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Over the next few days, Chloe notices that Brian's condition doesn't seem to be worsening.

She decides to find Xavier. Xavier was a guy Chloe had a momentary dalliance with in the first book of the trilogy - a dalliance that ended up with Xavier being hospitalized because of the Mai toxin. Chloe discovers that Xavier has miraculously healed. In fact, he healed on the very same day that Chloe sacrificed her life to save her mom at the end of book two of the trilogy. Chloe discusses this with her Mai friend, Kim, who is a "Mai geek" or sorts and Kim thinks that Chloe has broken the Mai curse by sacrificing one of her nine lives to save a human her adopted mom.

Later on, Sergei asks Chloe to meet with him at an abandoned theater to discuss the whereabouts of Chloe's biological father.

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Chloe ends up being trapped at the theater with The Rogue, the fanatical Tenth Blader who tried to kill her in book one of this series - the Tenth Blader that she thought was dead. Chloe learns that Sergei had been working with The Rogue all along and that because of their collusion, The Rogue was able to kill Chloe's biological mother and sister, allowing Sergei to gain control of the Pride. In a surprising twist, The Rogue kills Sergei, citing that he hates all Mai, even the one who pays him to do his dirty work.

Chloe narrowly escapes the theater and The Rogue because some police bust into the theater.

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Chloe tells the Mai that Sergei is dead then rushes off to make sure her adopted mother is safe. Chloe asks for a truce but Whit is unwilling and in fact plans on taking advantage of the chaos of Sergei's death to strike at the Mai. Meanwhile, the news that Sergei was a "criminal mastermind" shocks the Mai community and it is imperative that Chloe becomes the new Pride leader right away and take charge. Chloe undergoes the Mai rituals of inheriting her new role and makes a powerful speech that convinces the Mai that the only way for them to live in happiness and prosperity is if there is peace between the Mai and the Tenth Bladers.

The pride responds favorably. Unfortunately, one of the Mai who wasn't present for Chloe's speech, had already gone off to do a vengeance killing on a member of the Tenth Blade. Chloe quickly calls the leader of the Tenth Bladers, Whit Rezza, to try to smooth things over and demands to meet with Whit, dangling his son Brian as "bait". The Mai and the members of the Tenth Blade meet and Brian explains that he was injured by Whit's own members.

Skyler Samuels (Chloe) Chloe's Death Scene from The Nine Lives Of Chloe King

To even out the "blood-for-blood death toll" incurred by one of the Mai making a vengeance killing for Sergei's death, Chloe offers to give up one of her nine lives to the Tenth Blade in exchange for truce. Whit agrees to the deal and Brian is given the "honor" of killing Chloe and being there for her when she revives. The story ends with Chloe, Brian, and her friends - both Mai and human - enjoying their new "ordinary" lives together as high school kids attending their Halloween dance.

Best part of story, including ending: I like that the mysterious curse that forbids Mai and humans to be close was explored further in this book and that Chloe found a way to break the curse so that she can be with Brian without killing him. Best scene in story: My favorite scene was when Chloe makes her powerful speech to the Mai, after completing the Mai ritual of becoming Pride leader. It was a emotionally tense scene, as we as readers didn't know how the Mai would react.

Opinion about the main character: I like that Chloe is portrayed as someone who doesn't really want to be the leader of a whole race of people she just wants to be a normal teenager and yet manages to step up to the plate. It gave a very satisfying and very three-dimensional portrayal of her character and made her both relate-able and admirable. Never Have I Ever. Down to the Wire. Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard, Book 2: The Hammer of Thor. Through the Zombie Glass.

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