They were not cowards; they were soldiers born and bred; and they fought as heroes, with devotion and with chivalry. The Final Agony; placid face of the man of God On the day of Ashura, the 10th day, Imam Husain's own person was surrounded by his enemies. He was brave to the last. He was cruelly mutilated. His sacred head was cut off while in the act of prayer. A mad orgy of triumph was celebrated over his body.
In this crisis we have details of what took place hour by hour. He had 45 wounds from the enemies' swords and javelins, and 35 arrows pierced his body. His left arm was cut off, and a javelin pierced through his breast. After all that agony, when his head was lifted up on a spear, his face was the placid face of a man of God. All the men of that gallant band were exterminated and their bodies trampled under foot by the horses.
Heroism of the Women There were women: A great deal of poetic literature has sprung up in Muslim languages, describing the touching scenes in which they figure. Even in their grief and their tears they are heroic. They lament the tragedy in simple, loving, human terms. But they are also conscious of the noble dignity of their nearness to a life of truth reaching its goal in the precious crown of martyrdom. One of the best-known poets of this kind is the Urdu poet Anis, who lived in Lucknow, and died in Lesson of the Tragedy That briefly is the story.
What is the lesson? There is of course the physical suffering in martyrdom, and all sorrow and suffering claim our sympathy, - the dearest, purest, most out-flowing sympathy that we can give. But there is a greater suffering than physical suffering. That is when a valiant soul seems to stand against the world; when the noblest motives are reviled and mocked; when truth seems to suffer an eclipse.
It may even seem that the martyr has but to say a word of compliance, do a little deed of non-resistance; and much sorrow and suffering would be saved; and the insidious whisper comes: Abstract truth can never die. It is independent of man's cognition. But the whole battle is for man's keeping hold of truth and righteousness. And that can only be done by the highest examples of man's conduct - spiritual striving and suffering enduring firmness of faith and purpose, patience and courage where ordinary mortals would give in or be cowed down, the sacrifice of ordinary motives to supreme truth in scorn of consequence.
The martyr bears witness, and the witness redeems what would otherwise be called failure. It so happened with Husain. For all were touched by the story of his martyrdom, and it gave the deathblow to the politics of Damascus and all it stood for. And Muharram has still the power to unite the different schools of thought in Islam, and make a powerful appeal to non-Muslims also. Explorers of Spiritual Territory That, to my mind, is the supreme significance of martyrdom.
All human history shows that the human spirit strives in many directions, deriving strength and sustenance from many sources. Our bodies, our physical powers, have developed or evolved from earlier forms, after many struggles and defeats. Our intellect has had its martyrs, and our great explorers have often gone forth with the martyrs' spirit.
All honor to them. But the highest honor must still lie with the great explorers of spiritual territory, those who faced fearful odds and refused to surrender to evil. Rather than allow a stigma to attach to sacred things, they paid with their own lives the penalty of resistance. The first kind of resistance offered by the Imam was when he went from city to city, hunted about from place to place, but making no compromise with evil. Then was offered the choice of an effectual but dangerous attempt at clearing the house of God, or living at ease for himself by tacit abandonment of his striving friends.
He chose the path of danger with duty and honor, and never swerved from it giving up his life freely and bravely. His story purifies our emotions. We can best honor his memory by allowing it to teach us courage and constancy.
Creative timeline: Imam Hussain's (AS) journey | Stanmore Jafferys
He died in in England. Little would he have known that his English translation and commentary of the Qur'an would become so popular in the West and East alike, wherever English is read and understood. This article has been excerpted from a longer version that was published in the Progressive Islam Pamphlet No. The complete article can be viewed at al-islam. Related posts from similar topics: A Historical Analysis Karbala: Hussain's Everlasting Stand Disclaimer The opinions expressed herein, through this post or comments, contain positions and viewpoints that are not necessarily those of IslamiCity.
These are offered as a means for IslamiCity to stimulate dialogue and discussion in our continuing mission of being an educational organization. The IslamiCity site may occasionally contain copyrighted material the use of which may not always have been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. IslamiCity is making such material available in its effort to advance understanding of humanitarian, education, democracy, and social justice issues, etc.
We believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U. Section , and such and all material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: Subhanallah beautiful intellectual assessment given by the Intellectual himself more than 80 years ago. All these have become history though would never be forgotten. Anhu would continue to be remembered as Grandson of Rasulullah S.
- History of Imam Husain And His Martyrdom - IslamiCity.
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- History of Imam Husain And His Martyrdom.
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W who was unfortunately murdered which turned into martyrdom and Late Yusuf Ali gave his beautiful assessment and observation the way he saw it intellectually which is acceptable to both parties. I hope we all move forward Sunni and Shia as brothers and sisters despite our differences. Jazakumullah Khair for reproducing the lecture for our benefit. I intend to enjoin what is good and to prohibit what is evil.
I wonder how on earth can a true beliver could have such thinking and gut to call the teaching of prophet Muhammad saw a contradiction subuhanAllah.
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Majiyid if i spell ur name correctly prophet SAW during his life time taught us muslim umma to observe fasting of 10 and 9 of Muharram and later after his life a tragedy of karbalah occured so do we now have to come up with our hell innovative thinking to subject and forgone the real teaching with the so call bloody day and black atare? What do u think will happen to unbeliever willing to accept Islam and have seen the so call believers bleeding themselves in the name of religion? By the way Hamza the topmost martyr in islamic history was killed on field battle had prophet done the same way u are doing?
What of martyrs of uhud? Is Alhussain and brothers the first and the last martyrs in islamic? What about the father Ali RA? Why the tragedy occasion restricted solely to Alhussain? Last but not the least is ibadah done according to the guidance of Allah through his prophet or is by opinions of individuals,which is ur stand? Allah said in the Qur'an "tilka ommaton 9ad khalat, laha maa kassabat wa lakom maa kassabtom, wa laa toss2alouna 3amaa kaanou yaf3aloun" FITNA is a lost where the believers fight between them Moslems are not that stupid, to accept this mess done in Islamic world from the Iranians, using different titles like "fighting the wahabism or saudis Moawiya radiya Allah anho, is one of the writers of the revelation and his sister is one of the wives of the prophet and a mother of the believers I am very much impressed by brother Zinedine's comments.
I like to thks him. Iam a sunni muslim but now iam thinking to convert as muslim not sunni muslim. As per the article, the Prophet went to Madinah and he found that the Jews were fasting. So, he asked Muslims to fast on the 10th of Muharram. Also, it is mentioned if one wants to perform the fast, then one should fast two days in a row, such as the 9th and 10th or 10th and 11th.
We started fasting on the 10th of Muharram because of the Jews, and now we want to be different than Jews. Thank you Allah, for the Salafis are a tiny minority in Morocco. Who really wants any Muslim to calls his family Kuffar for not praying on time. A tradition of an unecessary ijtihad or the use of ahadith maudoa, blasphemous hadiths that contradict the teachings of the messenger of Allah pbuh was born in order to legitimise Almulk Al'ad wa Lmulk Aljabri..
Allah did not say be Sunni or Shia. I agree with you Adamo on one thing, Allah said: We however need to rediscover the true Sunna that explains the Holy Quran to us. I believe that if a man like him were to assume the dictatorship of the modern world, he would succeed in solving its problems in a way that would bring it much needed peace and happiness. The Qur'an caused Goethe to remark, "You see, this teaching never fails; with all our systems, we cannot go, and generally speaking no man can go, further". I hope it's ok with you that I am a Suffi only in winter times , that's the only time I wear wole because it's freezing cold here in Ontario.
I miss the warm weather of my country of origin. In Morocco, I am a Dahiri, that's because I wear my sleeveless t-shirts. I am sure I made you smile so loosen up a bit br Adamo. That's enough humor for a very serious brother. The word Aslaf meaning ancestors can also be used in a negative way. I know very well that you are a Salafi Wahhabi style little different that Ibnu Taymia. Who really wants any Muslim to calls his family Kuffar simply because they are praying on time.
No Suffi would treat his family as such! Delaying prayer is a sin but not Kufr; so I say thank you Allah, for the Salafis are a tiny minority in Morocco. A bizard tradition that contradicts the teachings of the messenger of Allah pbuh was born. A tradition that excludes Ahlu Lbayt from positions of power, a tradition that will remain contested by Ahlu Bayt althahirin until the day of judgment.
