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Research Unit on Security and International Cooperation, Istituto affari internazionali], Hessische Stiftung Friedens- und Konfliktsforschung, A Framework of Analysis; 3. Mixed Signals to Serbia and Montenegro; 6. Federal Trust for Education and Research, c The European Security Strategy in Context: A Comprehensive Trend, Sven Biscop; 2. The European Security Strategy and Threats: Effective Multilateralism, Richard Gowan; 4. Neighbourhood Policy, Roland Dannreuther; 5. Centre for European Reform, c Notes on Contributors; Acknowledgments; 1. Innovative Model or Emulated Script? The EU in West Africa: From Development to Diplomatic Policy?

The EU in Afghanistan: The EU in Georgia: Towards a Coherent Crisis Management Strategy? Acknowledgements; List of Abbreviations; Introduction; 1. Role of International Norms and the United Nations; 2. New Security-Political Challenges; 3. Redefinition of the Concept of Security; 4. Cooperation with Other Regional Crisis Managers: The Sense of Doctrine: Improving Efficiency of Structures and Procedures; 4. European Boots on the Ground: Enhancing Effectiveness in the Field ; Conclusion. L'Unione europea e la gestione delle crisi: EU defence in ".

European Security Strategy -- 2. The Impact of Eastward Enlargement -- 5. Searching for a Balanced Profile, Radek Khol; 7. Empowering the Alliance and the Union, Plamen Pantev; 8. The European Neighborhood in a Transatlantic Context -- 9. The Future of Transatlantic Security: A New Strategic Triangle? Asser Press ; Berlin ; Heidelberg: The present volume originates from a two-day conference Foreword; Preface; Acknowledgments; 1.

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The Latest Attempt at Institutional Engineering: Between Legalisation and Organisational Development: Perspectives on Institutional Developments: The European External Action Service: The EU in the Wider World: No Data Without Protection? Creating an EU Investment Policy: Contiene solo Panel 1, con anche interventi di G. Some thoughts on EU crisis management: The European Union as a crisis manager: Policy learning in the European Union on civilian crisis management: EU civilian crisis management: London ; New York: ISBN ; pbk Bibliografia: List of tables; List of abbreviations; Acknowledgments.

Forewords; Acknowledgements; List of Abbreviations. EU foreign policy and conflict management; 3. The EU's piecemal involvement in Transnistria; 4. The EU's non-involvement in Nagorno-Karabakh; 6. Speaking Europe, Drawing Boundaries: Model, Player or Instrument for Global Governance: Critical Discourse Analytical Approaches: Talking about Solidarity and Security in the Age of Crisis: Brussels, 22 November What Role for the EU?

This edited volume is a direct product of the GR: EEN multidisciplinary research initiative on multilateral global governance EEN - Global Re-ordering: After the Lisbon Treaty: Near and Far Abroad: The EU Strategic Partnerships: Center for Transatlantic Relations, CE EU security and defence: Preface; Acknowledgements; List of Abbreviations.

Transatlantic Relations and International Security: Transatlantic Relations and Europe: From European to Atlantic Visions. Transatlantic Relations, Asia and Africa: The National, the Supra-National and the Transatlantic. Transatlantic Relations, Terrorism and Homeland Security: At the Limits of the Rule of Law. List of illustrations, p. Global Governance in the Field of Collective Security: The UN Security Council: How Effective Have They Been? International Peacebuilding and State-building: International Peacebuilding and Statebuilding Efforts: Building Peace in Post-Conflict Environments: Constructing a Framework of Effective Multilateralism: Recent Developments, Elisabetta Martini, p.

Center for Strategic and International Studies, ]. The European Union pilot project on transatlantic methods for handling global challenges in the European union and United States A Comparative Approach, p. Industry toward Security, p. Cipoletti, and Amanda Tuninetti, p. Response to the Haiti Earthquake: Introduction; Key Findings; 1. Definition of External Security and Implementation Model; 2. A Comparative Approach; 3. Industry Toward Security; 4. Institute for Security Studies, Annuale. This book is based on the thesis of wich on 24 May I obtained the doctorate in political sciences from Ghent University Belgium.

