What history tells us

Feb 14, Elaine Oliveira rated it did not like it Shelves: Very nice short story.

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It could make a funny piece of chick lit if the idea were explored further. Lesley Joy rated it did not like it Jan 31, Cecilia Hombrados-Tamargo rated it did not like it Oct 08, Kathy rated it liked it Sep 07, Jul 01, Elenisillive. Com rated it did not like it Shelves: Sheri rated it did not like it Jun 13, Stefanie rated it did not like it Mar 11, Denly-gai Featon rated it did not like it Nov 21, TracyG rated it liked it Dec 07, Jennifer rated it did not like it Mar 02, Angela Britt rated it did not like it Jun 18, Campbell added it Dec 08, Schliemann and his team unearthed a large feature he dubbed the Scaean Gate, a western gate unlike the three previously found leading to the Pergamos.

As Schliemann states in his publication Troja: Troy VI was destroyed around BC, probably by an earthquake. Only a single arrowhead was found in this layer, and no remains of bodies. However, the town quickly recovered and was rebuilt in a layout that was more orderly. This rebuild continued the trend of having a heavily fortified citadel to preserve the outer rim of the city in the face of earthquakes and sieges of the central city. Troy VIIa appears to have been destroyed by war. This was immortalized in the Iliad written by Homer.

In Homer's description of the city, a section of one side of the wall is said to be weaker than the rest. The great tower along the walls seemed likely to be the "Great Tower of Ilios".

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Schliemann himself had conceded that Troy VI was more likely to be the Homeric city, but he never published anything stating so. In BC, the Persian king Xerxes sacrificed 1, cattle at the sanctuary of Athena Ilias while marching through the Hellespontine region towards Greece. Athens liberated the so-called Actaean cities including Ilion and enrolled these communities in the Delian League.

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Athenian influence in the Hellespont waned following the oligarchic coup of , and in that year the Spartan general Mindaros emulated Xerxes by likewise sacrificing to Athena Ilias. In , the Spartan general Dercylidas expelled the Greek garrison at Ilion who were controlling the city on behalf of the Lampsacene dynasts during a campaign which rolled back Persian influence throughout the Troad.

Ilion remained outside the control of the Persian satrapal administration at Dascylium until the Peace of Antalcidas in — In this period of renewed Persian control c. Antigonus Monophthalmus took control of the Troad in and created the new city of Antigoneia Troas which was a synoikism of the cities of Skepsis , Kebren , Neandreia , Hamaxitos , Larisa , and Kolonai. The day-to-day running of the synedrion , especially in relation to its finances, was left to a college of five agonothetai , on which no city ever had more than one representative. This system of equal rather than proportional representation ensured that no one city could politically dominate the koinon.

The festival brought huge numbers of pilgrims to Ilion for the duration of the festival as well as creating an enormous market the panegyris which attracted traders from across the region. In the period —, Ilion and the Troad were part of the kingdom of Lysimachus , who during this time helped Ilion synoikize several nearby communities, thus expanding the city's population and territory. In or soon after Ilion passed a long decree lavishly honouring Antiochus in order to cement their relationship with him. The city was destroyed by Sulla 's rival, the Roman general Fimbria , in 85 BC following an eleven-day siege.

Ilion reciprocated this act of generosity by instituting a new civic calendar which took 85 BC as its first year. In the 80s BC, Roman publicani illegally levied taxes on the sacred estates of Athena Ilias and the city was required to call on L. Julius Caesar for restitution; while in 80 BC, the city suffered an attack by pirates.

Julius Caesar was once again required to arbitrate, this time reforming the festival so that it would be less of a financial burden. Julius Caesar, and the family's claim that they were ultimately descended from Venus through the Trojan prince Aeneas and therefore shared kinship with the Ilians. Soon after work on the theatre was completed in 12—11 BC, Melanippides dedicated a statue of Augustus in the theatre to record this benefaction.

