Mercier, Laffont , The National Intelligence Crisis. Jonas, Laffont, Paris, Adams, Quartet Books, London, Gelber, Studies in Zionism, Spring The Life and the Death of Eli Cohen. Segev, Keter, Jerusalem, Ben-Porat, Balland, Paris, The Story of Operation Moses. Safran, Prentice Hall, New York, Posner, Syracuse University Press, Syracuse, Harel, Edanim, Tel Aviv, Katz, Osprey, London, Derogy, Laffont, Paris, The Exclusive Story of Jonathan Pollard.
Gaffney, Amana Books, Beltsville, Henderson, Alpha Books, New York, The History of the Israeli Intelligence. Ronen, Ministry of Defense, Tel Aviv, Argaman, Ministry of Defense, Tel Aviv, Payne, Corgi, London, Stein, Warner Books, New York, Shoshan, Edanim, Tel Aviv, Rachum, Carmel, Jerusalem, Morris, Hamish Hamilton, London, Melman, Stock, Paris, Cockburn, Harper Collins, New York, The Story of the Yom Kippur Surprise.
Ben-Porat, Edanim, Tel Aviv, Mcknight, Monarch, London, Rika, Ministry of defense, Tel Aviv, Gelber, Tel Aviv, Crow, Harvard Law School, Cambridge, Katz, Praesidio Press, Novato, Ben-Menashe, Sheridan Square Press, Cohen, Sinclair, London, Hersh, Orban, Paris, The Story of Yeshayahu Dan. Ettinger, Cornwall Books, New York, Strasman, Yedioth Ahronoth, Tel Aviv, How the Haganah and the Mossad eliminated Jews. Giladi, Glilit, Flushing, Goldenberg, Shapolsky Publishers, New York, Edanim, Tel Aviv, Inside the US-Israel Alliance.
Raviv, Hyperion, New York, Ostrovsky, Harper Collins, New York, Mossad and Nigeria, the Dikko Story. Soyinka, Newswatch Books, Lagos, The United States, Israel and Britain. Amit, Valentine Mitchell, London, Levanon, Am Oved, Tel Aviv, Gilling, HarperCollins, London, Shimron, Dagorno, Paris, Gutman, Yedioth Ahronoth, Tel Aviv, McRaven, Presidio, Novato, Harary, Yedioth Ahronoth, Tel Aviv, Betzer, Plon, Paris, The Case of Yom Kippur War.
Engle, Frank Cass, London, Harel, Frank Cass, London, Aharoni, Wiley, New York, Eshed, Frank Cass, London, Katz, Pocket Books, New York, Gelber, Ministry of Defense, Tel Aviv, Memoir of an Israeli Intelligence Officer. Horesh, McFarland, Jefferson, Lefen, Ministry of Defense, Tel Aviv, Rabinovitch, Naval Institute Press, Annapolis, Schulze, St Anthony's, Westerby, HarperBusiness, New York, Sagie, Miskal, Tel Aviv, Avni, Warner Press, Hounam, Frog, Berkeley, Eldar, Motor buch Verlag, The Jonathan Pollard Spy Case.
Goldenberg, Prometheus, New York, Katz, Fromm International, New York, Gillon, Yedioth Ahronoth, Tel Aviv, Background and Considerations for Presidential Clemency. Mark, Congressional Research Service, Washington, Israeli Intelligence in the War of Independance Minicangeli, Datanews, Roma, Reeve, Arcade, New York, Shimron, Keter, Tel Aviv, Caroz, Ministry of Defense, Tel Aviv, Haber, Miskal, Tel Aviv, Eitan, Lyons Press, Guilford, Asher, Ministry of Defense, Tel Aviv, Herzog, Greenhill Books, Webster, Rosen Publishing, New York, Claire, Broadway Books, The Daring Rescue of the Ethiopian Jews.
Spector, Oxford University Press, Oxford, Halkin, Public Affairs, New York, Olive, Naval Institute Press, Annapolis, Thomas, Nouveau monde, Paris, Halevy, Albin Michel, Paris, Kahana, Scarecrow Press, New York, Lossing, Appleton Co, New York, Drummond, Governement Printing Office, Washington, The Recollections of a Spy. Beach, Heinemann, Londres, Conrad, Ogilvie, New York, Wagner, Franklin Hudson, Kansas City, Taylor, North Carolina Booklet, Hamlet, Bates, Century, New York, Scouts ans Spies of the North and South.
Nathan Hale and Robert Townsend. Pennypacker, Houghton Mifflin, Boston, Yardley, Boobs-Merill, New York, Johnson, Payot, Paris, Wilkie, Burt Company, New York, Rowan, Literary Guild, New York, Bryan, Lippincott, Philadelphia, Floherty, Lippincott, New York, The Story of an Intelligence Officer.