From common interests to joint actions: Rapporto Nomisma sulle prospettive economicostrategiche, Roma, Agra, , p. Roma, 12 marzo ]. Politisches System und Politikbereiche, p. Die Staatenwelt Europas, p. Questo secondo volume sul concetto di potenza civile conclude un progetto pluriennale di ricerca interdisciplinare Prefazione e ringraziamenti, Giuliana laschi; 1.

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Dalla pace liberale al ritorno della storia: Una fase storica di paralisi, Furio Cerutti; 4. La via europea al linguaggio dei diritti. La vera sfida per l'Europa: Non solo parole, Luciano Tosi; 9. Le relazioni tra Unione europea e Africa subsahariana tra post-Washington consensus e Beijing consensus, Arrigo Pallotti. L'Europa potenza civile e il futuro dell'ordine internazionale, Anna Caffarena; Pt. Gli aspetti giuridici della relazioni esterne: Il clima come problema di sicurezza per l'Unione Europea? Premessa; Sigle e abbreviazioni; 1. L'Europa nel sistema internazionale del XXI secolo; 2.

Il neoregionalismo nel mondo: Documento presentato nell'ambito del convegno su "Europa, potenza civile? L'Europa nel sistema internazionale: Liberalizzazione e politica industriale, di Fabio Gobbo. Selezione dei modelli organizzativi: Aste nei mercati energetici. Mercati e dimensione temporale. Notizie sugli autori CE L'Europa sicura: Problematizzare la sicurezza in Europa: La strategia europea di promozione della democrazia, Enrico Fassi; 7.

La geopolitica della sicurezza europea Il futuro dei rapporti euro-americani e la fine del Sistema Internazionale, Luca Bellocchio; Una potenza economica senza strategia? Emmanouilidis; Kompetenzordnung und Handlungsinstrumente: Emmanouilidis; Stagnation und Anpassung an die politische Praxis: Fortschritte durch den Verfassungsvertrag?

Von Nizza bis Rom: Europe's new neighborhood on the verge of war: PRIF reports ; 74 Testo online: L'Europa potenza civile, Roma ; Bari, Laterza, , xiii, p. Libri del tempo ; Contiene: Civilian Power and International Relations: The Heart of European Integration: The Process of Treaty Reform: The F and European Air Forces 1. The Defense Industry and International Cooperation, p.

Italy in the F Program 3. The State and Prospects for International Cooperation 4. Bertelsmann Stiftung ; Munich: Center for Applied Policy Research, Discussion paper of the IX.

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Les livres du GRIP ; Center for Applied Policy Research ; Guetersloh: Sul verso del front.: Working papers presented to the workshop of the Bertelsmann Foundation "Beyond Oslo? New Neighbours - New Challenges? An Instrument of Leadership for the Commission? Human Rights, Democracy and Good Governance: Exporting Stability or Importing Problems? Implementing the Neighbourhood Policy in the East: Saving the Southern Periphery from Marginalisation? Strategic or Short-sighted Partnership? The EU as a Norm Exporter? Marshall European Center for Security Studies, stampa Peace Research Institute Frankfurt, Europas neue Nachbarschaft an der Schwelle zum Krieg: Institute for National Strategic Studies.

National Defense University, Paper presented at the seminar on "EU-Gulf Relations: Dubai, Gulf Research Center, Gulf papers ; e in: The International Spectator, Vol. Gulf Research Center, Roma, Istituto affari internazionali, Documenti Iai ; ; in: Discussion paper presented to the VII. Strategic Studies Institute, The Africa-EU strategic partnership on peace and security. Efforts within, complementary processes and problems of collaboration in addressing security challenges in 21st century Africa: Case of the African Union and the European Union.

Governance, peace and security in Africa the African Union at the crossroads and facing challenges. Development and the relationship with peace and security in Africa: Observations from the joint Africaeu strategy. Challenges for developing the European security and defence policy in Africa. Security sector reform, a European security and defence foreign policy tool for Africa.

Munich, October Assembly of Western European Union, stampa The members of the Task Force: Nicole Gnesotto ; rapporteur: ISBN ; pbk Contiene: The EDA in Action: Documenti Iai ; Sul front.: Kluwer Law International, European monographs ; The second Venusberg Report was completed in the wake of the Madrid bombing and in the midst of renewed violence in the Balkans Testo online: Sub-national Direct Democracy in Multicultural Societies: A Trojan Horse or Useful Tool? Beyond Pope and Emperor: Lessons of for European Democracies Today. Legitimation in a Planetary Political Community: Is a Viable World State Possible?