I care about you br Adamo and hope that one day insha Allah you will discover the truth as for br Akbar, he knows it but he is having difficulties digesting it. I know how you feel brother because I 've been there. No sahabi compares to him. The first male muslim before even Zayd, the messenger's-pbuh- adopted son. Br Adamo you called me Suffi, hmm may be you are right. Actually the word Suffi derives from the word Soof meaning wool. I hope it's ok with you that I am a Suffi only in winter times , that's the only time I wear wool because it's freezing cold here in Ontario.
This is to make you laugh so loosen up bro.. Me too with a humorous twist at times. I know very well that you are a Salafi Wahhabi style little different that Ibnu Taymia's. I am from Ahlu Dikr wa tazkia.
Battle of Karbala
Your sectarian wars really freak me out brother. Besides, I am not qualified for this huge task plus why should I bother repeating what some of our Sunni experts have already said. If you brother want to talk about Rafd it started with these three great sahaba before Ali and Fatima. No one can dare say any negative about Fatima sayidatu nissai ljanna or Ali KAW Babu madinati l'ilm, the gateway to the city of knowledge. I don't have enough time to answer them. Here is where I disagree with you Br Khan.
It's when you said "Yes, those who commit rafd on the first 3 of the khulafa ar-rashidin are just as blameworthy as those Ummayad and Abbasi thugs who assumed themselves as kings. Rafd is simply the Arabic word for the English word: Pls read Almilal Wa Nihal by Shahristani for more details. If you brother Khan want to talk about Rafd it started with.
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Akbar is open minded because he feels secure, Adamo is close minded because he can't help it. The question that has to be addressed by all Muslims is: And how are we going to find the true Islam? And are we willing to investigate and find out which Muslim community among the seventy three Muslim communities, will go straight to Janna and avoid being trapped with the other seventy two that will go to Jahannam?.
I don't wish Hell on anyone! That is the reason why I have listed some Sunni books for us all to read. That's my answer to these questions. And although, the proverb says: As we know well, most of what you Br Khan said is correct but I am not talking about Alkhawarij. I am talking about Shia Jaafaria. They are among other groups that went too far such as Qaramita Qarmathians , Ismailia, Kamilia that called all Sahaba Kuffaar. Dear Adam, I don't think there is anything wrong in Zinedine asking these questions or else we would never learn anything or get anywhere in life, and life is not as simple as black and white or else we would be living in the world of George W.
Then again, we are Also just for clarification the term salaf as-saliheen was never used or introduced, they were always referred to as the tabi'een and taba tabi'een. Nowhere have I come across the term salaf as-saliheen in referring to the generations which came after the Sahabah. So I have a question, where does that term "salaf as-saliheen" and "the salaf" come from and why is it used? Who started this and for what benefit? Brother Adam, while I do not ascribe to the ways of the Syiah but Brother's Zinedine's view is worth thinking and pondering upon.
On Khalid al waleed, history has it that in one battle, he was relieved of his command by the then caliph. And replaced by Abdullah ibnu Auf. And while there is no glorifying of Ali r. It was obtained through fraud and deceit by Muawiyah. And there's no other angle to see the events of the murder of Imam Hussein and Hassan except to conclude that Yazid was the butcher.
I doubt seriously Abdullah Yusuf Ali wrote this article. If you have a Qur'an form Ali, you can see from his notes in the preface and other places he was a deep thinker and was beyond "sects" and celebration of "man made" events. This UMMAH is already ripped apart by evil Imams preaching their own political statments as if they were given a chapter from Qur'an that the rest of us were not good enough to get.
To brother Zinedine, it may be difficult for a person like me to understand those questions u are asking knowing fully well that you are a sufi. You want to be a "spoke man" of the shi'a? One question u asked that made sense and i will answer you is the reason for calling Khalid bn Walid as saiful-Allah and this is because the Prophet Muhammad Sallal-Allahu 'alaihi wasallam SAW did not object to that, in fact he gave him the nickname.