Pettee, Infantery Journal Press, Washington, The Story of an American Intelligence Officer. Pennypacker, East Hampton, Kent, Princeton University Press, Princeton, Lowenthal, William Sloane Assoc. Watson, Government Printing Office, Washington, Forrestal, Viking, New York, USA vs Alger Hiss. Cooke, Knopf, New York, Mashbir, Vantage, New York, Adventures in Wartime Espionage. Downes, Vershoyle, New York, A Discovery in History. Horan, Crown, New York, Shils, Free Press, New York, Morgan, Norton, New York, Whitehead, Morgan, Paris, Beal, Harper, New York, Edgar Hoover, Modern Knight Errant.
Comfort, Denison, Minneapolis, Ransom, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Ind, McKay, New York, Bulloch, Thomas Yoseloff, New York, Stern, Bonanza Books, New York, Bakeless, Lippincott, Philadelphia, Neal, Chilton Company-Books, Philadelphia, The Story of General Lafayette C. Mogelever, Doubleday, New York, Hyde, Straus, New York, The Chronicle of a Disaster.
Meyer, Praeger, New York, Wise, Random House, New York, Tully, Stock, Paris, A Study of American Revolutionary Spies. Braden, Fayard, Paris, Johnson, Norton, New York, Cook, Macmillan, New York, Ross, Fayard, Paris, Walton, Collection Action, Paris, Ford, LittleBrown, Boston, Kuhn, Random House, New York, The Story of Noel Field. Lewis, Doubleday, New York, The Future of US Intelligence. Miles, Doubleday, New York, Dorman, Delacourt Press, New York, Ollestad, Stuart, New York, Smith, New Age, Delhi, Ross, Random House, New York, Kennan, LittleBrown, Boston, Abel, Arthaud, Paris, Kirkpatrick, Macmillan, New York, Mader, Mader, Berlin-East, Overstreet, Norton, New York, My Years in the State Department.
Acheson, Norton, New York, Edgar Hoover speaks concerning Communism. Bales, Capitol Hill Press, Washington, Infield, Macmillan, New York, Klass, Random House, New York, Sheehan, Albin Michel, Paris, Divine, Quadrangle, Chicago, Ben Franklin, Patriot or Spy? Currey, Prentice-Hall, New York, Nash, Hardcover, Chicago, Smith, University of California Press, Berkeley, Hymoff, Ballantine, New York, Prouty, Prentice-Hall, New York, My Life With Five Presidents.
McCague, Garrad, Compaign, Foreign Policy and Domestic Activities. Hoopes, LittleBrown, Boston, The Man in his Time. Steven, Laffont, Paris, Prouty, Ballantine, New York, Donovan, Heath, Lexington, Memoirs of an American Secret Agent. Hunt, Berkley-Putnam, New York, Fitzgerald, LittleBrown, Boston, The Memoirs of Prince Norodom Sihanouk. Sihanouk, Penguin, London, Grimmett, Library of Congress, Washington, Munves, Harcourt Brace, New York, Blackstock, Random House, New York, Powe, Military Affairs, Manhattan, Copeland, Pinacle, New York, An Oral Biography of J.
Blair, Lippincott, Philadelphia, Marks, Laffont, Paris, Agee, Seuil, Paris, Jaubert, Stock, Paris, Ungar, Little Brown, Boston, Brown, Berkley Publishing, New York, Peyrefitte, Albin Michel, Paris, Roosevelt, Walker, New York, The Underside of the Nixon Years. Lukas, Viking, New York, The Tragedy of United Fruit. McCann, Crown, New York, Blueprint of the Essential. Cline, Acropolis Books, Washington, Paine, Hale, London, Phillips, Atheneum, New York, The Flight of the First Soviet Defectors.
Ehrlichman, Fayard, Paris, Yergin, Houghton Mifflin, Boston, The Rise of the American Intelligence Empire. Corson, Dial, New York, Freedman, Westview Press, Boulder, Snepp, Random House, New York, Afrique du nord Guillemot, Orban, Paris, The Continental Light Dragoons. Loescher, Fort Collins, Stockwell, Norton, New York, Colby, Renaissance, Paris, Rositzke, Elsevier, Paris, Agee, Stuart, Secaucus, Wilson, Basic Books, New York, Mosley, Doubleday, New York, Frazier, Macmillan, New York, Blackstock, Pathfinder, New York, Marks, Times Books, New York, Sullivan, Norton, New York, Politics in the Film community Englund, Anchor Press, Berkeley, Agarossi, Basic Books, Philadelphia, Elliff, Princeton University Press, Princeton, Richard Helms and the CIA.