Towards a World Federalism: Centro Interdipartimentale di ricerca sul cambiamento politico, Gianni Bonvicini, The Italian debate: Introduction - Dieter Mahncke: The External Relations of the EU. Striving for a Common Foreign Policy. A Brief History - Alicia Ambos: Transatlantic Relations - Peter van Ham: The EU's War over Iraq. Towards a Strategic Partnership? Coherent European Foreign Policy in Macedonia. From Test Case to Prime Example? The Great Lakes Region: Conclusions CE European foreign policy in an evolving international system: The EU in the International System - 1.

A Realistic Aspiration, or an Unattainable Goal? EU Co-ordination in International Organizations: The EU and the Great Powers - 4. European Positions and American Responses: Engaging China - Uniting Europe? EU Relations with Russia: Partnership or Asymmetric Interdependency? The EU and the Management of Conflicts - 7. Paper presented at the conference on "The challenges of European neighbourhood policy", Rome, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, November Social Relations and Struggles - 2. The Entropy of Order: The European Union's Imperial Form: East European Entrants to the EU: Between CrossBorder Cooperation and Neocolonialism: Preface, Javier Solana; List of Abbreviations; 1.

The European Security and Defence Policy: More than a Balkan Crisis Manager: From European to Global Security Actor: Co-operation, Rivalry or Muddling-through?. European security and defence policy. The new legal instruments of the common security and defence policy. Schulze, Thierry Vircoulon Testo online: NATO's companion, or competitor?

List of Contributors, p. Russia in the European Security Architecture: Russia and European Security: Much Ado about Nothing: Transatlantic Security Symposium Macmillan ; New York: The Changing Political Geography of Europe: The United States and Europe: Europe and the Middle East: Chinese Outlook on European Security: Does Europe Matter to India? European security in transition: The new EU - a 'military pact'? Solidarity - neutrality - 'Irish clause', Waldemar Hummer; 5. From reflections to power: US defense transformation and its implications for Europe, Benjamin Schreer; 8.

Regional approaches to comprehensive security in Europe, Gunther Hauser; The South Caucasus at the crossroads: Turkey's role in post-cold war European security policy, Sebnem Udum; European Union and the greater Middle East: CeMiSS occasional paper Contiene: General Thoughts on the Framework Paper; 3. The Membership and Degree of Integration of the Core; 5. Policy and Institutional Innovations; 8. Reinventing security; Comprehensive security; A secure neighbourhood; A secure world; Securing the capabilities; Securing implementation; Bibliography; Index CE The European security strategy Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, ISBN Sulla p.

It was the subject of discussions at a seminar held in Rome on March 31 to April 1, Conflict Prevention in Contemporary Perspective; 3. The External Relations of the European Union; 4. The EU and the UN: Building a Partnership for Peace? Pan-European Coordination for Conflict Prevention?

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A Strategic Partnership for Conflict Prevention? An introduction to the role of the European Union in crisis management, Steven Blockmans. Foreign policy and defence cooperation in the European Union: European crisis management avant la lettre, Willem F. The Civilian Headline Goal European Parliamentary oversight of crisis management, Kolja Raube; UNEU cooperation in crisis management: Interregional cooperation in crisis management: EU agreements with third countries: EU crisis management in Africa: EU crisis management in Asia, Saponti Baroowa; Accountability for respect of human rights law by EU forces, Frederik Naert; Toward a more mature ESDP: Europe in the world ; 6.

List of illustrations; List of contributors; Preface and acknowledgements; Abbreviations; 1. The impact of the European Union on global governance: Europe as a global actor: The EU and its far-abroad: Europe in the world: Jens-Uwe Wunderlich and David J. London and New York: ISBN ; ebk Bibliografia: European Studies and Global Governance: The European Union in the World: Internationalist Objectives or Integrationist Priorities?

Policy and Issue Areas: The 'European' 'Neighborhood' 'Policy': European Union and Africa: Human Insecurity in Lebanon: Intervention and Independence in Kosovo: A Human Security Strategy for Afghanistan: List of illustrations; Preface; Acknowledgments; List of abbreviations. Defining success in military conflict management; 3. Internal success for the European Union; 5. Limited success in managing violent conflict; 6. Internal conditions for success; 7.

