Because everyone knows black men are special. We were blessed with the gift of gab unique speaking ability. Aka slang as well as being well endowed.
Why do some white women prefer to move from being with a white man to a black man?
The reason we dnt mind plus size women is because we're confident in our ability to satisfy women of all sizes. Me personally, I love thick women. Not because they're easy or soft. But because I'm afraid I'll break a woman whose 5'2 lbs. No disrespect but it's an honest fear.
Think white men dnt like to be challenged. Doesn't make it a bad thing. But continue to disregard the plus size women within your race. You're missing out on some of the most thoughtful and caring women on earth. Until yu can satisfy a big girl. Stick to the 13 year old boy look alikes lol. Nodens Send a private message. A few problems with this If you actually look at medical studies or porn every race falls in the same norm for average and above average penis size.
From what I have seen black men are smoother at laying on fake pick up lines and being con artists. When it comes too actually having the gift of gab other races than black tend to be much more successful in closing business deals and being stars. It is more a 4chan born myth. It is true some white women prefer black men and more power to them if they do. However, a good majority of them go there because they like the bad boy image black guys have. You see the same type of girls with biker gangs hanging all over 60 year old biker dudes. Jaymoney Send a private message.
Those sound alot like personal assumptions from someone who has no experience in the matter. Black guys have a cultural style that attracts white women. Easy-going happiness or "the cool" You believe what you hear about black people reported to you from white people. You also must not run in very educated circles if you believe these things about an enitire people. I know hundreds of college educated black people who just stay out of the news.
My gorgeous white wife was never looking for a bad boy look in me, I know because I never had one. She liked my energy when she met me in college. Positivity is something that can be lacking in white guys. And it gets distracting with all their controlling insecurities. Let me just cut through all that bullshit you just jumbled together.. I I dated white men my whole life before I met my man and it wasn't like I woke up one day and said.
I'm done with white men, I think I am going to date black men now".. Intellidamus Send a private message.
For Men Looking to Date Trans Women, Life Just Got Easier
Sorry homeboy but race has nothing to do with penis size. Your parents are so proud that you suck tgat bbc and sit on dat black knob enjoying yourself. Go to Africa idiot coalburner. Doing your part to destroy the white race. Tank Send a private message. Hahaa,the stereotype of black men having huge genetalia is just that "a stereotype" i have been with plenty of women of all different races and I always ask their preferences in race of sexual relations and they do mine.
I am so tired of seeing this topic and reading the hyped up bs people put in these threads,most of the hypes by thot hoodrat little whitegirls or thug wannabe little boys who try and sound like they actually have something important to contribute to anything. Penis size varies in every man regardless their race or color,and women like men who are respectful,caring,and honest.
Your ass is retarded. Nope its fact brush. Blacks usually have bigger dicks deal with it. She's white dumb ass. More like being opened minded and dating who she wants. Both are often the lowest quality dating options - ugly fat white women and lazy unemployed mooching black men who will screw anything.
A match made in Hell - it's the only option either group has. Darrick Send a private message. It is because some white hurls preferred bigger penises when it's stupid.
Why I don’t want women to become ‘equal to men’
I want to put a different spin or answer to your question. That's not always true. I seen quite a few smokin, hot ass, slender white girls date blacks. Not all the men are loaded rich or have a humongous penis. That's what white men like to say to justify it. Yes big white girls are usually preferred by brothers, but don't forget they're plenty of hot white females that fit the typical white man's standard of beauty dating black men. I completely agree, I know another black guy who has a white girlfriend and she is the farthest thing away from being overweight.
MacSamillion Send a private message. Black women are so non-friendly when you try to hit on them it's almost like you have to like whoever likes you Meaning any action you're getting is just a blessing. White guys do not appreciate the booty. A lot of "big" white girls aren't even fat.
It's so rare to find a white woman that isn't scared for her life when she sees a black man outside of a controlled environment, that you just gotta take advantage. Among black women there is the feeling that a black guy will lower his standards for a white woman. The last guy I dated had a way of bringing up 4 month relationship with a woman he had paid for couples counseling and how his black neighbor stopped being nice to him because this girlfriend was white.
Hookay, you made your point, you once dated a white woman. For many reasons, unrelated to the above, I was glad to see the back end of him. I read here and there on message boards how some white women are afraid they are too fat for a white guy, so maybe they'll date a black guy now. Macman84 Send a private message. Unapologetic Send a private message. I like your reply. I am not ashamed one bit. As a matter of fact, what you said in your reply is almost a word-for-word response I got from him.
