Battle of Britain

I would have recommended the name of the book "History of Egypt and Greece" than "History of Cleopatra" as very less facts about Cleopatra but overall good summery of history about Egypt, Greece and neighbouring places. Jul 13, Manoj Sharma rated it it was amazing. Written in a very inimitable and flowing style. You can't put it d. Loved every page every word. It's more like a great novel than what could have become a tedious history text. Jul 27, Priti Dubey rated it it was amazing.

Now I know where is Game of Thrones inspired from!! It has been told in the most concise and crisp manner, not leaving any detail yet not boring the reader layman with too many historical facts either. This book needs a newspaper editor. By the time I got to the verb I couldn't remember the subject noun. Cleopatra comes from a family that has left its mark by engaging in crime and vice.

Many, or maybe all, of her predecessors engaged in acts such as using the wealth of the nation for themselves, adultery and incest. For a very long time Egypt had Alexandria as its capital, thanking its origin to Alexander the Great. Back in ancient times but also now Egypt was relatively isolated from the rest of the world.

Ptolemy was the first ruler of Egypt after the death of Alexander the Great and started Cleopatra comes from a family that has left its mark by engaging in crime and vice. Ptolemy was the first ruler of Egypt after the death of Alexander the Great and started a long reign of prosperous and fertile Egypt, but filled with intrigues and vice. Cleopatra as a young woman already showed the ambition and cunning required for an empress. When her father Ptolemy was reaching the end of his life, he however was more compelled to let a son be the emperor than his oldest child, Cleopatra.

This dilemma he solved in the way many of his ancestors had done, he married Cleopatra to Ptolemy his son. The true execution of the rule over Egypt he left to Pothinus an eunuch , Cleopatra and Ptolemy were only 18 and 10 years of age at the time.

  1. Mach mich nicht an!: Roman (Hot Zone 1) (German Edition);
  2. Cleopatra - HISTORY.
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  5. Cleopatra (c.69 BC - 30 BC)!
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In the following years Cleopatra grew stronger but was exiled by a conspiracy between Ptolemy her husband and Pothinus over a struggle for power. She would not be gone for long. In Syria a very central country in much of the history of the world she raised an army in order to fight her way back to rule. A battle never occurred because Ceasar won the civil war that had been raging in the Roman empire and by coincidence ended up in Alexandria. In one of her cunning moves she smuggled herself into Alexandria, Ceasar had tried to pursue Pompey there, where she presented her case to Ceasar.

Ceasar was taken back by her charm and daring moves and immediate resolved to get her to consolidate with her brother. They constitute Ceasar abandoning his duties as ruler of the Roman empire by staying in Alexandria for a great many years. Cleopatra bears multiple children who are presumed to be from Ceasar, a man who has a wife back in Rome.

They together live in the most luxurious ways possible at that time and enjoy each others company. After the assassination of Ceasar, Cleopatra succeeds in seducing the next ruler of the Roman empire, Anthony. Their love leads to more adultery, vice and children. In the end Antony is defeated by opposing forces in the Roman empire and dies in Alexandria.

Not much later Cleopatra is taken prisoner and eventually dies from poison she inflicts on herself. Cleopatra by Jacob Abbott is a tragic story, for all the power and wealth available to many of the main antagonists, they let their urges and needs take control instead of reason.

Where Ceasar and Anthony were in great positions to rule the Roman empire without much opposition, they both chose to perish in Egypt. If the history of Cleopatra shows anything, it is that even the greatest of man can fall by the touch of a woman. Although Cleopatra is a rather long read, it is worth it if you are interested in the history of Egypt and the fallibility of mankind.

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My advice is to read it when convenient. Oct 11, Alyse Smith Coleman rated it it was amazing. I loved this book! It was so interesting to learn about this part of history. I feel so much more informed now about their history and personalities.

Cleopatra: Portrait of a Killer (Ancient Egypt Documentary) - Timeline

It was amazing to me all of the drama, war, and intrigue that went on in those days in those places. I also loved the didactic way that Jacob Abbott narrated, something that people now stay away from in order to be politic I loved this book! I also loved the didactic way that Jacob Abbott narrated, something that people now stay away from in order to be politically correct. I don't mean that he was bigoted, but rather that he didn't shy from calling right right and wrong wrong. He had no fear in saying that the fall of Cleopatra and others came because of their unrighteous lifestyles.

I look forward to reading more of his histories. Nov 30, Roopkumar Balachandran rated it it was amazing. The first part of the book History of Cleopatra Queen of Egypt gave detailed information about the Ptolemies. How they came to power and more information about Cleopatra's father his rise and fall and regaining his title by the help of Romans. The author had substantiated the bewitching beauty and her intelligence of Cleopatra in many chapters. After the death of Julius Caesar, Cleopatra who is now a Queen but still had dangerous threats to her throne.