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External conditions for success; 8. Paper presented at the international conference on "Transatlantic security and nuclear proliferation", Rome, June , Does Soft Power Work? English series ; 7 , p. The evolution of the concepts of security sector reform and security sector governance: The difficulties of a donor: Justice and home affairs: Beyond the external-internal security divide: EU support for security sector reform in the former Soviet Union: Security system reform in the Democratic Republic of Congo: The EU and its southern neighbours: Civilian crisis management in Asia: Security Sector Reform in International Perspective: Supporting security and justice: The EU's Interreglonal Model: Partners in Solving the Transnistrian Conflict?

Swedish Institute of International Affairs], Seminar organised in the framework of the project Towards a European Global Strategy. Turkish Society for Quality, In testa al front.: Setting The Framework, Roland Dannreuther; 2. The EU and its changing neighbourhood: Strategy with fast-moving targets: East-Central Europe, Pal Dunay; 4. The EU and Turkey: The Caucasus and Central Asia: ED energy security and the periphery, John Gault; Home International world politics International world politics. E-Boks free download Housing in the UK: Pdf download books for free Scientist to President auf Deutsch ePub Ebook downloads free android New Zealand: Security Cooperation and the U.

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Free mp3 ebook downloads The Arab Center: Books downloadable pdf Seapower: A New Platform for Transatlantic Relations? France and the U. Italianieuropei, Mezzogiorno Europa Testo online: Ufficio Difesa e sicurezza. Gruppo parlamentare Alleanza nazionale [alla] Camera dei Deputati. A Imagining Europe: Volume presented at the "Imagining Europe" final conference, Rome, 27 June Towards a More United and Effective Europe: European Fiscal and Monetary Policy: European Security post-Libya and post-Ukraine: Key Issues and Debates, Giovanna Bono; 2.

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Daniel Kelemen and Giandomenico Majone; Social and Regional Interests: Monism, Dualism and the European Legal Order: Towards a Content-Based Approach? International Law within the EU: International Decisions in EU Law: International Law and EU Law: The Role of Judges: International Law as Law of the EU: This book is an updated and slightly amended version of the thesis with the same title with which I obtained the degree of Doctor in Laws at the Faculty of Law of the Catholic University of Leuven in November Contiene: Table of Abbreviations and Abbreviated Citations; Introduction.

Brief Historical Evolution; 2. Some Conclusions and Legal Issues Raised. General Introduction to the Applicable Law; 8. The Law of Armed Conflict; 9. Oxford University Press, c International Relations and the European Union: The European Union's International Relations: A Theoretical View, Filippo Andreatta; 3. The Institutional Framework, Sophie Vanhoonacker; 5.

Coherence, Carmen Gebhard; 6. Towards a Strategic Approach, Jolyon Howorth; The EU and the Developing World: Partnership, Poverty, Politicization, Maurizio Carbone; A European Civilising Process? This volume is the result of a study The Institutional Dimension of Cfsp: States, Pillars and Policy Fields: The Eu Meets Its Tests: Foreign Policy In The Making: The Enlargement-Foreign Policy Gap: The Case of Turkey, by Nathalie Tocci; The EU and Transatlantic relations: International Security on the Public Agenda; 2.

Perception of Threat; 3. The Sense of Atlantic Community; 4. Atlanticism and Multilateralism 4. Attitudes Toward the Use of Force 5. Centro militare di studi strategici], ISBN Testo online: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Israel Office, c Associazione industrie per l'aerospazio, i sistemi e la difesa], Curriculum in Politica, culture e cooperazione internazionale. Aspen Institute Italia, O L'Italia nelle missioni civili dell'Ue: Prefazione, Piergiorgio Cherubini; Lista delle abbreviazioni.

Esperienze apprese ed efficacia delle missioni civili Pesd, Giovanni Grevi; 2. Questionario per le Amministrazioni centrali dello Stato; 3. Civilian crisis management in the EU: Example of model contract for service abroad; Appendix II: Sample Curriculum of Pre-deployment Training for Eulex. The EU and the Mediterranean: Abbreviations; List of contributors; 1. Introduction, Geir Lundestad; 2. From the Cold War to the War on Terror: What role does America see for Europe? How well can Europe and the United States cooperate on non-European issues?