We were both just looking for the same sexual fantasy. It has crossed the mind of a majority not all white women at some point. And if I can have my sexual fantasy of both big AND black from the same person, then even better. Edited on February 27, at Daisy Send a private message. I am a white woman who has never had a sexual fantasy about black men. Nothing against them; it is just not my thing. However I do get tired of the way many white men treat white women. We are never good enough for them.
Edited on December 16, at Libralady Send a private message. I am white girl who left my white husband for a black man because of the person he is, not looking to prove anything or piss off anyone, I have no daddy issues and he is the first black man I've been with..
I'm fairly attractive and my husband wasn't physically attractive, my boyfriend however is gorgeous and doesn't understand what I see in him but that doesn't matter because obviously I'm with him for a reason and it's not entirely physical. So just trying to prove that stereotypes exist for a reason because people keep feeding into them. Personally I've asked my boyfriend about this stereotype and he said it's cause they like thighs and bums..
So you Left Your husband who wasn't physically attractive but your new black boyfriend is and its not entirely based on physical needs. Hypocrisy at its best , Just accept it today black man are seen as cool and bbc and you knoe it will show you are not racsit and etc etc. What if it he's both physically and mentally attractive to her? Because that's the truth, it's not hypocritcal to be with the person you desire while rejecting those who you don't feel attracted to. Lily89 Send a private message. I live in small town America.
There are tons and tons of black men flocking 2 my area just tryin 2 snatch up these chunky white women. I don't think when there's drinks and zero morals happening at the bar scene. That it really matters which man they want. When they keep moving from the big city to small town America and snatching up ever overweight white chick they see , I think there just on the hunt for a free ride or free hoe.
Sorry I might be a little racist. Kind of gross 2 me. Notice the "racist" disclaimers While it may be only a stereotype, it is a common stereotype in the south based on imperfect observations by biased observers. None the less, it is not racist to ask why this appears to be so, whether it is or not. I did that on purpose, cause I'm slightly offended by her actions, and that's what the brothas were sayin in there party videos. Serry bout dem werds!
I only date white men. However, I can say that white men are extremely hard on white women They expect perfection and can be very unrealistic. You must be a certain weight, age, etc for them. They also tend to fetishize Asian women. Rory Send a private message. Thanks for the apology, let's start with the BBC word which almost all white guys believe is the reason for many white women's preference for black men. Sorry but it's far from the main reason.
The BBC word was and still is started and popularised by white men and thier assumptions about black men because it's easier to believe its something physical and totally out of thier control. Secondly they never ask thier counterpart why the preferance as opposed to automatically feel comfortable and say it must be thier go to answer, thier big black cock BBC. The truth is something that white men prefer it not to be at all. Black men know how to make many of thier women feel appreciated and desired.
Something many white men fail to do. Its as simple as that. Don't believe me, ask them as I've asked at least Almost all the answers revert back to feeling like a lady and desires me. Almost all white men know nothing about black men beyond basketball, football ,and ghetto blacks. Its a comfort feeling to limit thier thoughts about them to make themselves feel better. Ashley1 Send a private message. Must because there all ripped. As a cover boy handsome-at age 65!!!! Yes,I like buxom babes,particularly blondes between 25 and 47!!!!! This is not a place for shrinking violets; striking up a conversation with a stranger is easy and normal.
It's a shared experience that brings a sense of unity. With such a transient populace, impenetrable cliques are rare. You will find yourself collecting more business cards than you know what to do with. Moving to Dubai is much like your first year at university. Thankfully, there are loads of 'second' and 'third years' more than happy to show you around. The usual answer is under five years. Yes, you can consume alcohol in Dubai, and a post-work drink is a perfectly acceptable first date. However, it will be in a sterile hotel bar and it will cost you a fortune. You could opt for a dingy hotel sports bar, but you are unlikely to see the girl again unless she is a chain-smoking football fan.
A cultural date might involve an art exhibition in the Al Quoz industrial district, or a burlesque show at The Act — a faux-baroque supper club on the 42nd floor of the Shangri-La Hotel. If you settle on a cinema date, take a jumper as the air-conditioning in cinemas would make a penguin shiver. That way, you can be a true gent and offer the garment to your companion.
Many Dubai men ascribe all their power and self-worth to their car, much like Samson and his hair. Pick Sophie up in a car and it will show that you are independent. It will also take taxis out of the equation - no one likes waiting for a cab in the blistering heat. Getting-to-know-you chat in Dubai is often fascinating because you are meeting women from all over the world. Sometimes Dubai is their first taste of travel, but more often their lives have been nomadic, and their stories reflect that.