Then Mark Antony comes to the scene who has been captivated by her beauty and falls to her charms and becomes a slave bounded by invisible chain. Ego clash of Octavius Augustus Caesar and Mark Antony goes on like a never ending story, after Mark Antony leaves Octavia for Cleopatra the mind of Octavius changes, and the story ends like a Greek tragedy. Antony takes his life and so Cleopatra. Some historians mention Cleopatra as Queen who lived pompously and had many men to her life.

What I feel if is she like that kind of a character, after Octavius storms into Alexandria and seizes the rule and plan to take Cleopatra as a memento for the triumphal train, why she did not mesmerizes Octavius as she had did like to Antony? According to the book Cleopatra loved Antony very much, when Antony doubts about her that she may poison her, the following day she poisons the petals and keeps it in Antony's chaplet after dining Cleopatra takes petals from her chaplet and drinks and ask him to join, when he tries to drink she holds his hand and mentions that the petals are poisoned.

I give the exact word as it is written, "You see now," said she, "how vain it is for you to watch against me. If it were possible for me to live without you, how easy it would be for me to devise ways and means to kill you. He did so, and died before their sight in dreadful agony.

Life and reign

This incident tells her how much she cares for Antony. While reading this book, Elizabeth Taylor came to my mind as she had played Cleopatra in the movie. This book is all of the history of Cleopatra. For almost 30 centuries—from its unification around B. From the great pyramids of the Old Kingdom through the military conquests of the New The amazing works of art and architecture known as the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World serve as a testament to the ingenuity, imagination and sheer hard work of which human beings are capable.

They are also, however, reminders of the human capacity for disagreement, Beginning in the eighth century B. Among the many legacies The statesman and general Julius Caesar B. He died famously on the steps of the Senate at the hands of political rivals. Julius Caesar is often remembered One of the most mysterious and powerful women in ancient Egypt, Nefertiti was queen alongside Pharaoh Akhenaten from to B.

Her reign was a time of tremendous cultural upheaval, as Akhenaten Ramses' Temple at Abu Simbel. The Lighthouse at Alexandria. The Death of Hannibal. Ancient Egypt For almost 30 centuries—from its unification around B. Sevens Wonders of the Ancient World The amazing works of art and architecture known as the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World serve as a testament to the ingenuity, imagination and sheer hard work of which human beings are capable. Ancient Rome Beginning in the eighth century B. Meanwhile, Muslim scholars, writing after the Arab conquest of Egypt about ce , developed their own version of the queen.

  • Cleopatra - Wikipedia.
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  • Mrs. Duck and the Dragon (A Childrens Ebook for Ages 3-5.).
  • Cleopatra: Early Life and Ascension to Throne.
  • Leistungsmessung und -bewertung in der Schule (German Edition).
  • Their Cleopatra was first and foremost a scholar and a scientist, a gifted philosopher and a chemist. His was by no means the first revision of Cleopatra, nor was it to be the last, but his is the Cleopatra that has lingered longest in the public imagination.

    History of Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt

    From Shakespeare stems a wealth of Cleopatra-themed art—plays, poetry, paintings, and operas. We welcome suggested improvements to any of our articles. You can make it easier for us to review and, hopefully, publish your contribution by keeping a few points in mind. Your contribution may be further edited by our staff, and its publication is subject to our final approval. Unfortunately, our editorial approach may not be able to accommodate all contributions. Our editors will review what you've submitted, and if it meets our criteria, we'll add it to the article. Please note that our editors may make some formatting changes or correct spelling or grammatical errors, and may also contact you if any clarifications are needed.

    Nov 23, See Article History. Learn More in these related Britannica articles: In Africa the Pompeian forces and their native allies were not defeated until Caesar himself moved against them and annihilated them at Thapsus. In the realism of power politics she had to conquer Rome: The surviving portraits show that…. Antecedents and outcome of the civil war of 49—45 bce.

    In 47 bce he fought a brief local war in northeastern Anatolia with Pharnaces, king of the Cimmerian Bosporus, who was trying to regain Pontus, the kingdom of his father, Mithradates. It was at Alexandria that Cleopatra , the last of the Ptolemies, courted Julius Caesar and claimed to have borne him a son.

    Cleopatra | Biography & Facts |

    Military successes Caesar In Julius Caesar: Antecedents and outcome of the civil war of 49—45 bce In ancient Rome: Articles from Britannica Encyclopedias for elementary and high school students. Help us improve this article! Contact our editors with your feedback. You may find it helpful to search within the site to see how similar or related subjects are covered.

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