And when was the division of the world into four or five? All these are pigments of imaginations of those hell bent in the splitting of muslims into groups. The only person that you follow in toto without complain is the Prophet SAW any other creation his fatwa is subject to scrutiny, if it falls along the prophet tradition then we follow if it deviate we leave that individual with his load and pray forgiveness for him from Allah. This is the way of the Ahlus-sunnah wal jama'a who follow the way of the salafus-salih. What you have stated is correct and according to SUNNI traditions, I can say that you are correct in your statements about what certain of prophets companions among others have done.
A historical analysis of what led to the tragedy of Karbala. An excerpt from the book 'Tears and Tributes' on Imam Husayn's a intent to go to Kufa, the betrayl of its people, and tragedy of the death of his cousin Muslim b. Evolution of Dhakiri, the remembrance of the tragedy of Karbala, and its philosophy.
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An editorial of Tawhid Journal covering: Significance of the month of Muharram, responsibility of the Dhakir, duty of enjoining Good and forbidding evil and Contextualizing the Struggle with the Current State of Muslims. Imam Husayn views of Non Muslims. Short and concise articles on a single subject in numerous languages. Excellent for quick reading, Muslim centers or places of learning, da'wah purposes, or to give to your friends and coworkers.
Part of the Personalities Factsheets. History of events that led to the tragedy of Karbala. The mission of Imam Husayn a. Case studies of two martyrs in Karbala: Zuhayr ibn Qayn, and Hur bin Yazid. The Prophet's fore-knowledge of the events of Karbala, and events in the early life of Imam Husayn a that display this knowledge. An article by Allamah al-Ameeni, English translation. Ziyarat of Hazrat Zainab, early life, growing up in Madina, and womanhood.
Message of Imam Husayn a , evolution and importance of 'Aza, 'Aza at a personal level and as an instrument of tabligh. The Sermon Of Mina. Lessons learnt from the sermon, and an english translation of the text. English poem in commemoration of the martyrdom of Imam Husayn a. An excerpt from the book 'Tears and Tributes' on the young martyrs from the family of Imam Husayn a , who gave their lives in Karbala.
Why Commemorate the Massacre? How the commemoration of the martyrdom of Imam Husayn a and the events of Karbala is a source of unity among Muslims and not a cause of division. S ; A 26 Hussein in Global Eyes: S in the Depth of History? S ; A 9 Qais Ibn Musaher: At the time of Al-Mamun, construction around the grave resumed until the year AH when Al-Mutawakkil ordered the destruction and digging of the grave, and then filling the pit with water. His son, who succeeded him, allowed people to visit the grave site, and since then building the precinct to the grave increased and developed step by step.
On the other hand, the historian Ibn Al-Athir, stated that in the year AH, Aadod Al-Dawla Al-Boowayhi became the first to largely lay the foundations for large scale construction, and generously decorated the place. He also built houses and markets around the precinct, and surrounded Karbala with a high boundary wall turning it into a strong castle. In the year AH, the precinct caught fire due to the dropping of two large candles on the wooden decorations, but Hasan Ibn Fadl the state minister rebuilt the damaged sections.
History has recorded the names of several rulers who shared the honor of widening, decorating or keeping the precinct in good condition. The first dome is 27 meters high and completely covered with gold. At the bottom, it is surrounded with 12 windows, each of which is about 1. When it is entered, one can see the tomb of Habib ibn Madhahir al-Asadi, to the right hand side. Habib was a friend and companion of Imam Husayn [a] since their childhood. He was one of those who was honoured with martyrdom at the Battle of Karbala. He is well known in history for his valour, loyalty and similarity to his father, the Lion of God, Ali b.
Abi Talib, peace be upon him. The grave of Abbas [a] received similar attention as that of Imam Husayn [a]. In the year AH, the King Tahmaseb ordered the decoration of the grave's dome. He built a window on the 'darih' around the grave and organized the precinct. Other similar activities were done by other rulers. As a matter of fact, Karbala contains, besides the grave of Imam Husayn [a] and his brother, the grave of all the 72 martyrs of Karbala.
They were buried in a mass grave which was then covered with soil to the ground level. This mass grave is at the foot of Imam Husayn's [a] grave. Skip to main content.