Powers, Knopf, New York, With the OSS in Burma. Dunlop, Rand McNally, Chicago, Dorwart, Naval Intelligence Institute, Annapolis, Weber, Precedent Publishing, Chicago, The Struggle for Control of Iran. Holmes, Naval Institute Press, Annapolis, Persico, Viking Press, New York, The CIA in Africa. Lindsey, Pocket Books, New York, Donner, Knopf, New York, Guerin, Editions sociales, Paris, Wyden, JA, Paris, The American Experience and Iran.
Neal, Nelson Books, New York, Cline, Acropolis, Washington, Powers, Plon, Paris, Troy, University Publications of America, Frederick, Martin, Presses de la Renaissance, Paris, Donner, Vintage Books, New York, Brownell, Laguna Hills, Agular, University Publications of America, Europe, the United States, and the Mexican Revolution. Katz, University Chicago Press, Chicago, The Untold Story of Pearl Harbor. An American View of Counterinsugency Operations. Yardley, Ballantine, New York, Wise, Temps Actuel, Paris, The Foreign Policy of Intervention. Immerman, University of Texas Press, Austin, Sherman, Buchet-Chastel, Paris, Stephenson, St Martin's, London, Hersch, New York, Kinzer, Doubleday, New York, Ambrose, Le Prat, Paris, Bamford, Houghton Mifflin, Boston, Dunlop, Rand McNally, The Evolution of the Agency from Roosevelt to Reagan.
Codes, Ciphers and the Defeat of Japan. Lewin, Farrar, New York, Miller, Aerofax, Austin, Theoharis, Temple University Press, Philadelphia, Goode, Watts, New York, Bancroft, Morrow, New York, Smith, Basic Books, New York, Dorwart, Naval Institute Press, Annapolis, The First 30 Years. Simpson, Presidio, Novato, My 25 Years in the CIA. Memoirs of the National Security Adviser, Brzezinski, New York, Gunston, Arco, New York, Leary, University of Alabama Press, Tuscaloosa, Hougan, Random House, New York, How to Be a Federal Intelligence Officer.
Phillips, University Publications, Frederick, US Policy and El Salvador. Bonner, Times Books, New York, The Secret Petrodollar Connection. Emerson, Franklin Watts, New York, Bonosky, International Publishers, New York, Sick, Random House, New York, The Senate Intelligence Investigation. Johnson, Dorsey Press, Richelson, Cambridge, Ballinger, The Uses and Limits of Intelligence.
Laqueur, Basic Books, New York, Stanton, Presidio, Novato, The CIA in Transition. Turner, Houghton Mifflin, Boston, Generous, Gallery Books, New York, Nair, Sterling, New Delhi, The CIA, organised crime and arms dealers in the loans affairs conspiracy. Breitman, Pygmalion, Paris, Bank, Presido, Novato, Breckinridge, Westview Press, Boulder, He signals his actions, warning his adversaries that he is on their trail.
My very honorable spy is completely disinterested," 3. In Patrie , d'Ivoi and Royet write of German spies: See also Mahalin, Espions ; Danrit, Yellow. For an interesting counterpoint, see Gempp's discussion of the psychological difficulty for German officers who disliked spying but were assigned to intelligence work: French espionage in the days of Napoleon was favorably looked upon.
See Paul Muller, L'espionnage militaire.
Liste bibliographique sur le SOE
Kahn, Hitler's Spies , 36, 39; for England: Andrew, Secret Service , , , Andrew numbers MI1b's staff at eighty-four by war's end. This was the military's code breaking unit. He does not give a figure for the Admiralty's more celebrated unit, Room Georges Ladoux, Les chasseurs d'espions Paris: Payot, ; Andrew, Secret Service , chap. Britain and the Great War, Cambridge: Polity Press, , ; Kahn, Hitler's Spies , Being the Adventures of I. Cassell, ; translated by Lucien Thomas as Ma vie d'espion [I. On Hill's credibility, see Andrew, Secret Service , Andrew also notes that the British sent only a handful of agents by air, and these by balloon, Paul Ignatieff, Ma mission en France , Paris: The book was published posthumously from the author's notes.
The identification of semen is in Andrew, Secret Service , Viking Press, , There is a good discussion of the use of carrier pigeons in the war in Andrew, Secret Service , , See also Illustration , 18 April ; Bauermeister, La guerre dans l'ombre: Payot, , ; Nicolai, Forces , Gallimard, , The parakeet story is from the Syracuse Post-Standard , 9 July , and the Cher Ami story comes from another issue of the same paper, in an article by Isabel Wolseley unfortunately my alertness in cutting it out after breakfast was not equaled by attention to marking the date of the clipping.