It flourished until the establishment of Constantinople , became a bishopric in the Roman province Hellespontus civil Diocese of Asia , but declined gradually in the Byzantine era. No later than the 4th century, it was a suffragan of the provincial capital's Metropolitan Archdiocese of Cyzicus , in the sway of the Patriarchate of Constantinople. Several bishops are historically documented:. It has been vacant for decades, having had the following incumbents, so far of the fitting Episcopal lowest rank:. A small minority of contemporary writers argue that Homeric Troy was not at the Hisarlik site, but elsewhere in Anatolia or outside it—e.

In the s, the Swiss scholar Emil Forrer claimed that the placenames Wilusa and Taruisa found in Hittite texts should be identified with Ilion and Troia, respectively. Subsequent to this, the Tawagalawa letter CTH was found to document an unnamed Hittite king's correspondence to the king of the Ahhiyawa , referring to an earlier "Wilusa episode" involving hostility on the part of the Ahhiyawa.

A Fall from the Walls of Troy

The Hittite king was long held to be Mursili II c. It is probably the same as the earlier "Teresh" Egyptian: These identifications were rejected by many scholars as being improbable or at least unprovable. Recent evidence also adds weight to the theory that Wilusa is identical to archaeological Troy. The identifications of Wilusa with Troy and of the Ahhiyawa with Homer's Achaeans remain somewhat controversial but gained enough popularity during the s to be considered majority opinion.

Such was the fame of the Epic Cycle in Roman and Medieval times that it was built upon to provide a starting point for various founding myths of national origins. The most influential, Virgil 's Aeneid , traces the journeys of the Trojan prince Aeneas , supposed ancestor of the founders of Rome and the Julio-Claudian dynasty. In a later era, the heroes of Troy, both those noted in Homer and those invented for the purpose, often continued to appear in the origin stories of the nations of Early Medieval Europe. A Trojan pedigree could justify the occupation of parts of Rome's former territories.

On that basis, the Franks filled the lacunae of their legendary origins with Trojan and pseudo-Trojan names: In similar manner, Geoffrey of Monmouth reworked earlier material such as the Historia Brittonum to trace the legendary kings of the Britons from a supposed descendant of Aeneas called Brutus. Likewise, Snorri Sturluson , in the prologue to his Icelandic Prose Edda , traced the genealogy of the ancestral figures in Norse mythology to characters appearing at Troy in Homer's epic, notably making Thor to be the son of Memnon.

Sturluson referred to these figures as having made a journey across Europe towards Scandinavia , setting up kingdoms as they went. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. For other uses, see Troy disambiguation.

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The city of Troy was part of a small independent confederation named Assuwa that tried to resist the Hittite expansion but which eventually yielded and became a sort of vassal state to the Hittite empire. And archaeologists working in Troy have discovered skeletons, arrowheads and traces of destruction which point to us a violent end for Troy Level VII — as the late Bronze Age city has been designated by archaeologists so far levels I to IX have been excavated. At that stage, the political and economic system in the Mediterranean was disintegrating.

Because of new technology being adopted by the powers of the time, this has become known as the Iron Age. The beginning of this new era witnessed destruction throughout the Mediterranean basin.

The Downfall Of Troy

Wealthy cities such as Troy as well as Mycenae and Tiryns in Greece were destroyed and abandoned. These events were so significant that the memory lasted for centuries.

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In Greek mythology, the tale of the fall of Troy was recorded in two epics, the Iliad and the Odyssey, traditionally attributed to Homer and written about years after these events. More than a century of archaeological and historical research in the eastern Mediterranean basin appears to confirm that there was a war on Troy when Homer says there was. His account centres around the affair between Paris and the Spartan queen Helen, that is said to have triggered the conflict. But contemporary sources from the Hittite archives in Hattusha tell a different story. Greek kingdoms conducted a number of military campaigns in western Turkey.

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Hittite records mention raids and mass kidnapping of people to be sold as slaves. There is a record of a peace treaty between Greeks and Hittites over the city of Troy. The location of Troy, at the crossroad between the East and the West, is not only a centre of challenge embodied by the Troyan war , but also of dialogue.