You will be able to glean whether Sophie is planning a future in Dubai with a husband and children in her sights, or simply treating the city as a working holiday, complete with holiday fling. Neither are they saying that women have it worse than men in every way. Try being less defensive so you can listen and understand. Also, not being able to play with Barbies because of the fear of being mocked is very different from women continuing to receive significantly less pay than their male counterpoints in most fields, not to mention anything about the statistics relating to violence against women and their unequal treatment in the courts.
I hope you do not fall into that category. Eaton, Equality as a psychological or sociological term is very different from its importance as a legal term. While you might not seek equality on a social level, we still need to secure equal status under the law in terms of being considered entitled to the same rights as men.
Women do this to them selves. I told women it was flawed to go for old men because the reality is the only an old man can objectively do better is have property. The relationship claims are problems women claim of young men are fraudulent. Her feelings are based on his ability to command resource access. Even older women looking for younger men still want socioeconomic status just to have casual sex when that only matters to childbearing women.
Instead, she ignores her own statistics and continues to shame men on how terrible at the top of the patriarchy. Power is passed down to those who are getting the job done and some people who are working to possess that power. Suicide is the most common cause of death for men under 50, it is the most common cause of death for women under Death by suicide rates are higher for men because of the methods they choose to end their lives.
With more men opting to hang themselves or shoot themselves.
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Women tend to try and overdose which is often not very successful. While many argue that this is because women are just trying to get attention this is unlikely as it has been found that most women who do kill themselves have tried on previous occasions and women who have failed to kill themselves are more likely to die by suicide at a later date. Just check the handy table demonstrated above. Men qualified to donate sperm Women qualified to gestate it Outside of that, you gonads qualify you for nothing. She was just presenting facts and you just confirmed one…with the intend to help the society.
It is not a personal attack. Wow, you are so confused, Women do not shame men. But truth tells and shows us that men have always shamed women and girls. Many moms allow this. The shaming of females is so sick and so bad, now, that dads shame their daughters about their private parts an doeruods. Unfortunately the article still locates feminism ideology in oppositional terms. Even if we had magical powers and could make every man today completely adverse to committing violence, it would not be stable, as violence breeds itself and at every turn feminists defend violent women, so the next generation of men would be just as violent as the current one.
Feminism is such a flawed concept that it tries to explain female victimization by female perpetration with patriarchy, and half of the time it blames the victim, specially in complete absence of male influence. It is possible to have a system not based on one sex dominating positions of power and influence. In essence, sexism is OK as long as it is female approved.
Good points in here. Thank you for posting. I do realise this goes with statistics and even iff it ruffles some feathers, are accurate. You do not stereotype but present these statistics with the imply that both genders are suffering consquences of this seggregated system.
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Some people have intelligence, thus , will understand. More power to you. There is too much negativity about being a man at the moment , we need International Mens Day on November 19th to show positive male role models and to say there is nothing wrong in being a man. I really enjoyed reading your article, especially the parts iterating and re-iterating that men are not the blueprint. Men are the very reason your able to have this platform which is a good thing. If you could get laid just because you have a penis, the platform would be made by women…and women would be the drivers.
I put this disclaimer here because the following will likely instantly result in backlash: The patriarchy is bullshit. There is no patriarchy, and by the same definition a matriarchy would be just as bad What most consider a tyrannical form of government favoring one sex over the other. This blog is almost oozing with anti-male undertones. It treats us guys like the enemy, which makes it hard to actually relate to one-another. Because the alternative could rapidly lead me to being thrown out of college on some sort of fabricated crime against said women. If you excessively antagonize one group for your own interests, you only alienate yourself from a much larger audience.
TLDR; This men vs women bullshit is getting old and if you really want to feel and be equal, communication is the only way that will happen. An example is the guy that got shot outside of a for protecting his girl and kids from some dude because he had a chip on his shoulder about someone non-handicapped parking in a handicapped space.
Like Liked by 5 people. Historically, through all of civilized life, the majority of men that had children accomplished this by competing with other men based on property rights…being better is not required for property. Women manipulate men for access to said property.
This gives women less responsibility, but more access and is therefore a net profit. The beatings are a necessary evil to be with the men who want property dominance the most. Overtime, as less violent men are allowed to own progressively more property, there will be less female beatings. The only thing reducing violence are criminal penalties that ultimately reduce the property holdings of the violent population.
