move on certain situations.

I think you will find the remaining prayer secrets very interesting, as they will all give you several different options and strategies in which to approach God with on your specific prayer requests. I believe with knowledge comes power. With knowledge will come the ability to know how to properly play the prayer game with the Lord. I will leave you with one last thought. One of the benefits of having established a true personal relationship with God the Father is the ability to be able to approach Him with your specific prayer requests.

Think of the consequences and the possibilities of this privilege that we now have with God the Father. God the Father has the full supernatural power to do or accomplish whatever He should so desire. God loves to answer prayers. Prayers to God can save lives, change circumstances, and prevent catastrophes. However, many Christians do not fully realize the power and potential they have if they would simply learn how to properly pray to God to get Him to move on certain situations. Many people are so wrapped up in themselves and their own lives, they fail to see how their own prayers to God can help someone else out who may be in a dire situation.

One of the prayer secrets I will be discussing shortly is the power of intercession — the ability to stand in the gap for someone else, approach God as his advocate, and pray to God to help them out of a dire situation. Many people do not really know how to properly approach and pray to God the Father. As a result, people are either dying early before their time is really up, or they are forced to live under tragic circumstances due to no fault of their own.

Bad things can happen.

1. Analyze Your Prayer Request

But prayers to God the Father can either prevent the bad things from happening before they happen, or they change the situation for the better once the bad thing has happened. This is the call of the Eagle. Nothing is impossible for a true Eagle of God because he knows nothing is impossible with the God he serves. God will be raising up an army of Eagles in the coming years that will fly with the power and anointing of God such as the world has never seen before or will ever see again. The Bible says in the latter days just before Jesus comes back, that an army will raised up.

The verse is Joel 2: A people come, great and strong, the like of whom has never been; nor will there be any such after them, even for many successive generations. A woman by the name of Mary Baxter received a direct Word from Jesus about this army and who He will be calling to be a part of it. This was a very powerful Word given to this woman, and I believe there is a strong possibility that this army will be coming out of this generation!