For discussions of the espionage uses of carrier pigeons before the war, see Le Petit Parisien , 11 December ; Rollin, Service , The discussion of the Jewish gang is in L. Lacaze, Adventures d'un agent secret franais, Paris: This background and the book's style of presentation make the author's account credible. Pan Books, ; originally published as Ashenden [London: William Heinemann, ] , 3: SHAT 7N , 10 16?
Weber, Eagles on the Crescent: Cornell University Press, , ; William L. Cleveland, Islam Against the West Austin: University of Texas Press, , Longmans, Green and Co. Editions Documentaires, , ; Vu et Lu , 28 July , p. The best account on covert operations in the western hemisphere is Katz, Secret War , especially , Ballantine, , especially ; Roger Lancelyn Green, A.
Max Parrish, , on the German radio station. Fischer also describes German subversion in the Russian empire, See also Frank G. Princeton University Press, Kriegserlebnisse der deutschen Expedition nach Persien und Afghanistan Munich: Einhorn-Verlag, , on Romania and the circus cover ; Sykes, Wassmuss Sykes also recounts the story of Niedermayer's baggage, Paul Allard, La guerre des espions Paris: Flammarion, , University of Chicago Press, Oxford University Press, , ; N.
Landau, The Politics of Pan-Islam: Ideology and Organization Oxford: Clarendon Press, , chaps. I am indebted to the Burke article for calling my attention to Keddie and Stoddard. Presses universitaires de France, , 55, , , ; Burke, Prelude , For government reports on gunrunning: Dietrich Reimer, ; Dirk Bavendamm et al. Die Geschichte eines Hamburger Handelshauses, Hamburg: Verlag Hanseatischer Merkur, Opposition to the Rif War " Ph.
Regenratz, whose real name was otherwise, was taken from an Italian liner coming from Argentina. Droste Verlag, , There are many reports from the first years of the s on grand plots for global insurrections that would reconstitute wartime alliances or bridge these with new revolutionary forces to crack open the British and French empires.
See also Rif war dossiers for reports of former German intelligence agents in Spain during the First World War now to be found in the camp of the rebels or of several hundred German officers securing passage via the port of Genoa—a warning strikingly similar to Regenratz's wartime revelations of infiltration itineraries passing through that city SHAT 3H , 1 September. Whealey, Hitler and Spain Lexington: University Press of Kentucky, , See the materials on the Bayda brothers Baydaphone and Theodore K.
Estimates of radio sets in the Arab world including those owned by Europeans totaled several hundred thousand by the late s. Approximately one-fifth of the twenty-eight thousand receivers in Morocco belonged to Muslims, although collective listening practices like the attachment of radios to card loudspeakers significantly expanded the potential audience.
The British countered with Radio Daventry and the French with Radio-Colonial, later Radio-Mondial, as well as attempts to jam the signals of others with repeated telegraph messages to a fake ship-at-sea. See also the following three articles: Grange, "La propagande arabe de Radio-Bari ," Relations internationales 5 Grange, "Structure et techniques d'une propagande: Cleveland, Islam , especially , , On Tangier and Cairo: Julius Mader identifies Langenheim as an Abwehr agent in the s.
Mader, Hitlers Spionagegenerale , Maier, "Between Taylorism and Technocracy: Maier, Recasting Bourgeois Europe: Chandler and Herman Daems Cambridge, Mass.: Cross, Immigrant Workers in Industrial France: Bristow, Prostitution and Prejudice: Oxford University Press, , , A Fascist Life Berkeley: University of California Press, , Chalmers Johnson, An Instance of Treason: Stanford University Press, , quoted See also Slavin, "Anticolonialism," , Both the report and Slavin suggest possible Mannesmann collaboration with the British syndicate. A deposition by Charles Deboe, who claimed to have acted as an intermediary between Gardiner and Abd-el-Krim's brother, made no mention of the syndicate.
The basic outline of Gardiner the adventurer-gunrunner remains. See AN F7 , 30 July Also, according to C. Pennell, Gardiner had developed his own commercial connections with the Rif. Pennell, A Country with a Government and a Flag: The Rif War in Morocco, Cambridgeshire: Menas Press, , References to ex-army officers—American, British, Turkish, German—repeatedly turn up in intelligence reports on the Rif war.
SHAT 3H , n. I consulted the SMP files on microfilm in Syracuse.
Sterling Seagrave, The Epic of Flight: Soldiers of Fortune Alexandria, Va.: Time-Life Books, , As is often the case with such reports, some of the biographical material on Swirles is contradictory, one report stating he had lived in Paris since , another that he had left Germany only in the mids. Plon, , There is a large dossier on this in AN BB18 This report is in a dossier with written on it but belongs to the Troncoso file listed as in the inventory.
