'No Man Left Behind' statues hold special meaning for Marines

Follow Video From Calm to Chaos The troops are having some down time when the commander alerts them to a mission. They drop everything and get ready for the raid, but not everyone makes it back to base. Follow Video A Close Call The soldier's hearts begin to race when they think an enemy tank is approaching.

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'No Man Left Behind' statues hold special meaning for Marines - News - Stripes

Kasal eliminated an enemy insurgent in the first room. As he moved toward a wounded Marine in the next room, he and another Marine were raked in the legs by rifle fire. Then the grenades rained down; Kasal shielded the other wounded Marine with his own body. Marquez and Lance Cpl. Dane Schaffer arrived on the scene. Their platoon commander had a plan: The two men would shed their gear, including rifles, then run in and out of the kill zone, extracting casualties one by one as other Marines provided cover fire. One Marine looked like he might lose his leg, so he was carried out on a poncho, Marquez recalled, adding: Kasal refused to leave until everyone else was extracted.

He stayed in the prone position, still holding security.

#tbt No Man Left Behind Monument

After Marquez and Schaffer carried Kasal outside, the house was blown up with all of the enemies still inside. The impetus for the statues can be traced back to , Kelleher said. It had started a campaign to raise money for facilities at Lejeune and Pendleton that would mirror the Center for the Intrepid in San, Antonio,Texas, which promotes research and provides cutting-edge rehabilitation for wounded Iraq and Afghanistan veterans and educational opportunities for Defense Department and Department of Veterans Affairs employees.

The Marine Corps said it would request funding for the facilities, and Hope for the Warriors donated its plans for the buildings.

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Leftover funds were offered back to the donors, who agreed instead to use the money for a statue at Lejeune. In , the project was offered to Phelps, a Vietnam veteran as well as an accomplished painter and sculptor. In summer , Phelps won a contest to sculpt the Fremont County Veterans World War II Memorial in Wyoming, a 9-foot sculpture that featured a soldier in solemn reflection before a cross bearing a fallen comrade. Just before he shipped out, Chance Phelps posed for the sculpture. Kasal had been shot and peppered with shrapnel when he protected a fellow Marine from a grenade blast.

Nearly unconscious from loss of blood and unable to support his own weight, he still carried a pistol in his right hand and his Ka-Bar knife in his left. The photo came to symbolize the brutality of the fighting and the spirit of the Marines who sacrificed themselves for their brothers.

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For Phelps, preserving the image in bronze was more than just another job. His son, Marine Pfc. Now a college student who ran unsuccessfully for Congress in , he attended the Pendleton unveiling. His unit was ordered in November to retake Fallujah — clearing it house by fortified house. The bloodiest battle in Iraq has drawn comparisons with some of the heaviest urban combat of Vietnam.

Marquez recalls ambushes and intense firefights in homes and alleyways with an enemy that melted into the local populace. It was pretty stressful. My squad got lit up. Everyone was in their own little firefights. He was getting ready to take a nap when the call for help came.

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Elements of a Marine platoon had been ambushed by about a dozen enemies from an elevated position as they entered a house. Some were able to make it out. Kasal eliminated an enemy insurgent in the first room. As he moved toward a wounded Marine in the next room, he and another Marine were raked in the legs by rifle fire.

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  • Then the grenades rained down; Kasal shielded the other wounded Marine with his own body.