Can transatlantic leadership be shared? Do economic trends unite or divide the two sides of the Atlantic? Can the circle be unbroken? Public opinion and the transatlantic rupture, Steven Kull; Where are American-European relations heading? A view from the United States, Stanley R. A view from Europe, Gustav Schmidt; L'Italia nelle missioni civili dell'Ue: IAI Quaderni ; 35 Testo online: Lista dei partecipanti 1. Fabio Fabbri 3 p. Intervento del Sottosegretario di Stato Sen. Alfredo Mantica 4 p. Pietro Pistolese 4 p. Convegni Langer Anlauf - kurzer Sprung: Cambridge University Press, Constitutional and Institutional Questions: Direct effect and interpretation of international agreements in the recent case law of the European Court of Justice, Francis G.

Defining competence in EU external relations: Fundamental rights and the interface between second and third pillar, Eleanor Spaventa; 6. The EU as a party to international agreements: The common commercial policy enhanced by the Reform Treaty of Lisbon? Bilateral and Regional Approaches: The four common spaces: With eyes wide shut: The chapters in this book took final shape after draft papers were presented at an international conference Contested national identities and weak state structures in Eurasia - Douglas Blum; 3.

Ethnic conflict and Eurasian security - Stuart Kaufman; 4. Eurasia and the transnational terrorist threats to Atlantic security - Phil Williams; 5. Transboundary water management and security in Central Asia - Stuart Horsman; 6. Energy resources in Central Asia: Institutions of security governance: Geopolitical constraints and institutional innovation: The Black Sea Economic Cooperation: The European Union and Eurasia: Reflections on Eurasian security - David P. Calleo A La lotta al terrorismo dopo l'11 settembre: Saggio presentato in allegato a "Osservatorio transatlantico" a cura dell'Istituto affari internazionali, Documentazione per le delegazioni presso le Assemblee internazionali, Senato della Repubblica n.

Rapporti atlantici e Scenari mediterranei: List of Tables; Acknowledgements; Notes on the Contributors. EU Membership Negotiations with Turkey: Norms and All That: Paper prepared for the volume edited by Martin Westlake on "New concepts of European integration", in honour of the life and works of Jacques Vandamme. The European Union beyond Amsterdam: Andersen and Kjell A. Policymaking in the European Union - 1.

European Policy Studies - 4. Rail and transport policy: National paradigms and supranational structures, Frank Dobbin; 5. Interest interaction and supranational authority, Svein S Andersen; 7. Institutionalization and multi-level governance, Erik Beukel; 8. Policing Policy and Justice and Home Affairs: Economic versus political integration and the limits of supranationalism, Miriam L Campanella; The Common Foreign and Security Policy: Limits of intergovernmentalism and the search for a global role, Helene Sjursen; Interests, issues and the need for institutional reform, Finn Laursen; Swedish Institute of International Affairs, This volume is the result of the international conference Documenti Iai ; Autori: Angeli, , p.

Quaderni del Centro Altiero Spinelli ; 2 Testo online: Introduzione al corso; I. Unione europea e risoluzione dei conflitti: The new walls and fences: The Arab minority in Israel: A cooperative structure for Israel-Palestine relations: Islam in the post-communist Balkans: The interreligious and intercivilizational interaction in the global era: Concenptual considerations for Euro-Mediterranean relations. The case of Spanish-Moroccan relations. The new neighbourhood iniciative: PM Meeting the challenge: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, CE Il mercato europeo della difesa: Paper written for IeMed, Barcelona.

Militarized versus civilian policing: European University Institute, Roma, Senato della Repubblica, luglio Contributi di Istituti di ricerca specializzati ; 49 Testo online: The new global puzzle: Introduzione, Filippo Andreatta; Pt. Aspetti istituzionali - 1.

