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The Sweet Smell of Psychosis: A Novella - Will Self - Google Книги

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The Sweet Smell of Psychosis - reissued (Paperback)

Grillers in the mist. How the Dead Live. My Idea of Fun.

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The Book of Dave. Will Self's Collected Fiction. The Quantity Theory of Insanity.

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The Sweet Smell of Psychosis. Together, he and Self have created an elegant billet-aigre to London's dark underbelly, a cautionary tale that takes pleasure in its own unpleasantness. Richard Hermes, a fresh new arrival onto the London media circuit, is soon drawn into the sex-filled and cocaine-laced inner sanctum of the Sealink Club. There he encounters Bell, a ubiquitous newspaper columnist and television and radio talk-show host--"a kingpin, a grand panjandrum, a veritable Vautrin guiding the ship of scandal from the lower depths" --from whom, Richard soon discovers, there is no escape.

Before long, Richard finds himself seduced by the glitz and glam, and, in the book's nightmare climax, ends up in bed--literally--with the Mephistopheles of media, Bell. It's just a short trip from media hack to media whore, Self seems to say in this thin page exercise in metaphor. The dark text is accompanied by equally dark drawings by British political cartoonist Martin Rowson. Kindle Edition File Size: Bloomsbury Paperbacks; 1 edition 12 September Sold by: Not Enabled Word Wise: Enabled Average Customer Review: Be the first to review this item Amazon Bestsellers Rank: Thrust into the seedy underworld of hack reporters and Soho drinking dens, young Richard Hermes is skidding down a cocaine slope of self-destruction in pursuit of the impossibly beautiful socialite-cum-columnist Ursula Bentley.

But between Richard and his object of desire stands his omnipresent nemesis, the lubricious Bell, doyen of late night radio shows, provider of drugs and gossip, and ringmaster of the Sealink Club.

Erudite and witty as ever, this hilarious novella is vintage Self at his acerbic, incisive best, brilliantly illustrated by Martin Rowson's sharp, dark, satirical pen. Read more Read less.

  1. The Sweet Smell of Psychosis: reissued eBook: Will Self: Kindle Store;
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  4. The Sweet Smell of Psychosis: reissued - Will Self - Google Книги.
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Customers who bought this item also bought. Page 1 of 1 Start over Page 1 of 1. But although it doesn't stretch Self's considerable talents, it is still a wonderfully poisonous entertainment. In The Sweet Smell first published in England in , Self turns his acerbic, satiric wit on London's venal media cliques.

See all Product description. Would you like to tell us about a lower price? Share your thoughts with other customers. Write a product review. Most helpful customer reviews on Amazon. Self and Rowson make a pungent pair - both left wing, media London establishment jesters as writer and cartoonist respectively, they team up in this short novella to paint a verbal and visual zeitgeist crusher of a book. The story is a simple one, not a bit of it cannot be found in some other tale or parable somewhere: Richard, our hero, finds himself drowning in a sea of drugs and superficiality.

His nemesis, Bell, is a modern media baron - a promiscuous womaniser and hairsuite sex god. Mixing excessive substance abuse with paranoid affection for Ursula Bentley - a sort of twenties decadent siren reconstructed afloat on the pillow of narcotics in 90s central London, Richard finds his crush on the flighty Ursula growing with his cocaine fuelled paranoia about seeing Bell's face everywhere he goes. Richard has the nub of goodness within him, bless him. His wish is to make a genuine connection with Ursula, lift her and her tedious sex column out of this ephemeral dirge of media London to a married life of meaning and permanence.

Ursula merely ruffles his hair and calls him 'sweet'. The twin poles, and scents of Ursula's perfume 'Jicki' and Richard's psychosis - entwine and grow as the novella roars to a swift and surreal denoument. So the story is basically a bog standard modern parable of values being important than drugs, beautiful people and glamour blah blah. But the style - Self's amphetiminic and thesauras powered prose and Rowson's Hogarthian grotesque cartoons is to be savoured.