In at Antwerp a beginning customs official took his duties seriously and insisted on inspecting a shipment of cement. When the consignee refused to open the containers in which the cement was packed, the customs man forbade the embarkment of the cargo. Antwerp customs, its hand forced, was thus obliged to proceed with an investigation, and the consignee withdrew the cargo altogether.
Later, the novice douanier received a "paternal" talking-to, in effect a warning not to pull this stunt again. AN F7 , 9 November written from Brussels.
- De la liberté des Anciens comparée à celle des Modernes (French Edition).
- Interkulturelle Bildung und das Konsortium Bildungsberichterstattung (German Edition).
- A história de Chopin (Portuguese Edition).
The correspondent's reports to which he refers are in AN F7 , 12, 15, 23 October Charles Chenevier, La grande maison Paris: MI , 23 October MI , 29, 30 November , 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 14 December Barthelet also went to Vienna, Danzig, and Berlin. He was a Commissaire de police mobile. At the time of the murders Franco-Italian relations were improving and the French had incentives to conduct an investigation that would not rupture this process.
This hypothesis could explain why the government was powerless to prevent the humiliation of its police missions abroad. Casterman ; Navarre, Service , The March and June reports differ a bit on the dates of Samuel I. AA Geheimakten , AZ: Spanien Pol 15, Agenten- u. SS was am acronym for Schutzstaffel. NA T77 , pp. On sabotage via Italy: See also De Jong, Fifth , Later reports from judicial sources presented a watered-down version of Delrieu's report based on Tamborini's later insistence that he understood French imperfectly and had difficulty with the police interrogators' accent, and based on attacks on the character and motivations of a POUM informant.
Neither qualification is convincing, especially in light of Cantelli's confession, Valentin's report, the Giardini incident, the details and style of Delrieu's report, and SIM revelations following the war see note Plon, , these are transcripts of documents. Joel Blatt has been helpful in confirming these documents, based on his work with Italian sources.
On circuits into France: Stalin's Man in China Cambridge, Mass.: Poretsky, Our Own People: University of Michigan Press, , On global dimensions, see chapter 4. For an overall view of Soviet espionage in these years, including discussion of specific operations in Germany and France, the departure points are David J.
Dallin, Soviet Espionage New Haven: Soviet secret police went through several name changes during the period. For the sake of consistency I use the letters GPU throughout this book. Dallin argues that distance between agencies and local parties, to the extent it was practiced, was to protect the latter from charges of spying for a foreign country. Dallin, Soviet Espionage , Literature on German interwar intelligence has concentrated on the Nazi years. See also Buchheit, Geheimdienst. Beck, , 44, The extent of Gestapo penetration in France is difficult to follow.
Pantheon, , Praeger, , The following discussion, except details on Yugoslavia, relies primarily on Navarre, Service , especially , 53, , This is a sober account put together by a former SR official who headed the German section of the SR Centrale from to ; other former intelligence officers supplied information to Navarre for this work. Down to the SR Marine maintained a station in Germany. For a positive assessment of the SR's effectiveness in obtaining strategically valuable intelligence, see, in addition to Navarre, Robert Young, "French Military Intelligence and Nazi Germany, ," in Knowing One's Enemies , ed.
Andrew and Dilks, , Dates for SR stations have been given only where precise information exists. Freundt, in the German consulate in Zagreb, sent the original report on Hartwig. He said his information came from a former collaborator of Hartwig. Although Freundt noted that he lacked the time and means to verify this information, he believed it to be. The repetition of these details in the RSHA report nine months later again suggests that the report was correct.
It is possible that the informer was part of a French sting operation; the French SR did engage in disinformation. If so, this would, in a diferent way, demonstrate the sophistication of French intelligence in this period. Hartwig was related to the Baron Hartwig, Russian minister to Serbia, who died of a heart attack during the July crisis. His father was a former bank director in St. The barge was blocked in the Seine and most of its contents recovered by the Germans. Dresden concerning experiments with sabotage materials. On Soviet wireless use, see The Rote Kapelle: University Publications of America, , 20, Charles Reber, Terrorisme et diplomatie Paris: British cryptography, however, was very competent.
British industrial intelligence was also comparatively advanced: Wark, Ultimate , Jarrolds, , In his memoirs, Trepper says there was a deception of his German captors that was not prearranged. Peter Wiles New York: Simon and Schuster, AN F7 , 12 May See also chapter 4.
Rote Kapelle , 70, , , , ; Johnson, Instance , 68, See also Costello and Tsarev, Deadly Illusions , , , Henri de Monfreid, Les secrets de la mer Rouge Paris: On Monfreid see chapter 4. On the dimensions of the arms traffic in the Red Sea. On the NOT, see chapter 3. Alan Block has chronicled how League of Nations efforts in the s to regulate the drug trade simply created greater opportunities for illicit drug traffickers and resulted in larger criminal networks of narcotics dealers, who, as well, might traffic in arms: Block, "European Drug Traffic.
