The area of each tile is proportional to the corresponding cell entry, given the dimensions of previous splits. Mosaic graph can be created using either the function mosaicplot [in graphics] or the function mosaic [in vcd package]. Visualizing Multi-way Contingency Tables with vcd.

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Correspondence analysis can be used to summarize and visualize the information contained in a large contingency table formed by two categorical variables. Home Articles Data Visualization R Graphics Essentials Visualizing Multivariate Categorical Data To visualize a small data set containing multiple categorical or qualitative variables, you can create either a bar plot, a balloon plot or a mosaic plot.

Bar plots of contingency tables

Prerequisites Bar plots of contingency tables Balloon plot Mosaic plot Correspondence analysis. Prerequisites Load required R packages and set the default theme: Bar plots of contingency tables Demo data set: For other applications, rather than showing the distribution within each category, you might want to show an estimate of the central tendency of the values. Seaborn has two main ways to show this information. Importantly, the basic API for these functions is identical to that for the ones discussed above. A familiar style of plot that accomplishes this goal is a bar plot. In seaborn, the barplot function operates on a full dataset and applies a function to obtain the estimate taking the mean by default.

When there are multiple observations in each category, it also uses bootstrapping to compute a confidence interval around the estimate and plots that using error bars:. A special case for the bar plot is when you want to show the number of observations in each category rather than computing a statistic for a second variable.

This is similar to a histogram over a categorical, rather than quantitative, variable. Both barplot and countplot can be invoked with all of the options discussed above, along with others that are demonstrated in the detailed documentation for each function:.

Plotting with categorical data — seaborn documentation

An alternative style for visualizing the same information is offered by the pointplot function. This function also encodes the value of the estimate with height on the other axis, but rather than showing a full bar, it plots the point estimate and confidence interval. Additionally, pointplot connects points from the same hue category. This makes it easy to see how the main relationship is changing as a function of the hue semantic, because your eyes are quite good at picking up on differences of slopes:.

These objects should be passed directly to the data parameter:. Additionally, the axes-level functions accept vectors of Pandas or numpy objects rather than variables in a DataFrame:. To control the size and shape of plots made by the functions discussed above, you must set up the figure yourself using matplotlib commands:.

Categorical Data, Summarizing and Visualizing

This is the approach you should take when you need a categorical figure to happily coexist in a more complex figure with other kinds of plots. Just like relplot , the fact that catplot is built on a FacetGrid means that it is easy to add faceting variables to visualize higher-dimensional relationships:. For further customization of the plot, you can use the methods on the FacetGrid object that it returns:. But we usually consider the relative frequencies when evaluating the distributions of categorical variables. We can also make a bar plot of these relative frequencies, which looks just like the original bar plot but just has the relative frequencies instead of the counts on the y axis.

First, bar plots are used for displaying distributions of categorical variables while histograms are used for numerical variables. Second, the axis in a histogram is a number line, hence the orders of the bars cannot be changed. While in a bar plot the categories can be listed in any order.

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Though some orderings make more sense than others, especially for ordinal variables. It might be tempting to also make a pie chart for these data, but a pie chart is actually much less informative than a bar plot. First, while it tells us the relative ordering of the levels, it doesn't actually tell us what percentage of the distribution falls into each level.

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Second, when there are many levels in a categorical variable with similar relative frequencies, it might be difficult to determine which level is more highly represented just by looking at a pie chart. For example, below shows a pie chart of orders of mammal species. Just by looking at the pie chart, can you tell which order encompasses the lowest percentage of mammal species?

It is very difficult. There is a poll asked how much income each participant makes, and we might wonder, if whether people think it's difficult, or easy, to save money, is related to their income. To evaluate whether income and perception of difficulty of saving are related.

We will need to compare people who think, say, it's very difficult to save money among the different income levels.