Aspetti storico-politici della politica di sicurezza e di difesa europea, Francesco Raschi; 2. Chi governa la Pesd? Aspetti finanziari e industriali - 4. Le cifre della Pesd. Spese militari europee a confronto, Emanuele Castelli; 5. Il futuro della politica di difesa in Europa. Chiamata alle armi - come difendere il Piave? L'elemento militare, di Vincenzo Camporini e Valerio Briani 1. I possibili passi in avanti: L'elemento istituzionale, di Gianni Bonvicini e Giovanni Faleg 2. I possibili passi avanti: The military aspect, by Vincenzo Camporini and Valerio Briani 1.

The institutional aspect, by Gianni Bonvicini and Giovanni Faleg 2. Nikolov; Pushing the stone uphill: From post-stabilisation towards pre-accession? New Trends, Actors, and Tasks: The 'schizophrenic' nature of peacebuilding operations: The regionalization of peacekeeping and peacebuilding: New tasks for peace operations? European propensity for peacekeeping and minilateralism: Bosnia, Darfur, and the 'actorness' of regional organisations: Military and civilian crisis management: European civilian operations in the occupied Palestinian territory: Canadian Peacekeeping Press, Neil MacFarlane, and Stephane Roussel.

Prospects for Multilateralism in Resolving Regional Conflicts: Regional Cooperative Security in the Americas: Figures and Tables; Contributors; Abbreviations. Mapping Modes of Multilateralism: Multilateralism in EU Policies: Assessing EU Multilateral Action: Externalization and Multilateralism, by Chad Damro, p.

Key Regions and Partners: Romano and Chen Zhimin, p. The European Union in Multilateral Fora: Conferencia internacional de Lisboa: From national foreign policy to multilevel networks; Multilevel network theory; European Union: A National security cultures: ISBN ; ; ebk Sulla p. Moving Towards a European Security Culture? A full Spectrum Contributor to Governance? Kirchner and James Sperling. Many, but not all, of these chapters, originated in the conference "New world, new Europe, new threats: The strategic impact of September A new cognizance of the WMD threat: From 11 September to the Prague Summit: NATO and the Iraq intervention: NATO's future in an age of new threats: Scheda informativa prodotta dallo IAI nell'ambito dell'Osservatorio di politica internazionale.

Il futuro della Nato p. Il futuro della Pesd p. NATO's eastern agenda in a new strategic era; 2. Central and Eastern Europe; 3. Ukraine's uncertain "European choice"; 5. Roma, Senato della Repubblica, marzo Contributi di Istituti di ricerca specializzati ; 88 Testo online: Paper presented at the Iep conference on "The new security challenges and Europe's international role", Berlin, January IAI The new European architecture in the 21st century: The impact of globalisation to the wider Black Sea area: Wider Europe, new neighbourhood: Speech by Alexander Furman 5 p.

Le monde en , Paris, Robert Laffont, Testo online: A European perspective on the new Transatlantic partnership for trade, monetary and security relations CE Non-alignment and European security policy: Copenhagen Peace Research Institute, Bailes, Gunilla Herolf and Bengt Sundelius. This book is the brainchild of three different research communities based in Stockholm: This book is built upon the papers delivered at this conference The European defence challenge for the Nordic region, Alyson J. Institutional and national politics: Editor's remarks, Gunilla Herolf; 1.

Domestic influences on Nordic security and defence policy: National defence and European cooperation: Editor's remarks, Bengt Sundelius; 6. The impact of EU capability targets and operational demands on defence concepts and planning, Gerrard Quille; 7. The impact of EU capability targets and operational demands on defence concepts and planning: Hardware politics, 'hard politics' or 'where, politics?

Nordic handling of the broader dimensions of security in an EU setting: Editor's remarks, Alyson J. Starting to 'think big': The Nordic countries and conventional arms control: Nordic nuclear non-proliferation policies: The interface of external and internal security in the EU and in Nordic policies, Magnus Ekengren; The Nordic countries, their region and Europe: The Nordic countries and EU security policy: The will to defend: The Norwegian predicament in European defence: Bailes and Baldur Thorhallsson; The Baltic states and northern security, Karlis Neretnieks; English series ; 3 Testo online: The impact of September 11 on U.