The informant estimated that up to persons had shown interest and that as of 1 June had been accepted; but only one individual was named as definitely having departed for the Rif. AN F7 , 13 April The newspaper was the Stockholm daily, Aftonbladet. On boats and false destinations: AN F7 , 17 November , 13 April AN F7 , 5 December AN F7 , 22 August Harper Colophon, , Poretsky, People , , casts doubts on the veracity of Krivitsky's account. AN F60 , 22 August ; ibid. Veltjens may have had ties to the conspirators in Spain prior to their uprising, although the evidence on this remains inconclusive.
University of Chicago Press, ; , 1: The author of this report was identified as "an informer who is often well informed. The two reports appear to be written by the same person. According to note no. The problem of Yugoslav tendentiousness was recognized within the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs: For reports indicating German complicity see: Naggiar, the French repre-. The author of note no. I also discounted German involvement. See also the report of Inspector Borel from Switzerland: MI , 29 October , p. In general charges regarding Berlin came from questionable sources or people not likely to have good access to the facts.
The note is torn, making the last third of what is written on it difficult to read. The reference in the text, therefore, is to part of the note. Williams, Culture in Exile: Oxford University Press, , especially , , , , 61, 77 on publishers ; Robert H.
Johnston, New Mecca, New Babylon: Paris and the Russian Exiles, Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press, , especially 9, 53, 81, , The one-million figure is from Michael Marrus, The Unwanted: Raeff suggests somewhat smaller figures, pp. All authors point out the wildly varying estimates from the times that allow only approximate numbers. This is the most thorough investigation into the Kutepov and Miller kidnappings. Nicolaevsky register, box number folder ID7 hereafter, Hoover N.
This report is largely compiled from White Russian papers seized during the investigation into the kidnapping of General Miller in It is written in an impressionable way and should be treated with caution. The author of the quote on Koltypin was Zakrjevskii in a note dated 6 December See also MI , 3 March Harper, ; Paul W.
Soviet Versus Western Intelligence Chicago: Editions de France, , ; Hoover N. On amateurism see Hoover N. Stalin's Purge of the Thirties New York: Editions Robert Laffont, , Material on Skoblin and the inner line is scattered throughout the Hoover documents. See in particular Hoover N.
Poretsky's charges are in Poretsky, People , , , On mobile assassination squads see also Costello and Tsarev, Deadly Illusions , Viking Penguin, , On Red Army spies: Williams, Culture , , , , , Biskupskii, incidentally, turns up as one of the schemers in the files on the gunrunner W. Macmillan, , One might assume that his pro-German role was to divide the White Russians: Exact figures are difficult to determine, in part because of distinctions between assembly centers where detainment could nevertheless last some time and actual internment camps.
Marrus and Robert O. Basic Books, , For a higher figure see Gilbert Badia et al. Presses universitaires de Grenoble, , , The starting point here is the work of Michael Marrus and Robert Paxton who have made the most thorough assessment of Vichy's Jewish policy and have stressed the similarities, as well as the differences, between wartime measures taken against Jews and the increasingly repressive refugee policies of the late Third Republic.
For the challenging questions they have raised see Marrus and Paxton, Vichy , 14, 54, 58, Publications de la Sorbonne, , , Marrus and Paxton, Vichy , chap. The dating of this note is questionable since the suicides it describes are dated 1 and 2 November. The most stringent measures—internments—came at a time of repression of the Communist party in France, and it has been suggested that the internments were political in motivation and an offshoot of anti-Soviet or anticommunist policy: The trouble with this perspective is that it does not take into account the constant concern with German secret agents, the internment of only "enemy" nationals, and the ready association of communist and fascist saboteurs following the Nazi-Soviet non-agression pact.
On the crackdown against the Communist party, see J. That precise question was asked by a parliamentary review commission: AN F60 , 16 November The earlier report was not very favorably disposed toward the refugees and argued that political refugees as opposed to Jewish ones remained German to the core and might still represent a security threat. See also Cross, Immigrant Workers , , Refoulements referred to the withdrawal or nonrenewal of an identity card permitting residence in France; expulsions or deportations were a more direct and forcible form of expelling people from the country.
As of November the French had established fifteen concentration camps for Germans, Austrians, and Turks Turkish suspects were interned following a 9 November circular. Depots for hostages were in addition to these. There were also two depots for "Alsacien-Lorrains douteux" I have used the simpler term "Alsatian" for the term "Alsacien-Lorrains" in this document; my apologies to the latter.
