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With this newfound knowledge, she soon began to design her own patterns. The pieces in this show combine traditional patterns with modern day pop culture references. They seem to adhere to the strict rules and rigid structure of cross-stitch, drawing from the traditions of Russia and Scandinavia to Victorian times and early New England.

What appears to be a treasured keepsake, however, is filled with profanity, hip-hop lyrics, favorite movie one-liners and a bevy of oddities and vulgarities.

Mary the Hippo Toy Sewing Pattern - DOWNLOAD ONLY

This one is absolutely a show not to be missed while partaking in all of the Northside Second Saturdays festivities. Afterword, trickle on down to Mayday for the after-party and Boozing My Religion. Filed under News , Shows. You are commenting using your WordPress.

Cross Stitch Wonders Safari and Friends

You are commenting using your Twitter account. You are commenting using your Facebook account. Notify me of new comments via email. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Re-use the pattern many times and gift it, but each time get a new unique project due to the customizations. The main pattern PDF file a. Beginners instructions and tips for cross stitching.

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The complete instructions to customize DIY the pattern. Floss color codes DMC and Anchor of both the color combinations. Color chart of the pattern Both Single page and 4 page enlarged format f. Symbols over Color blocks chart of the pattern.

FlossTube #2 my week, WIPS and why hippos aren't cute

Both Single page and 4 page enlarged format 3. Color chart of the pattern. Both Single page and 4 page enlarged format b. On 14 ct aida, this pattern would fit 11 x 14 inches for a rectangular photo frame.

Finished Dimensions of aida 10 ct aida - So a colour might be red to some, bright red to others and dull red to some others. All the patterns are personally made by me. By buying the pattern, you do not buy the right to redistribute, resell or publish the patterns.

  • Blackwork Beasts - Hippo.
  • Signaux faibles, mode demploi - Prospective (French Edition).
  • A Treatise on the Soul.
  • Weird Noir?
  • Somewhere The Bells Ring (Somewhere in Time Book 3).

So please use it for personal use only.