Aftermath of 11th of September: Institutions et gouvernance; p. Les politiques internes et externes; p. English series ; 7 Papers presented to the international conference, organized by the Istituto affari internazionali, on "Transatlantic security and nuclear proliferation", Rome, June Contiene: Introduction, by Giovanni Gasparini and Ettore Greco, p. Non Proliferation Initiatives, by Serge Sur, p. Iran and North Korea -- 6. A Strategy for Defeat? Questo quaderno raccoglie gli atti della conferenza di Parma [La politica estera e di sicurezza dell'Unione europea e il ruolo del Parlamento europeo, Parma, marzo ] e di quella di Torino [La nuova costituzione dell'Europa e il futuro del Parlamento europeo nell'Europa allargata, Torino, aprile ]: I poteri del Parlamento europeo nel nuovo trattato costituzionale, di Cesare Pinelli, p.

La nuova Costituzione europea, il Parlamento europeo e i partiti politici, di Luciano Bardi, p. More than a Marginal Player? Il dibattito sulla politica estera e di sicurezza e il Parlamento Europeo, di Francesca Longo, p. L'evoluzione della politica estera e di sicurezza dell'Ue nel nuovo scenario internazionale, di Marco Clementi, p.

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Il nuovo ruolo del Parlamento europeo, di Marinella Neri Gualdesi, p. Il Parlamento europeo e i partiti politici: Europa e regione ; Questo volume trae spunto da un ciclo di incontri intitolato "America, 11 settembre: Roma, Senato della Repubblica, ottobre Contributi di Istituti di ricerca specializzati ; 78 Testo online: Current issues on terrorism: Le relazioni occidentali dopo l'Iraq - 1. L'Alleanza Atlantica tra globalizzazione e marginalizzazione, Alessandro Colombo; 2. Il ruolo della politica europea di difesa e di sicurezza comune, Francesca Longo; Pt.

Le scelte dei paesi UE - 4. L'impatto della co-optazione dei paesi dell'Europa centro-orientale sulle relazioni transatlantiche, Serena Giusti; 6. Le relazioni atlantiche alla prova - 7. Europa e Stati Uniti di fronte all'evoluzione del diritto internazionale, Gabriella Venturini; 8. Il dibattito sulla riforma del Consiglio di Sicurezza, Marco Pedrazzi; 9.

L'agenda strategica transatlantica, Giovanni Gasparini; La Turchia tra il processo di allargamento dell'Unione europea e la politica estera americana , Matteo Fumagalli; La posizione occidentale verso l'Iran: Continuity in the face of upheavel. British strategic culture and the impact of the Blair government, Alister Miskimmon; 6.

A New European Atlanticist at a crossroads? European security, strategic culture, and the use of force, Adrian Hyde-Price; 7. Has-been, wannabe, or leader: American perspectives on the transatlantic security agenda, Jeffrey S. ISBN ; Contiene: European Security Conceptualized - 1. Historical precedents for the current European security and defense policy, Janet Adamski; 3. Europe takes a human face, P. European Security in Action - 8.

The European Union in the Balkans: Schweiss and Cindy R. The European Union and the Middle East: European perspectives and approaches, Joaquin Roy; Convergence, Divergence and Dialectics: How Should We Measure Success? Kluwer Law International, , p. Sloan ; sous la direction de Nicole Gnesotto, 54p. A Partenaires et vosins: Georgetown University Press, c Daniel and Sharon Wiharta. Across Regions and Nations: Daniel, Katrin Heuel, and Benjamin Margo; 3. Preparing for the Worst: Preparing Nations for Peace: Within Regions and Nations: Building Institutions on the Run, Mark Malan; 7.

Looking Near and Far, Bastian Giegerich; 8. Peace Support in the New Independent States: Different from the Rest? Nikitin and Mark A. Haiti and Beyond, John T. Rethinking Peace Operations in East Asia: Problems and Prospects, Mely Caballero-Anthony; Contributors of Global Significance, Dipankar Banerjee; The Greater Middle East: Problems of Priorities and Agendas, Paul R. Pillar; Conclusion, Donald C. Quaderni del Circolo Rosselli, n. A publication of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e. Presses de Sciences Po, Istituto di studi per la sicurezza dell'Unione europea, Diritto internazionale e ordine mondiale ; 9.

Gli antecedenti della PESC: Le caratteristiche generali della PESC. Il funzionamento interno della PESC. La natura giuridica della PESC. Approfondimenti ; 72 Sul front.: Roma, Camera dei deputati, febbraio , 22 p.