And two special concentration camps in the Haute-Loire and the Sarthe confined French, Allied, and neutral suspects. Within three weeks of the general internment order, plans were being made for separating women, children, the elderly, and the infirm into special depots where they would await repatriation via Switzerland. Special exclusions and exceptions were made for those in this group who would prefer to remain in France. This commission was constituted at the very end of Among its initial purposes was a review of the military status of Russians and Italians, particularly the former who were charged with shirking enlistment in the army.
The powers of the commission seem to have been primarily consultative. Interministerial sorting out commissions followed the internments of Even before the war, plans to release from internment those refugees able to present "garanties de loyalisme envers la France" called for the creation of "commissions de criblage. The interned men were to be formed into work brigades. These general internments were applicable to frontier zones and the Seine region. Among other projects and instructions from the interwar period, see ibid. For prosecutions in France: Buchheit, Geheimdienst , A Soviet-organized ship sabotaging unit actually existed, but its targets were German ships or ships carrying war supplies to Germany.
Of listed on the 16 April sheets, only two French appeared one naturalized. Of listed on the 1 May sheets, there were thirteen French one naturalized by marriage. There had been a warning that Ukrainian terrorists might make attacks on Soviet diplomats. Koestler, Scum of the Earth New York: Gerstenberg, , ; AN F60 , 3 March AN F60 , 15 April The following discussion is based on documents in the following files: See also Bristow, Prostitution , on how immigration barriers in North America fostered an Eastern European market in counterfeit passports probably, as well, providing an experience in this sort of trafficking to be turned toward the refugee clientele later.
Prange, with Donald M. Goldstein and Katherine V. McGraw Hill, , The bulletin on Chilean and Argentine diplomats began with a notification that "certain foreigners of German nationality, ex-Austrians of Jewish extraction" read refugees , were obtaining Latin American passports on the basis of false consular statements. See as well other reports in this file on foreign including French secret service activity. An example is French reporting on Morocco in the late s, at times tense or worrisome, but by the end of the decade and with the outbreak of war rather calm and sanguine.
The chart is in AN F60 n. Le Journal , 11 August I have changed a few sentences from past to present tense to maintain the consistency that English requires. The last article in the series was 20 August The closest circulation figure I have for the Journal is Bellanger, Histoire , 3: On consumerism and the war from a different perspective, see George L.
What we do
This book was published in the Secret War series whose book sales per edition are estimated to have run from 15, to 20, copies. Or so claimed Paris-Soir , 9 June Lyon or Lion , according to the article, had also been an arms dealer. Plon, ; 15, copies printed] , 17; Laporte,. Payot, ; 3, copies printed , ; Gustave Gautherot, Le monde communiste Paris: Jean Bardanne, Stavisky, espion allemand Paris: Henry Champly, The Road to Shanghai: White Slave Traffic in Asia , trans. Grasset, ; D. Petrovsky, La Russie sous les juifs Paris: Gabriel Beauchesne ; Ilya Ehrenburg, Memoirs: Norman Cohen has described the popularity of Protocols literature after the war, and has traced earlier Jewish conspiracy stories.

Farleigh Dickinson Press, , Mignolet and Storz, ; originally published in Italian. Schor, Opinion ; Marrus and Paxton, Jews , chap. Roman de demain Paris: Tallandier, , 1: On the potentially dangerous impact of such stories and reporting on antiforeigner sentiment, see Schor's comprehensive study, Opinion , , I would argue for a more complex response: As for the impact of such literature on official policy, there is no way of demonstrating a causal connection nor even reason to believe one necessarily existed given the material security officials had them-selves accumulated on foreign intrigues.
Influence may, in fact, have run in the reverse Robert-Dumas, for example, appears to have been a French counterintelligence agent: Paillole, Services , Serge de Chessin, La nuit qui vient de l'orient Paris: Dent, ; published in France as La terreur rouge en Russie [Paris: Payot, ] ; Joseph Douillet, Moscou sans voiles: Berger-Levrault, ; Charles Lucieto, La guerre des cerveaux: Next to the frontispiece of the second work the following sales or printing figures are given respectively for the other two: Editions de France, , , Laporte was an ex-Communist.
Jean Bardanne, Documents secrets et faux passeports Paris: This book was published in the Secret War series. AN F7 , May Hanau file. Bardanne's real name was Georges B. Nevertheless in , a Jean Bardanne was negotiating for the release of captured British special operations agents until, as we are told, "sheer weight of numbers ran him out of money and he was arrested himself": Foot, SOE in France , Payot, ; Fereydoun Hoveyda, Histoire du roman policier Paris: Maison Mame, ; A.
How far the correspondence between the two genres can be taken, however, is questionable.
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Before the war the French were also focusing considerably upon a spy threat, yet the spy novel was at best still in its infancy. Nor did the interwar spy novel replicate the puzzle-solving devices of much of interwar detective stories or even the psychological realism of Simenon. See also Boileau and Narcejac, Roman , , on fundamental differences between the two genres.