And flipping changes nothing other than men will become the tops from the bottom when today women are the tops from the bottom. Because the more men she has banged, the better she will be able to discern my value as a sex partner and human being. Of course, outside of socioeconomic controls, the vast majority of men are not even close to competing with me. They need me to be poor just for basic sex. Wonder why people hate communism…. After all, with equal access to resources, I will out do most.
They choose these men, then they have the nerve to turn around and complain about the men they choose. Smarter men realized this about women created the patriarchy and the institution of marriage to control this flaw. This structure largely led to modern civilization without it would we be as advanced as we are today? Fast forward to modern times take a good hard look at this landscape, largely due to society and media all women believe they deserve a six foot tall attractive man, can have sex with whoever they want when ever they want, can climb the corporate ladder and still be a good loving wife and mother.
Completely unrealistic, sacrifices now have to be made largely its the feminine nature of women that takes the hit. The Patriarchy empowers men to be a rock for their family and a righteous man leading his family gives man purpose and is inline with his biological nature, this tends to lead to a man being more successful.
Women objectify themselves look at the racy sexy pictures they post are very insecure looking for societal approval they are followers by design. They lack a moral compass in this way and will follow whatever is put in front of them. Do you think morals would exist in the world if it not for righteous powerful men? If it were not for these men would women have a platform to speak on never mind a feminist movement? Like Liked by 3 people. When you write equal, the word you actually mean is identical. Society will flourish when women and men have equal individual and political power, but I agree with you, that is not feminism.
Power is not something that can be given, it has to be taken. You just ignore them. To me there is no patriarchy there is just rich and poor and those laws are them making us fight each other. Little of my own view tho. I am afraid the information age and the continued mistreatment of boys, later men to make them tough along with the much better treatment for girls, later women from infancy through adulthood will create a power imbalance favoring girls and women, which will in turn, drive women far over the average boys and men. We need to recognize it was never about genetics and effort, but about very real treatment of children and adults which is creating success and failure in the information age.
This very real, differential treatment of girls and boys, later women and men is creating a growing mass of failing boys and men while creating a growing mass of successful girls and women. I will send you my learning theory by e-mail on just how the treatment we receive is creating very real, different results. We must lose the genetics models of learning and see just how our environments and differential treatment are creating this growing problem for boys and men.
See how average stress is made up correctly as many maintained layer of mental work which take up real mental energy — how situations and new mental work go on top of those layers which also take up real mental energy with in a limited amount of space. The leftover free mental energy will be far less for persons with the higher layers.
When we see what is really occurring it is a wonder more boys and men are not failing in school and society. Some of the first things I learned growing up was that the world is separated into boys and girls; boys have short hair and girls have long hair. Boys wear pants, and girls wear dresses, skirts, ribbons, hair bands, bobby-pins, as well as pants. Boys like blue, but cannot like red or pink because that would be girly. Girls can like pink, blue, red, and any other color.
Also, when I complained about this because no matter how you cut it, anyone can see being able to wear pants and skirts was better than being able to wear only pants , I was told by all the male and female figures in my life, boys are better than girls, and that if I went around wearing skirts, all the people in the world would shun me including my family. And because boys are better than girls, boys have to protect the girls, let the girls go first, let them win, not hit them. They have to be more stoic. I had to exercise more because I was male. And I was expected to be more capable, to earn more money, to be tall.

Because I was male. Girls are expected to be pretty; I was supposed to feel lucky that I was not judged on how pretty I was. This was how the adults in my life explained things. To me, this seemed like a shit deal. I went to school. The boys and girls separated themselves into boy and girl groups. But the boys were physically aggressive with other boys. They formed relationships center on external things — sports, video games, tv shows.
The girls held hands. They formed more tight knit groups and what seemed like closer relationships. They provided each other emotional warmth. I wanted to quit the boy groups and join the girl groups but I eared the boys would attack me, some of the girls would shun me for being an outsider, and my parents would find out about it. Our teacher was always female. Why was this I asked. Because mainly women chose to be teachers or nurses, or secretaries.
If a man was a teacher, it was a come-down. Oh another restriction I have to face I thought; there are some professions I cannot enter without losing a lot of face. Girls abided by the rules. Whenever a boy and girl were both accused of doing something wrong, it was often assumed that the boy did it. Boys were punished more for hitting girls. Girls would make fun of you if you were effeminate, even though they themselves were girls.
Boys and girls push you to man up. In adult life, because men are denied a lot of emotional warmth, women are often able to the provenance of emotional warmth for favors, something I cringe at.