I have anglicized the titles. An earlier version was published under Crozier's pseudonum, Pierre Desgranges: Pierre Desgranges and [Lieutenant] de. Belleval, En mission chez l'ennemi Paris: Part of the story of his secretary comes from this earlier version. Marthe Richard, Mon destin de femme Paris: Georges Ladoux, Marthe Richard: Richard tells a more complete and contradictory talc—including initial suspicions by Ladoux that she was a foreign agent—of her recruitment into French intelligence, not the last time she confuses readers about what really happened.
Marthe Richer, Ma vie d'espionne: The author published under both this name and that of Richard, the one usually attributed to her. For an example of the attacks on her life story, and one that refers to others, see Alphonse Boudard, La fermeture Paris: Paris police officials have told me that their archives do not include a dossier on Richard.
Jean Violan, Dans l'air et dans la boue: Violan was the pen name of Davrichevii or Davrichewy. The movie appears to have been based on the Ladoux edition. Marthe Richard, Espions de guerre et de paix Paris: In addition to the two cited above is a work Crozier wrote under the name of Pierre Desgranges, Au service des marchands d'armes Paris: Joseph Kessel, Mermoz Paris: Gallimard, , , , , , , Gilbert, and Wind, Sand, and Stars , trans.
Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, The two stories were originally published respectively as Vol de nuit Paris: Gallimard, and Terre des hommes Paris: For a different interpretation of the book, see Wohl, "Par la vole," For a fascinating discussion of mystique and technology in the German context, see Peter Fritzsche, A Nation of Fliers: Harvard University Press, , Chapter 4. Roger Vercel, Capitaine Conan Paris: Albin Michel, , 91, , , , Richard, writing under the name of Richer, Vie , 4. It is interesting that one of the great pilot heroes from the war, Georges Guynemer, has been described thus: Fritzsche makes the same point in Nation , The old storytelling urges died hard and never disappeared altogether, returning in her memoirs.
See Destin , Estimated sales were between 5, and 10, Le Matin's circulation was about , in , down to about , by the mid s, and , by the end of the thirties: Paris-Soir , 28 October Some earlier references to Schulz can be found in Robert G. Waite, Vanguard of Nazism New York: Norton, , 45, , The article referred to him as Schultz.
His name also turned up several years earlier as one of the presumed perpetrators in the Jacob kidnapping: See also Allard, Espions , and La guerre des espions Paris: Le Petit Parisien , 14 June, According to Paris-Soir , 4 November , three trains were actually dynamited. An earlier trial had been conducted in Austria in the summer of , but it covered only the first two of Matuska's attempts.
Kiss had died several years before the dynamitings. Debates about Kiss, Matuska, and hypnotism thus raised the question as well whether suggestions could be implanted in advance in the mind of a subject. For a good discussion of late-nineteenth-century fascination with the criminological implications of hypnotism, see Ruth Harris, Murders and Madness Oxford: Oxford University Press, , chap.
Le Petit Parisien provided a more sober account of the trial, although here too the accent was on the strange personality of Matuska and not on the ideological possibilities embedded in the case. University of California Press, Poretsky, People , especially chaps. See also Le Petit Parisien , 3 October on the Reiss murder and its relation to other recent stories: Redier, , , Eric Sutton New York:. Albin Michel, ] , , quoted. Albert Londres, Les comitadjis, ou le terrorisme dans les Balkans Paris: Gallimard, , see chap. Longmans Green and Co. Part of Londres's Comitadjis appeared in the Petit Parisien.
Paul Mousset, Albert Londres, ou l'aventure du grand reportage Paris: Grasset, ; Pierre Assouline, Albert Londres: Tannenbaum's chapter 6 on the evolution of popular culture at the end of the nineteenth century is perceptive throughout. Cornell University Press, , chap. Palmer, Des petits journaux aux grands agences: Le Petit Parisien, Paris: Presses universitaires de France, ; Bellanger, Histoire , 3: Presses universitaires de France, , ; Berenson, Trial , Le Matin , 12 February quoted , 17 February on torture.
Accounts of her life in newspapers vary. For an example of an earlier argument for control, see Robert J. Young, In Command of France: Harvard University Press, Payot, ; 3, copies printed , ; O. Gilbert, Courrier d'Asie Paris: Albin Michel, , Betty Peh-T'i Wei, Shanghai: Crucible of Modern China Oxford: A Standard Guidebook ; reprint, Oxford: Cambridge University Press, , Marc Chadourne, China , trans. Harry Block New York: Covici-Friede, ; originally published as Chine [Paris: Plon, ; 19, copies printed] ,